What are you doing today? [Part II]


Jan 26, 2013
The mrs. & I went to a pee wee ball game last night. We watch about 1 hour of pure fun. No overbearing parents just 7-9 year olds playing the best they could. If you haven't been to a little league baseball game lately and would like to relax watching a game go to your local ball field and enjoy this past time. And it was extra nice when there were two infield home runs and not due to errors. The ending score was 15 to 8 so plenty of runs helped the watching too.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Hauled in manure to the garden a tilled it in a few days back. Likely going to plant it tomorrow evening. Have my tomatoes, celery and new strawberry plants already in. My raspberry transplants from last summer are starting to grow and a few of last years strawberries have come back.

I may have used the Tracked machine to haul in the manure.... more as a comparison to the wheeled....


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Sons of bitchin coyotes are back with a vengeance. Found tracks in our horse pens now, including the mares and foals. Just before lunch they came milling about. Hell, two adults came running near, playing, then into the mare and foal pen. They got the horses in a panic and just about came at me. They moved off about 50m and I got a steady shot with my 308. Blasted the one, cycle the action and get a bead on the second just as it crested the rise and disappeared. Not bad witha bolt action and optics with a narrow field of view.

The one I hit got a second just to verify. Well they pissed me off for the last time. Coyotes are coyotes but when they think its ok to wander in during the day....


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well boys, just finished playing around with my 3500. So last year I figured I had its reoccurring P0111 issue potentially fixed. This past weekend it popped back on. Towing with ambient 15c, fine. 17c, fine. Hits 19c and on goes the light.

Swapped the IAT sensor with EGR temp sensor (same sensor used). Sure as shit they were both dirty again. I cleaned them both last year since I had them out. Seeing as the thing has been deleted for 60,000km with the EGR turned off, there should be no further soot on those sensors.

So now have to look at getting block of plates and remove the cooler and piping. I was hoping to avoid it as unnecessary work and expense, yet here we are.


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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I am now officially unemployed. Now just waiting for the final work on my security clearance for the new job. Hope it's not too fast as I wouldn't mind the summer off :biggrin:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Just got back from buying the wife a newer mini-van..

2012 Toyota Sienna Limited Premium AWD 92k miles, $15950

Its weird buying a vehicle thats not Silver... But Gold is in the same area!


Jan 15, 2012
Nice, certainly a step up from the "jack tester" .... :biggrin:
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Eighty Years Ago....Today...On June 6th, 1944, The SAC (Supreme Allied Commander) Five Star General Dwight David Eisenhower ordered our Allied Troops to cross the English Channel and land... NOT at the Pas De Calais, as they had tried to *spoof* the German High Command into believing, but upon the flat and sandy beaches of Normandy, France.

This was the day that we would to start the Land Counter-Invasion of NAZI Occupied France.This was the very first effort that began at the place the German General Irwin Rommel had planned for, designed and built up to resist us with what he called "Fortress Europe".

Over 60,000,000 people perished during that Five Year Long War; either while fighting for one side... or the other... or simply because they just plain got in the way of it all. So it is worth pausing for a moment and remembering the significance of "D-Day" and our eventual Allied Victory.

We should also pause and Pray to God and His Angels that we don't have to repeat this need to combine our International Armies once again and Fight against the Tyranny that Rears its Ugly Head ....RIGHT NOW ... starting in the second quarter of the 21st Century, AD to wreak havoc upon the European Continent.

In addition to paying such homage today to World War Two...Starting at 7:00 AM Central Time, it is notable that the Biggest Flying Machine EVER Created by the Mind and Industry of Man will make its Fourth Test Flight Attempt by lighting off (33) Type 2 Raptor Engines made in-house by SpaceX and capable;e of generating 15,000,000 Pounds of Thrust.

This power amounts to over twice that of the Saturn 5 Rocket-Dyne Rockets that took the Apollo Astronauts to The Moon and Back to Mother Earth. It is designed to roar and rumble up and away from the OLT under so much strength from its "BFR" Booster, that it can launch the latest Iteration of the Starship Spacecraft capable of lofting over 100 Tons into orbit, well away from the serene shoreline of the Gulf Of Mexico in Boca Chica, Texas and fly right around this Very Troubled Planet of Ours... The Good Earth.

This is an Outline of what we should see this morning:

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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I haven't posted in a while, so figured I'd make up for it with some good old fashioned pic/post whoring :biggrin: Couple weeks ago, got an email coupon from HF about their handheld steamer. Had been kicking around the idea of getting one, mainly for my countertop grill cuz the plates never come 100% clean out of the dishwasher. Figured something like this would be good for cleaning small stuff like that.

