Tool Talk


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Jul 22, 2015
Can't say the battery lasts a whole lot of time though.
This. Especially on the 'high' setting.

What I've noticed with at least HF's LED offerings... they're very 'binary' w/ regard to power. Meaning... they've got enough juice to power them one second, and the next... 'poof'.

When you're right in the middle of something under a vehicle, that's not the time I want to be suddenly in the dark (more than usual, anyway) :dunce:

The other thing is that while (most?) of them will work while the power supply is hooked up, they consume almost all the juice from the wall wart while working -- so if you want / need to disco the cord after awhile, the battery doesn't have much charge. Back to square one.
Bottom line... I don't use this as much as I'd like to, anymore.

I wound up hooking up a couple of their 48" LED shop lights (120v) to the ceiling and angling the output about 45 degrees. Excellent solution, and as long as ComEd has power coming in, I've got very good light, above board. TBH, I just leave them running FT, given that they're LED.

Now they have a 48" that can be daisy-chained 4-in-line, so you only need one outlet. But they're a bit more expensive.


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
My Y2K Truck has had to sit "idling" on a Trickle Charger almost perpetually during the extended Covid-19 Pandemic (with no apparent end in site) for successfully keeping the AGM Battery refreshed for months and months on end.

But the other "end" result is that with the last few Start-Up-Warm-Up events I've done... I noticed an odd stumbling that makes me think it will prove out to be Desiccated Intake Manifold Gaskets in need of replacement after nearly 22 Years of "Good GM Service".

This situation has given me a Good Excuse to treat myself to an average priced Smoke Machine and these Un-Boxing images will display what around $120.00 on Amazon will get you for the Full Kit from Autoline-Pro (Shop Series):

Apparently, it has been well regarded ... Just Check Out the Customer Review Videos... Here:


I promise to create a separate Thread on the IM Gaskets R&R outcome if using my Tech 2 as well as this New Toy Tool Set reveals that to be the issue. Whether an apparent Mechanical Problem is either Real or Imagined... It never hurts to get One More Set of Tools. :>)
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I've gotten to the point where I needed something to hang all my Ryobi tools. I recently acquired a worklight (battery and 110v) along with a 3/8 impact driver, both at half price as they were floor demos.

I actually found the idea on YT, it was so easy and cheap, I couldn't not do it. (~$40 total). Only thing I might have done differently was use thinner PVC instead of the cheaper ABS 3" pipes as it is a little tight going in on the battery end without the battery.


And if you're wondering, here's the complete list of tools, left to right and then on top:
- Older brushed 1/2" impact
- Newer brushless mid-torque 1/2" impact
- Angle grinder
- new 3/8" impact
- drill
- Impact driver
- Recip. saw
- Jig saw (used to cut slots)
- Flashlight
- Inflator/compressor
- New worklight
- 2 Chargers and batteries

Missing is my second impact driver and a third charger and couple more batteries.

And if I ever acquire more tools 😇, I still have room for three more tubes. The shelf is quite full though so might have to relocate some of the bigger tools.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
There are ALWAYS more tools. Ryobi has an impressive lineup. I was surprised by their cordless soldering iron station, glue gun and a nice grease gun. Also eyeing the 3/8" ratchet.



Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
:undecided: Hmm, that's a great idea, I could free up some space in my tool chest, being able to take some of the larger power tools out of there.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I used this linen shelf so it didn't need the additional shelf hardware. I just flipped it upside down to have a retaining lip, which also required a little modification to the support arms. I didn't have too much confidence in the included wall anchors and bought some better ones but still screwed into a couple of wall studs to be sure.

Maybe I should have gone with the 4ft one instead. Didn't have the room for an 8ft.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
There's a wooden board with some pegs mounted to the wall behind the EXT. My reciprocating saw rests on top, across the pegs, my LED work lights hang from them. Depending on how I back into the garage, the lift gate either bumps the tip of the pegs, or sometimes slips past them, but won't allow me to close it cuz it catches on the way down. This would be the perfect remedy to remove that thing, put the shelf up a little higher so the gate has clearance and make use of some blank wall space. Looks like I can get a 6 foot one, which would work nicely. :yes:


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Recently, I was viewing one of Duane’s Videos from “RelaFixesRealFast” on the Procedures for Isolating an Active Shorted Wire inside of a Wiring Harness on a Jeep Cherokee.

