What are you doing today? [Part II]


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And then the wiper (alcohol) clears it all away, kinda :tequila:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today will be prep day for our RV trip tomorrow. Did receive a few items from the house of Jeff, notably, a screen door push bar, a water pressure regulator, low point water drain valves and new style black tank sensors as the old ones are give false readings and always showing the tank as full. These are supposed to be a permanent fix. Will replace them this morning before it gets too hot out.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well the barn raising is full tilt now. Several semi loads of lumber and roof trusses and they have all the posts erected and plumbed. Will get some pics later.

We repositioned the travel trailer so its closer to the main power box and its 30amp hookup. She now has full power, ac and all the fixings. The twin 6 volt batteries were done and unable to take a charge so for simplicity sake I picked up a deep cycle 12 volt. We are not boondocking so this will suffice. Just need to figure out how to fire up the new water heater. My wife is hosting a horse clinic this weekend and people are going to stay in the trailer.

Tomorrow I need to clean up the 3500. She desperately needs an interior clean and a once over. My wife has been racking up some towing miles and we will be taking on a road trip to BC later this month. Its intermittent intake air temp code has returned and now the power tailgate lock quit. Always something. Oh well, life goes on.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Day 3 of camping in Owen Sound. Beautiful area. Went up to Tobermory Tuesday where we went on a shipwreck sightseeing cruise and because it was raining yesterday, we just went shopping. At a discount store, found a helluva deal on an RV canister type water filter instead of those inline ones, which are supposedly garbage. Right away found the water tasted much better. They had them stickered at half the price and there was another 50% off that. I'll be going back to stock up on more refills.

Today is wifey beach day while she meets up with her friend. I'll just hang around sightseeing on the beach :cool:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I figured put the tailgate lock issue pretty quick. The connecter had slipped out slightly. I knocked out some dirt and managed to jam her home so now its back in action.

I emptied the grey and blackwater tanks on the trailer and got the hot water heater fired up. Everything seems to be working great except the propane tanks feel just about empty..... great.

The barn crew have been hard at it and even cracked the cover and top ring of the new septic tank. Sucks but its fibreglass and the top ring is removable. Meh.

Best news all day was I got the first tomotatos off. I'm not really a fan of them but I love growing things and seeing an end product.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Drive back home day yesterday, pack up and hit the road for a 7+ hour drive. Stopped by Wasaga beach, the longest fresh water beach in the world. Previous day's Sauble beach is the second longest. Both beautiful. Wasaga has a dog accessible beach so our Pyrenees/Lab mix could also enjoy a dip along with the Mrs. Set up the Blackstone for some quick hot dogs for lunch. Nice stop and was well worth it. Planning on coming back next year but for a couple of weeks however have to book very early as sites fill up fast.


Arrived home after 9PM so it was dark but an otherwise uneventful drive.

Today we are supposed to receive the replacement fridge to replace the defective and damaged one. Didn't receive the robocall yesterday to confirm delivery and having a hard time getting a hold of someone on their text service to confirm it's happening today. Sure hope it's not the same delivery guys as the last time.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just can't shake this bad mojo. :badday:

Yesterday, since I didn't get the robocall the day prior for the delivery of the replacement fridge, I text Home Depot. Checks with the shipper and the fridge didn't make it to their warehouse in time to be loaded for delivery. New delivery date is Wed. However, later, I get a phone call from the delivery guy saying they'll be here in 20 minutes?!? WTF? Empty it out, unplug and ready to go.

They show up, it's the same jackwagons as last time but they have a little better attitude. They take it out and bring the other in. Had them wait while we peeled the film off and inspect it for any damage or other anomaly. I was so confident that I even hooked up the water line. No leaks. Wait the obligatory 2 hours and plug it in. So far so good.

Next morning check the fridge and... IT DOESN'T WORK! Not cold at all, don't feel any heat coming from the back and all I hear is gurgling from the compressor. Call HD and she says another one wouldn't be available for 3 weeks (not like I'd want a Frigidaire/Electrolux again anyway). She recommended we go to the store where the manager could do a deal to fix this. The same appliances CSR (the old Sears guy) looked and checked for what would be available as soon as possible. There is a higher end LG that could be delivered by Thur. Manager asked what would make us happy and we said to have it at the same price. DONE! That was $500 off an already discounted price. Now that's customer oriented service! It wasn't their fault that two fridges were junk but they made it right. It's an LG and after the bad experience with our previous Scamsung fridge, I'm leery of anything made in Korea but everybody says they're good so giving them a shot.

