What are you doing today? [Part II]


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Got up, had breakfast, went to the grocery store, came home and mowed the lawn, did my laundry, fixed the electric pressure washer. Other than that just hung out down in the man-cave where it's nice and cool! Today begins a stretch of HOT weather!
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Jan 15, 2012
Re-did the power supply to my barn which is now a direct route instead of the "drunken sailor" route it had grown into.
Naturally waited for the hottest day and copper wire prices in the stratosphere....:duh:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Been at a campsite near a town called Eganville since Thur after leaving North Bay, which was pretty miserable weather-wise and mosquitoes galore. We got here expecting rain and thunderstorms and got beautiful sunshine. Our site is right on the water. And then night fell and the wind and cold came. Not super crazy wind but enough to not be able to really do anything outside. The trailer was just rocking and looking outside the window, it felt like we were on the ocean in a cruise ship! Last night, friends came over for dinner, which I was barely able to cook on the BBQ before the rain and more wind came. Today we went to their place for dinner. Wind calmed down a little but was even colder but the sun was out today. Good times.

Tomorrow we're bugging out and heading back home... for a day, as we head to Montreal Monday till Friday. Just hope the weather cooperates more.


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Jan 26, 2013
For the past week I have been watching 3 dogs and a cat for some friends who are vacationing. They live only about 1/2 mile away and I enjoy giving the mutts a walk around the neighborhood. But since the friends are coming back today I took some plastic "googly eyes" and taped them to the food still left in the frig, so when they open the frig about 20 eyes are staring back at them.
I wish I were a fly on the wall when they open the frig door :2thumbsup:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got home, all good. Had a pile of goodies I ordered from RA and Amazon waiting for me. From RA were tranny parts to fix the Caprice. Amazon was all RV stuff: A drain shutoff valve, dimmer switches, BBQ propane adapter, LED panels, new baggage door locks and a new tinted door window with a blind. After unpacking, replaced the baggage door locks as one of them broke, they were all finicky and used the same key as all the other RVs ever made. All went well except the one for the outdoor kitchen which uses a longer shaft. Then installed the door window to replace the ordinary frosted one. Got it on an Amazon warehouse return deal, $90 instead of $116. As usual, was like new. really liked how it turned out and it looks like all the other tinted windows and can look out of it. Put the shade upside down so that it can provide privacy while looking out of the top part.

And tomorrow we hit the road again.


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Jul 6, 2014
Driving to Hatteras. Unrelated but who's got the lifted LT with a roof bin that's burgundy/purple maroon? Looked familiar lol. Maryland plates iirc.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Made it to Montreal. Sierra still pulling it like a boss. Averaged about 16L/100km which ain't bad for pulling a 6500# trailer.

Nice weather. 25c and sunny. In the usual fashion, it's gonna turn to shit for the rest of the week except Friday when we leave :mad: .


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Dec 2, 2011
Driving to Hatteras. Unrelated but who's got the lifted LT with a roof bin that's burgundy/purple maroon? Looked familiar lol. Maryland plates iirc.

I know Dennis in Indiana had a lifted maroon on that he sold. For the life of me I can't remember his name here.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
broke my garage door this morning. When leaving for work, I didn't pull far enough out of the garage before hitting the button and the door caught the rear bumper on the EXT. Felt the back bounce, so I reflexively let off the brake and rolled forward a couple feet. Heard the garage door slam down, and thought "That was weird"

Come home this evening, hit the button and nothing. Park in the driveway, get out and hit the button again. Could hear the motor running, but couldn't even hear the carrier travelling up and down the rail like when the pull chain is disengaged. Well that's not good. Go in through the front door, head to the garage and see this...

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So I guess I know what my next project around the house is gonna be! :hahano: This should be much less labor intensive than replacing that damn spring though, so there's that.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I just replaced my door motor a year ago. The gear on top of the chain drive motor sheered off.

Replaced the chain system with this guy..

