I lucked out, I was at the end of my 30 day window. Actually I think I was a few days past. Either way dt-autotec was very quick to replace the LEDs.Blckshdw said:Good customer service, gotta love that. Which ones were acting up on you?
The T10 amber on drivers side marker burnt out. One of the white T10 over the license plate had a steady flash on and off while parking lights were on (happened after driving with headlights on for three hours and continued to do it whenever the parking/headlights were on). It was also extremely hot when I went to take it out after being on for a couple minutes.
Three of the four interior white T10 shut off after having the interior lights on for 10-15 min. I found it very strange the SMDs were getting so hot. Maybe its becuase they have a metal casing. I don't remember my other LEDs getting hot at all.