Since you're 'supposed' to use distilled water to prevent deposits from clogging up the machine, I looked up some YT videos on how to make your own. Most people used a large pot of water, placed a smaller bowl inside, put the lid on upside down and fire up the stove. Water boils, collects on the lid, and whatever condenses drips into the bowl for you to use. Pretty easy, but the mod bug yawned. Saw some more complicated videos, one in particular where a guy used a throwaway pressure cooker, drilled a hole in the lid to screw in a barb fitting, use some tubing to connect to a copper coil in a small bucket as a condenser, that fed into a mason jar. Mod bug liked that idea :lightbulb:

Wanted to keep it cheap, in case is was a miserable failure, so here's the route I went. I have an InstantPot with a pressure cooker lid. One of the pressure valves leaves a 3/8" hole when removed, so I bought a length of clear vinyl tubing to fit that. I have my old aux transmission cooler that I took out of the EXT (that I suspected had a clogged thermal bypass) and some 3/8" hose pieces left over. Grabbed an old 2.5 gallon bucket, drilled an outlet hole near the bottom and started piecing stuff together.


Had to cut the clear tubing at a 45* angle to insert it into the lid. Used short sections of the transmission line to use as couplers for the clear tubing into/out of the cooler.


Set up everything at the sink, since I figured there was going to be water coming out of the bucket, and if anything went sideways, best place for hot water would be right there. Setup a plastic bottle in the sink and inserted the drain tube after dropping the cooler into the bucket.


I had a bunch of ice packs, to brought them all out. Placed those around the cooler, and then emptied about 3/4 of the ice maker on top of everything.


Fired up the pressure cooker, and could slowly see condensation working its way up the clear tube. After about 10 minutes, there was a steady stream of steam pushing through to the cooler, and eventually through the drain tube. It started melting the plastic bottle as it wasn't condensing in the cooler at all. Switched to a glass that was nearby, and then noticed some goop starting to flush out. I had flushed the cooler with water to get the rest of the Dexron out of it, so I assumed this is what had clogged things up and caused the cooler to stop helping my transmission. Good old steam cleaning for the win! :laugh:


I added some water into the ice bucket, and that solved the steam output issue, after a few moments, it turned into a steady drip, but some of that was due to the non-seal where the exit tube passed through the bucket. Used a water bottle to put a slight rise in the tube so the melt water didn't run down the tube where the distilled water was draining.


I still had some more sludge make its way out of the cooler, but the proof of concept seemed to work the way I wanted it to. As long as there was a decent amount of water to submerge the cooler, the steam condensed completely and the exit tubing wasn't warm at all. Just need to address that bulkhead to prevent leaking and I think I could boil off as much water as I needed without needing to add more ice. Doing this would have also saved my plastic bottle the first time around. But live and learn.


Granted, I don't NEED a ton of distilled water at the moment. This steam cleaner only holds ~12 fl oz at a time, but if I ever buy something for larger jobs, like steam cleaning the floors or upholstery on the couches or anything like that, having a gallon or 2 at the ready, or being able to make enough ahead of time would be quite convenient. :2thumbsup:

Was able to clean out the glass with some Dawn and hot water, and I had a pipe cleaner that took care of the tubing, so the only casualty was the plastic spray bottle.


Jan 26, 2013
Should anyone need to use distilled water and not have the time and engineering that Blckshdw
has gone through, stop by your local walmart and for a $1.26 you can purchase a full gallon of distilled water in the childrens section of the store. I pick it up there for the wife's cpap machine.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Floridians living in and around the Gulf of Mexico adjacent the Walton County Area should be aware that there were THREE Shark Attacks within Four Miles of each other and that the local authorities spotted numerous Bull Sharks in that area. Uniquely... Bull Sharks are BIG Thick Headed, Aggressive Creatures, that have the ability to tolerate swimming up into the local Canals of Brackish and Fresh Water ...and thus... they WILL aggressively hunt Human Beings who might think they would NEVER see Salt Water Predatory Fish in the Hot, Sultry areas where their Kids might be fishing, noisily jumping off the docks and swimming right along those narrow waterways at the canal sides of their homes and properties:

But...They MIGHT be WRONG about THAT. If memory serves, back around the year 2000 in the Tampa Bay Area, , one of our Elderly Retirees was just sitting idly on the edge of his dock, gently swishing his legs in the canal water just below him...but still a fair distance inland from The Gulf of Mexico ... when a large Bull Shark swam right up to him, grabbed him by the legs, and as he was being swept away, that Shark Bit the Old Fellow in HALF. His death sparked the interest of the local USF Marine Scientists who tried to raise awareness and educate the local population about Dangerous Shark Behaviors....and that of "Risky Humans" as well.

Listen for any updates or local Water Entry Warnings and advisories about such things occurring nearby. One "Shark Bite" Event might be considered quite unusual. But statistically... Having TWO (Correction... Make that THREE Now...) such Incidents occurring within a Single Day, only 90 Minutes apart and in such close proximity from each other around a Four Mile Stretch near shallow, shoreline-sand-bar locations is very rare, indeed. So THESE Three Events cannot be matters of mere coincidence!


Question: "What Do You Call a Tourist who Swims in the Gulf Of Mexico near the locations of Three, Back-to-Back Shark Attacks?"

Answer: "Shark Bait..."

EDIT: June 10th, 2024 @ 08:00 PM EST

THIS is Important Information that my just save your life...

Some years back...While investigating possible means for repelling Aggressive Shark Species... some Scientists settled upon using the Power of Magnetism present in having a whole array of Neodymium Magnets mounted upon a Rake Like Pole Device... the Strong Magnetic Field set up around the Divers performing this very dangerous experiment observed that the incoming large numbers of Bull Sharks hunting for Prey... were Completely Startled and Disoriented so badly...t hat they ALL Quickly Swam away from this extended apparatus.

