What are you doing today?

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went to the u-pull for a bumper and headlight for my son's GF's Corolla, wound up getting a bed liner for my son's Silvy (his is all cut up from a now-removed fifth wheel hitch). At least the admission fee wasn't wasted. None of the Corollas they listed were there :mad:
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Nov 18, 2011
Think I am gonna have to open a business account at the bank to start cashing checks. They being a pain in arse about it
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Just getting settled in the office, working a half day today, since I had a Dr appointment this morning. Biannual visit to collect and analyze bodily fluids to make sure everything is doing what it's supposed to. Follow up is next week. The drive in was nice, partly cloudy, mid 80's, windows down, music up, and a good breeze since there was moderate traffic. It's times like those, that I would like to be in a convertible. :yes:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Drove my eldest son home, stopped by one of my favourite burger joints, Harvey's, for lunch, then finished up working on that generator. New carb went in (old one the bowl was too rusted inside and was just $20), new gas tank went in after I went hunting for some screws for the fuel gauge, oil change, started right up, adjust the governor for engine speed to get right Hz under load. Total $120 for a 2800w/4000w surge genny for backup at the cottage. More than I was expecting to spend but the tank itself was $50. All in all, still not a bad deal.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
About to head to an all staff meeting in a bit, and listen to upper management ramble about stuff for the next 3 hours. :rolleyes: I stayed up late watching basketball last night, then woke up at 4am and had trouble getting back to sleep, so we'll see if I get in trouble for nodding off or not. Chugged an energy drink, so hopefully that helps.

Solar company emailed me my PPG (Power Production Guarantee) document yesterday, so reading through that. I remember the sales guy mentioning stuff about if the system doesn't produce what it's supposed to, I get money back. Didn't pay it much attention, since it was probably just a marketing ploy to get you to buy in, and that they'd make sure everything worked so they wouldn't have to give you any money anyway. In a nutshell, for any 12 month period, if my solar array doesn't produce 95% of what it's supposed to, then the company will cut me a check for 2x the difference at the average rate charged by the utility company.

:undecided: So that would make up the difference that I paid, and then put that same amount back in my pocket. And this holds true for the next 25 years under the warranty. Pretty good deal I say, but hopefully it never comes to that, and the system performs well.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Last day off. Worked on the sleds last night and also set up my new cheapo troybilt string trimmer/brush cutter. Was going to get a fancy husqvarna with the sled money but I rather keep the sleds.

Ferrier is here trimming up some horses and then off to town to help the wife at the store. Hopefully get some time this evening to work on the sleds again.


Jul 6, 2014
Driving up to make sure they didn't screw up the colorado worse before it goes for the bed liner. (Yea I'm still driving that POS cruze... it's all around crap and I understand why GM shit canned them)

Then work, clean the boat, do the garden and then hopefully either helping my friend paint (bought a house) or going to see my friends friends blues band at the stone pony. We'll see just how much I want to punish myself today.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working another night shift.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the cube farm


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Holiday here in Canuck Land. Just rubbed up 3 racks of ribs that I will throw into the smoker later.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Ordering a clutch assembly for my 49 f3 and a clutch cable, grips, and carb jets for my 87 Honda xr200


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Not today.. But Saturday. Dropped off the new Daily Driver at the body shop to have them replace the B-Pillar.

Today, went to the body shop to check progress, and he tells me its going to be done tomorrow.


I should have this car up and running in a couple weeks..
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Nov 18, 2011
Back in the cube farm
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Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at work. The Internet is down, not telling them I can tether my phone to the network. So I sit here looking at my screen, hoping no one sees! LOL


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
A few months ago, my back yard neighbor replaced most of their fence that faced the street. You can see it at the far end of the street, center of the pic.


There's a gap in the fence where kids would pull boards off, since this neighbor fenced off the rear of their property short of the property line, leaving a bunch of trees and bushes at the back, just like mine. As a result there was a pretty large section back there where kids would go and screw around. Since it wasn't technically my property, I didn't do anything about it, just monitored my yard for any overflow garbage, which was rare.

