- Apr 11, 2013
- 1,111
Ryda55555 said:Havent checked in for a while but i see a lot of new members
im sorry to say but im leaving the gm family
My cousin is buying a porsche panamera 4S and said he's going to give me his 2008 bmw x5 4.8L for trade in price
Wont be until the summer time but its coming soon enough
You guys wont be forgotten and i'll still check in every once in a while to like the amazing pics
Great forum thats saved me hundreds if not thousands on fixes and mods
Special thanks to everyone whos put up with me and sent me info through PMs and Emails (you know who you guys are)
My brother is getting his G2 in june so if everything goes well i'll be giving him the voy
Also switched over to the sony xperia z1 which is waterproof so i wont be worried about dropping this one in the toilet
I'll upload some pics when i figure out how lol
rmsg0040 said:Changed rear brake backing plates, same time I was in there did the rear bearings and seals.
Also noticed the rear differential cover had no magnet on it.
Took it for a drive everything seems fine except I got no hand brake now!
Words of advice:
get a magnetic pickup tool, one with a small diameter head, will make life easier.
I had to rotate the c-clip with a mini-pick and then used a magnetic screwdriver to retrieve the clip for both sides.
get a bearing/seal tool
I had to improvise using a ball joint press adapter to seat the bearings and seals.
Easy enough job for a backyard mechanic, it just sucks working on the floor and your back.
Ryda55555 said:Dmanns- oh i wish lol thats his pride and joy lol
Fr34kout- yea i was driving it yesterday for shits and giggles and its FAST, off the line its faster than the SS and Range Rover Sport supercharged
But only if you promise to keep posting pics of ur voy lol rarely see it but when u do decide to post a pic its always top notch![]()
STLtrailbSS said:I will come up there and test this theory.![]()
IllogicTC said:I agree on the pickup tool. They're just handy to have anyway. There was a kit at Wal-Mart, like $7-10 and came with a telescoping magnetic tool, a flexible retrieval claw, and a telescoping inspection mirror. Can't go wrong for the price
For the magnet, you could search around for one or maybe you can get away with just getting a good-power magnet and popping it in there where it needs to be.
Ryda55555 said:Dmanns- oh i wish lol thats his pride and joy lol
Fr34kout- yea i was driving it yesterday for shits and giggles and its FAST, off the line its faster than the SS and Range Rover Sport supercharged
But only if you promise to keep posting pics of ur voy lol rarely see it but when u do decide to post a pic its always top notch![]()
fr34kout said:Honestly I usually only ever take pics when I do something new, change things around, etc and for the most part nothing has changed recently haha. Been so busy between work and school (finally done with pre reqs, starting to do all my high level math and starting the actual engineering courses) I don't have much time or money to do things lol. I might get a few pics or videos this weekend. The only track we had on the island closed down 8 years ago, and the land owner / care taker is letting a handful of people clean up the track and use it once a week or so. Going to try to do a few runs for fun this Sunday.
That also means that if this track idea gets up and going, it might give me motivation to start working on the motor lol
fr34kout said:*I'll go look for the next contest
glfredrick said:Prayed that it will continue running...
Looking for a warm spell when I can replace the plugs and hunt down the really bad sound coming from the front of the engine (and it is not a pulley, etc. All are new).
Do you have the factory-installed orange peel like my black paint does?jrSS said:My black paint will hopefully finally be flawless.
jrSS said:Yup I have orange peel.....just coated...compound...polished...and waxed the hood. Wanted to try the new pads with my porter cable. The hood has dings and chips in it. Not perfect but better
willbill92 said:Got to get picked up by my Envoy after my intake gasket went out on my Grand am. *_*
jrSS said:Hitch cover.
HARDTRAILZ said:That's going rate
HARDTRAILZ said:Then buy one for 30
shrek77 said:That's insane! It costs $30 new. It's not gold lol! I wish an aftermarket company would make them.
HARDTRAILZ said:Simply supply n demand.
Maybe not. .but to someone else probablyshrek77 said:OK smarty pants...... I understand supply and demand, Just making a point! It's not worth $205.