Hold on, that's not then end of my day. We get a torrential rain in the afternoon and I get a water alarm in the basement. Tons of water seeping in through the foundation. Get the shop vac going trying to keep up with the water coming in. After the rain stops and water coming in slows down, start patching with some hydraulic cement I had left over from the patch I did for the well water pipes. The real problem is outside where the ground sunk in that area from the well replacement and water pools against the foundation. I'll have to get a load of dirt to fill that in to grade it away from the house. And the eavestrough downspout being blocked and dumping all the water there didn't help.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Shite son!! Thats some bad luck!! Don't take all my bad luck, otherwise I won't have f all foe luck left.

I finally hit my summer vacation days I booked off in early April. Couldn't come soon enough as work is the perpetual shit show. We got a day in the heat to do some last minute fencing and then the kids and I will make our BC trip. My wife can't make it now as there are some employee issues at her work. As much as I want the whole family to do go, I will take this opportunity to spend some great time with my kids.


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Jul 22, 2015
This doesn't qualify to "what'd I do to the GM truck today", as all I did was drive it...

Took the Sierra on a long trip yesterday to get a truck bed tool box (the kind that mount in the front of the bed, side to side). Guy was selling it for $100 (same one new goes for $430 now), and it takes up less room in the bed than the wheeled storage trunk I carry tools and stuff in, so I figured I'd jump on it.

Trip was uneventful until I stopped for gas on the way home. Left the engine running, as the battery sounded weak, even though it was damn near fully charged, thanks to the hours on the highway.

As I'm finishing the fill, I'm thinking... "damn, the valvetrain sounds noisy... why is that?"

After I put the fuel cap on and get back in the truck, I found the windshield had totally fogged up from the inside. "That's weird... "

Turned on the defroster and sat for a minute until I could halfway see, so I could move the truck out of the fuel bay. Then the DIC dings and tells me "Coolant Temp Overheat" (or something like that). WTF? Then I look at the gauge... it was exactly one notch from being pegged at 260F. NOOOOOO.... 😱

Get the truck to a legit parking spot, in case I was going to be there awhile, and shut down the engine. Looked at the coolant tank, and it was full. It was then that I figured out... I lost the e-fans. They'd been working like a champ for six months or more, up to that point.

Grabbed an energy bar and a drink at the inconvenience store, and waited about 45min... and the gauge was below the halfway mark. I saw the serpentine was in place, so if I could keep moving, the temp would stay at it's rock solid 192F, just as it had the whole day.

Made it home without further issue (but very stressed, of course) and parked it until daylight.

Checked the two fuses today; they were fine. Started up the vehicle cold, and turned on the A/C, which should trigger both fans. Neither ran. Connections are good and tight, so it's time to take the Envoy out of the garage, pull the Sierra in, and start digging in depth, along with the scanner, so I can command the fans on, etc. Since this is a retrofit kit, I doubt I'm going to see any codes, even though I take advantage of the two PCM leads to turn the fans on / off. No CEL light on, either.

A shame, because I was really enjoying the scenic drive through WI, and how well the truck was running / performing. Oh well... at least I didn't blow the head gaskets (hopefully). Looks like I'd have to get past 260F (?) to warp the heads, but I won't know for sure unless I remove them.

I'd been wanting to replace the bearings in the bottom end, and figured I'd do that along with re-ringing the engine, etc. I may get to start that project earlier than I'd planned. :Banghead:

I did save the old mechanical fan / clutch, along with the plastic shrouds, so I can rip out the e-fans and go back to the old school setup, if I need to. I *know* that fan will run, if the water pump is turning. Sigh. And I had been giving thought to someday going with an electric WP, to free up a few more ponies. Doubt I'll ever do that, now.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Damn @Reprise , hope you can figure it out and nothing got damaged. Sounds like a a wiring or relay issue for both to quit like that. Would suck to go back to a mech fan now.

Busy day again yesterday. Ran around collecting stuff to fix the rear eavestrough downspout, which was leaking terribly during the rainstorms on Saturday and Sunday with water coming into the basement (the hydraulic cement didn't work). Decided to replace it with white PVC pipe. To my surprise, there aren't any 3" pipe holding brackets so I used clear zip-ties with screw brackets, which was better than using galvanized metal strap. Didn't glue the last 10' pipe that leads down to the lawn so it can be removed when cutting the lawn. It exits far enough now that it won't accumulate water near the foundation.

