A couple evenings ago I ran over something in the road kicked over from the other lane by another car. I'm not sure what it was, but it didn't seem to do anything to the truck or the tires. No marks, scrapes, or cuts on the tire at all. It just made a clatter noise when I ran over it. But now I've noticed a few times a slight wub-click-wub-click sound when making turns sometimes. Not sure if it is related at all or if I'm now just hearing it because I turned the radio off and was listening for anything abnormal after running it over. The first thing that came to mind was the driver side CV from the sound and how it needs a fairly tight turn to make the noise. I won't have a chance to look at it for a few days, but I'm also not driving anywhere for a few days either, so I'll just have to check it later.
Heck given the age of the axle (original with 152k miles on it) and how cheap they are, I might just go ahead and replace it anyway.