What are you doing today? [Part II]


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Cleared out some room in the shed for the new to me tool box. 20220402_142835.jpg
It was given to me by my brother who upgraded to a ridiculous huge snap on box. One of the drawer tracks got bent up while being moved around in his shop but I'll be getting a new set of tracks for it directly from husky soon.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Granddaughter and fam are visiting this weekend. Grandma just can't get enough of her. Also put away the sleds in the trailer for the summer.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Taking the test of the week off for some much needed relaxation. Decided to go to the beach this morning. Even though I got here at 10:30 it was still already pretty full. Some kinda festival so couldn't park in my favorite area. Went to plan B, which had open parking, but the rental cabana people hogged up all the good real estate :mad:

Can't setup in front of them by the water, (I have a large canopy) cuz then the life guards complain if you block line of site to the water, which is fair. So behind the cabanas I go. And like clockwork people start asking me about renting the cabanas. :confused:

Is not like I'm the only one out here in a chair under a canopy, but it never fails. Been here a half hour, and have been approached 4 times already. Could make for a quick side hustle, but then I couldn't come back here after a few times :hahano:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just waiting for the time my wife will drop me off at the airport. Heading to Calgary for a week to visit my old.partner who retired year before and moved out there. And it just so happens his wife is out of town for work during most of that time. She's actually here and will go out to dinner with my wife this week.

We'll be like a couple of single guys let loose on the town 🤣.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
How many strip clubs you got planned?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
like clockwork people start asking me about renting the cabanas. :confused:

Is not like I'm the only one out here in a chair under a canopy, but it never fails. Been here a half hour, and have been approached 4 times

With the helpful suggestion of a family that was setup next to me, and some stranger that walked over to ask me about mine, they said my canopy is a lot nicer than everyone else's around me, so that's probably why people think I work there. :undecided: Could be, I've gone through 3 of the $100 models you can get at the sporting goods stores or Walmart. Usually lasted me a couple of years before something broke or got bent.

This one, I splurged on, $300 for all steel, modular, hammer finish powder coated. If anything does get broken or bent, I can replace just that piece, instead of ruining the whole thing. Have had it for 10 years, and the only signs of problems are the loops on the corners of the top. Almost all of them have ripped through. Sewed and epoxied them back together, and they hold for the most part. A couple of the underside elastc bands that help keep the top taught have ripped from their mounts. So it may be time to invest in a new top soon.

Made it home well before rush hour was gonna start, so the drive was fairly nice. Rolled all the windows down and let the system blare a bit while on the highway. Haven't done that in a while. Now I'm starving and need something to eat! :biggrin:


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Some other stuff I did to the shed20220406_193253.jpgLight over the door my wife and I thought was a cute touch. Some Dayton audio out door speakers 🔊 20220406_193304.jpg
Mini Bluetooth rockville amplifier to get the sound to them speakers.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Ran some air lines from my compressor to just out side the house.20220408_183034.jpg
This isn't the compressor I'll be keeping there but just something temporary till I upgrade. 20220408_183124.jpg
Nice set up with electrical, water and air where I need them.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
We packed up the camper today, drained all the tanks and will take it in to a dealer for a once over before summer. We had found the hot water tank had burst from what looks like the previous owner. No biggie as we just bypassed it.

I greased up the skid steer and picked up some more fuel for her. We got some plans for it this upcoming week as paddocks need to be scraped out and landscaping to be done.

Then took the 3500 down a trail towards the river flood plain. I had wanted to just take the quad and side by side but my wife was too tired. Slid down a slick and steep section but thankfully things are still firm and partially frozen as I was able to turn around and jam on her goingnup the trail. The old girl bounced something fierce but made it back up.


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Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Did some yard work and moved some feed around. It was real tough in the skid steer.....

Yesterday we cruised some of the groomed trail around here with the side by side. Its just shy of 400 acres into a small valley up to the Battle River, with around 2 miles of river front. While there is plenty of work to be done, its sure a nice change from the regular garbage pickup i do.


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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Got my taxes done. 9000 refund coming back, yay!


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Yesterday evening, brought home some flake board and 2×3's I had at work to make a bench top in the shed.20220410_210628.jpg20220410_210644.jpg
Have to cut and install a few more support pieces but its perfectly fine for what I'll be needing it for.


Jan 15, 2012
Continuing on my cable railing project, replacing the old rope system which looks nice but, was a lawyer's dream. I'm surprised that in all these years nobody took a header off of the high part....well,not counting a dog and cat that did...they survived.
Also replaced the main deck wood with composite Trex.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Had to comment... this looks like a really cool house. I like the 'different shapes' (whatever you'd call this in architect-speak).

If that dog & cat manage to get caught in the cable railing, I'll be happy to represent them, 'pro bone-o' :biggrin:
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Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
A little car audio test bench porn.20220412_205213.jpg
@Blckshdw would agree it needs some led's and I think so too. Lol
I may have this system run my outdoor speakers, well see about though. Bluetooth on the mini amp is hit or miss.
Used an old pc power supply 650 watts is enough for now.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Did a pile of work around here today. Dropped the camper off at a dealer this afternoon for a new hot water tank, latches and a once over. Then off for lunch and some shopping.

I took my oldest for a practice run on the side by side. She did well, albeit she has driven vehicles and sleds before. Still lots of fun.