The front eavestrough, which didn't affect the water intrusions, was in bad shape and bowed in the middle, which created a reproduction of Niagara Falls each time it rained right in front of our door. It was full of water and stones from the roofing shingles. Working from the roof, which meant my head was angled down most of the time and getting a massive headache, I unscrewed most of it and repositioned it so it's properly angled and would drain out the downspout. Used the hose to clean it out of all those stones. Will also redo the downspout with PVC today.

And yesterday evening, picked up a used Lenovo ThinkPad E570 laptop for $350. Mrs. Moose had been bugging me to get a laptop for her. I'll just set up and let her use my previous Lenovo T440s, which is no slouch itself, and use the "new" one since it has a bigger screen and better specs (i7, 8GB ram, 15", GEForce GPU, 500GB HD). I may upgrade the HD to a 1TB SSD.

Getting a delivery of a cubic yard of topsoil today to re-level and grade the area where the water is pooling. Will be fun shovelling all that dirt. Shouldn't be too hot but it's humid like a Turkish bath.


Apr 9, 2012
A shame, because I was really enjoying the scenic drive through WI, and how well the truck was running / performing. Oh well... at least I didn't blow the head gaskets (hopefully). Looks like I'd have to get past 260F (?) to warp the heads, but I won't know for sure unless I remove them.
Yikes....fingers crossed its not. I always assumed that anything after 260*F+ was considered unsafe for the heads.

Been filling out various applications for local pet groups, and organizations through the country. My dog tore her ACL back in Mid-July, so I've been trying to see which one would help with offering a grant to help cover the surgery. Most of the ones I've applied to denied the application, because its not a life threatening illness/disease despite saying they offer it for any medical reason. She's doing okay for the time being, but she's at risk of injuring the other leg from favoring it. :worried:

Between being hospitalized last year for a life threatening illness, and the still ongoing influx of various hospital/out of network bills coming in. Haven't had a chance to really enjoy summer with all the OT/side jobs I've been doing to keep up with it all so this was a less then welcomed surprise. Hoping next year turns out much better.

On the bright side though, had a nice customer drop by work with lunch for the whole office so that was a pleasant surprise.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well I made it this evening. Crimetown, Saskatchewan to Crimetown (Surrey), BC. 1500 km in the books. We did the first leg and stayed over in Revelstoke then the last 500km today.

Its been long bloody drive through those mountains, thats for damn sure.

On a good note, we took the 3500, which is an absolute boss on the roads. So much bloody torque and that exhaust brake made those long grades a breeze.

Hand calculated I did 18.7 mpg from Crimetown to Drumheller. Then my overall average improved to 19.5 mpg when I hit Kamloops. I think that's damn fine winding through the rockies, doing a fair clip.

On the Coquihalla highway from Kamloops to Hope, there was some aggressive ascents and descents. Many semi trucks at a crawl or broke down. I had my cruise on 125km/h up 6 and 7% grades that were miles long. Locked in 5th at 2000 rpm the truck was not even working and absolutely no temp issues, in fact they were boring.

The only times I used the service brakes were coming to a stop or in the city. That was a nice feeling.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
@BrianF , those are nice areas that we definitely want to tour. Just waiting for the Mrs to join the retired ranks that, unless we win the lottery, may take another 5 years or so :frown:

So today is delivery of our third fridge, sometime between 1 and 5pm according to the robocall yesterday. Just have to remove the handles and disconnect the water line and it's ready to go.

Yesterday, the pool pump decided to whine and complain (literally) that its bearings are gone. The one thing that hasn't given me any grief this year. Just have to get a couple of 6203 bearings, take it apart and replace them, which isn't my first time. I'll see if there are some better quality ones available.

Also have to tackle the dirt. Was delivered a bit late yesterday, and our son and his GF just returned from their eastern Canada bike tour. Sounded like they had a great time and are actually thinking of moving to Nova Scotia because of cheap housing and the beautiful scenery.

Here's some pics of the eavestroughs I finished yesterday. These pipes will be a lot tougher than the crap tin stuff.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Moose, I grew up in BC and took the scenery for granted. I think the rockies need to be seen in the summer and winter. Its a long drive but I think a bucket list item.

