What are you doing today?

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Jul 16, 2019
Looks nice but can I offer a suggestion? I usually mount a vice with rear even or hanging over the edge of bench slightly. Maybe I not seeing the picture right


Jul 16, 2019
I prefer the vise to be so it can clamp to something that hangs below the work surface and having the vise back an inch or so makes this harder.

Oh I forgot the word jaw so I set the vise so the rear jaw is even or overhanging the edge of the bench

I am tired after an afternoon at the pick and pull to get a steering knuckle and lower control arm for my son's 2005 TB that has been wrecked. One or both of the control arms are bent and prevent the caster and chamber from being set back to spec,. Also got a jack for my wife's 06 Envoy so now both trucks have the stock jacks for them. Forgot an 18 mm socket so couldn't remove the wheel hub and rotor. Also one of the tack welded nuts for the lower control broke off so I was working with a breaker bar and an adjustable wrench. My impact battery died and the spare was in the truck so I bulled through the removal.

Got a parking brake pedal assembly and some vents for my 1997 Suburban. Had to loosen the parking brake cables to disconnect the front cable so I could get it out.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Spent the week at a friends cottage and sledded around the trails in the area. Sled ran great despite the blown head gasket. I just didn't push it too hard as that would be when it would puke a lot of coolant. Will likely be the last time as the melt will really begin this week. :sadcry:

Thinking of trading it in and buying a new one.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well our warm weather came to an end. Had a bad snow/wind storm last weekend, zero visibility. This week we got a solid 5 inches of powder. Just perfect for sledding but now the over night temp is dropping to -25C. Day time highs are still double digits but lots of sun...

Once I am finished clearing all the snow, its time to put some miles on... and then I am called into work early.

I got a line on a 1994 Arctic Cat Z440 for 700 bucks. Overall the sled is in great shape but the motor runs rough after the throttle cables were replaced. Might pick it up as a summer project and either flip it or have a little ditch burner for my daughter....


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Made an appointment to file my income taxes. Hopefully I wont owe anything this year!


Nov 18, 2011
Little cube farming, then cruise home and head to bowling league with a few cold ones. With our DST bullshit change, it has already been a long week
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
So last night, I was having some problems remoting into my media server. Pull up the HTPC on my living room TV and the controls were wonky. Mouse worked, but most open windows and icons couldn't be clicked on or opened, but some could, and keyboard was completely unresponsive. :confused: Rebooted, figuring it was a case of Windows being Windows, and it won't boot to the desktop, giving me a SMART error. Go into the BIOS, turn off a few things, and get this... My OS hard drive is failing. :ugh:


Luckily, there's not much content on there like my storage drive that failed last year. Mostly a few programs and configurations for the media server. Ordered a new SSD that will arrive tomorrow. Going to try to see if I can get Windows to repair itself enough to boot so I can backup some configuration files to save some time on the reinstall, but not holding my breath. Booting to the initial setup options screen off a USB stick has taken forever. :hopeless:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
If you have a clone copy drive, that what I would suggest. Had the same thing happen to my 72 raid drive server last year. Out of all the drives to go bad, it was the one that wasnt in raid, but the OS drive. Pulled it out, and put it in my drive cloner, and it cloned perfectly. Slapped it back into the server, and it almost acted like nothing happened.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
finished moving the rest of the snow in my yard. That damn powder is a pain in the ass to use with a snowblower. The wind never is in the right direction.

After moving snow and all the horse related chores, I managed a few miles on the sled. That powder is nice but hides a few hard drifts, which made things.... interesting.


Aug 23, 2019
I prefer the vise to be so it can clamp to something that hangs below the work surface and having the vise back an inch or so makes this harder.

Oh I forgot the word jaw so I set the vise so the rear jaw is even or overhanging the edge of the bench

I am tired after an afternoon at the pick and pull to get a steering knuckle and lower control arm for my son's 2005 TB that has been wrecked. One or both of the control arms are bent and prevent the caster and chamber from being set back to spec,. Also got a jack for my wife's 06 Envoy so now both trucks have the stock jacks for them. Forgot an 18 mm socket so couldn't remove the wheel hub and rotor. Also one of the tack welded nuts for the lower control broke off so I was working with a breaker bar and an adjustable wrench. My impact battery died and the spare was in the truck so I bulled through the removal.

