What are you doing today?

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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
EMERGENCY floor repair.... vacant apt. the tenant is moving in on Friday. Super asked me this morning to look it over and make sure everything was in order. Someone (I say it was a rental agent) left the a.c on over the weekend and the "Not so good a.c froze over and defrosted all over the floor causing a whole lot of damage.View attachment 85006
I took the damaged floor up. Sent the super to the nut house (our local hardware store name) for a few of some stain,sealer,poly in one cans. We got lucky and one can is close to a perfect match.View attachment 85007
I just got the floor put back in and I'll do the 1st coat of poly when I get back from lunch.View attachment 85008
In picture is 1 of the building porters giving me a hand with clean up.
This is a real close call since I never go back to apt. that are awaiting a move in. So I saved the buildings supers @$$ once again.
So what happenend where????20180612_130807.jpg20180612_132942.jpg
Going to scuff it with some steel wool tomorrow and do a 2nd coat with a lamb wool pad.20180612_135521.jpg


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:eek: Wow! Great job man, you'd never know anything happened there!

It's a super slow day in the office here. Seems to be that way for other people too, not just me, so a lot of slacking off going on. Just have to hold off another 2 hours until a conference call with corporate, then get to call it a day.


Nov 18, 2011
in the cube farm


Dec 2, 2011
Going to the Doctors again this afternoon. Results from the ultrasound came back and the good news is I don't have kidney stones. However, I have an 8mm benign tumour in my left kidney. We'll be discussing the next step.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Got that floor scuffed up and slapped a 2nd coat of poly on it. I don't care what @Matt :biggrin: said it turned out pretty damn close to what it was. Besides it's a nyc rental, must tenants only sign a 1or 2yr lease and there out of here.20180613_113107.jpg20180613_130920.jpg20180613_130929.jpg
I'll have the porter come by tomorrow and give the whole floor a mop and glow that will definitely even things out.
Mar 30, 2016
Been inactive for a while, that's cause I am traveling and I'm unable to access the site outside of KSA. Was in Dubai for a week and the site wouldn't open up. Am currently using a VPN to access the site. But will be posting some updates on the projector Retrofit. Sadly I was forced to drive an explode although we had booked a Mitsubishi Pajero. It was not a pleasant experience



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got the pool pump going after replacing a few parts and seals so at least the water is moving and getting filtered until I get a water truck to fill it. The flow switch for the salt system was DOA so I bypassed it. Salt level was low so added a bunch of salt as well as liquid chlorine. Got it from a dark green/black swamp to a cloudy light green. A little better. Or maybe it's green from all the money I'm pouring into it, LOL!

Now going to try and get some sleep before working night shift :sleepy:


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
trip across town to pick up my new shotgun. Then maybe to the gun store across the street from me to decide on a couple of new toys.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Went over to Advance to grab some fuel injector cleaner, throttle body cleaner, tub of cleaning wipes, and a new wash sponge.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Well, I WAS going to get up early, to beat traffic and to get a decent parking spot, to try going to the beach today. Put my home made beach cart to the real test to see if the tire choices were enough to overcome the sugar sand, and if the rear steer via swivel caster was much different in sand vs grass.

Last night when I started organizing things in the garage, I noticed the front tires were a low, one much worse than the other. Figured no biggie, it had been sitting on the back patio for months. Pumped them to 30 psi, and called it a night. Went into the garage this morning, one tire held pressure fine, the other was pretty soft already :mad: Thought I could get away with putting some tire slime in there, slosh it around to cover the bead area, pump it up and be good. Problem is, it was a royal pain to get the tire off. Original plan was to use a solid rod, with collars to retain the wheels. For some reason that I can't recall, I went with a length of all thread and nylock nuts. This would have been fine in a set-it-and-forget-it scenario, but because I had needed to mess with them multiple times, the ends of the threaded rod had gotten chewed up from the vice grips I used to hold it in place while I dealt with the other end. So the quick repair didn't go quickly as my impact couldn't deal. Had to go wrench on one end, ratchet on the other until one gave way.

Decided to change the plan, since I have some 5/8" collars, I went to the hardware store and got a 3' aluminum rod. Stopped at HF on the way back and picked up some flat free wheels to replace the pneumatic ones. Same diameter, only lost 1/2" of width. Not having wide enough wheels was my issue with the canopy roller bag before, but I think I should still have enough with these. The steel connecting bars for my tow handle needed to be drilled out a touch for the new axle to pass through, so put those in the vice and widened the holes with a step bit. You'd think I would have learned my lesson the first time, but nope, my dumbass was out there drilling without proper shoes on, and caught a hot shard right on top of my foot. :hissyfit: I guess I'm as hard headed as my mama told me when I was a kid. :tongue:

An odd observation so far this morning, took notice of how people are accustomed to conditional responses. Everyone I spoke to this morning between store employees and other customers passing by, wished me a happy father's day. I don't have kids, but I guess I look like I do? And the funny thing is, each time someone said it to me, I thanked them for it... :confused: Since there isn't an official father's day thread (yet?) let me wish a happy father's day to all the dad's out there. :thumbsup:

I'm gonna do some more organizing in my garage since I'm feeling productive, and hop on the PS4 for a few hours today since I haven't done that in a while. So grocery shopping will be in order later, as well as a call to my pops. I'll save the beach trip for next weekend.
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Nov 18, 2011
Working for the man


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Typical Monday, minus all the headaches from people, meaning I got nothing to do but try to entertain myself online. At least it's almost lunch time...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
After sleeping all morning and having breakfast, I'm putting together wiring to add USB, backup cam and aux input to the Caprice. And just when I'm ready to put everything in, it's pouring rain.
Then I'll wait for my wife to get home and get mad because I didn't make dinner. :argue:


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Taking finals then going to work. Hoping to replace the timing cover on the red truck, it has a pretty bad oil leak.


