What did you do to your GMT today?

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Sep 5, 2012
Put a set of Trico NeoForm wipers on. 24 driver 22 pass and 16 rear. The rear one is getting stuck when it goes back to the rest position. Not sure what's jamming it yet, but I'm not entirely bothered by it since I don't use the rear wiper that often.


Apr 19, 2012
Boricua SS said:
not my GMT... but today, I changed out some leaky calipers, with new ones on a friends 2001 Blazer...

old caliper...

new ones :yes:

and what I did to my GMT... I took her out and washed her.. only for her to piss me off again :hissyfit::hissyfit:... went to my parents house for sunday dinner, and went to roll my drivers side window down.. and grrrrrrrind, cruuuuuunch... regulator just took a chit on me..:hissyfit::hissyfit:
Looks sweet as usual! And on the up side, least it failed with the window up and not down

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
AV8ER said:
Looks sweet as usual! And on the up side, least it failed with the window up and not down

well I went to roll it down at my parents and I heard it grinding... so I went to put it back up immediately, and it failed with about an inch left to go... good thing shes a garage queen... so until I fix her, she will sit...


Dec 18, 2011
Finally replaced my cracked exhaust manifold. When I pulled the old one out the gaskets were shot. Explains the bad leak I had also the manifold was cracked in 3 places Ive read about other problems with our manifolds. Anyone else have this same problem?


Dec 8, 2011
mine had 2 gigantic cracks in it one on each side and about 4 " in length with a visible hole on the front of the manifold. also, the furthest rear bolt has been snapped off for who knows how long where was your manifold cracked?

View attachment 27474 front and back vertical


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Apr 14, 2013
Well today I changed thermostat housing , ect sensor and put new serpentine belt on!! Did it outside in -10C.. Joys of living in Canada eh? Hah maybe some day it will get nice and the snow will melt bc I got way more things I want to do on the voy!!


Dec 2, 2011
Saturday, I replaced both front hubs.

Sunday, took drivers wheel off because of a rubbing noise...pretty sure now it's actually the passengers brake shield rubbing. That will be taken care of after work this arvo.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Matt said:
Saturday, I replaced both front hubs.

Sunday, took drivers wheel off because of a rubbing noise...pretty sure now it's actually the passengers brake shield rubbing. That will be taken care of after work this arvo.

Nice job, that's an easy fix, I didn't end up with any rubbing but my Envoy pulls right with new hubs and summer tires on, had alignment with winter rims last fall. Tire pressures are correct so I guess I need an alignment now.


Dec 18, 2011
ConeKilrAutoX said:
mine had 2 gigantic cracks in it one on each side and about 4 " in length with a visible hole on the front of the manifold. also, the furthest rear bolt has been snapped off for who knows how long where was your manifold cracked?

View attachment 13722 front and back vertical

Mine had two big cracks in the two most center cylinders


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Nice job, that's an easy fix, I didn't end up with any rubbing but my Envoy pulls right with new hubs and summer tires on, had alignment with winter rims last fall. Tire pressures are correct so I guess I need an alignment now.

Interesting. Never heard of hubs causing an alignment issue. Wonder if you rotate the tires if it makes a difference.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Interesting. Never heard of hubs causing an alignment issue. Wonder if you rotate the tires if it makes a difference.

I never heard of that either and the old hubs were still tight just noisy. Doesn't make sense to me, I wonder if the right brake isn't releasing properly or something but I have no noise. Will try a tire rotation just to see if it makes a difference.


Nov 18, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
I never heard of that either and the old hubs were still tight just noisy. Doesn't make sense to me, I wonder if the right brake isn't releasing properly or something but I have no noise. Will try a tire rotation just to see if it makes a difference.

