Got to work a little early today. I knew they started replacing the carpet on Friday, and were going to work over the weekend, so I was eager to see if they had built my new desk yet, so I could settle in or not. Did a quick walk through the office, and my new desk is supposed to be here...
Ugh, that's the old carpet too, so they didn't make it this far up. Few more days in the old area shouldn't be too bad. At least there should be new carpet, and the office is done, so they shouldn't be bugging me, or getting my stuff dirty/dusty anymore right? Get back to where my stuff should be, only to find this...
(Eric Cartman voice) DAMNIT!!!
So now I'm wandering around the office trying to figure out where the hell they moved my stuff, so I can setup and get to work. Actually glad I was there 10 minutes early, so I didn't look weird to people. Then I notice something, all of the cubes that are still up, don't have computers, or phones, or personal effects.

Back track through the rest of the office, and NOTHING is hooked up.
I thought I had checked my work email over the weekend to see if there were any updates from the admin assistant, so I checked my phone. Nope. Nothing. So I keep wandering around, and then in a pile of crap outside where my desk should be, I see a familiar green bumper sticker that was in my cube, and then my name plate...
And then in another pile of stuff near that, I see my PC...
You know when people get so mad that a vein pops out of their head near their temple, and starts pulsing? Yeah, I think I felt that happening. So I head to the front, and sit down at the receptionist's desk. It was about 10 after 7 then, and the contractors are usually here already. If they weren't there by quarter after, I was going to reset the alarm, lock up and go home. F this!
Lead contractor comes in while I'm showing another early bird employee the chaos. Aparently he didn't come in over the weekend so he had no idea how much progress was made, or that none of the computers had been setup. He apologized to me, since I've been getting inconvenienced every other day it seems like. Told him it was fine, the stuff I needed to do, could be done from home. So I hopped back in the EXT and sat in rush hour traffic, since I was now heading in the direction of downtown with the rest of the morning commuters. Took me 20 minutes to get to work, but 35 to get back home. That sucked.