Started off the morning cursing myself. Ordered some stuff from Home Depot yesterday for pickup, and didn't notice that my work computer was using a store that wasn't that close to my house.

Drove halfway across town to get my goodies and rolled back home.
Cut up some plywood to make a landing area in the attic for a compact retractable ladder that will be going in later tonight (or tomorrow

) Decided it's time for either a jigsaw or circular saw to be an addition to the tool collection. Using a reciprocating saw leaves cuts that are a little jagged for my liking. But it's gonna be hidden away, so no big deal this time. Got that cut to size, and notched to fit around some joists. Couple of screws and that's good to go.
Few weeks back I cut down a ton of branches from some trees in the back yard. As a result of the reduced foliage, you can see into part of the back yard, and my living room if you're tall enough to see over the fence and the lights are on. (coming from the left in the pics) So picked up some vertical blinds to take care of that at night.
Before shot:
Got them installed, and noticed an issue... There's a hump in the middle of the rod.

I measured how high I wanted things, and made my marks on the ends. Got the end brackets up, and was going to simply mark the screw holes for the inner 2 and be done with it. But there was a LOT of play, so I figured it was going to be too low, and measure again. The assumption is that my floor is level, when I know it's not as there are some tiles here and there that are higher than others. But hey, the panels are all the same height off the floor (even though they are mostly behind my love seat)
Made some lunch and have been planted on the couch ever since. Need to get off my ass and back in the attic. The electrical outlet, and light right above the entrance has no juice, so need to figure that out. It had power when I was up there to remove the water descaler, so not sure what the deal is there.