What are you doing today?

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Nov 18, 2011
In the cubical sending consultant work back and expecting plenty of crap as response to defend their sub-par work....again.


Sep 6, 2014
No work for me today. Going to breakfast with my dude this morning and kicking it the rest of the day. Gonna be great weather so finally get to go outside and run around :wooot:
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Sep 29, 2014
Working. Then heading to the gym. After that I'm going to take the boy on a four wheeler ride. It's the first year he can be outside and run around. That should be exciting!


Jan 24, 2014
Doing the work thing. Boss is out of town and wont be back in till Tuesday, so I have the pleasure of dealing with any of our customers that call asking about their jobs. Its great when I get to be the one to tell them we are ahead on work
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BC backroader

Sep 6, 2014
Sweetie and I go to Dr's at noon, then I'm off to start a small 2 day contract in the Municipality (County) across the river from me.


Jun 9, 2014
Colorado Springs
Gotta work later but right now I'm watching KD blow up my phone with likes. Thanks KD.

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Feb 27, 2015
That came out looking really good. Now you just need a build thread to keep track of all your mods. :yes:

Any of us mods could move some of your short threads into your build thread to keep everything together if you like. :deal:
That came out looking really good. Now you just need a build thread to keep track of all your mods. :yes:

Thanks! I am very pleased with the outcome. Would love to have them re upholstered like that (except bowties on head rest with a spare set in plain black in case I ever decide to sell). That's going to be a bit expensive and I was hesitant on spending that kind of money until I was sure how it would look. However, now I think I know where my tax return will be going next year lol

Starting a build thread would be great & I would appreciate it very much! Still learning how to do all this from phone. Guess Im going to have to get that taptalk app since I'm on it 99.99% of the time anyway.

I did make it to O'Reilly's this afternoon to pick up brakes. While I was there, I grabbed a can of DupliColor Vinyl & Fabric Paint (gloss black) for door panels and dash & Adhesive Promotor. I also ordered a can of HTV Caliper paint. Pink, of course. That mod never even crossed my mind til I noticed it while looking for the adhesive Promotor. Figured since dear hubby is replacing brakes and getting the rotors turned tomorrow anyway, I may as well get it done while it's convienent. Lol

Oh lord, the mod bug is getting out of control......don't call the exterminator yet, though, cause I am having a ball!!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Aarkon said:
worked then bought these custom projectors for a good price to put inside the set of lights with clear corners I have laying around
As much of a tear as you've been on with the threaded shaft projectors, I figured it was just a matter of time before you ventured over to the OEM ones. You gonna try the epoxy or bracket mounting method? :undecided:
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Nov 18, 2011
Today i will be in the cubical as usual. Hopefully the work day passes quickly.


Sep 29, 2014
At work. Waiting for tomorrow to come. I'm firing up 2000 Silverado and headed a couple of hours west to hopefully pick up my new bike. I haven't seen it yet, so its a bit up in the air.


Nov 6, 2013
Blckshdw said:
As much of a tear as you've been on with the threaded shaft projectors, I figured it was just a matter of time before you ventured over to the OEM ones. You gonna try the epoxy or bracket mounting method? :undecided:
Im not to sure yet unfortunately I never got a good look at the back of them so ill have to wait till next week before I decide the best route


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I am celebrating Friday the 13th by inhaling drywall and ceiling tile dust, and probably some fiberglass insulation particles in the cube farm, as the contractors patch up a wall that they took a side exit door out of. They've been trying to keep the dust down, but you know that's damn near impossible. Shoulda stayed home today... :ugh:

This afternoon/evening, probably just chillin. Got an invite to go bowling, but not really feeling it. Between having to buy that new power supply for one computer, and potentially replace a 4TB hard drive that's acting up, the budget is a little snug this month. Will probably do a quality assurance test on the bottle of Grey Goose that's in the kitchen, hop on the PS3 for an hour or so, and clear up some DVR space.

Aarkon said:
Im not to sure yet unfortunately I never got a good look at the back of them so ill have to wait till next week before I decide the best route
Gonna have to change your nickname to "Alfredo: retrofit master" pretty soon :yes: :cool:


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Living in hotel for the next 3 days
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Original poster
Dec 12, 2011
Going over to the dark side. I love my AMD but Intel just has the edge, by a good margin especially for video rendering.


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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Went to my nephews fourth birthday party. :celebrate:

Got home and found that my ballasts finally came in, so next on the agenda is swapping out ballasts on my car.


Dec 2, 2011
Dying...got some sort of wog and I feel like chit.
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Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Taking the Envoy for a drive north. Gonna walk into the trailer park and see how the trailer weathered the winter. Hopefully no critters in there.


Feb 27, 2015
CaptainKD said:
6 hours of glorious overtime. Gotta git dat cheedar
My company had the February 'business unit review' (BUR) meeting and as they do every year after discussing the previous years profits and labor costs, they cut out all overtime until April or May. You know, once we are nipple-deep in parts we are behind on and, of course, when the weather is pretty and i could be working on a mod, THEN, they 'NEED' us to work 12 hrs a day, 7 days a week. It's tough going from 72 hours a week to practically begging for your 40. This is how I feel when there is no OT at my job:


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Feb 27, 2015
Matt said:
Dying...got some sort of wog and I feel like chit.
I'm sorry Matt! I 'thought' I had a head cold Thursday and it wound up being the full blown flu, so I was laid up in the bed all day Friday and yesterday. However, it was raining both days, so I didn't miss anything. Mucinex, Dayquil, and NyQuil helped me to survive it. Hope you feel better soon!!
60 degrees and sunny today, and no sniffling, sneezing, coughing, or aching, so I am off to paint speaker box and work on removing adhesive from door molding! Hubby got it off this morning! He is asleep as he has to work 13 hrs tonight. Since he won't be available to take anything apart or lift any heavy items, I'm going to work on getting adhesive removed with 'Goo Gone' and elbow grease until he gets up.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Last day in U.S. for the next few months


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got up this morning and played some video games. Weather was overcast, so decided to head over to the neighborhood park and shoot some hoops. Test out my knee and see how it responds. Things (outside of my jump shot) went pretty well, able to run, jump, and cut without any discomfort. :biggrin: Didn't push it to it's limit, cuz it's not like I am playing for an NBA contract. :no:

Now, chillin on the couch post-shower, trying to figure out what I wanna have for lunch. May throw on a movie, or clear some DVR space, or maybe take a nap. Need to run a few errands, put some gas in the TB, but that will be much later.


Jan 24, 2014
Lazy Sunday. Off to my fiancé's god-son's birthday party then practice later tonight

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
Denali n DOO said:
Taking the Envoy for a drive north. Gonna walk into the trailer park and see how the trailer weathered the winter. Hopefully no critters in there.
Update, was a good trip, had to walk through some deep snow though. I took a few beers for refreshments. Everything looks okay, no critters. Glad I completely emptied the trailer in the fall. The 2.5 hours driving gave me 20 mpg, haven't seen that since last fall, maybe winter gas is done. Now to relax and watch the Nascar race.


Jan 24, 2014
Working. Short day in the shop thus morning, I get to go look at some potential work for my boss since he is still out of town. Track practice later
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