What are you doing today?

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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Not sure where else to post this. I found a site for Michigan where the state holds unclaimed property (money). I looked at a few other States and they have them as well.

I found a few hundred dollars in my name. The site is below for anyone that lives in Michigan.
It is a valid State of Michigan website as I found it from michigan.gov. It's also been on a few news stations.

I hope someone finds some extra money as I did!

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Borrowing my son's Silvy to pick up a snowblower for my son in North Bay. There's none to be had there as they already have over a foot of snow however here, everybody is selling theirs fairly cheap. Bringing it to him this weekend.


Dec 4, 2011
Trying to not be totally overloaded and stressed out. Way too much going on.

Dumping the evening job mid next week. That will help some.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
At work at my new location for the next 9 months or so. 1 hour commute each way about 100 miles per day.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Started off the morning cursing myself. Ordered some stuff from Home Depot yesterday for pickup, and didn't notice that my work computer was using a store that wasn't that close to my house. :mad: Drove halfway across town to get my goodies and rolled back home.

Cut up some plywood to make a landing area in the attic for a compact retractable ladder that will be going in later tonight (or tomorrow :undecided: ) Decided it's time for either a jigsaw or circular saw to be an addition to the tool collection. Using a reciprocating saw leaves cuts that are a little jagged for my liking. But it's gonna be hidden away, so no big deal this time. Got that cut to size, and notched to fit around some joists. Couple of screws and that's good to go.

Few weeks back I cut down a ton of branches from some trees in the back yard. As a result of the reduced foliage, you can see into part of the back yard, and my living room if you're tall enough to see over the fence and the lights are on. (coming from the left in the pics) So picked up some vertical blinds to take care of that at night.

Before shot:


Got them installed, and noticed an issue... There's a hump in the middle of the rod. :duh: I measured how high I wanted things, and made my marks on the ends. Got the end brackets up, and was going to simply mark the screw holes for the inner 2 and be done with it. But there was a LOT of play, so I figured it was going to be too low, and measure again. The assumption is that my floor is level, when I know it's not as there are some tiles here and there that are higher than others. But hey, the panels are all the same height off the floor (even though they are mostly behind my love seat) :hopeless:



Made some lunch and have been planted on the couch ever since. Need to get off my ass and back in the attic. The electrical outlet, and light right above the entrance has no juice, so need to figure that out. It had power when I was up there to remove the water descaler, so not sure what the deal is there.


Dec 4, 2011
Got some sort of sinus bug so my head feels like it is going to burst sometimes. But, before it got too bad I got one of the two master walk in closets mostly done. Don't laugh, it is my first attempt at this sort of thing.

Originally I was going to do bars on left and right side, but I found the room dimensions are little too narrow and the door offset just enough to the one side that any hangers on that side would stick into the doorway. So I opted for the (more complicated) L shape. Just have to decide what I want to do with the blank wall space.

It annoys me the one shelf isn't perfectly in line with the other one, but, despite measuring and leveling multiple times it is still off a little... oh well.


This is the small wall space I'm not sure about. Maybe robe hooks, or some shallow wall mounted drawers, or shallow shelves :undecided:



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
That looks pretty good man. I've had my fair share of measure a bunch of times, cut once, and things are still slightly off. My walk in is shaped similarly to yours I think. Door is off to one side. On the other side is a short wall, and the previous owner put a stack of shallow shelves. Good place to put shoes, which is great for me, so I don't have to reach down to the floor. :biggrin:

In other news, got off my ass, and got that attic ladder put in. Since my ceilings are so low, I skipped a few steps, and didn't install the optional hand rail, or their door hinge system. It comes with a stick and hook to pull the ladder down, but I'm tall enough that I can reach up and lift the regular door, grab the bottom of the ladder and pull it down that way.


I did snap off one of the screw heads on the left brace, wasn't even on the trigger that long when putting it in :duh: The ladder is still pretty stable, so I'm not worried about it. I'm just glad there won't be any more need to lug my heavy ladder across the house anymore when I need to get up there on this side of the house.



Nov 18, 2011
My one day in the cube this week.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Vacation day. Swapped around some window treatments between the front of the living room and empty guest bedroom. Laundry is running now. Got a follow up appointment with the doc in a few hours. Doing some cleaning around the house until then.
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Dec 4, 2011
Day 1 of 3 at work this week.