He demonstrated THIS Amazing Tool Kit that can Isolate and Pin-Point the actual contact short location using a Bi-Directional View Meter.


I was so impressed with this “Witching Rod” like Tool that I went right over to his Web Site and saw the Kit being offered for around $50.00 ***.

That seemed a bit pricey, so after a brief search on Amazon… I found THIS identical Tool Kit is also available there and ordered one for $36.10.

I hope I never need to use it… but for those of us suffering from any cases of Repeat Blown Fuses, Weird No Starts (Covid-19 Rats-N-Rodents Chewing on SUV & Truck and Trailer Wiring after sitting dormant?) or from hidden, damaged internal wire breaks anywhere...THIS Thing could be a great problem solver!

***If you want to support Duane's work as a Teacher, this device is available from his site down in the comments of this Video:



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Also eyeing the 3/8" ratchet.

I got one of these on a Black Friday sale a couple of years back (came with battery & charger, basically free).

Yes, the battery can get in the way (and adds weight), but the 360 degree head helps a lot with this. Super-tight spaces will have you grabbing for extensions, or the hand ratchet, however.

Not a battery killer; I don't find myself swapping out often.
The clutch allows for breaking bolts free as a lever.
Trigger allows for variable speed. Has a light.
Not strong enough (?) to break decent-quality chromium sockets, to the point where you're looking for impact-rated, to switch out to.

The directional switch on the head doesn't allow me to easily tell which direction it's set to, so that I wind up goosing the trigger to check. And the switch can be a little small to manipulate, if you have big fingers, as it's a bit recessed, with a ridge around it. My hands aren't super big, either.
Also, I seem to knock it over easily (but it hasn't broken, yet, so... ) :biggrin: Tall tool, small footprint. Can be a challenge to set it down in an engine bay and have it stay where you put it, but if you work from a cart, nbd.

Other than that, and given your outlay in the line... I'd recommend picking one up. Maybe not as robust as the Milwaukee stuff people rave over, but unless you're using it daily... definitely good 'enuf.
Does speed things up, and does ease matters for those with older hands / grip issues.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Some image Follow Ups from recent prior Posts:

Post# 683 (EVAP Smoke Machine)

These "Rubber Hose Isolation Cones" can serve to flexibly adjust to a wide range of vehicle engine, radiator and EVAP and Exhaust apertures and hose openings in lieu of having to get one unique support adapter tool for each situation:


Post #691 (Using a Fuse Buddy) along with having Supporting Various Sized Fuse Plug-In Adapters for Isolating an Active Short (...or measuring variable Amperage Draws with an ample, inexpensive supply of Replacement Fuses at hand).

The Red Wire Loop Fuse Adapter serves when using a Low Amp Clamp at the Fuse Panel-Box along with an Oscilloscope to check the Current Draw of Fuel Pumps for commutator failure or working functionality ...and any other fused electrical circuit, too:


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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
After watching Andrew Camarata on YT slicing up 3/16" Plate Steel sections like Pizza to create a perfect Metal Roof for his “Shipping Container Castle” lavished along lengthy custom cut Steel “I” Beam Supports using this Fein “Slugger” 7.25” Metal Cutting Circular Saw ...Imma Get Me One.. for cutting 3/8” Plate Steel for some Welding Projects I have under contemplation… in lieu of getting a VERY expensive Plasma Cutter.

The 7.25" blade can Dry Cut though fairly thick Steel with ease and these are the general metal material dimensions I’m working with right now. It looks like a Good Quality Steel Saw and the Price Seems Quite Nice, Too. Great for making Bevel Cuts and reducing edge prepping time prior to welding:

This is a brief Signature Video of the “Slugger” Saw in use. THIS is the kind of saw that can make uniform chopping up 1” x 1/8” Square Stock Steel Tubing for Fabrication Projects a Breeze:

Fein “Slugger” 7.25” Circular Saw (about $260.00 on Amazon):

… and the OTHER Full Unboxing, Blade Change and Test Use (Safety First) Review YT about the 9” Unit is even more impressive when the VOP sails through a 1” Thick Flame Cut Steel Blank… Like a Stick of Butter… Try doing THAT with a Hack Saw!