So if you have scavenged all of the ND Magnets out of your Old Relic Hard Drives that you may have sitting around.. Building something like this Magnetic Irritant Rake-Pole and keeping it available On-Board Your Boat.. .might just come in handy if you are unlucky enough to get swamped in heavy sea swells and capsized in any body of Salt Water you can think of around the Globe. Just make certain to Grab Hold of IT ASAP B4 heading overboard in any such Boating Emergency... should anything happen to make things go "Sideways at Sea".
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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Thankfully I dont have to worry about shark attacks, flying spiders or things of that nature.

Today was 2/3 days off. My wife and oldest are on their way home from a horse show so my 14 year old and I are batching it. We ate like royalty, Traeger chicken thighs, homemade burgers, ice cream and took a big chunk out of the conjuring movies.

Today I checked my garden, happy to see the peas coming to life and everything else doing well. Then took out the 325G to level the approach into the one pasture. Its used for parking during our cattle events and the breakover angle is not great for some of the big rigs that come and go. So I skimmed it down a bit more. Spotted a pelican overhead, there are quite a few on the nearby river.


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Oh joy!

Went to join a Toyota Sienna forum... And guess who its owned by? Vertical Scope..

YAY! :smiley_kill::argue::deadhorse::compu-punch::crazy:

Went to try to join a Toyota Forum... And guess who its owned by? Vertical Scope...

Guess I am stuck with Vertical Scope and Facebook.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
After a MONU"MENTAL" Failure from my latest issues with non-access to YT Videos... Having become addicted at the height of the Covid Crisis to listening to FULL Audio-Books on the Novelized "ALIEN" Sub-Culture...what was ONCE offered (and taken for granted by ME) for FREE over on YT...Disappeared Overnight and bubbled up FOR SALE on Amazon under "Audible" offerings. No Sweat...THESE SCIFI DRAMAS are well worth their asking prices (just search for anything involving Dirk Maggs... and it will open up an entirely new world of SCIFI Entertainment for you)...

But Anyhoo... Early this morning, I was Browsing for something to distract me from my shattered YT Fetish on The Internet Archive...and OMG... I Found THIS.

Now I know that the moment I bring this possibility to the attention of "The Sci-Fi Fanatics" among us ...that some DA will flag it and then it TOO will disappear... So Saying No More About IT... And Without FURTHER ADO... Go Visit This Link...and You will soon figure out WTF I'm talking about...and then...Know WTF to DO about it... Next ;>)...
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Yesterday I made a trip to "the front range" as we call it here in the mountain sticks of Colorado. Had a few errands and wanted to poke around the good U-pull yard for a while. Lots of TrailBlazers to be sure, and not that I was interested but they must have come across a stash of Corvairs as they had at least a dozen or so.

Anyway, I picked up a couple more of those green flat cables for the BCMs, I think I have seen them called "body harness extension cables" in some repair manual online. I paid $3.82 each for those.

Found another truck with the key in the ignition and took that key & cylinder. Another $3.82 part. Don't even know why I grab these when I see them. Maybe it's just because I don't see them often.

Last night watched a video showing how to read a key for the numbers required to cut and how to populate the cylinder with the wafers and so on. I will likely see if I can get inside one of these spares I have now. Some things I just like seeing what I can do without really having a need.

Came across a 2006 Ranier where the hatch interior panels were off so I grabbed my first LGM to add to my corral of modules. I already know where the tire pressure sensor IDs are stored in these but I have wondered about other stuff I may discover in these modules.

I like seeing these modules like the BCM, LGM, & TCCM where the plastic housings simply pop open without any tools allowing removal of the circuit cards for cleaning & inspection.

I have been seeking out at least the common iterations of the TCCM. The yard doesn't have a suitable item in their price listing so we usually call them a large relay, priced at $9.20. (same goes for the LGM). I picked up 2 more to add to the 5 I had previously. I scan the memory of these to ferret out the locations of PID data that we cannot otherwise access with apps like Torque Pro etc.

And lastly I got an 08 ECM from a 2008 4.2 model. That was more costly at $49.03. The later year(s) are starting to show up at the yard here evidently, previously I rarely saw anything newer than an 06.

Alas my brain shifted to neutral and I forgot to get a TCM to go with!! Damn! I was wanting to experiment with what might happen to a TCM if it dropped one of its' 12 volt inputs/sources.

Need to make an actual plan of objectives when I go there next time instead of this latest random wandering.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I like Science as well as Science Fiction... But Mostly... I like Science. So I was completely taken aback when I dropped in on the first program in the BBC "Connections" Series produced back in 1978 by James Burke (now warehoused at The Internet Archive) ... and realized that his "Opening Salvo" actually took place at the Largest Matched Pair of Buildings ever constructed in the entire World... and was reminded that they simply do not exist anymore. The sheer prescience in Mr. Burke's narration dialog about this very topic ...about "What We Take For Granted"...is so chilling to watch and listen to... to this very day. Did he say that the Stranded Scandinavian Flight was called "911"...? WTF!

