What are you doing today?

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Jul 6, 2014
Also rainbow cookies.


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Dec 2, 2011
Not going to Lowes tonight.


Jul 6, 2014
Sliced up the crumb cake. Currently adding the chocolate to the rainbow cookies.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Work, more work, then home to have my new bed delivered.

I want to get out hunting.. Just havent gotten to that point yet.. Hopefully next year.
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Finals. Calc today and chem tomorrow. Then I go home!


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Just got back from a passed emissions (yay for HPtuners & o2 foulers :biggrin:). I always enjoy talking to the older guy there, he also has a Trailblazer (2005 w/ 200K miles).


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Finally Friday!!! Did it seem to take forever to get here for anyone else too?

They ordered so much food yesterday, there were tons of leftovers at work today, so even though I packed a lunch, I preferred leftover pork, black beans, yellow rice and plantains, over my chips and a sandwich. I can have those for dinner later! :biggrin: There was also a ton of pie leftover, so got some chocolate creme and pecan pie, and am currently waiting for the food coma to hit me.

Was gonna hit the grocery store after work, but it's raining all day, so probably leave that for tomorrow.

smt 59

Got underneath the front end this morning to check for an annoying knocking sound that’s been there for a while, all was good as everything has been replaced but thought that maybe something had come loose. Greased everything while doing so. Decided to give her a wash along with my wife’s equinox and daughters cruise and was thinking that that noise may be a motor mount remembering a few threads that I’ve read here but with only 175kms on it I’m thinking this can’t be but could be possible. Now I need to find out how to check that possibility.....mmmmm


Nov 18, 2011


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Getting ready to head to OG and MyUSAddress to pick up a few packages, grab some lunch and head back home.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:nighty: I'm dragging today... The baby was up at about 4:30 this morning (in addition to the other times through the night), and cried pretty much non stop until I left for work, so there's a sleep deficit. It's a short work week too, 4 days, so vacation brain is also starting to kick in, making the day seem that much slower. Had an energy drink with lunch, hope the caffeine helps me power through these next few hours until quitting time.
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Dec 4, 2011
Working the last week before shutdown for the holidays.
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Nov 18, 2011
Just committed to playing golf every weekend for the next 2 years...bought a membership at a course for $100 a year.
Wish I had the ability to do the same. I really enjoyed golfing this summer/fall and would love to be able to commit more time to it.

I just got back from a free lunch with the bosses and it was tasty, but having it at a brewery when you cant have samples was kinda mean of them.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Just committed to playing golf every weekend for the next 2 years...bought a membership at a course for $100 a year.
Cheap...but they'll kill ya w/ the greens fees, cart rental & everything else...lol.

:: says a duffer who sucks so hard at golf, he calls it "a good walk, wasted" ::
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Applying for unemployment :worried:


Dec 2, 2011
Cheap...but they'll kill ya w/ the greens fees, cart rental & everything else...lol.

:: says a duffer who sucks so hard at golf, he calls it "a good walk, wasted" ::

Mate, that is the green fees. All I have to do is pay $15 for a cart if I want to ride, but if I walk, costs me nothing.

Applying for unemployment :worried:

Where's an unlike button for this?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Applying for unemployment :worried:

Sorry to hear that, especially at this time of the year. Keep looking, there's gotta be something out there for ya.

Today a bit busy. Cleaning the house before the family Christmas dinner on the weekend, getting inducted into the Canadian Legion around lunch and physio in the afternoon. More cleaning probably in the evening.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Where's an unlike button for this?
Agreed :blinkhuh:
Sorry to hear that, especially at this time of the year. Keep looking, there's gotta be something out there for ya.
I'm going over to a temp agency today to sign up with them to get some work, whilst I continue to look for something I can turn into an enjoyable career.

Unemployment, going to a temp agency, and having to pay past due rent with over $120 in late fees for a bounced rent check... not the way I wanted to spend my Birthday. Girlfriend was not able to get off today, so that makes it even more crappy. I also had the most frightening nightmare I ever had last night, having to do with something absolutely terrible that happened to my daughter in it. I woke up distraught and in tears. I'm a damn mess fellas.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Got underneath the front end this morning to check for an annoying knocking sound that’s been there for a while, all was good as everything has been replaced but thought that maybe something had come loose. Greased everything while doing so. Decided to give her a wash along with my wife’s equinox and daughters cruise and was thinking that that noise may be a motor mount remembering a few threads that I’ve read here but with only 175kms on it I’m thinking this can’t be but could be possible. Now I need to find out how to check that possibility.....mmmmm

I was having an annoying knocking sound. Turned out it was the front strut lower bushing in the lower control arm where the large bolt goes thru the arm. Now I need to replace the control arm.

Applying for unemployment :worried:

That truely does suck? Where do you live? We are in desperate need of drivers, but need a CDL..

Today orientating another new Contractor. Called a prospective new hire, and set his orientation date. Then seeing if the boss wants me to spend the 150,000 dollars to get registration done for our fleet. Heading to the DMV Next to get the new contractor registered.