Maybe lube the pins on the calipers??? Just a thought


Apr 11, 2013
CdnGMan said:
I'm liking that look dude... :thumbsup:
I think I'm gonna wait just a bit longer (another week or so) before I put the summer shoes on Canyonaro tho... :undecided:

Speaking of which... is it me or does that GMC emblem sit a bit high?? :confused:

Hahaha thanks, we're supposed to have a pretty bad thunderstorm in the next couple of days so waiting a week would be a good idea

And yea the grille i bought wasnt supposed to have an emblem on it but i modded the factory one a little to make it work but the logo either sits too high or too low so i went with the high approach which makes the front bumper look longer and a bit lower


Apr 14, 2013
Well today i decided to tackle the throttle body, as i just had the battery disconnected to do the thermostat and such! I have never really done much under a hood before but thanks to May03LT for the youtube video got me on the right track! from start to finish took me 30 mins! not sure which models or years would need this but i had to remove cylinders 3 and 4 to get to the bottom bolts of the throttle body! I have attached some pictures to show how dirty that bitch was, looks as if the front of it was cleaned in a shop but was it ever removed to be cleaned?? I bought this voy used few months ago with just over 200,000km so it needs some care and attention lol!! that is why i joined this forum so i can get help along the way and save$$$$ thanks:biggrin:


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Nov 20, 2011
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Kdizzydawg said:
Well today i decided to tackle the throttle body, as i just had the battery disconnected to do the thermostat and such! I have never really done much under a hood before but thanks to May03LT for the youtube video got me on the right track! from start to finish took me 30 mins! not sure which models or years would need this but i had to remove cylinders 3 and 4 to get to the bottom bolts of the throttle body! I have attached some pictures to show how dirty that bitch was, looks as if the front of it was cleaned in a shop but was it ever removed to be cleaned?? I bought this voy used few months ago with just over 200,000km so it needs some care and attention lol!! that is why i joined this forum so i can get help along the way and save$$$$ thanks:biggrin:

Any year I6 that doesn't have a PCV Valve.

Boricua SS

Nov 20, 2011
ordered my drivers side window regulator... Love that my father works at the dealership :rotfl:.. $85 bucks my cost... and OEM.. not dorman replacement.. should be here tomorrow morning.. and i'll install it whenever I can get to it :crackup:


Dec 4, 2011
I let the truck take a rest today and drove my car to work. I figured after driving 1000 miles in the past week it deserved a break.


Sep 5, 2012
While not really part of my truck, it's related: I downloaded aCar and caught up on my records and set up reminders. I like it, but the UI is very cheesy/ cartooney, like an offbrand GPS.


Dec 12, 2011
Before I left for work, I swapped MAP sensors from a 2004 I had that came with the intake manifold just for comparison. Been looking for slight MPG increases and smoother driveability in some areas.

Over the weekend in open air, the newer one read .1V higher so I wanted to try it out. I will need to pull vacuum over both for a complete comparison but I don't know if the new O2 sensor is playing a major role but on a few hard takeoffs through 70 MPH, the dead spot after 1st until about 50-55 MPH was very smooth with no felt dip in power. It has not been like this for quite awhile.

MAP sensors play a role in spark advance as well as other areas but spark advance under load is a big player in the butt-dyno.


Apr 10, 2012
Kdizzydawg said:
had to remove cylinders 3 and 4 to get to the bottom bolts of the throttle body!
ok...i've cleaned my throttle body before, but this confuses me


Sep 5, 2012
redleg6 said:
ok...i've cleaned my throttle body before, but this confuses me

I don't think he meant cylinders, but the coil packs instead. If you don't have an extension, it's kind of hard to get a ratchet around the TB bolts because the coilpacks' connectors are in the way.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
redleg6 said:
Kdizzydawg said:
...i had to remove cylinders 3 and 4 to get to the bottom bolts of the throttle body!

ok...i've cleaned my throttle body before, but this confuses me

He probably didn't have a wobble extension, or universal joint to help get angled access to those bottom bolts. Without those, you might be inclined to take out the coil packs due to the heat sinks getting in the way. :twocents:

Edit: Alex beat me to it :raspberry:


Apr 10, 2012
totally makes sense now...I didnt consider that right away


Dec 2, 2011
Denali n DOO said:
Nice job, that's an easy fix

Thanks. I found out what the noise was. The passengers side brake pads were rubbing a bit...c clamp and 10 minutes, no more noise. :thumbsup:


Apr 14, 2013
Blckshdw said:
He probably didn't have a wobble extension, or universal joint to help get angled access to those bottom bolts. Without those, you might be inclined to take out the coil packs due to the heat sinks getting in the way. :twocents:

Edit: Alex beat me to it :raspberry:

Ahh yes tha is what I mean coil packs and heat sinks are in the way.. Perhaps a wobble wrenche works but I doubt it the bolts are pretty low and right in line with the coil packs.. Sorry I don't know much about what parts what but I so know that it was very easy to just move the coil packs out of the way as oppose to going out to buy a wobble wrench that possibly may not have worked and been any easier!! :rotfl:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Kdizzydawg said:
Ahh yes tha is what I mean coil packs and heat sinks are in the way.. Perhaps a wobble wrenche works but I doubt it the bolts are pretty low and right in line with the coil packs.. Sorry I don't know much about what parts what but I so know that it was very easy to just move the coil packs out of the way as oppose to going out to buy a wobble wrench that possibly may not have worked and been any easier!! :rotfl:

Buy yourself a set of these, and a set of extensions too. They will come in handy on many jobs where access to bolts is tight and inconvenient. :thumbsup:

3 Piece Universal Joint Set


Oct 4, 2012
East Haven,Ct
Matt said:
Thanks. I found out what the noise was. The passengers side brake pads were rubbing a bit...c clamp and 10 minutes, no more noise. :thumbsup:

Hey matt can you elaborate on what you did with c-clamp did u just push caliper in??? To solve issue I have same issue after hubs


Apr 14, 2013
Blckshdw said:
Buy yourself a set of these, and a set of extensions too. They will come in handy on many jobs where access to bolts is tight and inconvenient. :thumbsup:

3 Piece Universal Joint Set

Oh yes I could see those coming in handy! Ill have to get some yes! It is amazing how many tools I already have for carpentry and home renos.. But when it comes to vehicle repair, I am lacking in these special tools such as these and crows foot wrench and this and that haha thanks for the link though bud! I now have a visual of what I am looking for!


Sep 5, 2012
Honestly, I think one of these flex extensions would be useful once the bolts are loosened.


All that said, I've never had an issue with using a 6" straight extension to get to the TB bolts. IIRC, I add a 3" extension on the ratchet end of the 6" just for extra clearance... I really should probably get a 10" extension for that.

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
jeffro312 said:
Hey matt can you elaborate on what you did with c-clamp did u just push caliper in??? To solve issue I have same issue after hubs

That's funny :rotfl:, I had the same question and thought it was a dumb one so I PM'd Matt and here is his reply;

"What I noticed was the the non piston pad was rubbing on the rotor making a noise, so I took the caliper off and used the c clamp to slowly push the pistons back in a little bit, so the pads weren't contacting the rotor...no more noise."

Thanks again Matt...:thumbsup:


Apr 14, 2013
Well today i decided to slice open the slot where i can insert CAF's on my Envoy! that was no problem done in less than 5, as you can see I used some professional tools :smile:(see pic.) But to my surprise it was pretty damn clean up in there! from what i have read about others that have done this have noticed it to be filthy in there.. so my question is, being that i live in a place in Canada where we use the heater 8 months of the year and maybe bring in outside air 2 months in summer would that keep it cleaner? I may as well put some filters in there now for some added freshness! At least i have gained an access to clean off the evap. right??:rotfl: any insight is appreciated thanks guys!


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Mar 26, 2012
Kdizzydawg said:
Well today i decided to slice open the slot where i can insert CAF's on my Envoy! that was no problem done in less than 5, as you can see I used some professional tools :smile:(see pic.) But to my surprise it was pretty damn clean up in there! from what i have read about others that have done this have noticed it to be filthy in there.. so my question is, being that i live in a place in Canada where we use the heater 8 months of the year and maybe bring in outside air 2 months in summer would that keep it cleaner? I may as well put some filters in there now for some added freshness! At least i have gained an access to clean off the evap. right??:rotfl: any insight is appreciated thanks guys!

It would make sense to me because typically when things are covered in snow, they arent dusty and polleny. (I'm not familiar with canada's region, so if you arent in one of the ones that get a lot of snow, sorry for generalizing!)
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