What are you doing today? [Part II]


Apr 9, 2012
Spent all of today walking, and doing small trips around the block to gain some stamina and strength back. Spent half of September in the hospital from a bacterial infection that almost killed me, due to it attacking various organs. Still recovering, and have a mid-line to administer the various antibiotics I'm on. Its going to be a very long recovery ahead from what the doctor told me. So today was one of the good days where I wasn't in too much pain, and was able to move around without too much trouble.

The thought of being home is nice, the not so nice part is the meds have pretty much muted my taste buds so everything is just bland and less then enjoyable. Though its given me time to finally catch up on the movies I've been wanting to watch.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Hope your recovery continues well and swiftly.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO

Hoping for a smooth recovery!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Waiting at the hospital for an appointment.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
So what did you get for the Acadia? May I guess...



Jan 15, 2012
Dropped the JGC off for it's annual inspection then watched lots of football since it rained all day, couldn't get my wife to join in some Ale sampling so I had to do it all by myself...:tequila:


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Was sitting around drinking coffee reviewing the DNA results from one of those 23 and me kits a buddy gave me.

So from what I can see it is quite accurate as to where both sides of my family come from. Whats awesome is I got some Neanderthal still kicking around. More than 63% of them on the database. It explains a lot really.

They check for some genetic carriers and I got a few recessive ones but nothing serious, just an elevated risk of late onset alzheimers. Sounds about right because i can't remember shit.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Was sitting around drinking coffee reviewing the DNA results from one of those 23 and me kits a buddy gave me.

So from what I can see it is quite accurate as to where both sides of my family come from. Whats awesome is I got some Neanderthal still kicking around. More than 63% of them on the database. It explains a lot really.

They check for some genetic carriers and I got a few recessive ones but nothing serious, just an elevated risk of late onset alzheimers. Sounds about right because i can't remember shit.
Well... uhh... SH!T, forgot what I was gonna say!


Mar 16, 2014
Staten Island, N.Y
Earlier this evening got that jeep I worked on months back dropped of in front of my house. Came with a nice box of Audio goodies that are getting replaced.20211007_205020.jpg20211007_205006.jpg20211007_224341.jpg
To late and dark out to put it in so I'll be doing that tomorrow.
Definitely a nice way to blow $1200


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
So the truck from hell is being sold tomorrow. One last check and both rear windows won't roll up with their own switches, work fine using the driver switches :mad: . I didn't want to stiff the new owners with this so that they can get it safetied. Head to Kenny to grab some switches and also get some roof rack bolts as they also want the rack in case they want to reinstall it (seems useless to me). Had a hard time finding the switches but did find four. I try to get spares just in case they don't work and return the ones I don't need. Well, both rear switches were defective in the exact same way as the replacements fixed them. Grabbed some rack bolts from a TB, which incidentally had a really nice set of Nokian winter tires but unfortunately I had already bought a set with wheels off Marketplace.

All fixed up, take the plates off and it's ready to go. Not sad at all that it's going. Reminds me of the bad girlfriend I had that I kicked out on Valentines day (yeah, I did that! :biggrin: )

Edit: Almost forgot, when I returned the two unused switches to Kenny, they actually refunded me for all four! Sweet, at least this last fix cost me nothing.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Small wins right?
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
And it's gone. Didn't even take one last picture. Goodbye.


Jan 15, 2012
Yeah but, you yada, yada-ed over the best part (Seinfeld quote)..what about the girlfriend?...:whisptersecret:
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Yeah but, you yada, yada-ed over the best part...what about the girlfriend?...:whisptersecret:

LOL! She was a mistake. Basically a rebound relationship after my first wife and was a friend of hers who had the hots for me. She was kinda living with me but it went south fairly quickly. I eventually blew up on Valentines day and told her to GTFO.


Jan 15, 2012
Spent a good portion of the day removing the plethora of black walnuts that have been raining down for weeks now. This is about the tenth load during this time. Pic shows about 35 gallons in a 6' fel bucket or several hours work. I wish these things had some value.


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I had a surprise visit from the MIL and GMIL last Tuesday. I dont mind the GMIL, but the MIL...

They left Saturday. Hopefully I dont have any ill lingering effects of their visit with my wife.. I know I certainly didnt get any sleep over the weekend.


Jan 26, 2013
I believe the "new math" and common core discussed over on the craig's list side hit me in the buttocks yesterday :Banghead: For I dug eight holes for the plants to go into around the mailbox. Placed a single plant in each hole, but had two plants left over :duh:. Well I can only blame myself for I self checked out at wallyworld and only rang up 8 plants that I thought I had. After planting the addition two plants I took a trip back to wallyworld and paid for two plants I miscounted. :yes:


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
Just got a call from my cabin neighbors, they inform me that my cabin was broken into. They did catch WHAT did it.. a 1340lb BEAR! HUGE MOFO! He was relocated to another habitat, but..

Now his wife, and cub (for lack of a better term), is breaking into the other cabins in the tracts.

So I get to spend the weekend heading up to the cabin to get the windows boarded up. Luckily the bears didnt get into the cabin, thanks to the bars on the windows! They had snow up there already, so it does need to happen, and snow is expected tonight and tomorrow.


Jul 24, 2013
West central Sask.
Well not much on my front. Finished a pile of fencing the other week so this upcoming week its hauling the branches to the dump and stacking fire wood.

I got my garden finished up. Cleaned it out, tilled it and just about done washing the last of the carrots.

Then got my saw cleaned, sharpened the chain and ready to go for more.

