They have the treasure truck here, while I haven't checked it out myself, many of my coworkers have.
I did get an email from Amazon prime, about being able to deliver your items INSIDE your garage!

Had to look at that real quick. While the safety and security of having your packages dropped off and unavailable to porch pirates is a great idea, giving some random stranger access to the contents of my garage is enough to outweigh it. If the garage door to my kitchen didn't lock, that would take it off the table completely.
**linky pic**
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So far, this morning is cruising along. I've been dead tired since the weekend. Got a good night's rest, but still woke up tired. Downed an energy drink when I got to the office, so at least I'm not yawning as much as I was before. Hopefully the rest of the day goes by without any drama. Work seems to be slow for everyone, which means it will be slow for me too.