Was $100 bucks, and had good reviews.
Now nothing seems to be available.

I picked chamberlain because my old door, and all the sensors, were chamberlain. So I didnt have to rewire anything, just swap all the stuff over, and done.

If I had a choice.. I would do this. But they are expensive.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:goodpost: That wall mounted one looks nice. That got added to the wish list for future dreaming. :biggrin:

My unit is a Chamberlain as well, found a cable/chain combo for about $60 that'll be here Friday. Probably pick up some lithium grease for the hinges since I didn't do that when I replaced the rollers before.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Still in Montreal, the park has turned to waterworld with all the rain :frown: so we're going for brunch at my aunt's, then shopping at a flea market and then back for dinner at the aunt's. Tomorrow is bug out day, of course, when the weather turns nice :mad:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
The weeds were getting tall in the yard so pulled out the mower to deal with them. Noticed the tires on the mower were starting to get a little soft, so after I fix the garage door this weekend, it will be time to put some air in them. Due to the heat and humidity, I've been doing any yard work after 7pm, and getting as much done as I can before sundown. Was able to get everything mowed, ran the string trimmer and had some daylight to spare.

Noticed one particular fence panel had come loose from the bottom and center of the post. Kinda been that way for years, and some of the stray cats come and go through that spot. It was finally time to deal with it. The old rusty nails in the post were out of alignment so ratchet strapping the warped rails wasn't gonna work. Stuck a prybar on top and hammered them until they laid over. From the outside, had to sit on the ground, wedge the prybar between the 2 panels while pushing the bottom in with my feet, and then drive some new screws to secure it.

Still had some light left, so trimmed some branches on a few of the trees since tomorrow is yard waste day, as I was having to duck and lean to run the mower under them, so I've got some headroom. All in all, a productive evening, and I won't have to worry about dodging any rain this weekend to get it done.
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Apr 25, 2021
Camdenton MO
No, it comes with experience. People can be taken advantage of at any age.
Awareness is (mostly) experiential.
I have a couple local shops that i like, Not love, like for repairs i just don't want to do anymore. Alignments, inspections, sometimes transmission replacements, etc. Wheel and tire stuff i just don't really want to do. Having said that, the last set of tires i put on my 03 TB, Cooper Discoverer AT3s, i dismounted myself on a borrowed machine, cleaned the alloy rim mounting surfaces slowly, carefully and thoroughly and lubed em up and mounted all 4 on my garage floor. I had just changed out some suspension components as well so i slowly limped to town and had the shop i like balance tires and do a front end alignment. Drives great, no vibrations, straight as an arrow. Had same shop put a transmission in a while back. First Jasper rebuilt tranny barely made it back to that shop. A 20 mile trip total. 2nd Jasper transmission runs fine in every way, but leaks. They fixed under warranty. Now it still leaks but less. So i just need to fix that myself. They broke the sensor clip tabs off of several sensors and wadded up lines and wiring in a wad and wire tied it up in a clump on the side of the transmission instead of bolting it down by the tab, let the vent tube dangle down on the front driveshaft and now its polished a shiny spot and eaten a chunk out of the tube. One of the sensors that they broke the clip off of was for my transfer case. I needed to use it in the winter and it wasn't engaging and disengaging correctly, sometimes going into low range on it's own while driving. Stop, shift stuff, back up, etc. Get under vehicle and sensor is mostly unplugged because tab is busted off. On all 3 sensors on transfer case!!! 1 ok, all 3 is just crappy mechanic work. Can go on with stories of negligent mechanics for many pages. What ticks me off as a Good Mechanic that torques most stuff to spec, cleans and anti-seizes some parts and bolts, gets maximum life out of most parts and tries to take care of a vehicle, is the helpers/junior mechanics that don't give a shit about your vehicle and are taking all kinds of shortcuts and doing sloppy and dangerous repairs to my vehicle. THAT I PAID GOOD $ FOR A GOOD REPAIR FOR! Now whenever i have tires put on i pull the hubcaps/center caps and look to see if my new lug nuts are on there OR NOT! Got TB back one time and it had some of my lug nuts and some of the car next to mine on it! Fortunately i keep a spare set of lug nuts at home. Different size and type lug nuts. Speed Bump at the tire shop doesn't care. Put a rebuilt transmission in my other TB and it pulls a little in neutral and won't back up hardly at all. Root cause, sloppy transmission assembly procedures. Easy enough to fix after you pull transmission out and fully disassemble it..... Apparently Speed Bump quit the tire shop and went to work building transmissions! Had a local shop build a transmission for my other TB and it always has a poor 3rd to overdrive shift. It lasted about 8,000 miles. Outta warranty. From time, not mileage. Put a used transmission in after that. It made it a week. There went $1200. If i do the repair myself and follow proper procedure everything works fine and lasts well. I had tires rotated and an alignment done, p/u vehicle and they hadn't rotated tires! Had to do it myself the next day! I lose work taking time off for sloppy mechanics to f-up my vehicle. Over and over. I'm 57 and am gonna hafta build a shop and put in a 2 post lift just so i can correctly maintain my own vehicle. Might as well get a tire machine and balancer too. I just get so damn tired of sloppy work that I end up having to redo.I mean, how many work hours can you lose taking off for repairs and then doing it again and again! Ya end up better off doing it yourself and only being sore once! Lol