Hopefully get home and catch up on some sleep. Long day yesterday, had to go recover a vehicle that was involved in a accident on the highway where someone died. Some 250 miles away, long day yesterday.
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Nov 18, 2011
Working then surgery tomorrow My belly button turned inside out and it just needs fixed.


Nov 18, 2011
Yup. Had a couple inguinal done back in 94 n 98 and been waiting on this one but figured since I hit the deductible for the year I better get it done.

I do think I should take the family out for a decent dinner before the cutting...
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sounds like a umbilical Hernia to me. I got one too.


Jul 6, 2014
Just got home from my last final. Sleep...


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last day of work before vacation time. It's been raining since yesterday, and isn't supposed to let up until tomorrow. Some of the streets in my neighborhood had standing water as I left for work this morning. The yard between my house and the neighbors was pretty swampy too. Will need to talk to my neighbor (retired couple) as some younger family members have started parking in the grass between our houses, but have been parking more and more on MY grass instead of theirs. And with all this rain today (and a couple weeks ago) there are some ruts starting to form :mad: Granted, my lawn looks terrible, but I can do bad all by myself, I don't need no help!

Some of the streets near work have standing water too, and since the weather isn't going to get any better, they've decided we're gonna close the office at 3. :wooot: So on top of getting out of here early, that also means not having to deal with rush hour traffic, in bad weather. People can't drive around here as it is, so that's a big win. :woohoo:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Will need to talk to my neighbor (retired couple) as some younger family members have started parking in the grass between our houses, but have been parking more and more on MY grass instead of theirs. And with all this rain today (and a couple weeks ago) there are some ruts starting to form :mad:

Was keeping an eye on my front yard through the security cameras waiting for my neighbor to get home. Instead, the young man who drives the landscaping truck pulled up (usually he doesn't show up until late at night) so went out to have a word with him. I wanna say it was more all the gray hairs in my beard, rather than my tone of voice, but got a lot of "Yes sirs". This is a snapshot from when he pulled in, he left the truck about 10 feet forward, in FRONT of their house where it should be.vlcsnap-2018-12-20-17h11m12s451.jpg

So we'll see how things go moving forward. My sister chimed in, since she's always home, that he sometimes has people come pick him up, and they like to peel out down the main street when it's wet, or go WOT when it's dry. :hopeless: Maybe in the spring, I'll plant some small shrubs or something in that area to take that idea away. :undecided:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Recovering from yesterday's family Christmas dinner at our place. 24 people total. Deep fried my first turkey in my new electric fryer. Turned out real tasty and juicy. Tons of food. I may have gone a little too much into the maple whiskey :biggrin:

Before that though, took a 45 minute drive with my son in the TB to pick up a part for his snowmobile (speedo) but on the way back, he cracked open the passenger window and it wouldn't go back up :mad:. It's seized up and could hear a bit of clacking noises sometimes. So it's stuck open about 2 inches and it's snowing today :hahano:. My local parts store will call me when the regulator is in and will change it this afternoon when the snow stops.


Jul 6, 2014
Tires on the cruze
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Jul 22, 2015
Maybe in the spring, I'll plant some small shrubs or something in that area to take that idea away. :undecided:
I'm thinking rock garden, myself. Big rocks. No watering needed, either. :2thumbsup:

As for me...preps for Xmas dinner & ordered a present for me - nerf bars for the blue Sierra. 4" ovals in black. With those installed, I can put away the step stool :tongue:

Ordered the paint for the door sill yesterday (two spots on the D/S where bare metal is showing, due to previous owner(s) being too vain / cheap / aesthetically bummed (?) to put the bars on.

Oh - and I found out that the color *is* 'Arrival Blue', per the SPI label in the glovebox.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Mom requested a run to the grocery store, so we braved the crowd. We were only there maybe a half hour, but it was so incredibly crowded, that it put me in a bad mood. Parked at the very end of the parking lot, and people seemed to prefer to stop in the middle of isles and entry ways like they were waiting for a prize to drop from the ceiling. :mad:

Other than that, been having a movie day with mom, going through some of my collection and snacking.

I'm thinking rock garden, myself. Big rocks. No watering needed, either. :2thumbsup:.

I actually considered that too. :biggrin:
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Nov 18, 2011
Chilling in bed to let the core muscles have some better recovery after all the running with the holidays
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:ugh: I hate to admit it, but I've become the "get off my lawn" old man of the neighborhood. :duh:

Some kid that lives a couple houses down on the cul de sac, kept screwing around in his late model Civic. Stopping in front of my house (at the intersection with the main street) and doing peel outs in the dirt and gravel that accumulates there from the rain. Then proceeding to zip up and down the street running along side my property, and trying to slide through the corner at the end of the street. It's a blind corner, and while there's very little traffic down there, there is some, so it could end badly if there was oncoming traffic, or pedestrians walking their dogs.

After about 45 minutes of that, he started using my front lawn to turn his car around, instead of doing 3 point turns in the street like he had been doing. For some reason, that was the final straw for me, so I went out there and yelled at him to cut that mess out in front of my house. :hopeless:
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