Also working on some final things for my evening side job. By the time I go to bed tomorrow I'll be done with that job for good. I can easily recoup the income if desired by doing half the hours I put into this one as overtime at my main job. No brainer.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Moved the Saab to its hibernating spot in the yard and covered the wheels to prevent rusting the brakes (made a ton of mud in the process). Put a new weatherstripping on the bottom of the garage door, had a snooze and now working a night shift.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Used my 2 days off for training and overtime. Called the dealer and my truck is "ready." They were unable to replicate the misfire. They apparently did some diagnostics over a few days, including some sort of PCM/ECM update... I am picking her up tomorrow and will see how she behaves.


Dec 2, 2011
Girding myself for a potential 22+ hour day. Working the bar tonight on the biggest drinking night of the year.


Nov 18, 2011
Working from the personal office and listening to this wicked wind outside


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Finally got around to trying to figure out why one of my attic lights stopped working (last summer). It developed some intermittent flickering the last couple of uses before quitting completely. Made use of the new ladder, which was great. Got into the outlet box it was tapped into, to find the neutral wire that was using one of the push connections, and come loose. A small piece of the plastic surround on the insert point was broken off. How that happens inside of a closed area is beyond me... Reinserted the wire, tucked everything away, and my light works again. :thumbsup:

Had a consult with an oral surgeon this afternoon. Have been putting off wisdom tooth removal since I was 14. :hopeless: One of them broke about 8 years ago, but wasn't bothering me so I left it alone. The doc said my lower 2, due to the fully grown roots, are pretty close to the nerve in my jaw, and removal could result in possible numbness for a few weeks up to a month :eek: With a very low probability of it being permanent :wowfaint: Before today, my biggest concern was the amount of time it would take to heal due to my age, definitely wasn't expecting something like that. Lovely...

Had a McDonalds gift card burning a hole in my wallet, so used that. Hadn't realized how much their prices had gone up over the years. Got home and had to troubleshoot the head unit in the EXT. Have noticed if I don't start the truck all weekend, it will crank a little slow that next time. Figured since the battery is about 4 years old, it's getting to be that time... But when I left today, the radio screen wouldn't come on. But according to my phone, it was connected and trying to play music like normal. Ended up having to pull the radio and disconnect the main harness to get it to shut off completely. Seems to be working properly now.


Jan 15, 2012
Had a McDonalds gift card burning a hole in my wallet, so used that. Hadn't realized how much their prices had gone up over the years.
lol...same here, burger and fries...and holy crap!... I could have had a large pizza for dinner and a couple of lunches.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finished a night shift this morning, slept, got up around 12:30, had breakfast and headed to Ogdensburg to pick up some packages (ski runners for the sled, tranny cooler lines for the Saab and Bilstein shocks for the TB). Shocks were the wrong ones so I was able to ship them back right away without having to take them over the border. Weather has been so sucky lately that I can't remember the last time I saw sunshine :frown:


Dec 4, 2011
1.5 year old is sick and running a fever so the wife is tending to him a lot. He just wants lots of snuggles with mama. I'm doing stuff around the house to help on that end.

I did get our master closet stuff switched and the other half gutted so I can start that half of the rebuild soon.

We had a crazy amount of wind a couple days ago that knocked over chunks of the neighbor's fence. I also just found that I have a lifted and a broken shingle from it. Not the worst job to fix from my understanding and I can use the master bath window to get to that section of roof, so that helps. Still, hopping across the roof isn't the most fun thing.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Picked my truck up on Wednesday. Was running a touch rough under idle but cleared up. Not great but I decided to take it anyway. Never made it out of the city. Went a few miles and she was bad again. Turned around and returned to the dealer. I took a tech for a ride but by then it was running fine. I laid out my problem solving diagnosis and the tech said he would test it right away in the morning when cold.

Got the call today that they are ordering an injector. 1 to 2 weeks at least. Great.


Nov 18, 2011
Back in the cube village after a good but unproductive hunting weekend in the cabin. Damn rain.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today, more garage cleaning so I can work on my old sled to sell it. Yesterday I picked up a track for it (1.25" Rispsaw) so I can keep the one that's on there now for my "new" sled (1.5" Crossover). It must have been recently replaced because it looks really good since the donor had 19k km. Still getting a couple more parts for the tunnel. Need to get rid of it ASAP so this week will be the big push.

During the cleanup yesterday, I put up for sale a small tool chest on FB Marketplace. Damn, it sold within minutes and had a dozen other people asking about it. Crazy how fast stuff sells on there!


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Have to drive up to Regina tonight, have a few days of shooting ahead of me. Will be late but I got some chops on the bbq so everything else can wait.

