Alot of guessing and hoping it works...
Cruise control circuit on the ipc in the Vette. I guessed right since it works now. The transistors are so old none of the numbers on the back even cross-referenced. Found a npn darlington on amazon and overnighted it along with some other things and it worked luckily. The voltage multiplication is significantly higher than the other transistors on the board with the same markings. (New one vs old one which was 1.8 in diode mode on the fluke vs .6 to 1 on the two other ones)Bunch of laziness to end my weekend. Laundry, DVR time, little tweaking to some minor LED stuff, and counting down the hours to another Monday.
Working for the man.
Actually need to do a HAM course myself. A bunch of guys are starting to use the Rugged Radio or knockoffs for offroading so i figure might as well be legal.
I still run CB.
Right on. I appreciate. Wink is getting into it as well if you see him on FB or forum and want to reach out to him as well.At the job.
@HARDTRAILZ take a look at some of the resources on http://lvhamtest.us/ let me know if you need anything. I am an instructor.