What did you do to your GMT today?

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Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Well put some Octane Booster in... I got gas lunch time, and filled up at Shell like I always do, just regular. Well when I get to the end of the street waiting at the light, my TB shuts off. Start it back up and immediately i knew something was up, my truck sounded like a damn Harley, probably ! So I stopped in a parking lot and looked under my truck and under the hood, nothing weird except my engine was shaking a little. I went to Autozone and the confirmed that a cylinder was misfiring, cylinder 4. I know it's not the spark plugs, just replaced all of them 3 weeks ago. Idk if it's anything, but bad gas because oddly enough after fueling up I had this issue. Yaay me .... :no:


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Blckshdw said:
:undecided: Octane booster eh? :eyebrowhuh:
My bud suggested I try it because we believe I may of gotten some bad gas. Rained a lot last night and I can tell by how slow the gas was pumping I was getting fuel from the bottom of the fuel tanks. So maybe some water leaked down into the gas station's fuel idk. Let my truck idle outside for like 30min. than drove around, hasn't gotten any better. So gonna try and switching coils around or doing what this guy did in this vid, seems to have worked for him
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Dec 30, 2013
Yesterday, took some metal rubbing compound to the chrome alongside the running boards. Looks pretty good. No pics, because crappy weather. Also used it to remove most of the rust stains from the old front brake pads off the rim.
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Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Well since I had to remove the intake and airbox to get to the coils to figure out which one was misfiring, figured I might as well paint some stuff! Came out great! Love the contrast in colors! Used Duplicolor Metalcast, was gonna use anodized blue as a top coat, but like I said contrast in colors looks great with the blue wiring conduit swap and yellow from the Airaid logo and Dipstick handle.

Click to enlarge guys :thumbsup:


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Blckshdw said:
Nice job. Looks sorta familiar :cool:

Don't forget to spray that battery box, looks like it's feeling left out over there in the corner :tongue:
Thanks bud :thumbsup: ,
The battery box is cracked in a few spots, might get a new one at a yard before I paint it. Maybe i'll paint it anyway still. Gotta re-do the surface on the bar across the battery box, it's like the only rust on the vehicle lol.


Dec 4, 2011
Must be nice.


Apr 18, 2014
Well didn't do nothing today:sadcry: worked open to close so sadly I didn't hVe time... But got my motor and got about $750 in pArts not sure if I can make it work or not lol. We'll see how it goes at work got 72 hours in a parts store $.$
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
GrizzlyDippah said:
Well didn't do nothing today:sadcry: worked open to close so sadly I didn't hVe time... But got my motor and got about $750 in pArts not sure if I can make it work or not lol. We'll see how it goes at work got 72 hours in a parts store $.$
Nice seeing you check in, I wondered about you the other day about getting your motor and such.

My GMT got to rest today :yes:


Apr 16, 2014
Nearly really effed it up. Gettin on 495 in Maryland a deer hopped out in front. rainy slick night, and me, rather inexperienced driving a 5000 pound truck, braked hard, swerved to left, and did a nearly 180 on the on-ramp. No other traffic, missed the deer, somehow managed to not gak the shit out of the wheel when it hit the curb, and nearly pooed myself. Truck is completely fine, and I drove home 10 under the limit the rest of the way.

I got lucky.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
RayGumm said:
Nearly really effed it up. Gettin on 495 in Maryland a deer hopped out in front. rainy slick night, and me, rather inexperienced driving a 5000 pound truck, braked hard, swerved to left, and did a nearly 180 on the on-ramp. No other traffic, missed the deer, somehow managed to not gak the shit out of the wheel when it hit the curb, and nearly pooed myself. Truck is completely fine, and I drove home 10 under the limit the rest of the way.

I got lucky.
The force is great with your TB. On a serious note, glad to hear you're alright man


Apr 16, 2014
Capote said:
The force is great with your TB. On a serious note, glad to hear you're alright man
Thanks dude. I could have not been if there had been another car getin on behind me. Kinda happened around a blind corner. They woulda hit my dumb ass pointed backwards and blown the bags. Totaled TB and god knows what injuries to me.. but lucky it didn't happen.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Deer are no joke, when I lived in NY, it was notorious for having deer on the roads at night, especially some parts around the area that are pitch black with no lights on the roads for miles. If I move back to NY, i'm gonna mount and LED light bar similar to what Trailz has, but a lil smaller, just for those long dark roads.
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Apr 18, 2012
jrSS said:
thank you.
That is one SSexy ride. And if you can do it someday, "get the hood.!"