End of last week, and so far this week, I've noticed some heavy trucks and equipment back there. Large section of the new fence was removed, and the old section with the gap was replaced and closed off. I could see a ton of tree and brush removal, so I assumed the neighbor had plans to use that extra space. :cool:


I decided to be nosey, and take a walk back there, peek over the fence and see what they were up to. Fire pit? Pool? Gazebo/patio? :undecided: As I get towards the back past my own gazebo and look towards where all the heavy equipment is, I noticed some boards on my rear fence are missing. :confused:


Look the other way, towards the water, and I realize I can see much further into the woods than I should be... And then I can see a guy in waders near the water, and his young son several feet back. 1/3 of my rear fence was gone or knocked over, near the retention pond. :eek:


While they were excavating a lot of the trash and some trees, they knocked some trees the wrong way, and demolished my fence. Turns out, this family recently bought the house, moved in and had a lot of issues to deal with. Some of the kids that would mess around in that open area, figured out the house was vacant, broke through the back fence, got into the house, and vandalized some things.

The guy apologized for the damage, and said they would put up 10 brand new fence panels. :2thumbsup: Honestly, just replacing the last few near the water's edge would be good enough for me. At some point I want to ditch the wood, and switch to vinyl ones.


Dec 2, 2011
Went for a run this morning...nearly had a stroke, but it's part of the process. Cutting the grass this arvo because we ain't got no truck at the Lowes tonight.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Hump day in the office. Got handed an Excel macro project yesterday, so I'll continue working on that today. Trying to automate some tedious steps reorganizing some spreadsheets. Much better than busy work, or fixing stuff people break. :yes:

Went for a run this morning...nearly had a stroke, but it's part of the process.

I got a stationary bike, that I'll park in front of the TV to get my cardio in for an hour. Been doing it for about 6 weeks now, every other night. The first 5 minutes are STILL the worst. Makes me question WTH I'm doing to myself. :rotfl: Luckily everything settles in after that. Just wish a few of these pounds would fall off. :frown:


Nov 18, 2011
Walked to and from our local park w kids for Walk to School Day. Then walked with the pre-K son to the library for a field trip and now in the office to do some work stuff. Been a good day so far.


Jul 6, 2014
Ten minute transformations.
Also I'm picking up the truck later. They ended up replacing those A/C lines. They sent me a photo of the new ones in the box and they were arguably no better, really piss poor weld/braze from new. Then I noticed the hecho en Mexico sticker. Explains a lot actually. :hopeless: We shall see.


Nov 18, 2011
Working on a side project and watching Backdraft 2. Later i get to put together our new bed and stain the bedroom furniture to match finally.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Clock watching until the long weekend starts. Have some errands to run on my lunch break for a change. Dr's appointment yesterday went well. Blood pressure seems under control, and since I'm on a regular exercise routine now, they want to cut my prescription in half. See how that goes for the next 6 months. If still good at that point, they'll take me off medication altogether. :FingersCrossed:

One of my hard drives in my desktop failed a month ago. Still powers up, but clicks and isn't recognized by the PC. Nothing super critical on it, pics, some old files and stuff that I'd like to have, but the world won't end if I lose them. Found a data recovery place not far from work, setup a ticket with them, so going to take my drive over and see if they can recover the data. Hopefully it won't cost an arm and a leg, but it probably will.

Depending on my mood after work, I may cut the grass. It needs it badly, will need to cut it a little lower than last time. More than likely, I'll wait until the morning when it's cooler.
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Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Sitting at work, also clock watching. Looking forward to the long weekend. Was going to go up to my cabin, but 18" of snow, and my baby, probably not a good idea.

So Going to work on my Daily Driver tonight and over the weekend. Got the frame pulled earlier this week, got the doors mounted, and the new frame stitch pieces installed. Just need to get the interior installed, and the bluetooth module installed. Looking forward to 28 MPG.


Dec 2, 2011
Just waiting for 4 bells.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Had a busy last day at work yesterday, fighting the remnants of a decently nasty cold. Dosed up with meds last night and then had to turn down a callout to an incident 6 hours away... declined and now today on my 4 day weekend, sounds like I'm going in to work... I love my job.... but.... going to find some time to work on the sleds today.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Breathing heavily... possibly going into cardiac arrest soon.
My dream GMT is an '07 Silverado Classic w/ LBZ. Any color on those trucks is beautiful, but my absolute favorite color is dark blue metallic. They're so expensive, I joked they'd be too old by the time I could find "the one" for a fair price.

