Did some LED tinkering today. A couple of the LEDs on the right side of my HVAC appeared to be out, and one of the temp slider LEDs was flickering. Minor adjustment was needed on one of the jumper wires and the blue LEDs were fine. Replaced the white ones on the temp sliders. One was dying out, I had put a 1/8w resistor on it, instead of a 1/2W like all the others

The one next to it appeared way too dim, and although it was the right color coded resistor, it was too high, so replaced that one too.
Had an SMD out in the rear view mirror, so yanked that out, and cannibalized another one of my 194 LED bulbs that had the proper sized SMD on it. So now that's working right. Now working on a little write up for somethin I bought last week for the EXT.