Capote said:
Well since I had to remove the intake and airbox to get to the coils to figure out which one was misfiring, figured I might as well paint some stuff! Came out great! Love the contrast in colors! Used Duplicolor Metalcast, was gonna use anodized blue as a top coat, but like I said contrast in colors looks great with the blue wiring conduit swap and yellow from the Airaid logo and Dipstick handle.

Click to enlarge guys :thumbsup:
Nice job. Noticed the CAI. I like K&N, and was wondering if you had compared. Either way, what made you choose the Airaid one?

Blckshdw said:
Nice job. Looks sorta familiar :cool:

Don't forget to spray that battery box, looks like it's feeling left out over there in the corner :tongue:


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
mcsteven said:
Nice job. Noticed the CAI. I like K&N, and was wondering if you had compared. Either way, what made you choose the Airaid one?
Thanks man :thumbsup: , Havn't compared K&N to Airaid on my TB, but I had a K&N 77 series on my 1997 Yukon. Definitely noticed quicker acceleration and a louder tone when I had it on that truck. I went with Airaid only because it was cheaper and after reading many reviews and comparisons on all over and here on GMTnation, people said there isn't much difference.
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Apr 18, 2012
Capote said:
Thanks man :thumbsup: , Havn't compared K&N to Airaid on my TB, but I had a K&N 77 series on my 1997 Yukon. Definitely noticed quicker acceleration and a louder tone when I had it on that truck. I went with Airaid only because it was cheaper and after reading many reviews and comparisons on all over and here on GMTnation, people said there isn't much difference.
That is one of the mods I've been thinking about. It's in the shop now, under warranty, getting a new motor. Saw the crate being pulled from the truck. And as I was checking out that pic you posted, I found the Airaid and the K&N, with only $10 difference. But will be doing tires within a month or so and got too many things waiting (mods) now that I haven't had time to install or do.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
When I was looking at the time there was still a big difference in price a on Autoanything.com, which has the cheapest prices, oh well. I'm sure i'll upgrade to the K&N in the future :biggrin:. ...and get a Gibson cat-back exhaust instead of just having the magnaflow muffler.


Dec 4, 2011
Took the front bra off. Drove for a bit then bugs hit windshield so pulled over wiped area on grill where a couple dragonfly's hit and then put front end bra back on.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
TexazReece said:
Took the front bra off. Drove for a bit then bugs hit windshield so pulled over wiped area on grill where a couple dragonfly's hit and then put front end bra back on.
Living life on the edge, huh? :raspberry: I never understood what those were for until I saw yours and then it made sense.


Nov 18, 2011
Drove it down some back country roads
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Apr 18, 2012
TexazReece said:
Took the front bra off. Drove for a bit then bugs hit windshield so pulled over wiped area on grill where a couple dragonfly's hit and then put front end bra back on.
Where's the pics of it with the bra? I don't see any on your page or in your gallery.


Apr 18, 2012
Mounce said:
Checkout the "post a pic of your GMT right now" thread. It's ten or so posts from the last.
I'll take a look.

dmanns67 said:
He has a few pics of the bra in his gallery. Cant miss it as the bra is black and his truck is white :raspberry:

I didn't see it. I'm old, but not senile. I could have missed it I guess. I went to the profile, clicked on gallery on the left side.

Figured it out. I looked at a pic, clicked it, and it had a slide show of that folder, not all the pics. Went back and saw a few. Looks good.


Apr 18, 2012
Drove past it with the loaner car. Called them - new engine should be delivered tomorrow.


Nov 18, 2011
pulled the flex plate... dropped the pan... removed rear cover... replaced the main seal, rear cover seal...

i'll try to get it back together tomorrow.


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
mcsteven said:
Where's the pics of it with the bra?

Here is a pic of my 2007 TB with the GM Accessories bra. It has been on since day one. It saves the front end from road rash.


  • TB.JPG
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