Fein “Slugger” 9” Circular Saw (about $360.00 on Amazon):


Jan 15, 2012
I had a Dewalt multi cutter (similar type blade) and I will tell you that the blades are damaged easily and are expensive to replace, also couldn't find anyone proficient
enough to repair/sharpen them.
I sold it and went back to the stinky/messy abrasive cutting machine which does the job and the cutting wheels are cheap...:twocents:
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This is what I love about this place... :>)

@northcreek 's information prompted me to look into getting an Evolution 14" - 66 Tooth, Mild Steel Metal Chop Saw Blade for my Old DeWalt Model# DW871 14" Metal Chop Saw.

Right now, Amazon has offered it with a serious price drop to around 1/2 of what De Walt is asking for their identical Metal Cutting Saw Blade:

This Video shows WHY I've always been so leery of "leaning" too hard on this Scary 14" Abrasive Chop Saw Blade... look at how quickly his starts to de-laminate, risking an explosive decomposition at just under 4,000 RPM... NOT Good!

So ...Good Timing... and THANKS , Brother!

But Also...



Nope... HOWEVER... If you watch THIS Excellent Video, the VOP (Video Original Poster) shows how to use a 120 Volt AC Fan Speed Rheostat Controller (available on Amazon for around $27.00) and CUT THE OPERATIONAL ROTATIONAL SPEED DOWN FROM 3,600 RPM to the Lower, Safer Speed of around 1,500 RPM for Metal Blades like the Evolution 14" 66 Tooth Blade I will be using:



Learn about ALL of the differences involved with your Legacy and Modern Equipment and in particular, what the RPM Limitations are of the Chop Saw Machines being used. Know what the Upper RPM Limitations of the Cutting Media your Machine is designed to be used are as well. By SAFELY installing Rheostat with these Features covered in THIS Video... you can convert over to using a Metal Cutting Blade and make this idea WORK on Older or Newer Chop Saws that ordinarily default to running at 3,600 RPM:

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Aug 23, 2019
Ordered directly from Tekton, a 12" pry bar (many of their other pry bars are out of stock,) and also a couple impact sockets. The impact screwdriver is a discontinued Tekton item but they are still available from Amazon, because somehow amazon ended up with a bunch of them (I contacted Tekton.) I wonder why Tekton DC'd them?
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Jan 6, 2013
This is what I love about this place... :>)

@northcreek 's information prompted me to look into getting an Evolution 14" - 66 Tooth, Mild Steel Metal Chop Saw Blade for my Old DeWalt Model# DW871 14" Metal Chop Saw.

Right now, Amazon has offered it with a serious price drop to around 1/2 of what De Walt is asking for their identical Metal Cutting Saw Blade:

View attachment 102496View attachment 102497View attachment 102499
This Video shows WHY I've always been so leery of "leaning" too hard on this Scary 14" Abrasive Chop Saw Blade... look at how quickly his starts to de-laminate, risking an explosive decomposition at just under 4,000 RPM... NOT Good!

So ...Good Timing... and THANKS , Brother!

But Also...



Nope... HOWEVER... If you watch THIS Excellent Video, the VOP (Video Original Poster) shows how to use a 120 Volt AC Fan Speed Rheostat Controller (available on Amazon for around $27.00) and CUT THE OPERATIONAL ROTATIONAL SPEED DOWN FROM 3,600 RPM to the Lower, Safer Speed of around 1,500 RPM for Metal Blades like the Evolution 14" 66 Tooth Blade I will be using:

View attachment 102500


Learn about ALL of the differences involved with your Legacy and Modern Equipment and in particular, what the RPM Limitations are of the Chop Saw Machines being used. Know what the Upper RPM Limitations of the Cutting Media your Machine is designed to be used are as well. By SAFELY installing Rheostat with these Features covered in THIS Video... you can convert over to using a Metal Cutting Blade and make this idea WORK on Older or Newer Chop Saws that ordinarily default to running at 3,600 RPM:

I had a Dewalt multi cutter (similar type blade) and I will tell you that the blades are damaged easily and are expensive to replace, also couldn't find anyone proficient
enough to repair/sharpen them.
I sold it and went back to the stinky/messy abrasive cutting machine which does the job and the cutting wheels are cheap...:twocents:

Personally, I also find the carbide tooth blades unreliable. Once the teeth start to dull, they pump heat into the carbide insets and melt the brazing that bonds them. Loose one and you get a place you will inevitably jam the blade into. I'd rather blow up a fibre disc. With that said, there are things these blades excel at. They cut non ferrous metals like aluminum exceptionally well with a tiny bit of coolant. Beyond that, it's time to buy a band saw.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
The impact screwdriver is a discontinued Tekton item but they are still available from Amazon, because somehow amazon ended up with a bunch of them. I wonder why Tekton DC'd them?
I dunno, either, but this provided the impetus for me to grab one (so thanks! LOL)
I get tired of drilling out corroded screws, or buying 'proprietary' JIS-spec screwdrivers that strip the heads just as badly.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Following up with Post #694 & Post #696...

Recently, I watched the Master Machinist "Adam" ...AKA "ABOM79" on his YT Channel just after he created a Modular Hydraulic Crane Lift for his Full Size Truck that "T"s off of his Trailer Hitch... AND... He was lifting a DeWalt Portable Table & Stand for Miter and Chop Saws that Amazon had just dropped the price on at this Link below:

This Roll-A-Round Table Stand can support the average Clunky Table Saws of many Flavors and after seeing HIS DeWalt Metal Chop Saw ALSO sitting in the back of his Tall Truck, I thought I'd order one for my DeWalt Chopsaw Carbide Blade Upgrade Project and try it out.

These images show Adam using his Custom Made Hydraulic Lift and creating an Octagonal Box out of some 2" X 4" sections via his other DeWalt Table Miter Saw to make a Form for pouring Special Concrete for his New Metal Shop Equipment as per the linked YT Video (Part#3 of the ABOM79 Crane Build Series) :


ANYTHING this versatile that makes working with Heavy, Clumsy Power Tools and Asymmetric Metal and Wood Materials AND Takes the Strain off of "The Ol' Back" is worth having, using and adding to the Tool Collection in anyone's Garage.

Here is a decent, objective review of the DeWalt Portable Table Stand(s) for Miters and Chop Saws:

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Jul 6, 2014
Santa was good to me. I got a blast cabinet and a vise mounted flaring tool.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Jump to the "End" of The DeWalt Chop Saw Overhaul Story...

After downloading the DW871 Exploded Diagram and disassembling my Old Chop Saw... by the time I had to include the (6) Sealed Roller Ball Bearings to replace the *Old Crunching Ones* and other ancillary worn parts for the "Upgrade" was well over $100 + Change.

Nope... NOT Gonna Do It... I mean I Really LIKE Fixing Up and Re-Purposing my Machinery... But NOT this Time. I'm already into getting the Evolution 66 Tooth Tungsten Carbide Tip Saw... So after I went back to YouTube and Watched THIS Video...

I decided to Stop the DeWalt Bleed... AND ... Pull The Pin on the:

Evolution Power Tools R355CPS 14 inch Chop Saw with Multi Purpose Cutting - Cuts Through Metal, Plastic, Wood & More - Inch Multi Purpose Blade:


Okay... So I promise ...I'm DUNN with SawZAllReady... :>)
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
My Tool Talk Horror Story...


So... Ever since I saw Andrew Camarata on YT doing THIS....


...and THIS...


...with THIS...


I've Been Cursed by the Orange & Black Tool Demon like THIS ...


So I Tried and FAILED to get THIS...


...which has STILL left me Cursed me like THIS...


...So I settled at first by getting THIS...


...which Reminded me of THIS...


...because the Black Spud Ratchet looks like THIS...


...but did NOT Cure THIS...

ORANGENBLACKSKULL.jpg instead I ordered THIS ...


...and except for the 'hidden CHICOMM Flag Stars' on the Handle ...It DID make me feel just a LITTLE bit better... :>(

The End...

PS... YUP.... I STILL Have THIS...


EDIT 01/10/2022:

While doing research on this issue... I happened across THIS Sub-Reddit... MAN... and I thought WE were the "LFTs" (Lunatics For Tools)... Check out what they show HERE....OMG...