We did the trip to the aquarium today. I think it was about 30 years ago I was there last. It was pretty nice to do these things with the girls.

Now the drive through the city was.... well..... fk I hate cities.

I visited an uncle of mine who has copious amounts of factory restored firearms for me. Anschutz, BSA, Walther you name it. In his retirement he continued with firearm restoration on a greater scale. I'm pretty pumped to say the least.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON

Not to jinx myself but I think we can put this fridge saga to bed! Working perfectly, already making ice and the wifi app connected to it without any issue, shows temps as what I set. Also like the build quality better than the Frigidaire (defects notwithstanding) as the plastics just feel better.

Now we just need to do a trip to Costco and the grocery store to fill it :biggrin:


Replaced the bearings in the pool pump. Went to a local industrial supply house to get the bearings, got some F.A.G. which as supposedly good quality. Then had to run to Princess Auto to get a bearing puller as the one I had wasn't quite long enough. Went fairly well except that I forgot to put back in a part and it wouldn't pump. Took about 10 minutes to take it apart to get it back in and reconnected. Purring like a kitten and working as it should. Had to run it a while to drain the extra water from the rain we got.

Today should be pleasant, 22c and low humidity so shovelling will be the order of the day.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Finished up filling up the dip next to the foundation. Borrowed a compactor from a neighbour to make sure it doesn't settle again. Then raked it a bit and put some grass seeds. Still have some soil left over that I'm sure Mrs, Moose can use in her garden. What you see with new soil was where it was depressed and water just pooled.


Then installed a 30A plug in for the RV. Apart from being easier than with the 15A adapter, it can now be fully powered so if we have guests, they can run the A/C.


We have some friends coming over tomorrow so I'm throwing a brisket in the smoker tonight. I had to separate the flat from the point because there was so much thick hard fat in between them that it wouldn't have rendered. It was supposedly AAA Canadian beef from Costco. Must have been a really fat cow ! 🐄


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In celebration and with sincere gratitude for having been able to live such long lives in the presence of so much abundance that has kept my Wife and I happy to be together and healthy... I present to you... Our ordinary 'Victuals' (ill-pronounced by some Damned Fool as "Vittles" too long ago and accepted to this very day...).


Please know that We do not eat like this delectable photo-play would suggest each and every day... but rather these might suggest what we enjoy perhaps as THE Main Meals here and there... with lots of egregious snacking in between that is probably in opposition and conflict with all of this "Gesundheit Goodness".

I wish everyone on this Good Earth of ours were so fortunate.


Say @BrianF ... Is that an Unlucky Canadian Rocky Mountains BUG on your 3500's Windshield in that image... or is it a UFO hovering near the Mountains?

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Aug 9, 2022
Central Virginia
It's annual safety inspection time for the Envoy. I hate that, but do prefer the laws because I don't trust other people to keep me safe from their faulty brakes and tires or whatnot.

Anyway, had one headlight fogging up (which will flunk it), so pulled that out last night, dried it out inside and resealed it. Reinstalled late this AM and then gave both headlights a good polish. 3000 grit wet-sand, and then some Maguiars PlastX. (I wasn't expecting this or I would have done before and after photos to post. They're not perfect, but look pretty good).
Now I'm procrastinating while I should be getting some work done. 😬


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Mrrsm, I don't think you could handle the truth about that mysterious dot on or through my windshield.

I, on the other hand, am home today. We have the ferrier out doing shoes and trims so I have a 5 pound shoulder roast on the Traeger. 2 hours at 225F for some smoke and now she is in the cast iron dish, covered and at 350F.

I did the calibration meat pyro so I will do some checking soon. The pyro is showing 171F but it was usually reading 10F high.

I don't like my roast bleeding but rather falling apart so its getting close to done.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Picked up some palm hearts lasagne "noodles" to use with the leftover spaghetti sauce from yesterday that I made with leftover smoked brisket. It was fantastic in the sauce. I used the smoker to bake it so as to not heat up the house with the oven. OMG! The smoke flavour got into the top layer of cheese and made it even better.


Used palm hearts instead of regular noodles since we are on a low carb diet.

I'm overdue for a smoked meatloaf!