Dec 4, 2011
Getting annoyed at carelessly stupid people who pretend to be careful.


Nov 18, 2011
At the job


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today is finish the f****** pool day. Waiting for water truck delivery, vacuum, brush, shock some more and filter the crap out of it. Then at some point today, finish the radio install with USB and aux input in the Caprice. Wanting to get it done so I can bring it to the local meet tomorrow.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Somewhat busy day today. Had our weekly team meeting this morning, which was broken up by a LOT of non work related chit chat. Things have been slow, so no big deal there. The first of my 8 weekly data analyst training sessions for our new data warehouse software starts in an hour. Then there's a conference call with corporate after that, so I won't be bored today to say the least.

Was also doing a little research, because my fruit trees aren't producing any fruit this year, and didn't have much last year. Found a water soluble food spray locally, for about $5 that's gotten a lot of good reviews, so may pick some up on the way home. I've got 2 orange, 1 mango, lime, and plantain trees. So I'll see how well that perks things up, until I can get the soil nutrients to where they need to be.
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Nov 18, 2011
Trolling a shitty eBay vendor. They blame me for ordering wrong part when the listing prior to them changing it states it was to fit what I ordered, but I had waited to long to open it and really have no recourse. Since they are being a bag of dicks about it, I am twisting all their words into confusion and wasting their time. I know i can sell the nerf bars for more than paid anyway, but sucks cause dad wanted them on. All i need is the right brackets, but they want me to return on my dime, then exchange at their new price which leaves me owing 3 times the original price I paid. So i explained i will accept the new price minus the restocking fee and buy somewhere else. They keep telling me it is original price and i play dumb and drag it out..... Screw them SOBs


Nov 18, 2011
working in the cube


Dec 2, 2011
Nothing because our brilliant IT department should all be sacked.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Draining the buildings 5000 gallon roof tank for preventive maintenance and cleaning.20180620_105432.jpg
And just a while ago I watched as they removed the lines from the street out side. I always wondered how they did that.20180619_074120.jpg
Now I can no longer park out side the building as they are putting in a bigger bike lane. smh


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village for awhile and then helping at an Open House event for work so the public can ask questions. Fun Fun
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Dec 2, 2011
Working on getting the pool up today and tomorrow. All things being equal, the boy should be able to swim tomorrow arvo.
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Nov 18, 2011
In the workplace


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Busy day and still going. Had breakie with the wifey, took her to her dental appointment, I went to the pool store for chemicals then shopping a bit at the hardware store (got a new thermometer for the pool hut) and the dollar store. Pick up wifey, go home, dump chemicals into pool, go to meet my mom for some legal banking stuff, back, make dinner, and soon leaving to meet a guy for some used "new" tires for the TB.
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Dec 2, 2011
More pool stuff. It's slowly filling and I'll start on the plumbing. Probably brew some beer today too.


Jul 6, 2014
All this pool talk made me check my own. (After working on them all day I usually neglect mine lol.) Checked chemistry and all is well. pH is a little low but we're getting rain so I won't touch it until after. Also checked the garden. I need to do some weeding. Probably tomorrow.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Working so I don't have to deal with my pool till I get home :worried:.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
All this pool talk... :biggrin: Thought I'd try to get up early, pack up the EXT and hit the beach for a few hours. Got out there around quarter to 10, and ALL of the parking lots were already full with multiple cars circling like sharks. There were plenty of metered spots open on the street, but I had no change, or any cash on me to go look for a place to get some. :mad:

So back home I came, good bit of gas used up... Stopped by the carwash near the house, and got quarters, so I can try again tomorrow. Now, on the couch relaxing, trying to come up with a plan B for the day :undecided:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Thought I'd try to get up early, pack up the EXT and hit the beach for a few hours.

OK, so take 2 was more successful than yesterday, but not quite what I wanted. Left 45 minutes earlier this time, and managed to get one of the last of 2 parking spots in the lot that I prefer. :thumbsup:

Unloaded the truck, and one of the wheels had come off the cart... Realized when I put the collars on the axle, I forgot to mark the contact points and drill a small hole for the set screws to bite into. :mad:

Of course, I didn't have the right Allen key with me, all I had was the cheap multi tool I keep in the center console. Philips head was close, but couldn't get it nearly as tight as I know it needed to be. Gave it a go anyway... Think I got maybe 200 feet from the parking lot through the sand, before one of the wheels pulled back off.

Turns out, I had already lost both collars at that point, one of the pressed bearings had pulled out, and that's why the wheel had fallen off. Decided to just setup camp here. Not sure what i'll try on the way back, but I'll figure that out later. Time to hit the water!


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
At work but not really at work. Just marking time....
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