I'm also wondering if I could DIY this Paint Application using either Kobota Orange (or maybe Blaze Orange) and Black Enamel using THIS interesting application Technique... But with Hand Tools instead of Skulls (..a bit of Demon Skull IRONy here...LOL).

I'd bet that @xavierny25 would know just how to do this to create a Lasting Orange & Black Camo Paint Job via Powder Coatings of some kind:

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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
@littleblazer ... is your "Blast Cabinet" mentioned in Post #701 related to the Safe Storage of Fuels-N-Solvents like THIS Yellow One recently installed in the Shipping Container Castle by Andrew Camarata... or is it more like a Sand Blasting Cabinet?



Jul 6, 2014
@littleblazer ... is your "Blast Cabinet" mentioned in Post #701 related to the Safe Storage of Fuels-N-Solvents like THIS Yellow One recently installed in the Shipping Container Castle by Andrew Camarata... or is it more like a Sand Blasting Cabinet?

That would be my fun things cabinet. :tongue: The one I received was very much a bead blasting cabinet.

Aside from brake parts cleaner and acetone (which have a designated shelf in the garage) anything dangerous like that is a single use thing and disposed of there after. While I should probably have a small one for the couple gallons of acetone I always have on hand, eh. I did all the SDS training and hazardous materials cases for everything at a prior job. So I probably should just have one.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015

So I bought this, about a year ago, in anticipation of using it in the future.
The future is now here! LOL

Quick stats:
- Wire feed (but gas capable, so MIG is possible)
- 115v (so, not ultra-heavy-duty, but it'll do what I want).
- Made offshore; it's not a Lincoln, etc. (but nor is it a HF cheapie)
- Tank contains 100% CO2 (question on this in a bit); old enough to need recert, I'd guess
- Previous owner demo'd it in front of me, so I know it works.
- Yes, I have the owner's manual for it (found it online)
- Got the entire rig you see here, with a low-buck Honeywell helmet, for about $180, IIRC

I'll make another post with welding questions, as I'm a total newb (but I have been reading a bit)

Question to start - rather than buy a second tank of 100% Argon, with a mixing valve... will a welding supply place purge the remaining CO2, recert the tank, and fill it with C25 ?
Or is there an issue with putting a different gas (mix) in a tank, once it's held something else?

First project is going to be stupid simple -- gonna get some 1/4" plate and weld a second layer onto each end, to make a mounting plate. Like I said... stupid simple.

That wasn't what I originally bought the welder for; that'll come a little later on. But it's time for me to start laying down a bead! 🔥🔥🔥


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The BEST Answers to every one of your Questions are completely covered by "The Boys from"... over on Youtube.

The Smart Move is to visit, use and Download whatever suits your fancy from their YT Library; chock-a-block full of Step By Step Instructions to get you started.

Might as well get your Facts and Suggestions straight from the horses' mouths... and in Living, "Incandescent" Color, too. :>)



Jul 6, 2014
View attachment 102719

So I bought this, about a year ago, in anticipation of using it in the future.
The future is now here! LOL

Quick stats:
- Wire feed (but gas capable, so MIG is possible)
- 115v (so, not ultra-heavy-duty, but it'll do what I want).
- Made offshore; it's not a Lincoln, etc. (but nor is it a HF cheapie)
- Tank contains 100% CO2 (question on this in a bit); old enough to need recert, I'd guess
- Previous owner demo'd it in front of me, so I know it works.
- Yes, I have the owner's manual for it (found it online)
- Got the entire rig you see here, with a low-buck Honeywell helmet, for about $180, IIRC

I'll make another post with welding questions, as I'm a total newb (but I have been reading a bit)

Question to start - rather than buy a second tank of 100% Argon, with a mixing valve... will a welding supply place purge the remaining CO2, recert the tank, and fill it with C25 ?
Or is there an issue with putting a different gas (mix) in a tank, once it's held something else?

First project is going to be stupid simple -- gonna get some 1/4" plate and weld a second layer onto each end, to make a mounting plate. Like I said... stupid simple.

