What did you do to your GMT today?

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Dec 4, 2011
You say that but I got my Camaro's old battery to resurrect and it lasted 2 years before going dead again!


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Jul 22, 2015
You're right -- I'm projecting my own experience (someone who snaps bolts at 1/3 of spec'd torque) as 'gospel'. But you're someone who seems to have very good luck (especially with that Camaro!) At what point between those two ranges is 'Mooseman's reality' ? LOL

Maybe Moose'll have some good luck. Fingers crossed.

Meanwhile, I'm having a helluva time spec'ing a direct replacement TB bolt (actually a stud, but it's called a 'bolt' in GM parts parlance). I know it's an M6 (from having to replace one of the flange nuts). Will prolly have to get some 50mm bolts locally & call it a day -- wasted enough time looking. :frown:


Jan 3, 2013
Sprague, WA
I drove over to the Seattle area (236 miles) to pick up 4 more Saab wheels with tires that will eventually be winter wheels.... I could pass up the price of $100 for all 4. Left at 5 in the morning.. took my neighbor along as he was going stir crazy in this 1 dog town.... Stopped at Popeye's Chicken.. .. which has a lot smaller pieces since they got purchased sometime last year... sort of poor quality tires.. can't even find out who makes them.. Clear HS277... didn't buy them for the tires anyway... With stops.. it was about 4 hours each way.. Nokian tires.. were nice and smooth and handle the mountain roads just fine...


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Jul 22, 2015
So...as it turns out, I *didn't* know (or, to be more precise, had *forgotten*) the type of precision needed to use a 1/4" torque wrench. From what I can figure, I'd spent so much time with the 1/2" wrench, I'd forgotten how light of a touch one needs - and the click / stop on the 1/4" is *much* more subtle than the larger ones.

Another two (!) trips to the hardware for bolts, and I figured out that 30mm is the best / optimal size for the throttle body bolts -- M6 x 1.0 x 30mm -- flange bolts.
(this is for the GMT-8xx trucks specifically, and if you use a throttle body spacer, you'll probably want a 40mm or longer bolt)

After thinking about it, I think I'd give serious consideration to getting a 1/4" wrench that has the light / beep notification, since it's super easy to run right past the stopping point on the HF wrench, at least (for whatever reason, it doesn't continue to click / stop, especially if you're not moving it slowly / gently.

(hey, where's that 'garage' / 'tool' section we were all talking about a few weeks ago? LOL)

Decided I'd pry open the covers for the knock sensors in the valley cover, since the rear one especially is prone to collecting water / rusting / failing. It was in pretty good shape - BUT - in prying up the plastic cover, I broke off the plastic lip on the sensor that holds the locking connector in place. Thinking that it was a matter of not having enough slack in the wire that feeds through the plug, I tried creating slack in the front sensor wire / plug. Not moving. Pried up the front connector, even more carefully...and broke the lip on that sensor, too. I have the feeling that +15yrs of a high heat environment made the plastic brittle. But GM makes it pretty impossible, with the depth of that plug, to even see the connector underneath, much less press the ends of the connector to remove it from the sensor w/o breaking it. Or, I'm just not good enough of a mechanic. Probably a bit of both. :duh:

So...I get to decide on whether I want to chance the connector slipping off the sensors, if I leave them in place, or purchase replacements for two otherwise working sensors. I can get them for ~ $80 shipped online, but will be waiting another couple of days for them to be delivered. Or, I can spend $150 for the pair, retail (I'd already looked them up beforehand...should've just ordered them, but I knew they were working, so...) :Banghead::Banghead::Banghead:

Decisions, decisions... 💸


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Battery in the Saab took a charge. My little Amazon battery tester says it's only 65% healthy and to replace it. Anyway, it was able to crank and start the V8. Despite being parked since November, it started like it was parked yesterday. Tried to move it and it's still stuck in snow and ice. Tomorrow I'll get my son to help me pull it out with the TB.


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Jul 22, 2015
My little Amazon battery tester says it's only 65% healthy and to replace it.
Call me gobsmacked. 😯 I've lost two batteries leaving them hooked up in vehicles & overwintered; one was < 3yrs old. Figured yours was a goner, too.

Congrats, I guess - ? 🍻 At the least, you've bought some time.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
I bought a pair of cheap ($65 for the set) air bags last year. They are slowing dying and killing my compressor now. They are being refilled every few hours. Lesson learned, again.

So, I swapped out my 97x airbags with springs this passed weekend. I like the rear raised a few more inches than the front. The ride is noticeably stiffer though. I'm torn if I'm going to keep them now. I grabbed the springs off of a Trailblazer at a junk yard to test the feel out. I sanded one spring down to bare metal, scuffed the other spring up. I painted them with Rustoleum Undercoating to test out how well it holds.

