A few months ago, my back yard neighbor replaced most of their fence that faced the street. You can see it at the far end of the street, center of the pic.
There's a gap in the fence where kids would pull boards off, since this neighbor fenced off the rear of their property short of the property line, leaving a bunch of trees and bushes at the back, just like mine. As a result there was a pretty large section back there where kids would go and screw around. Since it wasn't technically my property, I didn't do anything about it, just monitored my yard for any overflow garbage, which was rare.
End of last week, and so far this week, I've noticed some heavy trucks and equipment back there. Large section of the new fence was removed, and the old section with the gap was replaced and closed off. I could see a ton of tree and brush removal, so I assumed the neighbor had plans to use that extra space.
I decided to be nosey, and take a walk back there, peek over the fence and see what they were up to. Fire pit? Pool? Gazebo/patio?

As I get towards the back past my own gazebo and look towards where all the heavy equipment is, I noticed some boards on my rear fence are missing.
Look the other way, towards the water, and I realize I can see much further into the woods than I should be... And then I can see a guy in waders near the water, and his young son several feet back. 1/3 of my rear fence was gone or knocked over, near the retention pond.
While they were excavating a lot of the trash and some trees, they knocked some trees the wrong way, and demolished my fence. Turns out, this family recently bought the house, moved in and had a lot of issues to deal with. Some of the kids that would mess around in that open area, figured out the house was vacant, broke through the back fence, got into the house, and vandalized some things.
The guy apologized for the damage, and said they would put up 10 brand new fence panels.

Honestly, just replacing the last few near the water's edge would be good enough for me. At some point I want to ditch the wood, and switch to vinyl ones.