We are three months away from this sort of "Remembrill" (as per Neville from Harry Potter 1) of what happened in America in New York City back on September 11th, 2001. But if you've never actually SEEN what the Twin Towers looked like back then ...up close and personal... before they were struck by Airplanes and burned and tumbled to the ground as great gray clouds of concrete dust...along with all the Human Beings who dwelt within those doomed structures at that moment ...Well... Stop a Bit.

Just watch the first few minutes of this first program of this entire series if your curiosity is piqued by just how really impermanent the solid things are that exist in the World around you today and at all times ...and consider that they can actually disappear right before your very eyes ...in damned near an instant.

You can download this entire series in the lower right hand corner of this page as a ZIP File... if you enjoy Science as much as I do.

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Went for a 280km round trip to pick up a lease jumping horse for my 14 year old. Shes going to use it for the season and then see if we like it enough to by. Too lazy to switch out trailers so we yanked the 6 horse. Boys, while I know you guys dont do horses and what not but if you ever do, get a Trailswest gooseneck. My god do they tow well. Smooth and linear is all I can say. This things about 7400 pounds dry but cuts through a head wind like butter. Plus the old diesel makes things easy with 900lb/ft+ of torque. Just saying.....

This morning I snagged some gophers in the pastures. Used my Remington 550-1 up close and my 17HMR for distance. Always a good time. An hour later the birds already cleaned up.

Then began doing some electrical on my quad. The starter is dying again so before I tear it out, I cleaned some grounds and other connections. Found my voltage regulator wasnt working. Further digging and I found the sealed connections were melted. Cut them off and crimped/heat shrunk on new ones and cleaned up the others. Looks like they had something impeding the flow, causing resistance and so forth. Patched it up and away it goes. Saved having to get a new one.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
So I've slowly been gathering a few things for my wife's birthday coming up. She wanted to outfit the horse trailer for some creature comforts as it does have a weekender package (which needs to be stripped out due to some moisture issues). It is equipped with a group 24 battery to run some lights but nothing fancy. It has only one battery in a dual exterior mounted box.

So a couple of weeks ago, I picked up a 100w solar charger and a 1500w true sine wave inverter. The plan is to snag two fresh group 24s yet so we can run a couple of fans, maybe a small tv and charge some electronics.

Today my buddy sold me a low hour, couple year old Hyndai 2000w gen set for cheap. This will augment the battery power and charge when needed. Only issues are it hadn't ran since last year and the gas wasnt changed. She took a bit to fire up and needed some choke to stay alive. After a few minutes of run time it began to clear up a bit. Got her home, drained the gas, ran the carb dry and then refilled with fresh treated fuel and a bit of cleaner. Ran it for a bit and shut her down to soak. Will change the oil, clean the air filter and plug.

This is the first time I have delved into this sort of stuff so lots to learn but a neat little project to take on. Staged pics to come.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Prepping for a few activities going on. Our youngest son is getting married this weekend but a bit different. Tomorrow they're getting officially getting married at city hall and then on Saturday, they're having a "fake" ceremony and dinner. Reason being that the place they chose for the reception is in Quebec and they have particular rules like having everything translated to French and the bride cannot change her last name so they're bypassing all that. We're using the Caprice as the "limo" since it's big and white (and loud :biggrin: ). And the reception hall is in an RV campground so me and mom will be staying there for the weekend starting tomorrow.

So today have a few errands to do. Need a haircut and get my beard fixed up at the barber shop. Also need to get the Caprice interior cleaned and a wash, then pick up some shoe shine and a pair of dress socks. On top of that, get packed and prep the RV for a trip because after the wedding, me, Mrs Moose and the dog are heading on a trip to Quebec City till Friday, then on the way back, staying at the wife's family "farm" (actually a wooded lot) till Sunday with the whole family. We'll be boondocking there so will get our son to bring our gennys and gas. Will have to figure out where to fill the 40 gallon water tank and then where to dump after.

And my wife also asked me to empty her iPhone of the thousands of pics as her storage is full. Of course it's not cooperating with my Windows PC.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Worked on my new little genset. The NGK plug was gapped correctly and clean, the air filter was clean but needed a bit of oil and then changed oil with my suction gun. Tossed in some group 4 based, 0w40 CK4 oil in since it was handy. She runs pretty good now. It cleaned up decently as it now only has a light, intermittent stumble. I'll run it a few more cycles to see if it improves more before pulling the jet out. Either way, pretty happy thus far.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Once again... While on another Random Internet Archive Search... I found THIS Link to something our GMT Nation Canadian Members might very much enjoy seeing:

The Canadian Libraries... readily available at... The Internet Archive:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
By following the suggestions made about "How to approach Feral Cats..." after discovering I had at least three appearing on my security cameras on my property... my "Hands Off...Keep Your Distance" approach has paid enormous dividends after providing them with wholesome meals and fresh, cold milk each day to discover what has bloomed to be an additional female domestic cat arriving a few days ago ...with Two Kittens in Tow.