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Boy am I glad the weekend is here. Had a pretty busy day for work, for a Friday. After punching out, headed to the garage to address the door opener chain situation. Got the master links transferred over, got the chain up in maybe 20 minutes. Hit the button on the remote, and the trolley pushes forward, bending the arm. :confused: Pulled the release cord and messed with it for a bit, not fully realizing what my situation was until it was too late.

I messed with the travel stop adjustments, and kept trying to get the inner trolley to stop hitting the forward stop bolt, and then the idler pulley broke. :duh:


Standing there baffled, the light bulb in my head went on... When I came home the other day and was hitting the button trying to open the door, I never tried to "close" it, so the drive motor wasn't in it's closed position and thought the door was still open, needing to be closed. Son of a :lipsrsealed:

So a new idler pulley is on order, and I let the motor run to make sure it's in the closed position. Can't believe I overlooked that step, live and learn I guess. :dunce:


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Just one thing after another :mad: A strong line of storms came through, thrashed the trees and bushes for quite a while. During a heavy downpour, noticed my rear camera started going in and out. :confused: Reminded me of what happened with the previous camera I had installed in that location, where water got into the connector and I ended up having to replace both it, and the cable.

When the rain let up, went out back to check it out. Sure enough the conduit had been snapped loose from the clips, which pulled the plug and several inches of cat6 from the conduit head. I had also wrapped electrical tape around the connection, which had loosened at the top and I assumed started funneling water into the plug. Grabbed some dielectric grease from the garage, ran a q tip inside the connector to dry things out, put a dab of grease on the cable pins. Plugged it back in, and nothing. Tried to fiddle with it, but the mosquitoes were insane. Unplugged it, wiped things out with the other end of the q tip and taped up the plug. Hoping it dries out overnight, will mess with it more tomorrow. 🤞

Fortunately the previous camera does still work, eventually when I run a line out to the shed, it will go above the shed door and cover the back yard.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Today was a bit better. Went out this morning before work and messed with the camera some, nothing useful there. Decently productive day in the office, stopped at the pharmacy on the way home to get my meds, and saw this in the parking lot. Seriously? 🤣


Came home and got to work. Garage door idler pulley installed, tightened up the chain since there was a little extra slack. Adjusted the travel limits and had a slight grin at how much quieter things were after greasing up the hinges a few days ago. On to the back yard. Sprayed the connector on the freshly dead camera, wiped clean with a q-tip, still no dice. Figured since the old camera still works, throw that up there... Swapped them out, and since the connector was considerably smaller, it fit better inside the conduit head.

