I dont have a lot of time at the moment
Hey Mooseman,Well, I did some sledding. Yesterday, did a loop with a first leg through Algonquin Park, about 100km
Well, plans changed. My new dentist (old one retired right before my appointment) called and they were able to get me in this morning instead of waiting 6 months, so beer brewing is Saturday.Took today and tomorrow off because it's my birthday,so today I'm going to put another batch of beer down.
Thanks mate. I get 5 days because I'm a lazy government worker and we have this Monday off.Happy Birthday Matt!
and it sounds like with taking today and tomorrow off you have a FOUR DAY weekend too![]()
On my 2010 Yamaha RS Venture GT fuel injected 1050cc 3 cyl motor, I can do about 160km on about 30L of fuel and I find it to be a pig on gas. Most of the trails I ride there's amenities available. Food, fuel, accommodations are no problem. Some trails can have sparse services available so you carry extra fuel then.Hey Mooseman,
I was just wondering about how long or far can the "average" sled travel on a tank of fuel. I suspect there aren't many convenience stores or fuel stops along many runs one might take while sledding, so I was just curious.
After getting through the legalese (I thought *we* were bad!), I looked at a map with green, yellow & red lines (no legend, but I think I can work it out... lol)The Ontario trail system map is located here.
There used to be a trail that connected that empty space but IIRC, the club folded due to the long expanse and few club members as the trail permit fees are distributed according to the number of members of each club. Being such an "empty" area, the funds were just not there. I'd have to check but I believe there is a service that will trailer you and your sled across that area.What struck me was that, except for a small section at the N. end of Lake Superior, one could theoretically ride across the entire province, from near the Quebec border to Manitoba? Surreal, if true, and I'm guessing someone's done it, at least in years past, when gas was relatively cheap.
Yes, when you get these buried , you come back in spring to retrieve, you've pretty much have a piano stuck in the snow....don't ask me how I know..but these are also 49 year old sleds that are built out of steel and weigh over 500 pounds. They also have a thick wide track
I have to ask, why extension cord and not rope?...I also carry an old segment of extension cord as a tow strap.
Well that didn't work out. Picked up a couple of jugs of DEF on sale at Cambodian Tire and my back completely seized up. Put in that jug in the truck (painful) and then went to fuel it up. Just that was painful enough so went back home as I can't even walk. My wife said I looked like an old manToday, I'm paying for it with a sore lower back and knees. ... So drugs for me today however I have to go to Costco to fill my cans with premium gas (~$0.20/Liter cheaper than anywhere else) and some other supplies.
What king of drugs