That wasn't what I originally bought the welder for; that'll come a little later on. But it's time for me to start laying down a bead! 🔥🔥🔥
Back when I worked in the lab, most of our certified tanks came each with a different on off valve and hookup on top for our equipment. Be it nitrogen, argon, co2, oxygen, nitrous oxide, etc. The tanks were color keyed and if not, hard stamped for what it contained and had a sticker. It was pretty easy to have certain tanks swapped for other uses by our distributor, it was as simple as having the valve changed for it. Some weren't simply because the tanks operated at vastly different pressures for their rating if I recall. But I think don't think CO2 and argon is one of those where you can interchange. CO2 should be liquid at tank pressure. Argon will only be gas and probably be at much higher pressure than just the equilibrium vapor pressure present in a co2 tank. I know argon tanks can run well over 1200 psi. I think co2 is only around 600.


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Jul 22, 2015
But I think don't think CO2 and argon is one of those where you can interchange. CO2 should be liquid at tank pressure. Argon will only be gas and probably be at much higher pressure than just the equilibrium vapor pressure present in a co2 tank. I know argon tanks can run well over 1200 psi. I think co2 is only around 600.

I always appreciate insight / info that I didn't have. :thankyou:
What I have trouble squaring is intermixing of the two in a single tank, which is commonly done at a 75%-25% ratio (known as 'C25'). I'd think that that'd be a problem, if there was an issue - ? :readrules:

I'd prefer to keep a 1 tank solution; that would save both room and me having to get a fancy regulator for mixing ratio from two bottles. Welding is something that will be handy for me, but not something I envision doing on a regular basis. (5yrs ago, I never envisioned I'd buy a welder, but here I am!) :tongue:

I'll contact a couple of supply houses in my area, and get their thoughts. There are a couple of CL ads I can look into, as well. Also, thanks to MRRSM for the YT links! :tiphat:


Jul 6, 2014
I always appreciate insight / info that I didn't have. :thankyou:
What I have trouble squaring is intermixing of the two in a single tank, which is commonly done at a 75%-25% ratio (known as 'C25'). I'd think that that'd be a problem, if there was an issue - ? :readrules:

I'd prefer to keep a 1 tank solution; that would save both room and me having to get a fancy regulator for mixing ratio from two bottles. Welding is something that will be handy for me, but not something I envision doing on a regular basis. (5yrs ago, I never envisioned I'd buy a welder, but here I am!) :tongue:

I'll contact a couple of supply houses in my area, and get their thoughts. There are a couple of CL ads I can look into, as well. Also, thanks to MRRSM for the YT links! :tiphat:
We only ever dealt with pure so I can't comment. I know properties change with mixing and partial pressures so it's entirely possible in a c25 tank everything is gaseous just due to the volumes present. Mind you, our current CO2 tank at works is 60000 lbs so...
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Jul 6, 2014
Checked, our CO2 tank is certed to 350 psig. Our large argon 300... however our normal cylinders (4 foot up rights, the ones most are familiar with) are certed to 2200. The argon regulator tank sode ends at 4000 psi lol.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Once again... Because of THIS...


...I REALLY Wanted to get THIS..


Then I went looking for THIS...


...and also THIS...


...BUT Could ONLY Find THESE...


...and for ONLY Ten Bucks... THIS... Remington FAST BLADE...


...also has a VERY Nice "Rubbery" Non-Slip-Grip Handle... Like THIS...

...and of course... I STILL Suffer from THIS...


...BUT... Very Soon I WILL BE.... O&B... DEMON FREE !!!

The End...


Aug 24, 2021
Lincoln, Ne.
MRRSM, I rather like orange and black myself.
Ridgid Tools.JPG

That high torque impact wrench on the left is a beast! I was doing a project where I had to weld a steel washer in a precise location, using the Lincoln welder you see on the workbench shelf. (Don't worry, I was doing this outside, using the Ridgid 10 gauge extension cord, not pictured, I bought to be able to use the welder outside.) I was using a bolt and nut to position it on the steel. I accidentally tack welded the bolt head to the washer!

After I completely welded the washer in place, I went inside and got the appropriate sized socket for the bolt. One 3 second zap from the high torque and that bolt was loose!