But the problem with these Critters is that since they Kill and might Eat any and all Mice and Rats around my entire property, it follows on that they will also have Fleas...which also brings along Tape and Round Worm infestations to them. And it so happened that as I was sitting down in a chair adjacent my front door a few days ago... For the very first time... A Muscular Golden, Male Tiger Cat (most assuredly the "Daddy" of these Two Kittens) ...strolled over onto my side walk and then laid down about three feet away from me... and as pretty as your please... he just stared at me.

So I spoke quietly to him, "Hey Buddy...Ya Know... While I really DO appreciate your ceaseless efforts at keeping those Mice and Rats away... I'm very concerned about what to do to help get rid of your internal parasites..." He closed his eyes after laying his head down and made those kneading like "Air Ball" motions with his front paws...and that started me towards Thinking Much Deeper about solving this problem.

I remembered that about 2.5 Billion Years ago... microscopic animals floating around in Ancient, Inland Fresh Water Seas, Lakes and Ponds symbiotically ingested Chloroplasts into their innards and produced vast quantities of Oxygen while photosynthesizing and also... Building up their own protective shells out of a Pure Glass from the Silicon Dioxide in those waters.

Move the Way-Back Machine up to the present and now we have tons of Pure, Grayish White (Food Grade) SiO2 Powder that can be purchased and then sprinkled on ANY arthropod (insects) and parasites; both external and internal and the abrasive stuff invariably grinds holes into their exoskeletons and allows this powder to dehydrate them. They can never develop an immunity or survive this exposure to this "Pure, Razor Sharp Glass" and thus...they always DIE OFF.

For Indoor Cats... When sprinkled upon them (carefully) and also worked into Carpets... this Powder will kill the Adult Fleas and their hatching infants in as little as Four Hours. Likewise, by adding 1/2 Teaspoon Full of this stuff to a Full Can of Cat Food... When thoroughly mixed in and then consumed, it serves to abrasively grind at the spaces on and inside of these segmented Intestinal Tape Worms as the Micro-Glass Shards ...cuts them to pieces.

This takes about 30 Days for a Full Treatment, since it does NOT destroy their Eggs. Nonetheless, in this manner, I can return the protective favors to these Animals and allow then to remain Wild and not have to force them to make direct contact with "MAN". :>)

Do NOT use Pool Filter Diatomaceous Earth!

Use ONLY "Food Grade" DE for Human and Pet Consumption!

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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
By following the suggestions made about "How to approach Feral Cats..." after discovering I had at least three appearing on my security cameras on my property... my "Hands Off...Keep Your Distance" approach has paid enormous dividends after providing them with wholesome meals and fresh, cold milk each day to discover what has bloomed to be an additional female domestic cat arriving a few days ago ...with Two Kittens in Tow.



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
These days, we see quite a few very remarkable contemporary SpaceX Rocket Ship Launches (Many Hundreds of Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy Launches and Landings) on YT and also at spacex.com. But after visiting The Internet Archive last night, I was surprised to run across The Unedited, Raw 16mm Movies that were shot on Color Emulsion Film by many American Astronauts before, during and after the many Apollo Missions to The Moon.

Watching these High Quality Movies that had to be developed only AFTER these men managed to return home to the Earth is a sterling reminder of what "DANGEROUS" really means with all human endeavors involving leaving THIS Globe and venturing out into the blackness of space.

Everything they recorded here only has meaning and relevance to us *IF* they manage to be brave enough to go there and *IF* they manage to cover over 500,000 Miles of Space Travel outbound, and *IF* they manage to make it back alive. Only *THEN* after bringing these films home to us *ALIVE* to share the sheer stark beauty of the places they ventured to back then do they have Real Meaning to us all just as did back when it all started ... around 55 years ago.

Look at it. Look at the amazing views of the almost frightening, blinding brightness of the albedo of the Moon Dust covering everything in an almost colorless, permanently desolate and yet still beautiful moonscape Watching and seeing things like they did is only the beginning. The other sensations these Movies will conjure up is just how delicate and extremely dangerous; even treacherous their actions and reactions to changing situations had to be back then to survive the unforgiving nature of the vacuum of space.

Watch just how difficult it must have been for Buzz Aldrin and Neal Armstrong and all the others that followed to try to sit quietly inside of the LEM (Lunar Excursion Module) on the surface of The Moon... waiting to launch atop a Hyper-Golic Rocket Engine made by Morton-Thiokol that dumped enough MMH (Mono-Methyl-Hydrazine) and NT4 (Nitrogen-Tetra-Oxide) together into a Bell Chamber and feel that jolt as that Fuel and Oxidizer combo bursts into a reliable, almost explosive outcry of energy. Buzz Aldrin said it Best during the end of the Apollo 11 Mission... "Yup... We're #1 on the Runway".

Watch as they hurl away inside of that Little, Spindly Spacecraft, striving to get back into a Rendezvous Lunar Orbit with their Command Module...with one last look back after an 18 Hour Visit on that Gray Ball orbiting the Earth in the Blackness of Space. The Silence of it all. The Harsh, Bright Light of it all. The Stark Lack of Color. Watch as the diminutive Moon fell away from underneath them during what must have been at least a LITTLE bit of a terrifying Roller Coaster Ride away from certain death... should they stay just a little too long on The Moon.