Guess what?
I FOUND MY DREAM TRUCK. :salivate: :salivate: :salivate:

I caught the listing before it was even officially on the lot, so they're going to call me once it's done "processing". Clean Carfax, one owner, looks stock, no visible rust, no visible damage, passes the 10 foot test easily.

I want it so bad, I'm going to die a little inside if it has major problems. I reassure myself, it's at a reputable Chevy dealership. They wouldn't sell a trashed vehicle outside of their handyman special section. Would they? This thing looks like someone really loved it.
Oh jeez, boys, please get this thing ready fast. I'm about to have a heart attack.


Jul 6, 2014
Breathing heavily... possibly going into cardiac arrest soon.
My dream GMT is an '07 Silverado Classic w/ LBZ. Any color on those trucks is beautiful, but my absolute favorite color is dark blue metallic. They're so expensive, I joked they'd be too old by the time I could find "the one" for a fair price.

Guess what?
I FOUND MY DREAM TRUCK. :salivate: :salivate: :salivate:

I caught the listing before it was even officially on the lot, so they're going to call me once it's done "processing". Clean Carfax, one owner, looks stock, no visible rust, no visible damage, passes the 10 foot test easily.

I want it so bad, I'm going to die a little inside if it has major problems. I reassure myself, it's at a reputable Chevy dealership. They wouldn't sell a trashed vehicle outside of their handyman special section. Would they? This thing looks like someone really loved it.
Oh jeez, boys, please get this thing ready fast. I'm about to have a heart attack.
Nice truck. Looks to me like the front has spacers. But otherwise unmolested.


Dec 4, 2011
Moved a filing cabinet and shattered the back of my phone :duh:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Earlier today, about 3 hours of yard work, followed by some grocery shopping, and couch potato-ing.

Moved a filing cabinet and shattered the back of my phone :duh:

:confused: How'd that happen? Did you drop your phone, and plant the corner of the cabinet on it?
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Got my Daily Driver 95% finished. Have to go to the yard and get 1 screw, 3 clips, and 1 trim push retainer. Its come a LONG way in a week. The remaining 5% is reattaching the passenger side rocker panel, which I need those 3 clips for, and 8 more that are coming in via amazon tomorrow.

When I bought it last year. 8-25-18

When I took it to the shop last Saturday 5-18-19.

When I looked at it 5-20-19

When I looked at it Wednesday 5-22-19

Today in my driveway 5-25-19

**hope those image links work**

Doors are slightly mismatched on the color to the body. Damn Ford and changing paint codes every year! Everything else functions perfect. No dash lights, no engine noises. Just need to get the state inspection done now.


Dec 4, 2011
Earlier today, about 3 hours of yard work, followed by some grocery shopping, and couch potato-ing.

:confused: How'd that happen? Did you drop your phone, and plant the corner of the cabinet on it?

It was in my pocket and I set the edge of the cabinet on my leg to stabilize it while going down some steps. Right on top of my phone. CRACK

At least it still works perfectly. Just utterly shattered on the back (galaxy s7). Thankfully it was the back and not the front!
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
@Sparky well if you had an itch to buy a newer phone, you certainly have your excuse to pull the trigger!

I'm being lazy today, binge watching the last season of Game of Thrones. Threw a pizza in the oven, and put some extra pepperoni on it, I feel like splurging a bit. :biggrin: Keep looking outside, cuz there are a couple of things I meant to do yesterday in the yard that I forgot, but I REALLY don't want to, so will let them slide until the next big yard work day.
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Dec 3, 2014
West Michigan
Kid came home after working late last night. Said the Impala was smoking/steaming as he pulled in the drive. Checked it out while it was hot last night. Looked like the damn lower coolant bypass elbow by flashlight. Sure enough in the light of day I found the POS cracked. The tensioner pulley would not lock up in order to release so looks like I'll be buying a new assembly.

PS- pic is a little blurry. Sorry. Shot taken in anger. Lol.



Dec 4, 2011
@Blckshdw I wish, I want an S10 but not spending $800 to do it.

I ordered a new back for my phone ($15) and in case it does not work out well I got a super slim case for it ($4) just to hold the back together.
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Dec 2, 2011
Finishing opening the pool with some new plumbing.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Continuing to work the phones and emails to get insurance for my Caprice, which right now looks hopeless.
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