Next issue was to prevent the conduit from pulling loose in high winds, and causing this problem for a 3rd time. Pulled one of the clips off, threw it in my vice and hammered it to push the hook more "forward" Reinstalled it right next to one of the others facing the opposite direction, so thinking this should keep it in place.


Now, I'm a hot and sweaty mess, so a shower is in order, then gonna throw some chicken breasts on the indoor grill for dinner. Gotta think of something to go with em...


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Was planning on working on the Caprice's tranny but rain cancelled that. Worked in the RV instead. Replaced the lock on the outdoor kitchen door with one that the key will work with all the other locks and is no longer the generic common CH751 key that ALL other RVs use for baggage doors. Then swapped the light above the dinette that had failing LEDs with the above bed light where I covered those failing LEDs with electrical tape so it won't make a difference if they flicker. For some reason, this is the second time that light fails there. Next I installed a dimmer for the main interior lights. Since it came with two dimmers, I also put a dimmer on the outside amber light. It had an incandescent bulb which I replaced with three 48 SMD panels that were just too blue for me to use on the interior lighting but perfect behind the amber lens. Lastly, installed some screen door closing springs. Hate it when it's left open for all the mosquitoes and flies to get in.

And I forgot to mention yesterday that I dropped off the Sierra at the body shop to fix last month's oops. Should be about two weeks.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And I forgot to mention yesterday that I dropped off the Sierra at the body shop to fix last month's oops. Should be about two weeks.
Small correction. It was actually on Monday. Lost a whole day somewhere. Thought yesterday was Tuesday.

Today (Thursday :biggrin: ) I have to get up off my ass and do the tranny on the Caprice. Should be a perfect day to do it.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
So did the work on the Caprice's tranny and, nada. Same problem with the TCC fluctuating. The switch films were in good condition and the screens were clean. I did check the switches and solenoids and they were within spec. I'm gonna play with the pressures and other things but I have a feeling I'll have to drop it and replace the torque converter, which won't happen this year because of finances. I'll just disable the TCC for now. Who needs it anyway :biggrin:


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Gotta tear apart my computer again. This motherboard aint right, been fighting with it for 2 years, and 3 motherboards.. Same problem persists. The Bios clock keeps resetting every time the computer gets shut down, or rebooted. Plays havoc with windows, and some work apps for security purposes.

Going to have to live off my 12 year old laptop for the next month I guess.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Spent the weekend with all my technology turned off.

Painted the ceiling for kitchen, and dining room, and the "feature wall" of the living room.
Replaced a ceiling fan, and a couple other light fixtures.

My back hurts.. and I still have to do the walls for the kitchen and dining room, and the roof for the living room...

Honey Do lists FTW!!

**somebody kill me now!!!**
Pic of the living room wall color. Yes, its really that purple. Its called Stormy Purple.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday, put two tubes of Lubegard in the Caprice's tranny, which is harder said than done since it doesn't have a dipstick but a fill plug. Mixed results but in the end, the fluctuating TCC is resolved. The additive seemed to help a bit on its own but it was still there. Played some more with the tranny tune, returning it to stock except for TCC activation in gears 1 to 4 where I disabled it. That seemed to resolve it. In my previous tune, I had put the maximum slip to 0, which may have caused some sort of hysteresis, or a combination of that and the additive worked. I'm still gonna have to hook up the Tech 2 and see what the slip speeds are when I activate TCC manually.

Today, with the nice weather, was able to take part of the back wall apart to start repairing the delamination. Not as bad as I thought. Everything was dry so whatever the leak was, I fixed it before it got worse. I already have two part epoxy and some acetone to inject it into the delaminated parts. The harder part will be to put some wood and straps to put some pressure on it to keep it flat while it cures. I have a buddy coming over to help with that.

After that, if we have time, we might also do the thing with the Caprice while he drives.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yesterday worked on the RV back wall with the help of a buddy. After letting the epoxy cure overnight, will take off all the bracing we put on and put it all back together. Pictures to come.