This was of course because their next MUST DO was to get moving fast enough to arrive into a stable orbit around the Moon and eventually catch up with and successfully Dock to their only way back home... their Command Module and Apollo Capsure. And only "THEN* could all Three Astronauts be able to head back home... back to "The Good Earth" ...floating out there... suspended in space ...nearly 250,000 Miles away.

Whew...Talk about a *Pucker-Factor*... But we can still relive those actual events as recorded them by using the Primitive 16mm Cameras carried and held in the hands of the Astronauts themselves. No CGI... No Special Effects... No Internet Fakes. Only an Electric Car being drivenover the unexplored Lunar Surface by Brave Men ... Man Made in The USA by GM and STILL Parked on the surface of The Moon... (So Eat Your Heart Out, Elon Musk) Everything was SO VERY REAL for these Men from Start to Finish. So Please... Enjoy their Trips to The Moon and Back HERE... to their Mother... The Earth:

...and MORE of the same from other Apollo Missions:

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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Have been pretty busy at work so not much time for anything else. Our office will be doing some of the cooking for the Canada day events on Monday. We picked up 130+ pounds or pork shoulder and have been slowly working away at it. I just finished the last 40 pounds (10 to 15 pound roasts) on the office Traeger. Had nightshift keep an eye on an overnight 14 hour cook. Then wrapped and cooked another 4. After a rest it just fell apart. Then into the freezer.

I have been neglecting my garden aswell. Seeing as we have had the most precipitation in years, other than the weeds, it's growing very slow. I weeded around the rows and then tilled the rest. Made for easy hilling of the potatoes.


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Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
Took out an unused double arch rose trellis that's been on the east side of our house since we bought it in 2008.
It had 2 T-post's in the center, and 2 lengths of pipe driven into the ground on each end. The trellis itself was steel mesh attached to the exposed pipes, and arched over and connected to the T-post's.
Here's where it used to be:

Here's everything steel:

The T-post was driven about 12-15 inches into the ground. The pipe (which was straight when it was installed) had the clean section above ground. The rest of it was buried. It got bent upon removal.

You may be wondering: Wasn't it hard to get those out of the ground?
Not when you have the proper equipment!

The whole job, including pulling out the remains of 3 large but very dead rose bushes, took about 1-1/2 hours.
I've wanted that out of there for a long time, but SWMBO kept saying "I might plant new rose bushes over there!" She finally realized she's never going to do that, so I FINALLY got the OK to tear it out! I got it gone before she could change her mind! 😉


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Got out around 8am today and bagged 16 gophers. Yesterday I got 10 and thought maybe I made a dent...... sun sets and rises, gopher population resets.

Then went on the fix or rather fix again my quad. Back to hard starting. Using pull start she fires first go. Electric not so much. Choke, no choke, no difference. Sometimes it catches, sometimes it feels like the starter drags. So I go through the routine and pull off the recoil cover, again finding the trigger coil gap out of wack. I think the spec is .016 to .04. I usually set it with a business card but I could tell the gap was wide enough to crawl my fat ass through. Adjusted the bracketry and got it to about .018. And just like that it fires first bump of the starter.

I'm not sure why the gap widens over time. The actual coil is in great shape and no sign of wear. Oh well, easy enough fix.

Then the next somewhat issue. So I had been dealing with that pesky P0111 on my 2017 Ram 3500. I had found a possible cause being the EGR valve leaking and exhaust gasses still entering the intake track. Well I fixed that but the code came back. Next was my wife and oldest daughter are 5 hours away, horse trailer and 4 horses and the truck was losing power. No rough running, poor fuel mileage or black smoke. Just couldn't power past 100km, even on the flats. It was low on fuel and after a shutdown and refuel, it was back to running fine. So not sure what This may involve.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well boys, I stand corrected on my 3500. Just assumed it was the P0111 code. It's P0102 and P2281, which are MAF related codes and will cause derate.

When I had worked on the truck last I had removed the MAF and forgot to plug it back in when done. It threw the P0102, so seeing that I found the issue and connected it but the code didn't clear. So I checked the air filter, intake and boost tubes and my makeshift EGR block offs. All good. Cleaned the MAF and connectors and did a battery disconnect. Codes are gone and truck runs good.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Finally made time to use the eternabond and seal the roof on the horse trailer. I must say, it went really quick. Took it easy and it was maybe any hour.

I made increments with pen along the way so I could apply it straight. They were 50' rolls and maybe 6' is left total. As I surmised, it did pucker in the middle as it was covering the self tapping screws for the roof sheet. Doesn't matter as I got it 3" wide to just encapsulate the whole seam.

@Mooseman thanks again for pointing me to this product, came out much better and quicker than any sealant.


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Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
On the morning of Thursday, July 4th, 2024... My wife plugged in the Keurig "Rig" to make us coffee...and the moment the water heating cycle kicked in....all of the lights in the house began to flicker violently. So instead of NOT reacting to her unexpected (but explained later) emotional outburst and doing my usual, Cooled Head approach of adhering to Basic Electrical Diagnosis... I knee-jerked into becoming a Dreaded "Parts Changer" and right then, I grabbed a (BNIB) Brand New In the Box, Three Extra GFCI Sockets I had squirreled away for just such an occasion and swapped out what I thought was going to be the offending component... which naturally made no difference once the Keurig "Rig" reached the "Boil Water" timer again... and the "Flashing Carnival Fun-house" light flashings returned.

