fr34kout said:
I would just do the Big 3 upgrade. It'll probably cost around the same, and will give you a better connection.
Yeah....especially since I already did 2 of the 3 wire upgrade. I don't have the chassis to engine wire but I feel a larger starter wire would be more useful. I honestly didn't even consider this

...not sure why, but I was able to get the harness for $45 so it's a tough call.
I also
hate side-post connectors with a passion, mainly the way they bite into the lead. The "teeth" dig in but if you move the terminal when tightened then the indentions of the teeth in the lead from the side terminal have enlarged and have less material now to grab on to, or just not a solid connection anymore and adds resistance.
Naturally they work most of the time but you never know what's going on at the contact point. Most top post to side post conversions aren't that I'm re-thinking this.