I took out the sleds and put a few miles on them. Need more snow but this at least takes the edge off. My 11 year old is doing really well. I hang on for the ride when we leave the yard site and we practiced braking, emergency shut off and reversing. I set up a small oval track in the yard and just sit back and watch her go.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube. Reports to read. Fun Fun


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had a team meeting this morning with some new faces since we've gone through some departmental restructuring recently. The boss lady decided to do some out-of-office team building/holiday celebration/upcoming year discussion stuff, and finally sent out the email on what those details were gonna be, over the weekend. We're all going downtown tomorrow, to do a scavenger hunt, broken into 3 groups. It has the potential to be cool and fun, but I'm on the fence.

She listed out who was in which group, and it was obvious that she tried to mix everyone in with people they don't know, or talk to. The group I was put on, has a manager and director from other teams who I've worked with quite a bit, one person from my team, and a handful of others that I sometimes forget their names :redface: . One of the managers sent out an email asking everyone to pick 2 names for our team leader, and suggestions for a team name. Somehow, I got voted to be the leader... :uhno: My best guess on that is because the hunt is run through an app on our phones, and the majority of people on my team are as far from tech savvy as you can get. So right now, trying to get familiar with this app, setup our team and all that stuff, so when people start asking questions how to get setup and joined in, I'll be prepared.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday was pretty productive. Garage cleaned out as best as I can. Fixed a winch setup I have in the garage for lifting sleds for repair work. My son hit his head on it some time ago and decided to punch it from the ceiling. Started "restoring" my old sled to sell it off. Replaced the brake light back to its original (had put in some cheap LED strip type that failed), fixed the rear passenger heated grips and reinstalled the hitch. One of the HID headlights won't fire. Swapped the connections and determined it's the bulb. Don't want to spend more money than I have to so I'll just put the halogens back in. I'll have to re-aim them.

Today, jack up the rear and swap out the track with the one I bought on the weekend. Not a bad deal for $250 for a new looking track. Will also rip out the exhaust mod I did to it. It was to reduce icing in the tunnel. That worked but but it retained too much heat in the tunnel and partially melted my seat :redface:.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Had to come up with a plan of attack to replace a tub shoe/drain from the ceiling of the lower apt. I came up with an idea to make a platform for me to stand and be able to place a ladder on to tackle this.

1" plywood.
Measure twice cut once.20191203_113056.jpg
A few peices of 2/4's and a ton of 1 5/8 screws.20191203_113125.jpg
Cut out some handle hole to be able to move it around more easily. I also used a router to round over all the edges as to not get any splinter while in transport.
And here we have it boys and girls the right tool for this job.20191204_103624.jpg
This is me going ham on some rebar reinforced concrete.20191204_102024.jpg
And all that just for this.20191204_103613.jpg
And me laying pipe, drain pipe that is.20191204_144848.jpg
No leaks!!! All cleaned up and no damage to the tub below before quitting time at 4:30pm.20191204_155956.jpg
Patch work starts tomorrow at 9:30ish.


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Oh my F*&^ing god this week has been a hell week. I have not even had time to pick my nose! Orientation for a new driver, DMV work in 2 different states, and 580 miles apart (In the same day), getting one of the old trucks out-processed, getting the new truck in-processed, finally a slow day... NOPE, gotta get caught up on all the work from Thursday last, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, plus all my normal work for today.

I need a VACA!


Dec 4, 2011
Pondering what to do about the roof. Had that wind storm whip through about a week ago that damaged a couple shingles over the garage, not bad though. Well, found out I have 4 missing shingles on the main roof of the house. I really don't want to get up on the edge of a 2 story high roof...


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got a call back from my sister last night, she wants to bring my niece over today for a visit. It's my nieces 1st birthday today, and was my sister's bday on Thursday. Trying to get the house cleaned up as much as i can before they get here. Remnants of various projects all over the place, as I wasn't expecting company this weekend. Will take them to lunch up the street before they head back.

Pondering what to do about the roof. Had that wind storm whip through about a week ago that damaged a couple shingles over the garage, not bad though. Well, found out I have 4 missing shingles on the main roof of the house. I really don't want to get up on the edge of a 2 story high roof...

When there was that car accident next to my house, and the street light lamp assembly damaged a shingle, it was a little unnerving being up there to deal with it. Mine was near the ridge and on a single story roof, so I can imagine your hesitation being up much higher and closer to the edge. :eek:


Nov 18, 2011
Digging out the muzzleloader to sight it in again
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working some more on the old sled. Just need to find a SS 2" exhaust pipe turn down that won't cost my left arm. It had one at the muffler but I cut it off years ago so I could extend it out the back of the sled. I might just leave it as-is or just use a cheap chrome exhaust tip under there. I also have to un-mod some holes I made for the exhaust out the back. I'll have to cut and shape a piece of sheet aluminum and rivet it in place.

Then going to my mom's for dinner.
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