I sort of tried to calm down "The Lil' Woman" and guided her into the TV Room and dragged out my Excellent Popular Mechanics (house & Gardens Publication?) and researched the issue from the Breaker Box ...inwards. But since None of the Breakers had TRIPPED, I realized that since this was a Brand New Phenomena I was facing... I needed to hit the Internet and do some on-line research... ASAP.

The only problem was that my Modem and Switch-Router and APC Battery Back-UPS had all conspired to fail to keep the connection to my ISP (via PIA VPN) up and running and so, I had to tack in a different direction: Fire up the Off Line Linux Mint Work Station and "Visit the Oracle at Delphi" ...meaning my New, Resident AI called "Dolphin-llama3" ...and converse to see what "IT" thought the problem might be.

Sure enough, it was an education in the Power System leading from either the Pole Transformer for typical overhead Line Drops to the House Meter... or in my case, from the Transformer Pad in my neighbors yard through an Underground Cable up through a Wall Conduit to meet up at the "Duke Money Meter".

THIS is where things got REAL interesting... the AI "Oracle" described what happens in the Residential Electrical Power Circuit that can --go sideways-- if the "Neutral Wire" is either corroded, frayed or broken anywhere between the Transformer step down from 12-14,000 High Voltage to the 240/120 that arrives at the Residential Breaker Box.

"IT" Suggested that "If the "Neutral Wire"was either lost or damaged ...then the 240 Voltage split between the Left and Right Legs of the 120 VAC, 20 Amp circuit will come "OUT OF BALANCE" ...MEANING that there should always be approximately 120 VAC on the L Side and 120 VAC on the Right as the expected normal balanced VAC measurement leading to the Wall Outlets and deliver this energy...evenly when appliances place a demand on the system.

Okay, Right? ...then it mentioned, "Without the Neutral Wire available to Return the Excess Voltage BACK to the Transformer... One of the 120 VAC Legs will go HIGH ...while the other Leg will Drop LOW in opposition to each other that balances out to 240 VAC when the Two Leg VAC Measurements are added to each other. This will occur when appliances that Draw Higher Amperage engage and pull the power."

This "Bad Neutral Wire" phenomena is invariably the cause of the problem if it gets discovered when a Lineman-Service Person removes the Round Glass-Mechanical "Money-Meter" and then plugs in THIS Device called a "Super Beast" to isolate One Leg from the Other Leg and determine if the Neutral Wire in between them is either Loose or Damaged as mentioned above when say, "The Customer placed a Purex Bowl of Water inside the Microwave and turned it on HIGH for Five Minutes during this diagnosis...":


Well... THAT all seemed to make perfect sense to me ...and of course, assuming the issue was the responsibility of the Power Company... Bright and Early on Monday, July 8th, 2024, I contacted Duke Energy after wending my way through their "Phone-Security Protocols" Tree and was fed into the machinery of Customer Service that NEVER ...and I mean NEVER has EVER worked out for me on One, Single GO. Subsequently, I was "Cajoled and SOLD" an incorrect Big Appliance Insurance Coverage as Low Buck Monthly add on... and promised, "No Problem, Sir...We will have a Truck show up between 1:00 PM and 6:00 PM...TODAY. I did a double take echo back to the C-REP with, "TODAY?"... and he Replied, " Yessir,...Trust Me... TODAY!"

Nope. No! Monday came and went.... Heavy Rains arrived overnight... Tuesday came and went... and right then... that is when the floor literally fell out from under me when my wife fell deathly ill with a serious kidney infection she was unfortunately failing to mention to me in the midst of all this confusion. She will often become sullen if I am unable to "Sink the Rock of Gibraltar or Alter the Time-Space Continuum" and solve EVERY Problem instantaneously. But THIS time was different...and she scared the Hell RTF out of me by almost collapsing in my arms. I was like, "Honey....? WTF ? Why didn't you tell me about this ASAP?"

So naturally...since I had to be AT HOME while waiting for the power company to come by at GKWT (God Knows What Time) I insisted that we get her some immediate help... my DIL (Daughter In Law) rose to the task and took her ON THE SPOT to a very local Walk-In Clinic for immediate care. Diagnosis...? One BIG, BAD UTI ...Solution? A CIPRO Script, and MUCHO Hydration and MUCHO Bed Rest ...and with some "Thoughtful Help from Her Hubby" we are now turning the corner on this, scary, horrible episode since the Bug Killing Meds are kicking in.

In the interim, we BOTH got on the Cell Phone to Duke Energy and managed to get through to Two --Different-- Personnel who seemed to be more competent in UNFUBARing what the previous two failed unfortunately to accomplish and yet... Here we are now up to Thursday, July 11th, 2024... and still we wait for expected "Elec-Tech Rescue".