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Picked up some palm hearts lasagne "noodles" to use with the leftover spaghetti sauce from yesterday that I made with leftover smoked brisket. It was fantastic in the sauce. I used the smoker to bake it so as to not heat up the house with the oven. OMG! The smoke flavour got into the top layer of cheese and made it even better.

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Used palm hearts instead of regular noodles since we are on a low carb diet.

I'm overdue for a smoked meatloaf!
Sometimes I hate you... My stomach is gnawing on my back bone over here, and your sitting there talking about smoked brisket, smoked lasagna...

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well the pyro is still dumb AF. Was showing 192 while my analog one was showing 180. So I pulled it but we were still busy in the barn so it sat for another 2 hours. Still came out great though. The pesky kids were picking at it while I made the rest of supper.


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Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Installed an outdoor GFCI outlet on the south side of the house, next to the workbench I built a few months ago. There's a GFCI on the west side near the AC units, building code requirement for AC service.
I got tired of having to run an extension cord over to the workbench. The new outlet is a 20 amp unit with 12 gauge wiring, suitable for plugging in my 110V Lincoln Electric welder. That's the most power hungry tool I'll probably ever have plugged in there. This outlet is on a dedicated circuit, nothing else on it. I still need to wire it into the breaker panel.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Didn't get much done today because I got a new phone from the Purolator guy. My old Pixel 3A XL was just getting tired and was just pissing me off with Bluetooth issues and just getting slow in general.

The new phone is a TCL 20 Pro 5G. It's a year old model but my carrier was having a smoking hot deal. Basically, the financing was $5/month after their $30 monthly rebate, however I'm still getting taxed on the original cost of the phone so another $5/month. Still, an $850 phone for a total of $240 after the two years was even better than getting one used. And I also get to keep my current plan, which is unusual as they usually force you to get a higher priced plan. Sweet.

So basically spent the day setting up and playing with the new phone. So far, I'm liking it and the online reviews have been spot on. Wireless charging will be cool. I already got a case and laminated glass screen protector however, it's interfering with the fingerprint scanner, makes the side bar hard to activate and touches aren't as sensitive. A problem I didn't have on my old phone. I may go without it and return it.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Wireless charging will be cool.
It is. Although 'Qi' (inductive) charging is a little slower, vs. using the cable.
If you're keeping the phone, keeping it charged at 80% or lower will keep the battery life maxed. I generally keep mine under 70% (most of the time), and almost exactly a year after replacing my battery in my Galaxy S8, I still have 89% life left in the current one (per a monitoring / charging app I use).

Anywho... as for me... today I got the other 2 trailer tires swapped out for new. And I found out that I shouldn't have been charged for mounting the first two. So $20 will be coming back to me. That was nice -- not often that happens.

Tomorrow, I'm driving out to SW Michigan, to pick up what (hopefully) will be the beginnings of 'Project 403' :shhh: Although it'll be spring 2023 before I start it, in earnest.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
If you're keeping the phone, keeping it charged at 80% or lower will keep the battery life maxed.
Bah. I charged my old phone every night to 100% and it still lasted me all day.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Bah. I charged my old phone every night to 100% and it still lasted me all day.

No... what I mean is that the battery will wear out more slowly, the less you keep topping it up past 80%. E.g.; it's that last 20% that has the biggest effect on degradation (the battery temp climbs, when going from 80% (& especially 90%) -> 100%) No biggie; just an fyi.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Just got back round-trip from Dowagiac, MI.

"What the hell was in Dowagiac?", you say...

Introducing... 'Project 403'

Just a teaser pic for now. I'll start a build thread, but it'll be spring before I start working on it in earnest. For now, she'll get a good bill of health from my local shop, and then professionally wrapped / stored away in a dry bag on a stand.

Was a good drive today (and not just because I picked this up)...

A while back, I mentioned that the Sierra, now that it was cammed, only needed the tiniest little 'lean' on the throttle to pick up speed during 35-45mph cruising.

That proved itself again today, as I was cruising at 70mph.

I'm used to anticipating interstate traffic merging in / out, and moving up / dropping back, accordingly. When moving up in other vehicles, that would usually mean dropping out of lockup, and sometimes suffering through a downshift -- which I dislike, intensely.