Today, wake up to no internet and garbage cell service. Open the TV, which is on an OTA antenna, and find out there's a nationwide outage of my cell and Internet provider. Well Fook! Cell Connection I have is as slow as molasses in winter.

Edit: Here are the pics. The repair wasn't perfect as you can still see some of the delamination however is better than before and won't get any worse. Also shown is the injection device I made to inject the epoxy that was diluted with acetone into the wall. I guess I wasn't able to get even pressure on it. I might try drilling tiny holes and using more of those syringes with needles.

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Well, I'm back. Rogers internet and cell service was out countrywide for the whole day. Since cell service was out, the bodyshop couldn't reach me to tell me the Sierra was ready. Went by today to pick it up. Noted a couple of minor issues and will take it back in on Monday. There was a scratch below the taillight, a moulding on the bumper was not sticking right and the tailgate is misaligned on the left by about 1/8".

Yesterday though, also had the dishwasher go tits-up on us. It's a 12 year old Kenmore (Frigidaire) which has had other issues in the past so it was time for another. But, without internet, couldn't research for a new one :mad: .

Today was also a fun day. Internet and cell service was back this morning and was able to find a dishwasher, a Bosch. First went to Home Depot, not a bad deal, $894 delivered and they haul away the old one. Also looked at fridges as our old Samscum/Samdung/Scamsung is on its last legs. Found a nice huge 29 cu.ft Frigidaire that was around $2300 however, if we buy both, we'd get a $200 discount and 24 months no interest. Went around to other stores and couldn't find a better deal. After picking up the Sierra, went back to HD and did the purchase. Very nice salesman, who was an old Sears appliance salesman, so he knew his stuff. The dishwasher should arrive by Thur and the fridge on the 28th.

Oh, and in the middle of all this, my son calls me to tell me that the laundry tub pump has failed and the tub is overflowing and that my old Craftsman shop vac is dead. Great. Get a new Ridgid. Take it apart and sucked out all the skanky water

the pump was semi dead. It would start if I turned it by hand so I figure it's the capacitor however it's not replaceable. Shop for a new pump and ordered one from Amazon, which should arrive on Monday.

So we have no dishwasher and no laundry. Fun!

PS: Updated my previous post with pics.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Ok, today was better. Not too much today. Replaced a couple of speakers in the RV that sounded like poop. Put in a pair of Pioneer 6 1/2" I had bought for the Caprice but haven't installed yet. If I ever decide to do it, I have another pair and can order another for the rear. Sounds much better :smile: . Then replaced one of the 110V receptacles in the phone charging station with one that has four USB charging ports. With most charging bricks and the cable, I couldn't close the door. Then finished up the back wall repair by re-taping the roof.


Oh, and the dishwasher must know it's on its way out because it came back to life today. Pushed a button and it came on. No matter, it's still going bye-bye.


Jan 26, 2013
.Yesterday though, also had the dishwasher go tits-up on us. It's a 12 year old Kenmore (Frigidaire) which has had other issues in the past so it was time for another.

Mooseman won't have this problem between now and thursday's delivery:


And if one wants to research appliances I found one that seems good.
Yale has service calls in the Thousands per year. Like 37-40 thousand service calls/year. The facts they share are from the brands they have to go and repair. Not the man'f. numbers, but actual calls for repair. I forget if it's once a week or once a month they send out an email explaining one brand vs. another especially if one is looking to upgrade. I purchased a new range from them this past April, but I wish it didn't spend a month getting to my house.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
So, with the front diff / CV axles / etc., removed from the Envoy, oil pan gasket replaced, and two new LCAs installed (previously ordered; never installed), I ordered up two outer tie rod ends for later, and took the Voy out of the garage. Finally, I was able to get the Accord in this weekend to address the rust starting in the wheel wells.