Got a parking brake pedal assembly and some vents for my 1997 Suburban. Had to loosen the parking brake cables to disconnect the front cable so I could get it out.

The idea for the vise was to be able to hold this chainsaw bar, and keep 100% of the saw's frame solidly resting along the front of the bench. So I set the jaws in from the edge. (I might leave it or move it. Will see how it goes.)


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Can't believe it's only hump day. Feels like it should be Friday already. Work has been really busy with the increased workload. The person that left, kept a lot of knowledge close to the vest, and insisted on doing a lot of tasks herself instead of letting the team handle them when they knew how. So now I'm getting emails and IMs asking me to do stuff I have zero clue about, and wasn't shown anything about these during our hand off training session. Funny thing is, they'll come to my office and start showing me where to navigate to, what to look for, and what needs to be done, and then get this deer-in-the-headlights look, when I stop them and ask "If you know what to do, and have nothing preventing you from doing it, why are you in here asking me to do it for you?" :dunce: Gotta get them to understand things are gonna change around here, and no one is going to yell at them for doing their jobs. lol

If you have a clone copy drive, that what I would suggest. Had the same thing happen to my 72 raid drive server last year. Out of all the drives to go bad, it was the one that wasnt in raid, but the OS drive. Pulled it out, and put it in my drive cloner, and it cloned perfectly. Slapped it back into the server, and it almost acted like nothing happened.

By the time I read this it was too late to get one to arrive today, so I'll venture to Best Buy after work and pick one up. Figure it will be worth a shot to save me a few hours of time if it works.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well work is now very interesting... A co-worker recently got back from Disney World and a week long cruise. Now they are all sick and self isolating. Some more of our office staff are feeling ill and self isolating. Who knows when the tests will come back. Im running around sanitizing keyboards and door handles now but thinking of running around town with a sars mask and buying toilet paper.

Our office is small and understaffed at the best of times. Oh and this warm weather we just started having again is disappearing. We are expecting more snow and lows in the -20C range by weekend.

But on a good note, some decent music playing as I take a break from typing. A little Gerry Rafferty happening right now.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Starting another day of trying to plow through the backlog of work I didn't clear yesterday. Definitely don't need to worry about being bored for a while. Got some new things to learn, hopefully it clicks for me quickly so I can speed up these processes. Naturally, every 20 minutes yesterday, someone was coming into my office needing something. Already have emails in my inbox with more of the same. At least that means quitting time will arrive fast, like it did yesterday.

Looking forward to getting home and tinkering with my media server. Got a reminder yesterday of why I stopped going to Best Buy. Hit the store near my house, and they didn't have any of the drive cloning devices in stock, but offered to order it for me to arrive in a week. Umm, nope. Went to another store, back past work, and it was the same thing. :mad: All they had was single drive docking stations. So ended up ordering from Amazon anyway.

A co-worker recently got back from Disney World .... Now they are all sick and self isolating.

There have been talks in management about whether or not to close our office and have everyone work from home. I think the deciding factor there will be if they start closing schools in the area since almost all of the employees here are parents of young kids. I called my mom last night, since she had been planning a trip to New Orleans later this month, to see if she was still planning to go... She is. Her health has been pretty good over the years with the exception of knee surgery, but still... :ugh:

then I'm off until the end of the month in Florida.

Wear gloves mate! :hahano:


Dec 4, 2011
Must be a bad week for hard drives. My 9 year old SSD in my pc totally died with no warning. It is entirely undetectable. Same deal tho, just OS/config so no real data lost, but it is a nuisance.

At work today again, and I got a meeting notice for 7 PM tonight. Oh I hate those late meetings but especially when there is no ahead notice.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Getting stuff around to go get the roll cage tomorrow.

Maybe we can save someone else's data. Here are some hard drive scan tools to check for the health of your hard drives. I've used the first two listed before and they were both great. I had a raid setup and heard one of them clicking (not a SSD). Replaced the one and scanned the rest of them for health. Ended up having to replace two others drives a month later but, it saved all of my data.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Not much today. Will put away my son's sled in the trailer before a big rain tonight. Season's done for us.