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Ullman - EDM1 Digital Mirror

Got this guy a few months ago. Must have tool in my book for working blind. Could even get a magnetic mount or tripod to put it on. Need to load test some motor mounts? Set her up and hop in the car and watch the motor jump from your phone screen as you pat the gas pedal.

Can take pics and vids through the app as well. Superb little tool if you're using an inspection mirror regularly.


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Jul 22, 2015
For over a year now, I've been looking for more tool storage. Had a 26" cabinet, with a top box. Filled them. Got a middle box. Filled it. Decided to get a tool cart. Filled that up (and worse, wind up throwing everything in it, so now, it overfloweth.)

Have had my eyes on something in the 42" range as my sweet spot; a 56" is just too big for my garage (and most are configured as 2 rows of 26" drawers; I wanted a wider drawer for some of my longer tools).
I also wanted a full-length drawer tall enough for my deep sockets.

I'm also of the mind that I'm not paying 1000's of dollars for tool storage.
The HF 'US General' boxes aren't a good fit for me (they're 22" deep, and 18" works better for me)
The 'Yukon' line has a 42" with a full-width drawer, but it's not tall enough (I measured)

So... as I'm wont to do... I have a Craigslist search that I check daily for tool storage.
Finally, my ship came in, today.

I took the Envoy (and I'm now thinking I have a bad LF wheel bearing, since I still have that annoying noise)... had to move quick... and rent a trailer... and drive over an hour each way... but I now own this. For $250. Total.


Pics are from the ad. I got home after dark and just 'threw' the stack in the garage; will set it up in a day or two, and post better pictures / more details. It's definitely used, no keys, only the two full-width drawers have ball-bearing slides, yada yada.

I can get keys (don't really need) and buy slides, if I want them in more / all the drawers. But all the drawers open / close pretty smoothly, and every one of them has a liner in it. Brand is 'International' (which I'd never heard of). But it's made... in Canada (?!?)

Guy wouldn't take a penny under $250. Almost felt bad asking, but I did. He wouldn't budge, and I didn't push the issue. I knew people were right behind me if I passed on it.

Was so happy (and got home so late) that I ordered Chinese, instead of cooking.
All in all... a good day! :celebrate:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Had a 26" cabinet, with a top box. Filled them. Got a middle box. Filled it. Decided to get a tool cart. Filled that up (and worse, wind up throwing everything in it, so now, it overfloweth.)
Are we related? :laugh:
  • Haha
Reactions: xavierny25


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Picked this up on FB Marketplace. Looks like brand new. Asking $90, offered $80 and he bit. I would have preferred the long neck version but I'll take it. At almost half the price of a new one, it's a good deal. Brought a battery with me to test it out just to be sure. The head swivels so you can swing the battery out of the way.



May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Picked this up on FB Marketplace. Looks like brand new. Asking $90, offered $80 and he bit. I would have preferred the long neck version but I'll take it. At almost half the price of a new one, it's a good deal. Brought a battery with me to test it out just to be sure. The head swivels so you can swing the battery out of the way.

View attachment 102814
Very nice. I had been eyeballing one of these recently. Let us know how you like it.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Jul 22, 2015
Very nice. I had been eyeballing one of these recently. Let us know how you like it.
I like mine (if you're invested in Ryobi, it's worth adding, IMO). I had posted on it in this (?) thread awhile back (9mos to a year or so). Definitely saves me time / effort on my Accord, at least (most drive tools that I use on the two trucks are 1/2")

The clutch *does* allow you to use it to break the bolt free by hand, so at least you're not using two drive tools to break torque / get each fastener out.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Supporting Donor
Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
During a recent Thread covering the issue of “Excessive Vibrations at Idle”, @Mooseman ’s suggestion for using ACDelco OEM Motor Mounts lead me to check out THIS Link at Amazon offering them at a lower than average price:

While there, after reading many of the impressions from the Buyer’s Comments about their installations, one Intrepid Fellow mentioned THIS Crescent Specialty Tool Kit as being the Rapid Means for their R&R that can sidestep much difficulty during these PITA procedures:


Although newly Discontinued by Crescent, they are still available at Amazon ...and the Complete Metric & SAE Thru-Spline Kit seems to be very reasonably priced since they’ve reduced it by 17% to $48.00:

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