What are you doing today?

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Time to relax. Went to town this am to help my wife with the final haul over to the trade show. Came home, worked on the sleds and did a few power runs on the grass to start the fine tuning of the carbs. Cut up the last of the pallets for burning.

My 9 year old came home on the bus and my 10 year old went to help mom at the show. I ripped my saw apart for a cleaning, grease the clutch bearing and made a few passes on the chain. She is ready to rock and roll now.

My girl then made chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese for supper. Good kid she is.

Now we are watching Teen Titans.


Nov 18, 2011
Back in the cube for first time since Tuesday.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at my desk fuming because my boss asked me something about one of our new hires. I was out of the office for a short time last week, and he (himself) dealt with this new hire directly, about this situation, last week. Then had the audacity to say that I need to keep better notes about what he did. I wasnt even in the fucking office you moron.



Dec 4, 2011

After work planning on rotating the tires on the Civic and look for leaks as the TPMS light came on for the front right being down to 25 (others at 30).

Hopefully will over closet layout with the wife so we can get the stuff needed at the hardware store later this week.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Busy day so far today with a few meetings. Got pulled into one with senior management, and an outside consultant where they were using one of my system reports to try and identify some trends. Got some feedback for some changes and updates so they can implement some process changes. Nice break in the day to help time fly by. Couple of new employees started this week, so they were brought by my office for introductions, don't think I'll be working with them much though.

It's supposed to rain this evening, but I'm hoping it holds off for a while after I get home. Tomorrow is yard waste day, and I was planning to trim a ton of fronds off a big palm tree in the back yard. Would be nice to cut those down, and drag them out to the curb while everything is dry. :yes:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Picking up the BIL and his GF at the airport, coming in from Vegas. We live close to the airport so they usually park here and I play Uber. Then, finish winterizing the RV and park it in its final resting place for the winter. Prep for a night shift before visiting my mom in the hospital (good news there, she finally started physio).


Nov 18, 2011
last day in the cubical til Tuesday


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got up this morning and decided to finally tackle the garage since the mornings have been much less humid than the summer. The other half had turned into a dumping ground for any and everything... It got to the point I'd have to shuffle things around to get to the shelving units along the wall, and then shuffle them back so I could get to the washer and dryer, or my tool chest. :hopeless:


Tweaked my back in the process, cuz of course, why wouldn't I... Got the bins full of metal and old truck parts in the front corner on my hand truck. Wheeled them through the yard around back. Hit a patch of sandy soil, one of the small front wheels dug in, so had to lift it a bit, and my back didn't like it. :mad: Popped some Aleve and pushed on. Got most of the stuff out, so I could sweep out the sand, grit and stuff that got tracked/blown in.

At some point I may move the stuff on the right side of the garage, into the shed. Couple bags of quickcrete, extra floor tiles, a wooden pallet, and the Denali running boards don't REALLY need to be there. But since I can still open my doors getting in and out of the EXT, they aren't exactly in the way either.


When all was said and done, there's a lot more room to work with (until I start collecting more stuff) and there's almost enough room for a 2nd vehicle. Would probably have to keep the trash and recycle bins outside, then the ladder and canopy could go in that spot.


Pain meds have kicked in, so that's a good thing. It's about time for lunch. I have a couple of boneless sirloin steaks I took out, think I'll make some cheese steak sandwiches, and camp on the couch for the rest of the day.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
57,000 pounds hauled in. 19 more to go. We are down a few horses so we did not need much hay this year. Don't mind my piss poor stack job.... I worked the snot out of my truck and she asked for more20191012_165006.jpg20191012_094316.jpg. The second one is it all loaded up in kg. If I wanted a panty I would have got a Duramax or Powerstroke.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Had a few of the fellas stop by for a visit to hang out and catch up. Ended up going out for lunch, watch a little bit of the games, but mostly give each other a hard time and have some good laughs. Nice break from the typical weekend, and I haven't had them over for a visit since I moved in, really.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Unpacked my tool box on the truck from the recent trip so I could move all my tools from my mobile box back into my roller in the garage. Added a 17 piece set of HF Quinn screwdrivers I picked up yesterday to the roller, I'm quite a fan of them after having the 2 piece set for a while. Cleaned off the work bench and laid out all of the shift kit goodies on a clean work area and organized them and went through everything.


Jul 6, 2014
Did the trim at my buddies house. Drank a lot last night. Have enough OT to take the week off... and I'm doing that because of midterms.


Dec 2, 2011
As I'm a lazy government worker, I get today off, so I'm going to play golf this morning. Then it's back to the bar to button up the floor.


Dec 4, 2011
Dreaming of having time and money to work on the various projects at the house. Instead I'm at work making some of the money I hope to use towards these projects eventually.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today is truly a Monday. Got sucked into a 9am meeting, where I was to provide outside perspective when possible (it really wasn't). I thought it was only for an hour, but turned out to be a 3 hour meeting. :eek: Didn't budget time like that on a Monday, which are my busiest days. So the rest of the day will be spent playing catch up

CEO announced last week, that she's leaving us next month. There's another short meeting planned for this afternoon, where the board president will come in and let us know what the plans are for a replacement. That's fine and all, but they scheduled it 15 minutes before I duck out of here for the day, and I KNOW this is about to be some long winded BS. :ugh:

Dreaming of having time and money to work on the various projects at the house. Instead I'm at work making some of the money I hope to use towards these projects eventually.

:goodpost: Preach!!!


Nov 18, 2011
Another regular job holiday since the gov't hands out so many of them, but in the personal office putting in more hrs that the regular job is daily cause thats how you make ends meet on a gov't salary.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village fixing problems as usual
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Left hand threads on the left side too!

Truth. I had forgotten to tell that to one of new shop helpers. And he just kept letting the impact hammer away on that thing. Finally the shop boss came over to ask him what the hell he was doing. It was funny for us.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
More yard work when I got home. Dragged all those palm fronds I cut down last week, out to the curb. Got the sawzall and hedge trimmers, and tackled a cluster of trees and bushes at the front of the house that were starting to crowd the view of one of my cameras. Can't have that!! There was some kinda fluffy, cotton like, fungus growing on some of the leaves and branches, that got ALL over me cuz of the branches shaking. That was nice :hopeless:

Got cleaned up, finished off some leftover pizza, now I'm on the couch watching some TV while I wait for laundry to get done.


Jan 26, 2013
Truth. I had forgotten to tell that to one of new shop helpers. And he just kept letting the impact hammer away on that thing. Finally the shop boss came over to ask him what the hell he was doing. It was funny for us.
This reminds me of a neighbor who was working on his motorhome a few years back. The right side of the motor home faced my house and he had the tires off. Most of the afternoon he was on the left side of the motor fighting the tires. Is was laughing to myself because I figured he didn't know they were left hand threads...so I kindly walked over to his place with my trusty 3/4" rachet with about a 3' handle and asked what his problem was. He said he couldn't get the lugs nuts off. So I kindly offered my service. He proceeds to tell me of how long he has been fighting these lug nuts. So with a little bit of push the lugs all came lose. Neighbor had the astonished look on his face. He had not noticed the direction I had been pulling and that it was the opposite direction of his fighting it all afternoon. After the tire came off I showed the neighbor the stamped "L" on the studs and that it stood for left handed threads. He was so grateful for the lesson. I still get a giggle out of thinking about it.


Dec 2, 2011
At the office and hopefully buttoning up the bathroom at the bar tonight. Still lots to do to open at the end of next week.


Dec 4, 2011
Making the moolah. Decided I need to focus on saving for a new(er) truck in the next year or two and not "fun" projects for now.
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