Yesterday went to the shit show at Costco. I actually needed toilet paper and none was to be found. The hoards weren't as bad as some others but still pretty packed for a Wednesday afternoon. Picked up a few other things and got some TP at Wally World. Store was practically deserted compared to Costco and plenty of TP. I've always hated Costco because of the crowds and this is another reason I want to give up my membership again.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Looking forward to getting home and tinkering with my media server. Got a reminder yesterday of why I stopped going to Best Buy. Hit the store near my house, and they didn't have any of the drive cloning devices in stock, but offered to order it for me to arrive in a week. Umm, nope. Went to another store, back past work, and it was the same thing. :mad: All they had was single drive docking stations. So ended up ordering from Amazon anyway.

And now, we wait.... The first 50% went by in a few minutes. Would be great if it was a linear timeline, and doesn't bog down to a crawl for the last quarter... :rolleyes: It's only a 120GB source drive and it wasn't close to being full so fingers crossed.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
And now, we wait.... The first 50% went by in a few minutes. Would be great if it was a linear timeline, and doesn't bog down to a crawl for the last quarter... :rolleyes: It's only a 120GB source drive and it wasn't close to being full so fingers crossed.

Whew! Dodged a big one! The device worked. Got the bad drive copied, although it wouldn't boot up correctly due to the bad sectors that had some of the OS on it. System repair kicked in and was able to fix it, so everything is back up and running like it was before the issue happened. Thanks @TollKeeper for the assist, otherwise I'd still be sitting here installing and reconfiguring software. :Banghead:


Jan 6, 2013
Yep, saw it already. I've been trying to call 2 different numbers for the last 30 minutes and can't get through. They say that the tickets can be used up until 12/31/2020 but we won't be going back until 2022.

I've been working for 3 years on and off for a subcontractor that builds Disney trackless ride cars. I have two more sets of prototypes on the go, one for California and the other Shanghai. I can't see neither being wanted going forward due to Cov19 around. If you ever get to Disney and ride Star Wars Rise of the Resistance or Mickey and Minnies's Runaway Railway...I had lots to do with them.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Miserable rainy day here. Will head out to fill up the truck and gas cans with cheap gas at Costco. Currently at $0.809/L for regular and $0.959/L for premium. For comparison, I paid $1.30/L for premium last week for the sled.

Then, will work on the generator. I need to solder some bad crimps, do an oil change and check it works fine. No, I'm not prepping for an apocalypse but doesn't hurt to be prepared. It served us well during a power failure last year and some friends after the tornadoes of 2018.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Whew! Dodged a big one! The device worked. Got the bad drive copied, although it wouldn't boot up correctly due to the bad sectors that had some of the OS on it. System repair kicked in and was able to fix it, so everything is back up and running like it was before the issue happened. Thanks @TollKeeper for the assist, otherwise I'd still be sitting here installing and reconfiguring software. :Banghead:
You welcome man... Love those drive cloners
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Nov 18, 2011
Buying ammo since the beer virus has the world in a panic. Kids even out of school for rest of month.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Glad the weekend is finally here. Don't really have anything planned, but giving my brain a welcomed break for a couple days is just what I need. Think I may make some comfort foods and binge watch some stuff all weekend.

Buying ammo since the beer virus has the world in a panic.

Must guard your toilet paper!
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Since Mooseman brought up the genset notion, I should get mine running to test it out. Hasn't ran since the fall. What I need to do is piss around with the wiring on my well pump and sewer pump so that they are not hard wired in but rather plugged into an outlet. Then I can run them if our power goes out, which is inevitable come storm season.

I am not sure what gas is priced at in our town, havnt been by in a while. Guessing it is still priced above 1$ a litre. Not enough competition so they take for ever to drop the price but in an instant it gets racked back up. Should fill the jerry's and make some premix. Our sledding season is still kicking, its -20C right now, -30 windchill and we are expecting a bunch of snow tomorrow. Should get some riding done!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
What is it with people and toilet paper? Keep a normal supply and if you run out during a zombie apocalypse, use a washcloth as backup since you're at home anyway!?!

Haven't looked at the genny yet but I did go by the pick-n-pull to get a tranny dipstick since mine broke. Also found an owners manual for the TB since mine didn't come with one. I scoped some leather seats in an 08 LT. The driver's has the usual wear but the rest look good. And they're heated. I actually prefer my cloth seats but the lumbar on mine is broken. All the cloth seats in the yard were thrash.
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