With the Sierra, 70mph occurs at about 2100rpm, with it's 4.10 gear. And that's solidly within the meat of its powerband.
Need to move up to 75mph?
"No problem, boss... I got 80, if you want it"
And she just moves her 5800lb @ss, pretty as you please, without even dropping out of lockup. Utterly effortless. Now, there is no more 'drop back', unless the situation calls for it. Just painlessly 'move up'. Beautiful. :love0001:

Now that the trailer has brand-new shoes, it'll be interesting to see how the truck does with 7000lb in tow. Will hook it up after Labor Day weekend and take her out for a couple of hundred miles (aka: 'a tankful of gas'... such is life, at 8-ish mpg). :frown:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Last night, dropped a pork butt in the smoker for an overnight smoke for some pulled pork today. My eldest son is coming over for the weekend for his birthday. Turned out really good with the Moroccan rub I found at Bulk Barn. It practically pulled itself it was so tender.


After picking up my son, I saw a this deal on Marketplace for $25. Said it leaked fuel. It had compression so took the chance. Started with starting fluid and it made power. The carb needed a little cleaning and the fuel petcock was blocked so no fuel. Pulled it out, cleaned it and all's good. Not the most powerful at 1200w max but thought I could use it with the RV when I didn't need the big generator. However it's not very stable and can't keep steady voltage at lower power demands so it's really only good for power tools and lights. Can't trust it with anything sensitive like electronics. I think I'll just flip it and make a few bucks.



Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Headed to the big city with the family. Tonight the girls are taking in a show so I milled around cabelas for an hour and picked up a collapsible shooting tripod. I want to get out for some more gopher shooting but prefer to walk and i can appreciate shooting aids.

I also picked up a new cabin air filter for my 3500. I usually vacuum it out once a year but forgot this year and noticed my fan speed dropping. She was due and also eventually the media plugs with the fines. Works like a damn charm now.

Tomorrow we bring home a horse from the vet college. It was acting different so we had some tests done. One ovary was completely encompassed with cancer. They took both out and she appears to be doing well. A couple weeks of light exercise and she should be as good as new.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
I waited to pick them up as I found a nice spot to park the big rig. Nice to see the classy inner city folk out and about. Two scrouts parked their asses accross the sidewalk from me. One was freebasing some meth and was tweeking out while the other shot some opiates and slumped over like a bag of used diapers.

Its a sad state of affairs but I did get a kick out of the tweeker as he fiddled with everything and nothing. Combed whats left of his hair for 5 minutes and then another tried to put on some sort of necklace as he paced back and forth. He wore sunglasses at night, probably so he could see all the garbage in his fanny pack and pack and unpack it a few times.

Then the rubbie dubs and walkers came out for a few laps. Luckily I was able to bolt up closer to the building to pick the family up. I'm always up for a good show.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Went to Ace to pick up some M10 x 1.50 x 70mm bolts / washers to bolt the block to the engine stand (which they had), and some LPS 3 corrosion inhibitor (which they didn't -- liars!)

Bolted up the arms to the block, re-attached the lashing straps that I used to keep it secure in the bed, and started pulling it out of the bed with the hoist. Attached the center tube to the plate, lowered the ram a bit, to get the stand in position to accept the load... and then watched the engine & the tire it was sitting on, drop off the tailgate.

Had the block hanging nearly on end, about a foot off the ground, with the stand sideways. Was able to roughly support the block with one hand, while stretching / using the other to pump the ram back up, so I could swing the engine / stand back into position. Then lowered it again, slowly, getting the stand down on the four wheels. Fun times. :duh:

To say I was soaked in sweat (both from the heat / exertion, and the anxiety) was an understatement.
After resting a bit, I broke out the WD-40, turned the block on the stand, and gave the exposed metal surfaces a good spray, until I can get some of the LPS 3 in hand. And a lift plate is on order. :dunce:

I almost took a picture of the hoist / stand / block after recovering it, but figured the written description of what happened was embarrassing enough. And I wasn't about to stage a recreation -- with my luck, I'd have actually dropped the block on the garage floor, the second time around.

Also, I found an engine cradle this morning for a BBC on CL, located about 45min away. It'll need to be modified to fit the LS block, but for an asking price of $15, I'll be happy to do so. A new one is about $70 (but it'll bolt directly to the block, no mods needed). Hopefully, the seller contacts me (just checked my e-mail and no response yet). With that and the lift plate, it'll be easy to load the block on / off the truck in the future.

Hopefully, I never repeat today's near fiasco.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area

Around July 15th of 2022, I received a “Form Letter” from my Trash Collection Service advising that, “As of August 1, 2022...We Will NO LONGER PICK UP YOUR TRASH.”