Then onto more last minute fencing fixes and hoping like hell to find time to do some tinkering on the sleds.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
Wife went to see our daughter in Marlyand yesterday, ran over a lane divider making a left turn. Blew 2 tires and said coolant was leaking from the car. She had the car towed to a shop in the area.
I was in Jim Thorpe, PA., riding my motorcycle, drove home (NJ), hopped in the TB and drove down to get her, about 7 hours of driving all together.
Now on the phone with the insurance company fighting over rental assistance.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Getting pissed off that I have to wait for my new ride.
You can't leave us hanging like that. DETAILS!

Took the RV to the dump station. Same as two years ago, the actual RV dump station is "out of order" and had to dump into an open hole directly into the sewer water treatment system. No water to rinse with or nothing.
I think I'll just buy some ABS pipe and make a dump of my own into my septic system. At least I'll have water for rinsing.
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
So I get to spend the weekend heading up to the cabin to get the windows boarded up. Luckily the bears didnt get into the cabin, thanks to the bars on the windows! They had snow up there already, so it does need to happen, and snow is expected tonight and tomorrow.
Well, I guess I need to update this a bit... The bear didnt get into the cabin, but his paw sure did.. He must have cut himself up pretty good, there were bloody paw prints, and bloody fur patches... And yea...

Got the 3 window panels replaced. All the blood scrubbed, and disinfected, all the glass picked up and thrown out, and kinda cleaned up the mess.. I was not expecting the mess of this size, just broken windows.. So I came a little un-prepaired.

Need to head back up there, next year, and get all the dishes clean, and get all the rest of the stuff put away.

The big bear I talked about above, they did end up euthanizing, and I cant say I blame them. A big bear like that, that is that comfortable getting close to humans... its only a matter of time before someone dies.

They are still looking for 3 more bears. Another big male, a female, and her cub.


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Apr 9, 2012
And just for an FYI, the ignition switches for the 2002-2009 Trailblazers are discontinued. Called the dealer today, no go, ordered one from ebay. Wish me luck.

I guess thats to be expected with how old these trucks are getting, lucky for us they're a dime a dozen. But probably wouldn't hurt to grab 1 or 2 for spares, and hope they never go bad haha. I tried ordering a new Applique for my passenger rear door (the black trim piece on the door pillar), since mine is torn up and coming off. The originals were discontinued, and only a "vinyl" sticker is available. They didn't tell me that after I ordered it, and yeah....putting it up against the original makes it stand out completely like it was some cheap Pep Boys wrap. Seriously considering ripping them off, removing the adhesive and just leaving it like how it is on the TB's.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Sitting at the stealership waiting for a shuttle ride back home. Dropped off the Sierra with 1700 km on the odo for a crank no start condition. It's a well documented intermittent issue with this engine that's either a damaged cam gear ring or just needing a ECM flash update.


Dec 2, 2011
Why are you guy's shocked I'm leaving the platform? My bumper and skids are for sale (not that anyone goes off roading), that should have been a clue. Being 19, the old thing is starting to nickel and dime me plus it just hit 200,000 so there's a few things that need to be replaced that I just don't want to do. I've been in this platform for 14 years and I now hate the gas mileage and how uncomfortable it is for my back, so it's time to move to something smaller and cheaper to run.


Jan 15, 2012
I think I'll just buy some ABS pipe and make a dump of my own into my septic system. At least I'll have water for rinsing.
I thought of doing that myself, please show the process if you do it...
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Why are you guy's shocked I'm leaving the platform?
Not shocked really. We knew you were looking at finding another ride as this one was dying a slow death. But still, curious minds want to know what you're moving your carcass into :biggrin:

Picked up the Sierra from the dealer this morning. What a bunch of f****** morons! The tech called me yesterday asking for more info because it started fine for him. Told him it was an intermittent issue, it's well documented and in a GM bulletin, there's an ECM update available, yada, yada, yada. I hate knowing more than the tech! Anyway, we shall see if this resolves the issue.


Dec 2, 2011
Not shocked really. We knew you were looking at finding another ride as this one was dying a slow death. But still, curious minds want to know what you're moving your carcass into :biggrin:

I know the caning I'm going to get but here goes...a 2022 Kia Sportage Nightfall edition. 23mpg around town and 30mpg highway. 16.4 gallon tank should give me close to 500 miles to a tank compared to 300 on the TB. I don't tow or haul anything any more so I'm down sizing, plus I've got a good warranty if anything blows up.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
I know the caning I'm going to get but here goes...a 2022 Kia Sportage Nightfall edition. 23mpg around town and 30mpg highway. 16.4 gallon tank should give me close to 500 miles to a tank compared to 300 on the TB. I don't tow or haul anything any more so I'm down sizing, plus I've got a good warranty if anything blows up.

I know where you're coming from. My TB is 17 years old, still runs great, but crawling around underneath it for oil changes/maintenance is getting a bit too much at my age.
Checked out Chevy Traverses last year (before the chip shortages) $50,000 out the door. That's what my first house cost !!!
The technology is also a bit intimidating on the Traverse. Shutting off at stop lights would drive me nuts. There's also some crazy thing where the alternator shuts off at idle, and I've read that they go through batteries, and the transmissions are iffy.
With all that, the TB isn't going anywhere, gas milage be dammed.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Never mind a canning, you're lucky I don't have a ban hammer! :laugh:

I get where you're coming from on MPGs and that's what also drove my decision to get the Sierra, which beats your Kia with 31+ MPG highway and does at least 23 MPG city. Not everybody can afford a truck like this though and I barely can afford it myself.

Just put the Caprice in storage for its winter hibernation. Still thinking of sidelining the TB to save a bit on the insurance and gas. Not gonna park it on the grass as I have seen what that does.

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