What are you doing today?

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Once the dnow stopped I managed to get the oil and fuel filters done on my 3500. Spilled enough oil and diesel to last a lifetime.

I tried getting the oil filter out the side using the large ziploc bag method. It was a mess, next time I might get the filter capping tool. Usually I go in the top, remove the intake ducting from the air box to turbo. Regardless, either way sucks.

The rear filter was iced up but went not bad. The front filter was just plain shitty. I can barely reach the damn thing with sleaves on and the drain valve barely worked and I spilled diesel all over the starter and front diff. Next change I am doing a 2:1 interval. Change the rear filter every 24,000km and the front every 48,000km. It just does not see the same amount of dirt as the rear.

Next on the list, I need to thaw the truck out so I can drop the transmission crossmember and access the pan.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just gave away a baby dresser that we've had since the boy was, well, a baby, so 24 years. Posted it on FB Marketplace and got barraged with messages. All of them: "Is this still available?" Aaaaargh! "Can you hold it until tonight?" No, it's first come. Good thing about FB is that once you mark it as sold, it kills all the PMs.

Other than that, just a chill day watching the snow fly.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Work, then a night of playing video games. Been over 2 months. The wife can handle me taking a night off (I bet she cant)


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Ok so I ended up doing some more maintenance on my 3500. I hate, with a passion, greasing the damn cardin joint. To spare you all with details, i got it done with only a minor melt down.

I did the pan drop, fluid change and new filter. 4 hours from set up to test drive. Had to drop the crossmember, suspend the transfer case and drop the pan. Straightforward, yes. Easy? Hell no. Covered in ice, cold hands, bad temper, made a mess. Damn rights!!!

Got her done. No leaks and got the expected P0868 low pressure code and a couple bangs when shifting out of park. Only issue was it wa supposed to take less than 10 litres of ATF. Problem was I added 10 and it is still low, still banging gears and still P0868 and I ain't got no fluid left. Oh well i will top it up later. I also noticed seepage from the transmission tail shaft seal or input seal of the transfer case. Got to check warranty now. 20201126_142812.jpg20201126_151307.jpg20201126_133951.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Installed my new PC goodies, and took a little extra time on the cable management to make it look nice and clean. Swapping the OS hard drive went smoother than expected, just had to wait a while for Windows to update all the drivers. Got all the necessary licenses reactivated, and services restarted. :wooot:

Previous CPU was steady around 40% on average with the cameras running. New one, is running at 4% :crackup: Weird issue I'm running into now, I'm trying to turn up the performance on the camera preview, cuz that was the biggest draw, and it won't let me. Keeps resetting to the lower options. :confused: Gonna have to do some searching on the interwebz to figure that out.

Also loving the fact that it automatically overclocks itself if the temps are low enough. I never learned how to do that stuff, and was paranoid I'd fry something anyway. Base clock speed is 3.5 Ghz, right now it's camped out at 4.2 Ghz. :2thumbsup:

Edit: :lightbulb: Figured out the problem. Removed the sub stream info, so it only displays the main streams, now I have great resolution on the preview screens and a smooth frame rate. CPU load is only 10%. Definitely a great investment.
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
After work, before the sun set, I went to recheck my 3500. Dipstick is now reading way over full. But.... the harsh shifts are gone, my range slector is back working and it is shifting fine.

Tomorrow after work I will drain out a couple litres and start rechecking the ATF level again. Regardless if I cannot clear the P0868, it should clear itself after a few drive cycles. The fact that it is shifting fine, the banging is gone, all good things.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Back in the boondocks. I like working out here, it is rather quiet though it is an hour drive.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Finished work and ripped home to beat the sunset. The girls have been working hard at school so they needed a sled ride. Put on a few miles. Lots of animal tracks and powder. We had a great ride!! My 10 year old is doing a great job driving now, a little speed demon she is!

I must say, I sure love where we live!20201201_171921.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Mrs. Moose has been working from home since April and loves it. She gets more work done without the office chit chat, takes dog walk breaks and have been saving loads of money on gas and coffee. It's the socializers that are having a hard time with it. Other issue is problems with the VPN and applications to work properly remotely. When it crashes, she just goes for a walk before she punches the screen.