Yup...That was all it said. Following on with my usual *** Redoubtable Instincts*** that it is, “ALWAYS Better to ACT than to REACT…”,

I immediately started Researching whatever the BIG Local Corporation Trash Companies were using for their Trash Bins. I did this by peeking out the Window and checking up and down the street as my Neighbors parked THEIR Trash Bins curb-side.

I finally decided after much flogging of all the “County Certified Waste Companies” upon One In Particular, mostly because their Name and Phone was Glommed on a Sticker Stuck to my NDN’s Trash Bin.

So I decided that we should make it easy on everyone and Kill Two Trash Bins at the Same Time with the SAME Company ...Twice Weekly.

So Far… So Good... Right? Yeah well, Read On ...THIS gets interesting because regardless of WHICH Waste Management Service we’d wind up with, one way or another, We would NEED to Get a Brand New LARGE TRASH BIN.

And THIS is the Point Where I Fell Right Off The Face of The Earth because The Lil’ Woman said,

You know, Honey, Since the Utilities have ALWAYS been in MY NAME for the Last Fifty Years that we’ve been together, I... Want to Participate in this Decision Making Process, too…”

So… I tried NOT to Smile and NOT look at her “TOO Kinda Funny…” You Know? And so I replied,

Suuuure, Baby Sweet… So. How about looking us up a 96 Gallon Trash Bin and let’s get The Best One you can find…” and She smiled approvingly. And right then, I decided to just let the whole thing go at that.

And THAT was One Big “WTF WAS I THINKING?” Kind of Mistake Moment ! Because pretty soon , since "Time Flies" ...it was leading right up to the Very Last Week in July when I was getting a bit nervous and asking,

“Say Baby Doll… Any Word yet from Amazon about WHEN that TRASH BIN will be getting here? You know, We’ve only got until just before Monday August 1st …. that New Company starts doing their Trash Pick Ups, because you know, THEY WON’T PICK UP TRASH IN PLASTIC BAGS SITTING BY THE ROADSIDE.”

And there it was… I could see that AWFUL, Blank Stare. And then she slowly whispered, “Uuuuh… Eeerrr… Hunnnyyy ... I thought that YOUUUUU were going to Order One.” Then there was that Sheepish Oh Sh*T oH sH*t Grin… OMG!

In that very instant… I Made a MAD DASH over to my Laptop and immediately got on AMAZON. I Churned through a Whole Raft of 96 Gallon Trash Bins. looking for the First One that maybe would arrive here BEFORE August 1st, 2022.

I found ONLY ONE and So… I Banged That Buy Button after making only a scant reading of One Comment: “Fast, EARLY” Delivery…” without realizing until much later that the Seller had made ONLY ONE ON-LINE SALE… EVER.

Well of COURSE ...It HAD to happen THIS Way... (Thank You, Heisenberg...) RIGHT? And of course... August 1st Came and Went... and that TOTER BLACK-N-BLUE 96 Gallon Trash Bin NEVER ARRIVED!!!

Usually I Never have Any problems with Any of my Amazon Orders… Never that is ... Right up until “Heisenberg”Jumps Up and JAMS ME about something REALLY Important and it Bites Me On The A** with THIS issue.

So I call THAT Amazon Customer Service Dude Over in India ...And He Was GREAT… Because He Canceled that Original Order and He Refunded ALL my Moolah in Less than A Day After THAT.

I immediately ordered ANOTHER TOTER BIN, but THIS Time I bought it DIRECTLY FROM TOTER via Amazon. Three days later around 1:00 PM, I saw this HUGE Semi-Truck from a Tampa Freight Carrier come Screeching to a HALT almost completely blocking off the entire road.

I came out in my Yard and watched with Great Anticipation as dropped off One, Huge, Banged Up Cardboard Box that I reflexively Signed For and then I managed to *Wrangle* it up into my Driveway.

Then after he left, I broke open that Box and I could see a Small Gash ...A 3" Cut that went RIGHT THROUGH the upper side of the Blue Plastic BIN:

I Did NOT Care...

AND…. I could see that One Wheel was laying loose, down in the bottom of that Big Box…

I Did NOT Care...


Almost as soon as I signed for it, I managed to get that Broken Wheel Banged Right Back onto the Axle and I Filled that TRASH BIN Right UP to the BRIM with Two Weeks Worth of Garbage… JUST as my New Waste Service Truck pulled up out front.