Then did up a decent sized chicken on the Traeger. Turned out fantastic considering I used a bit too much pepper and the digital temp probe was a bit too big for the bird and read high. Regardless the old analog one worked great. 20220412_182353.jpg20220412_202839.jpg


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just got back from Calgary. Great time over there. Lots of great food. Hit some BBQ joints, the best being Main St. BBQ in Airdrie. The absolute best BBQ anywhere. Even brought some pulled pork with me on the plane that was supposed to be a snack but was so full from lunch and it was just so uncomfortable on the plane I just brought it home. Just the beef short rib was a good 3 lbs of meat!

Now I'm all screwed up with jet lag.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Boring day at work. Supervisor wanted to video chat to review a report that someone complained about last week. And naturally it was 10 minutes before quitting time, and lasted 30 minutes to find out my report was accurate after all. :ugh:

Get home, and get ready to pull into the garage, when I notice something moving on the driveway, there was no wind, so nothing should be blowing. Hit the button to bring the door back down, and this was the result.


Went in through the front door to "Say hello to my lil friend" :laugh: I've seen this big boy around the yard and house from time to time, and there have been times when he's gotten into my garage when I had the door open mid day.


Cracked the door back open and chased him off, although he did act like he wanted to try and get back in, before going on around the house.



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Went to the PnP yard to pick up some parts for @xavierny25 before we head down to Long Island this weekend. He had already asked for sun visors which I got before and then found this steering wheel on a Rainier, which will be nice to replace his old ratty one.


and he also needed a cover for the rear belt hinge. Wasn't sure of the colour so I got both.


And I'll be bringing him my old Saab's roof rack. No use to me so might as well give it to someone who'll use it.

And while roaming around the yard, I found a Ford owner who obviously wished he owned something else, and likely did after scrapping this one. :laugh:



Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Maybe he LS or LFA swapped it lol


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Packed up the Sierra with goodies for @xavierny25 as we are heading south of the border for a week at Long Island. Will be a long day of driving. 7.5 hours to Staten Island and then another 2 hours to our destination on LI. I've got a massaging cushion in there to help with back aches.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Had the pleasure of having @Mooseman and his wife stop by on Saturday to drop of some goodies for the Voy while in route to Long island. While here had him hook up the tech2 to reprogram the crank sensor. Then went out for foods with the wives at our local BBQ spot which I haven't gone to since I've moved here but have had family and friends say it's good eats. We found out for ourselves it was worth the trip.FB_IMG_1650281348073.jpgreceived_1412611855853264.jpegreceived_314869480756901.jpegreceived_325829159464861.jpeg
A bit windy with a wind chill but Paula was able to pull off a few photos of us at Midland Beach fishing pier.
Thanks again Randy and Paula for stopping by and hopefully next time we meet it will be on your side of the border. Lol


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
@xavierny, it was our pleasure and await for your travels north of the border. The pool and BBQ are waiting for you :biggrin:

Just hanging out at Paula's relatives' place however my cat allergies are acting up. Antihistamines are only helping marginally. Don't know how much longer I can take it. Might have to leave early :frown:. Going out does provide some relief so we might go out and visit some wineries.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO


Dec 2, 2011
Still smiling. I'm a golfer, big time, and one of the forums I'm a member of is sending me to play at TPC Sawgrass in September, all expenses paid, plus giving me a set of Mizuno irons and wedges to keep. It's a pretty huge deal if you're a golfer as Sawgrass is $600 a round for the Stadium course and $275 for Dye's Valley and we're playing both.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Packing up and heading back home after taking another load to the dump and recycling center. Might break it up halfway with an overnight stay in a hotel. Finding an 8 hour drive to be a bit much as I get bad shoulder blade pain. May depend on if I have stuff sticking out of the truck bed.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Still smiling. I'm a golfer, big time, and one of the forums I'm a member of is sending me to play at TPC Sawgrass in September, all expenses paid, plus giving me a set of Mizuno irons and wedges to keep.
If I won / got comped something like this, I might stop calling golf 'a nice walk, wasted' :laugh:
Seriously, tho... nice score. What's your handicap, so we know not to wager on a round w/ you? LOL
Packing up and heading back home after taking another load to the dump and recycling center. Might break it up halfway with an overnight stay in a hotel
At first, I was like, 'wait, what?' Then I saw your other thread.
And here I was thinking you actually drove garbage across the border. :duh: We have plenty, thanks. :nono::tongue:


Dec 2, 2011
If I won / got comped something like this, I might stop calling golf 'a nice walk, wasted' :laugh:
Seriously, tho... nice score. What's your handicap, so we know not to wager on a round w/ you? LOL
I play to a 14 right now.


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Deck work! When I had the siding done I wanted it to be done right so I had to cut back the deck about 3 feet. So today went at it by attaching some new boards to the existing ones (sister boards i think is the term). Laid down some 18×18" pavers I had laying around on the ground and some 4×4" cement forms to hold it all up. The ground in that area always seems to be damp and didn't just want to put down plain all 4×4" forms and have them sink later.20220422_080730.jpg20220422_080737.jpg20220422_112756.jpg20220422_120646.jpg
A little trick I learned to keep the boards tight to each other and straight also helps with getting the tops match up.
The sister joist I put in do extend out 6' on to the existing support that can be seen in this pic. so I've got about 2 feet over to the support.

Still to do is pick up and install the top deck boards.20220422_145707.jpg


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