So in between... I had to order-buy a Farberware S/S Stove Top Coffe Pot from Amazon since the HVAC Central Air and the Stove-Oven has remained unaffected by this issue and as they operate on the straight 240 Leg.... I can still heat up things and cook for us as needed. Incidentally, even though my Wife was pretty sick back on the 4th of July and never said "BOO" ... she STILL managed to make us a lovely "4th of July Celebration Basic Steak, Potatoes, Greens and Carrots & Onions Meal"... and all while the Lights were *flickering* away each time the Damned Refrigerator Compressor Kicked On and Off.


"Troubles come...NOT as "Single Spies"...But in Battalions..." Shakespeare's "Hamlet"


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Today is load up the trailer and head out for a two week vacay. Going to Costco in Quebec first for two reasons; pick up some stuff for us and our son in North Bay as well as cheap beer and then go to the liquor store there for supplies because liquor stores in this Province are on strike :frown: .

So we'll be in North Bay for a week where we're celebrating several birthdays this weekend. Then heading to Marten River Provincial Park where our granddaughter will spend some time with us, then on the way back, me and Mrs. Moose will spend some alone time at McRae Point Provincial Park.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Short Follow Up on the Power Outage Debacle...

FINALLY.... "Steve" from Duke Energy showed up late yesterday afternoon. He inquired for the "Basic Facts" I answered likewise and said, "MY AI mentioned this possibly being a "Bad Neutral Wire". He gave me a quizzical look and said, "Well... Let me get my "Test Unit" from the Truck and let's check..." "Okeedoke..". Sez I.

He put on his PPE ... Pulled the Power Meter... Hooked up his "Duke Brick" ... read the 240 & 120 Legs to Neutral read-outs, and while turning on his Rubber Boot Heels, he said, "Tell your "AI" Buddy... "HE" was Absolutely RIGHT". Steve found ABSOLUTELY NO NEUTRAL WIRE present and said, "This gets complicated 'cause... I've got to get you some "Temporary Power" that will stay in place hooked up nearby for the next Four to Six Weeks... But I'll have to get another one for this place, 'cause I already installed the one I brought at another place... just down the Block....I'll be back as soon as I can...Gotta go to Back to the Shop..."

I told "Steve"... "NP Brother...We're Good until you get back." Two hours later, we had power coming through what looks for all the world like, "A Beefy R2D2" with an Under-Block (Under the Meter) interface fed by the THICKEST Power Wire Bundle I EVER Saw! After that... Everything fired right up inside of the House:


I asked him, "Do I need to be conservative with Power Usage over the next Month & A Half?" Steve replied, "Nope... THAT Little Booger will power up an entire Apartment Complex... No Sweat... Then... We will be running an entirely Brand New Underground Power Line Set from our Source right up to that Meter Box to solve this Bad Neutral Issue."

And with that... and a Touch on the Brim of his Ball Cap... He Smiled... Said, "CYA! Call ME if anything develops that worries You"... and he Booked. Smiles all around here... The Wife is Feeling Ever So MUCH Better now and is mending slowly... and so The Power Replacement Story will continue in a while as the Duke Energy "R2D2" Steadily Hums along nearby... :>)


Of course.. .there are always a few of those Daring Individuals ...who decide to "Take Matters in their Own Hands" to sort out their "Neutral" vs. Left and Right Leg Power Issues with whatever "McGyver" said to use ...and get that Damned Soccer Game or Cricket Match back on "The Telly":


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I went on June 12th to get a spare tire installed on the Rivian, but they were out of stock, national back order.

Rescheduled it for July 27th.

July 7th, I get a flat tire.

No spare tire, means I am driving the Envoy Since Sunday.

Rivian sends someone out on Tuesday to fix the tire, except they cant find any leak.


Took the Rivian into Discount Tire today, and they found the nail in less than 3 minutes.

Spent a total of 40 minutes at Discount Tire.

Get home, and the power is out, its still out... 4 hours later. House is getting mighty warm.

The Rivian can power things like the Fridge, and Internet, and TV's.. But not the Central Air.

Here in a bit, going to have to move down stairs to stay cool. @ 80* right now.. Beginning to sweat a little.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Grabbed my lawn mower blades and put them in the jig for a few passes with the grinder. Super simple, and much faster process than I thought. Only took 3 passes on each edge to get them fresh and sharp. Both blades were still in balance afterwards, so that was good.


The blades I was using were the mulching ones, went to the shed to grab the bagging blades, and noticed one was really bent on one end. Tried clamping it in the vise and yanking on it, but couldn't get it straight enough. 😥 I hadn't used these blades in years, so it took me a minute to remember that I did hit a chunk of metal that was hidden in some tall grass on the easement next to the road, back in the day.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Still out in the RV. Finished a week at Marten River Provincial Park and in our son's driveway till Monday. It is a nice park however the site we got was not the best. Of course when we arrived it was pouring rain. First attempt to park the trailer was futile so we parked elsewhere until the rain let up. When we did go back, the site was soaked and the trailer wouldn't level because the levellers would sink in the wet sand. Put a board and rubber pads but still couldn't get it level. Got it close enough that with the slide out and the stabilizers were able to get it close. Granddaughter spent 3 days with us and had a good time.

So we're just staying here until we go to McRae Point Provincial Park for 3 days of alone time and then heading home on Thur.

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