Me, I might try tackling the garage cleanup because I have to replace the head gasket on my sled.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
The kids did their riding lessons today and then back home to do some work. I got the engine oil and ATF levels sorted out on my 3500. Once at operating temp, I took a solid 1.5 litres of ATF out, which put it solidly in in the middle of the hot cross hatch.

I then ripped the carb off my Golden Ghost and gave her a bath in the ultrasonic cleaner. Looks great now. I need to get some gasket paper as I want to make a new gasket for the bowl. I still need to figure out the fuel flow from the tank to the pump but, it has a slight leak from the bowl and mid to high range bog that needs attention.


Nov 18, 2011
Finishing up the work week. Delivered hospital bed to my buddy's parents house for his mom that broke her hip. Scheduled the dog for Vet appt tomorrow for ear infection YIPPEE... Going to pickup some books for the oldest daughter for Christmas in a bit. Get stuff ready for muzzleloader season starting tomorrow after the kiddos go to bed.


Dec 4, 2011
Fixed the wall in the garage along with some screwy wiring. Wife and I cleaned out a lot of crap we just hadn't gotten moved out. We can now almost get both cars in the garage. I do miss the bigger 25x25 detached I had at the old house as this one is going to barely big enough for the cars and mower and a few tools etc. Oof. I need a shed for all the lawn crap!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Spent the last two days swapping out the kitchen sink. Got a deal on a used single large sink to replace the regular double sink we had. Much more space and will make it easier to clean my BBQ grates and stuff. Had to enlarge the hole in the counter and the drain had to be reconfigured going from a double to a single drain, however, it always had drainage issues, getting air locked all the time even with a vent valve. If I open the vent valve, air pushes out and will drain but will belch out some water. I'm gonna have to run an actual vent to the outside by cutting a hole through the wall and run a pipe up the outside wall to solve this problem.


Nov 18, 2011
Ended today flooring a wall...thanks Pinterest for giving my buddys wife a crappy idea...


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Dec 4, 2011
Work thing waiting on data runs to pull down. It essentially locks out the computer for 5-10 min at a time.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Ended today flooring a wall...thanks Pinterest for giving my buddys wife a crappy idea...
Feature walls for the win! Right? :Banghead: (Insert rolls eyes emoji here)


Nov 18, 2011
Got ripped off by healthcare BS. $125 for rapid test for the covid so my daughter can go back to school. Mild cough and runny nose so we keep her home from school for some standard chicken noodle soup and rest. They say its ten days out of school or negative test to return. Such a crock. Insurance does not cover rapid test. No where local has one available. Go 50 miles away to get one, two hour wait in room of actually sick people, hour wait for results so they can give her a return to life signed paper.

Great waste of my time while costing me 4.5 hours of PTO.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday ended with a BSOD on my Win10 laptop. I had tried to restore to a previous point because a Wincrap update was not playing nice with my Wifi adapter making it lock up. On reboot, got a nice message "critical process died". Tried everything to either restore or refresh Winblows, nada, so I had to wipe clean and reinstall. Didn't lose anything critical but just a PITA to reinstall and reconfigure everything.

And I'm also dealing with crap internet speeds and disconnections from my provider. Supposed to have 300mbps down and 20mbps up and I'm getting 30~50 down and 0.2 up. Contacted my provider twice and they sent me a new modem. Called a third time for the setup, same deal and their diagnostics say the signal is good. And just now, I just received a text that their techs didn't find anything. Now I have to call them back AGAIN! Finally, after I threatened to go to their main competitor (which I hate even more), they will send a tech out here tomorrow. He'd better fix it or I'll tell him to take his shit and get out.


Jan 26, 2013
Finished our Christmas cards!
As a little kid I never liked the Christmas cards coming to the house with my parents name and the "+family". I always figured my sister and I had a name so it should be included, right? So now relatives and closer friends, should they have children, I write out the kids name and add "+ parents" on the Christmas card & envelope. Revenge from long ago ?, I just don't know, but I suspect some kids get a kick out of it and at least one adult (me).


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I put the carb on the Golden Ghost, put a decent clamp on the fuel line at the inlet and primed it. After a couple primes she was back running under her own power.