(BTW, it's nice to finally have the Envoy 'dry' underneath, and not dripping anything on my driveway / garage floor (engine oil, diff fluid, or anything else!)). No issues with 'Service 4WD' lights, etc.

Drove the Accord in, removed the rear bumper cover, and took a look at what I had. First, the D/S was way worse than the passenger. I took a 120 grit flap disk and got all the rust off of the P/S wheelwell. Then I went to work on the D/S.

Unfortunately, things were bad enough on the D/S that in two places, I had holes completely through the metal. On the worse of the two, I resigned myself to taking out the death wheel and removing a 6" strip, which allowed me to get all of the rot out behind it (which is technically the edge of the inner fender). At this point, I knew a 'proper' fix would involve welding. Off to find a body shop for a quote.

The first thing I found out is that most collision / body shops won't touch rust, unless they list 'restoration' work. So I found a local shop that did that, and went in for the expected bad news.

I explained what I had and why I wanted to fix it / keep the car (M/T, which < 3% of Accords have). He took one look at it and said... "if I do it, I'll be replacing both inner / outer quarters -- easily $5000-$6000 a side. But I'll tell you how to slow it waaay down, and you can do it yourself, which will be way more cost-effective."

I had done some research on fiberglass, but he advised against, saying it would retain moisture and eventually come out.
nstead, he recommended a combination of... POR-15 along with liquid nails to build up the now-missing inner fender areas, then more POR-15 / primer / paint.

For the two spots on the D/S that also had a couple of 'inner rust bubbles' (whatever they're called; see pics), he advised removing the gas filler surround and spraying CrMo chain lube in the area.
As far as paint / blending... he didn't want that part of the job, either, and advised me to keep it to a minimum, as the farther up I went with the paint, the worse it would look (e.g.; I'd never be able to get it to 'factory').

So... the good news... I should be able to get the (current) rust on the Accord mostly removed, cheaply (along with a bunch of time on my end, which is fine.)

The bad news... it makes no sense to try and remediate the rust issues the 'right' way. So I've got a relatively low-mileage (145K) Accord with a 5MT that will likely succumb to rust before I get the remaining miles out of it (easily another 150K, and that's probably 10 years away or more, for me). To say I'm sad over this is an understatement. If the rust were on replaceable panels like hood / fender / doors, I'd just replace the panels outright. But it's on the rear wheelwells.

Thinking about fixing it up as advised, then selling before the rust gets worse, and finding another M/T-equipped Accord (they're available until 2018 MY, but rare as hen's teeth). And I like the '08-'12 model interiors better than the '13-'16, as well.
Oh well... "1st world problems", as they say.

I know some of you have worked with fiberglass, although more on the interior (like for building sub enclosures / dash panels), vs exterior / body, based on my search results on the site.
What say you?

I've watched a couple of YT vids on how to do it, and while it's a lot of work, I'll do it if it'll last longer. I'd like to get at least 5yrs out of whatever method I try. But I know I won't be able to blend the paint, and that part will look like ass, which I don't want.

PS: If someone wants to see my upcoming work on this as a separate 'generic' body / paint thread, let me know. But I'm guessing no one wants a half-assed repair method documented.

PPS: Yes, I now have a welder. But I'm not about to 'go learning' on the Accord. :nono:

Pics below:





(note: What's left here is a rubber strip. In the middle is the remainder of a spot weld (which I'll grind down)


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went and had the Sierra looked at the bodyshop. They agreed to take care of the issues. On top of that, it wasn't supposed to be released to me yet as the bed lining still has to be retouched, which I didn't even notice. Dropping it off again tomorrow morning.

New pump came in, put it all back together and laundry is back in business. It's quieter and pumps faster despite being the same 1/4 HP rating. Also got a set of 3 wireless water alarms. Pretty cool. They connect to a hub which is connected to the WiFi which can send me alerts to my phone via the app. Put a sensor under the laundry tub, another in the utility room where the well water comes in and near the dishwasher.
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