I think I'm going to run the bags in the summer and springs in the winter. That way the salt won't eat them away so quickly. Since the bags I bough last year were so cheap, I'll try the Arnott bags and see how they fare.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I bought a pair of cheap ($65 for the set) air bags last year. They are slowing dying and killing my compressor now. They are being refilled every few hours. Lesson learned, again.

Maybe it's leaking at another spot like the valve or one of the lines?


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Maybe it's leaking at another spot like the valve or one of the lines?
Maybe slightly from the lines/connections. I sprayed the bags with soap and water it they were leaking pretty steadily around the lower part of both bags all the way around. I'm going to replace the air lines and possibly the compressor itself this year or next. I'll replace the compressor if I can find a low mileage Envoy/Rainier etc. in a junk yard. I'm not paying $300-$1,000 for a new air compressor.

I was thinking/wondering if there was any type of lube/spray to help reduce the wear from the bags rubbing on the lower metal portion of the bag lower mounting point. I never looked it up as I knew I had to remove those anyway. I did wipe that AT-205 fluid on them and that did help reduce the leaking a little bit, but it did not fix the leak.


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Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Anyone notice where Xavierny25 likes to top off at? Both he and the trailblazer at the local "Wine & Liquors". Are both fully topped off now. lol.

They dont have a drinking problem, unless they are out of alcohol....


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Jul 22, 2015
Over the past few days, I tackled a manifold leak in the blue Sierra...
- New intake gaskets (after cleaning the area fairly thoroughly, along with the intake)
- New lower o-rings for the injectors (after cleaning them)
- Cleaned / reinstalled throttle body (after replacing mounting bolts)
- Cleaned MAF sensor (or whatever that thing is just after the air box.

And also installed some LED headlamp modules while I was under the hood.

Also managed to tear the PCV hose & break the plastic tube assy inside, while I was 'tapping' the fuel rail back in place with a rubber mallet, as well as break off the plastic tabs on the knock sensors from pulling the plugs up (with not enough slack in the wire to prevent cracking off the plastic on the sensors.)

Decided to patch those things up, in hopes of getting the truck back on the road & back to work.

Started up the truck this morning.
The good news - it started right up, after re-pressurizing the fuel rail with two key-on cycles before engaging the starter. I was a proud papa.

Then I heard the air LOUDly escaping from what I assumed was the PCV hose - from the cab. Sure enough, after climbing back up in the engine to check, it was the PCV hose. Shut the engine off & re-tightened. Got rid of a lot of it, but could still hear it, slightly.

Decided to take it out of the garage & hook up the Tech2, to check the fuel trims. Sure enough (after having the battery disconnected, so everything reset), my long-term trims were (still) at +25. It was as if I'd done nothing at all. Not so proud, now.

(I had a lot more written here, but it's more appropriate of a 'how-to' write up, and will put it in the appropriate thread - once I've got the truck fixed properly).

And, hey...the headlamps are brighter, now! (and they both work, now...lol)
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Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Took the TB to get poked and prodded now that I live in a state with a yearly "safety" inspection requirement.
Just another way for the state to scam $37 off of me. :thumbsup:

I was in the waiting room listening to people get called back to pick up their completed cars over the PA. I had anxiously waited almost an hour when a lady from the office came into the room "Mr. King, can you come here?"
Oh no. What happened.
The mechanic didn't pull my TB around.
They didn't call me.
They sent someone to get me.

Turns out I was supposed to tell them I needed a "modified" "safety" inspection, rather than just a regular inspection. The modified inspection is for lifted vehicles and costs an extra $23!!! What was I going to do, say no? I guess it's good I know now that my LiftMeister kit is doing OK for $23.
I'm so glad daddy government is looking out for me.
Now I get to proudly display this massive 4x6" sticker in my front window.


Apr 9, 2012
@gpking I'm so glad Indiana doesn't have those safety inspections, hated seeing those stickers within my view while driving haha. Chicago ones are a bit smaller but a royal pain to get off.

Finished doing the differentials on the Avalanche, all I need to do left underneath is swap out the tranny pan + do the solenoids (nothing like preventative maintenance right?). Also received the new bearing for the lower steering column/shaft that has the "rattle/clunk" when going over bumps. Going to attempt doing it tomorrow if it doesn't rain. Also scheduled an appointment with the shop that did my Envoy's alignment, gonna have the front end looked at on the Avalanche and see what else it needs so I know what to tackle this summer/hold off until next year.


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Dec 4, 2011
Emptied the bed of the sandbags, random lumber, and other misc crap I've been hauling around for no good reason except for whenever I'd make it by the storage unit to drop it all off. And since it is April I should have no reason for the sandbags now either, so into the unit they went with the other random stuff.

