Well, if you hear any cries of anguish don't be alarmed, it's just my wallet. I just PM'd Kevin and told him I wanna order a set of high, low, and fog Cree LED headlights for the Voy. I made the decision that it couldn't wait after driving home in the dark last night and hating the now mismatched light output my Envoy has. The lows are two different colors, one yellow as all get out and one fairly white, the highs are another color that is slightly yellow, and the fogs are a third dim yellow.

My front end rattle is going to be a relatively cheap fix anyhow, so that allowed me to go ahead with the lights. So far all I've seen has been TBs with 'em, am I gonna be the first Envoy guy to install them?
Joking about the wallet aside, at $75 a set and pretty cheap shipping, Kevin has the best deal on the internet on these lights, and with a 30,000 hour service life I consider them to be a great investment.