What are you doing today?

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Nov 18, 2011
Hiding in the cube village and getting bunch of data send to our records department. Setting myself up for a nice work from home day tomorrow before a three day weekend.


Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
After work I swapped out the stabilizer bar on the Impaler. I got the new one from AM Auto and that sombich was twice as heavy as the original. Had a good look around underneath the car while swapping and the beginning of the end for the unibody has commenced so it's a good thing the kid is planning on replacing it in the spring.


Jan 15, 2012
Took down another huge ash tree(thanks Emerald Ash Borer). That makes 25 this year,, I have 15 more on my property that will all come down in the coming years.


Jul 6, 2014
Trying to figure out how the hell statistics actually work. Hit my hours for the week so I'm off after class tomorrow. Hopefully picking up the trailer so I can haul the skidsteer to my buddies house to level the top in his yard and then drinking... a lot. I don't want to remember the last two weeks.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Finally got the shocks and they're an exact match to the Bilsteins that are in it now. Which were not the same as my too coffee suggested, they were one number off in the part number.

I'll post another pic once I get them off.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Did a little review of my solar array production, and noticed the production has been dropping each month. :undecided: Did some more digging, and determined some of the trees on my property have grown/filled in over the summer, and the resulting increase in shade is the culprit. All the branches are fairly young, no thicker than maybe 2 or 3", just high up (above the roof line)

Ran out this morning and picked up a 45 gallon trash can from Home Depot for the shorter branches to go in on yard waste day, and a 10' extendable electric pole saw from Harbor Freight since it was on sale with a coupon.


Will put the chain and bar together later today, deal with the branches early next week after work. Noticed some ants along one of the exterior walls of the house, so filled one of my tank sprayers and treated the usual areas.

Later this evening, heading over to a buddy's house. We were gonna have smoked wings, with a handful of people over, but everyone else backed out last minute, so we're gonna grill some steaks, play with the dogs, and watch some college football.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Wifes birthday was a couple days ago, but work made it so we couldnt celebrate it. So going to do whatever she wants today. No birthday cake thou, she cant have it. Hoping to find a ice cream joint somewhere that has some sugar free stuff
Mar 30, 2016
Been busy as hell trying to get into the construction field 😏. Also trying to find a car to replace the stupid box I'm living with here 🤬. However had a nice outing with my friends 2 days back. Hitting the highways is a God send from the daily traffic in the city


It's important to have fun!!! 😂


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today did some work around the house, moved the old utility trailer from where it has been parked for the past few years, cleared some brush around an old sled I need to sell and took pics to post an ad, fixed my chainsaw after my son screwed it up (chain fell off, needed sharpening, the drive links were fuckered and were hanging in the chain bar so had to file each one), cut some limbs off a couple of trees with it.

Then went to visit my mom in the hospital again. She's doing much better, able to walk around a bit with a walker. She'll be starting physio tomorrow and hopefully will be able to go home soon. During the visit though, her BF showed up and his car basically died in the hospital parking lot. Dead battery due to a missing alternator belt. So tomorrow, I'll be changing it in the parking lot for him. Although it's a Hyundai, seems to be fairly simple but in a tight spot.

Yesterday, he had brought it to Canadian Tire because he had trouble starting it. It was low on oil so they charged him $80 to fill it. Then they proceeded to give him an estimate for some recommended repair work including new struts all around (done last year by my son), new A arms, new stabilizer bar bushings and links (were solid last year), alignment, plugs and air filter, cabin air filter and, get this, an oil change, which is only $70. Why the hell didn't they just do that instead of just a refill for $80??? And they totally missed the missing alternator belt. The estimate was for $2700! The car is a 2005 and not even worth that much. Canadian Tire, I trust them like I trust skunks. :mad:


Jul 6, 2014
Took the trailblazer for a ride. You don't realize how bad things get until you drive something new... trans felt clapped out sometimes and then other times was okay. Truck otherwise drives almost as good as the Colorado. Definetly needs tierods and ball joints but otherwise I did miss it a little. Having it not be in daily service either it felt peppy again too. All it needed was a rest lol.


Aug 14, 2015
Lawton, OK
So Saturday I had to go into the attic to change out a transformer to the low voltage lighting in my home. I wore a N95 mask, but when I came down after the repair I took my mask off before my cloths. Now I'm back sick as a dog this morning. I wonder if there is a auto piolet for my desk in the cube. Like the one from the movie Airplane.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
This past weekend, I replaced the struts, oil pressure switch, ignition coils, driver's side engine mount, wiper blades, and vapor canister purge valve. After I finished I started driving home on the highway with a smile on my face after all the hard work...

Only to notice that at 65-70 mph, there is a high-pitched air whistle coming from god knows where. :Banghead:
I can only hear it when I open any window, including the sunroof. The noise does not change if I move the wipers.

I drilled a hole in the PCM bracket to make it easier to get to the motor mount top bolt.

