After tinkering with the truck this morning, decided to go by the office. I was tipped off by a coworker, that some folks wanted to prank me (again) and mess with my office. Last year, they cling wrapped everything, down to my mouse, and bottle of hand sanitizer. Luckily I had a small blade in the truck, so was able to make relatively short work of that to get everything removed.
Got to work, (was really eerie being the only person in the building) and sure enough this is what my door looked like... At least they left my Han Solo poster alone
Opened the door, and they had outdone themselves this time. Apparently it was the same 2 people as last time, but this time they had their daughters come in and help too.

They used a ton of tape, so it took me a while to get the important stuff cleared up. Don't want to start my day on Wednesday morning dealing with this crap, AND all the needy people with their emergencies cuz I've been out for almost 2 weeks. The chairs, door and window dressing will stay the same. My boss complained about the poster, cuz it makes it harder for people to know if I'm in my office when the door is closed. #ShortPeopleProblems Well if she wants the other windows cleared off, she can make the 2 culprits come in there and take that wrapping paper down. I don't mind the extra privacy.
After that, locked up the building and hit the grocery store, needed a few things for the week. Relaxing right now, about to make dinner. Having spicy Hawaiian mango slow cooked chicken, with some garlic mashed potatoes. Got some Eli's cheesecake waiting for desert.