I've saved the lumber to build shelves with later whenever we find a house. I got a bunch of 2x4s and 2x6s for free a while back, and I have space left in the storage unit, so why not.
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Apr 9, 2012
Tried attempt #1 at replacing the lower steering column bearing. Failed to get it changed out, tried loosening the lower intermediate shaft to no avail. I get it to the point where its about to slip off but won't go any further, going to attempt again tomorrow or another day when it isn't raining. Trying to do this without removing the adjustable gas and brake pedal along with the bracket assembly. Of course the YouTube videos look like they can pull down the shaft with ease, but here I am fighting tooth and nail to get it almost free :Banghead:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got up bright and early and took the EXT to the wash, to get the pollen, pods and bird ammo washed off. Vacuumed out the inside, in some places it was worse than the outside. Those pods got everywhere! Guess that's what I get for parking under the tree at work for shade, AND leaving all my windows cracked.

Those in channel vent visors are great for keeping rain out, but not so much for wind blown pollen pods. :hopeless:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
With the help of my son, we yanked the Saab out of the icy clutch my yard had on it. It's in a bit of rough shape, sounds like it needs a water pump. I already have one that I found a while back at the U-Pull, basically a brand new ACDelco.


Dec 4, 2011
Got mildly annoyed that while the mystery clunk mysteriously disappeared, there us now a mystery creak in the front left suspension. Hm, mysterious.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I looked at my 360 in passing as it continues to sit in my yard awaiting new moccasins. I drove my 400 up to work a few days ago and so far this tank, I estimate my mileage is up to 15 mpg now. When I first got it, we were talking 8 to 9 mpg. All those parts, warmer weather, less idle time it and it is improving. It still needs to see a timing light and have the fuel pressure checked.

We took the 3500 to town today for a kids bday party. Once we hit the asphalt, my wife politely tells me to punch it. Its still an extremely unexciting and linear way to accelerate very quickly with some wheel spin.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Put some led bars in the bumper to take over DRL and perimeter lighting function since I redone the turn setup and took the factory DRL out. Currently only running one set of bulbs in those due to some bad bulbs but you get the point. Still deciding on wiring switches in to change when and how they come on.

Fabbed a bracket for them out of angle iron and used bumper bolts to mount it, painted it white so it'll pop when you're close enough to notice it. They're not perfectly and evenly lined up but are way close for eyeballing all but one measurement lol.




Dec 2, 2011
Washed the gunk off it...then it rained. :hopeless:


Apr 9, 2012
Got the Avalanche back earlier from having the front end inspected, everything checked out with a full bill of health. No play in the bushings, ball joints or hub assemblies. It does need an alignment, which I'll be getting to soon. Now I can focus on just replacing the radiator hoses, water pump and t-stat. I may end up replacing the CV Joints, have some sort of humming sound that gets louder with acceleration but quiets down when letting off the gas. Otherwise its quiet in A4WD and 2Hi.

One thing I may end up doing this summer is learning how to clean the frame, or at least do a decent enough job to hit it with POR 15 or Fluid Film.
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Jul 22, 2015
Ordered 3 cans of spray paint for the blue Sierra (for whatever reason, 'Arrival Blue Metallic' is not available from Duplicolor, et al, in aerosol spray -- only in the pen / brush.)

Since I need to do a replacement tailgate (& likely a replacement front bumper cover), a pen ain't gonna cut it. Plus, being a tailgate, I can do it 'off-truck' in the garage and not have to worry about my lack of painting skill.

At some point, I may have the entire truck resprayed. But not now.

Now off to Amazon to get the tailgate - $105 shipped.


Jun 13, 2014
Put an O2 sensor in the pewter Bravada today. Even though I've done lots of mechanical work in my life I still had to learn that you have to chase the threads before installing the new one. So of course I stripped the threads on the first sensor and had to go buy a second one plus a thread chaser. Lesson learned. ~BOB


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Did you try?


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Jul 22, 2015
Did you try?

That's exactly who I ordered from. Looked to be best option.

Almost embarrassed to say that 3 cans of paint + plastic adhesion promoter (frt bumper cvr) + shipping cost almost as much as the tailgate. And I still need a can or two of clear!
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Apr 9, 2012
Did light work on the Avalanche, for the past few months I couldn't figure out why the passenger side had little wiper fluid pressure. Thought maybe there was a blockage, popped the hood and found the tubing leading up the wiper arm was ripped. Not sure how that happened, so I took some good ole fashioned duct tape and patched it up with a few strands in the mean time until I get a chance to replace the entire arm. Didn't get to tackle the steering column bearing with how crummy the weathers been.

Gave the Envoy a wash yesterday only for it to storm all night long, oh and a semi cut me off earlier too. Which wouldn't be too bad aside from the black splotches of grease or whatever that spewed from his exhaust stack when he gave it gas. Windshield/headlights/front end are covered in it, so now I have to rewash it...
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Apr 9, 2012
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