My thoughts are that the hole I drilled is possibly causing the whistle... This should be some fun troubleshooting today, since I do not live close to the highway to reach 88 mph... I mean 70 mph. lol


Nov 18, 2011
Bout down with the side work on the day off so gonna smoke some fish. Never tried that one and got some in the freezer to give it a whirl


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, changed the alternator belt on that Hyundai in the hospital parking lot. What a bitch of a job! It has two belts and of course, the alternator belt is behind the A/C and power steering belt so it also has to come off. That was easy. Both have bolts and set bolts for the adjustment. The alternator belt was easy. Putting back the other one was such a PITA as there was almost no room for my moose sized hands to get it back on all the pulleys. I eventually did after about an hour. Adjust them and started the car. All good except that motherf*%$#$@ drive belt is squealing like a stuck pig. It had been plagued with that since as long as I can remember and has been to the shop a lot for it. As soon as I put some water on it, it stops for a while. Just sighting it, it looks to be aligned. Noise seems to be coming right from the PS pulley. While it's running, I tried to adjust it tighter, made it worse. Loosening it did help but by the time he got home, it was squealing badly again. So sometime later, I'll replace it the belt. Looked for a Gator belt for this application and there is none.
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Reactions: Matt and Redbeard


Dec 2, 2011
Picking up a treadmill after work. I'm hoping the deck fits with the back seats down.
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Aug 14, 2015
Lawton, OK
This past weekend, I replaced the struts, oil pressure switch, ignition coils, driver's side engine mount, wiper blades, and vapor canister purge valve. After I finished I started driving home on the highway with a smile on my face after all the hard work...

Only to notice that at 65-70 mph, there is a high-pitched air whistle coming from god knows where. :Banghead:
I can only hear it when I open any window, including the sunroof. The noise does not change if I move the wipers.

I drilled a hole in the PCM bracket to make it easier to get to the motor mount top bolt.

My thoughts are that the hole I drilled is possibly causing the whistle... This should be some fun troubleshooting today, since I do not live close to the highway to reach 88 mph... I mean 70 mph. lol
What are you working on? A DeLorean?
  • Haha
Reactions: Maverick6587


Aug 14, 2015
Lawton, OK
In da cube.


Nov 18, 2011
In da cube.


Jan 26, 2013
Just picked up one of the mrs. meds, and for the first time instead of running the meds through the insurance company we used "GoodRx". Normally this med is $212., but with GoodRx it was only $72.16! Suggestion take a look online for GoodRx and the next time you needs meds ask your pharmacist what the price would be if you didn't run it through your insurance company and used GoodRx instead. It don't cost you anything but a few minutes online to look GoodRx up and print off their "coupon". This will save us nearly $560 per year. BIG:smile:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
First day of the new fiscal year at work, so things were just as busy as the last few weeks to close out the old one. Most of the departments needing changes made to their system reports based on new directives from corporate. Time flew by, that's for damn sure. Boss bought us pizza as a thank you cuz she know's we're slammed.

Got home, and put the new pole saw to work. Of course, it's brand new, but it did awesome. Made super short work of the branches and some upper trunk sections I pointed it at. Started to get a little carried away, until I decided to start dragging them out to the curb for tomorrow's pick up. :whistle: We'll call it good for now, and I'll keep an eye on the solar panels in the back of the house for the next few mornings before doing some more.


This weekend though, that overgrown palm tree by the fence is gonna lose a lot of weight!! :satan:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
At 11:00, put an old Ski Doo I had as a lawn ornament for sale. By 2:30 it was sold. I think this was the fastest sale ever. Now just have that POS Prelude of my son's to get rid of.

Visiting my mom at the hospital but not before stopping by Princess Auto to pick up some essentials on sale. Almost pulled the trigger on a refurb inverter generator. Thing that turned me off was a warranty of just 90 days. And I put a bid on another one at govt surplus, minimum bid was $150, bid $222.13 (lucky numbers :biggrin: ). Should know by next week. It's non functional with no spark but it was just used for emissions testing. Cool thing is that it has remote start. Perfect for the RV.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Work as usual today. Dealing with shit inside and outside the office. Got tomorrow off so I need to do the O2 sensor on the 360 and the KS on the C1500. Also have to pound in a few small posts to complete a small paddock for one of our old geldings. Then talking with the neighbour about getting 1/4 or 1/2 of a cow after butchering. You cant beat this grass fed beef in these parts.


Nov 18, 2011
Working from the personal office. Getting lots of little things done finally


Dec 4, 2011
Work stuff. As usual.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Having breakfast, then going to visit my mom in the hospital, dinner then going to work a night shift.


Aug 14, 2015
Lawton, OK
In da cube. Later cook spaghetti, then fix some wiring on one mower and sharpen blades on both my lawnmowers.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I swapped the KS on my C1500, gave up on the O2 for the Trailblazer, pissed around and got my Golden Ghost running, moved the burn barrels, pounded in a few posts for that paddock, washed the dishes and made some casseroles for supper today and tomorrow.


Jan 26, 2013
Cooked up 40 pounds of skinless boneless chicken breasts :smile: Only cost 89¢ per pound (of course you have to buy a box of it and chicken comes in a 40 pound box!) We have a range with two ovens in it. The top one is maybe 9" tall and the bottom is regular oven size. I was able to cook three trays of chicken at a time so it only took "two" loads to cook it all up -for just over an hour each load. I gave two chicken breasts (cooked) to my retired neighbor who had a stroke several months ago and he REWARDED me with some homemade carrot cake one of his daughters made for his 90th birthday two days ago. As good as that carrot cake was I came out well on that trade.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got up at around 2pm after finishing a night shift, made myself a nice omelette for breakfast, putzing around on the puter and watching news and then walk the dog before another night shift.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Came back to work today, had a meeting in the am with the RM, plugged away on the computer and then bailed as soon as I could get the hell outa there. Helped my wife move product to the trade show. She shows tomorrow and Saturday. Picked one girl up from gymnastics and the other from cross country.


Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
After work I was back to working on the Impala. Kid started it up to go to work and he said the beast sputtered and died. Upon restart, more of same. Hooked up the Bluetooth, kept it running(barely) by revving it up to 2500 or so, fuel trims way the F out of whack to the rich side. Check the O2's and the upstream was pegged at just over 1 volt. PCM eventually sets P0135. I have had a few oxygen sensors go bad but never this suddenly and completely. All better now with a new sensor, just waiting for the next thing to pop on the old beast.
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