I surmise that the float was stuck closed again and this caused my fuel pumping issue. She is still feeling the effects of the deposits from that old fuel.

After some tuning she is running better than before. Still a touch of a bog at WOT but overall she flat put hauls.

The kids and i put on a few miles and had a blast!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, the tech didn't get here till today. He found what the problem was. Years ago, we had problems with a weak cable signal so an amplifier was added on the pole and on our cable in the basement. Then a couple of months ago, we found out that our neighbour across the street also had a weak signal which was resolved. However, at that time, they fixed the original weak signal problem to the pole, which resulted in an over-boosted signal for us. He removed the amplifiers and we were golden, back at 300/20mbps. Download would actually hit over 400 at times during tests.

So I'm back at full speed and wife is happy :2thumbsup:


Nov 18, 2011
64 degrees so took few of kids for a walk through local woods. Now doing some cleaning of the wife's minivan once i quit playing on the interwebz


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Went to town for some groceries and ended up getting an old single horse cart for my wife. Needs some new tires and fix a pole on it but should be a great little project. Once she is healed she will start training some horses for driving.

Ordered some sealed beam headlights for the snowmobiles. 20 bucks a pop and will be in next week.

Booked Big Blue into the dealer for some warranty work. I had noticed a leak between the transmission and transfer case. They are taking it in on Monday. The engine and transmission are 5 year 160k while the tranfer case is 100k..... which is in 1400km.


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Jul 22, 2015
Spent the morning texting back and forth about a car I saw on CL -- an '08 Accord sedan with about 140K on the clock - and a 5MT (rare as hen's teeth). Appears to be meticulously cared for (I know he's good at cleaning it -- my '09 didn't look that good, new).

Arranged to visit him on Monday and look at the car. Also reserved a trailer at the local U-Haul so I could bring it back (it's about a 3hr drive away, in central WI).
Unfortunately, I have to take the Envoy, as I'm *still* waiting for that fuel pump to arrive for the Sierra.
The first one got to me in 2 days, from Cali (ordered direct from the company). Been waiting for the replacement for over a week, now (and FedEx doesn't even show it as being 'picked up' by them, yet, as it was finally shipped Thursday). Was supposed to be here, today; in fact, FedEx still maintains it will be. They better hurry... I think there's about 2hrs left of 'Saturday', as I write this.

So... the Sierra continues to sit, with a cockeyed bed tilted 45 degrees or so. :Banghead:
I know... I should be thankful I have two vehicles that can tow. And I am. But this would've been a great 'trial run', for the 6.0L and its new cam (assuming I buy the Accord.)

People love to complain about Amzn (and some of their complaints are valid, IMO). But in the last few years, they've blown a delivery date for me... exactly once. Can't complain about their logistics, one bit.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Finally got all my pics RIPPED off that damn Photobucket website, and deleted my account.
Sold my 1998 Skidoo Summit x670
Sold my 1996 Skidoo Formula 3 600
Sold my 1981 Snobird snowmobile trailer
Went to the mall, walked around until my back couldnt take it anymore
Bought my son a kids recliner ($25)
Bought my son some shoes ($16)
Bought myself some shoes (2 pair, $98)
Had TacoBell for dinner ($21)

Talked to the wife about replacing the sleds with a single Skidoo Skandic 900ACE SWT. Already have a newer, and bigger snowmobile trailer thats housing my ATV's at the moment.

The sale of my sleds and trailer was a SMOOTH transaction. 1st person that came, said they wanted it, but wanted to think about it over lunch, 15 minutes later, they paypaled the money to me, and I signed over the titles.

Thinking about getting into the Therapy Tub for a couple hours. My back really hurts!
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Dec 2, 2011
People love to complain about Amzn (and some of their complaints are valid, IMO). But in the last few years, they've blown a delivery date for me... exactly once.

I can't say that right now. 5 of the last 6 orders have arrived late even though they were Prime and Prime shipping is 2 days after shipping. They've arrived in 3 to 5 days after shipping. I haven't said anything yet, but will next week when the stuff I ordered arrives...5 days after shipping through Prime.
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