I briefly met their 'Peeps' and after he Slapped One of THEIR Sticky Company Labels onto MY BIN… He Took All My Trash Away… and THAT Should have been the End of THAT… Right?

But.... Uhhh… NOOOOOOOooooooooooo…

This Last Monday Evening, when I went out to the roadside to Wheel in my Trash Bin (Sitting there ODDLY TILTED) back onto my Driveway, I could see that One of the Two Wheels was just laying on top of the Bin Lid and the Axle was tilting downwards and digging itself into the concrete drive. Well My GOD… WTF NOW ???….. WTF...DUDE!!!

And so NOW I’ve got to go through all of this Time, Effort and Expense to FIX something that should NEVER have been So Poorly Designed in the First Place… and I have to perform yet another “MRRSM OVER- ENGINEERED FIX TO PERFECT A LASTING SOLUTION TO SOMEONE ELSE'S PROBLEM".

And of course, that means having Buy yet another TOTER Wheels & New Axle Kit along with getting New Lengths of 5/8” Smooth Steel Rod and some 5/8” X 11 TPI Lock-Nut Fasteners and Wide S/S Washers.

It also means that I have to get an Expensive SAE Tap & Die Set capable of Chasing NEW 5/8” X 11 TPI on BOTH Ends of a Galvanized Stock Steel Rod with EXCESS Length (jik) a 24” Long Threaded 5/8” X 11 TPI Threaded, Stainless Steel Rod will NOT Properly Do The Job.


Here is What Arrived On That Day:


Here is EVERYTHING that is COMING to FIX IT:


And... Here is EVERYTHING ELSE I need to Re-Engineer a Fail and Fool Proof Axle and Wheel Combo of my OWN MAKING:


And I'm Thinking that I'd Better Watch THESE Videos to Tune Up on How To Cut New 5/8” X 11 Threads onto a 5/8” X 24” Galvanized Steel Rod

I like Adam’s Videos on Metal and Machinist Work and THIS one is Spot On:

And for The Full Monty for Taps, Dies and Thread Chasers:

-=The End=-
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Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Took the day off (it's OK, I put in the vacation request Wednesday of last week) and after my wife left for work I flipped the main breaker on the service panel and shut the whole house down! 😈
Then I proceeded to wire in the cables for the outdoor GFCI outlet I referenced a few post back, and the 20 amp switch controlled outlet I installed in the laundry room. Eventually I am going to get an air compressor https://www.menards.com/main/tools/...76-c-12910.htm?tid=3323206380665732334&ipos=3 and that is where I plan to put it.
I tested both outlets and they both work as they should! No more dragging around an extension cord when I need to work outside! :woohoo:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The NEIKO 45 Piece Titanium Tap & Die Set arrived today:


I was unprepared for just how HEAVY this well appointed Tungsten & Alloy Steel with Titanium Coatings Kit was, so I tossed it on top of my HVAC Freon Scale, just to see what it would Weigh in as:

(14 Pounds 5.75 Ounces)


Until those Two Raw Steel Axle Rods get here, THIS will have to satisfy as to how I hope "Things Will Go"... once I finally get the chance to:

“Use A Die for Chasing New Threads onto a Plain 5/8” Steel Rod”.

I'll probably adhere to the idea suggested in this Demo Video of Working this Thread Chase Exercise onto those Axles along a Horizontal Plane. I know we’ve all been “DIE-ing” to SEE THIS:

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Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Bit of a mixed bag, but made progress...

Took more detailed measurements of the block (cylinders, cam bores, main bores) with the limited tools I have for the task, and got the thing on a portable stand, for transport to my machinist next week. Got the LPS 3 anticorrosive spray, but after seeing how it goes on, decided I'd just keep the WD-40 on it until the machinist did his work -- otherwise, the LPS would be wasted.

It can also now be moved / kept out of the way, so that I can get the Envoy in and start rebuilding the front diff / reinstalling it in the truck.

"But... but... I thought you were going to leave the Envoy in 2WD?"
Yeah, I thought so too. Then someone told me they were interested in buying it.
As I told the Envoy as I passed her this morning... "It's nice to be wanted" :love0001: :biggrin:


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Don't know why the post previous to mine is referenced, but the link will take you to the correct post.

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