so who still uses the old site?


Nov 18, 2011
Chickenhawk said:
The only strange thing is I went in to delete my photos from my gallery so they can't be used to help others, and I no longer have the option to delete photos.
If you uploaded your pics in to their server, there's not much you can do.

If their hosted on a site like photobucket, you can move them in to new folders. That will make the link posted on the OS invalid and no picture will show. (however, it will disrupt posts you have made on other forums as well - you will need to edit those posts with the new URL)

Jockingrey said:
Well said Voymom. I bet that stays up for a while :wink:
You bet wrong. It would appear that Voymom is now in global ignore status. :hopeless:


Dec 2, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
You bet wrong. It would appear that Voymom is now in global ignore status. :hopeless:

I was wondering how long it would take. The 2 mods must live at their computers to get rid of threads so quickly.


Feb 3, 2012
BO TIE SS said:
You bet wrong. It would appear that Voymom is now in global ignore status. :hopeless:

Oh well, Maybe one or two people got a glance at it. I'm not hurt any, after all it was my choice. I just hope other members will see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

:wootwoot: No more TV!!


Nov 21, 2011
Voymom said:
Oh well, Maybe one or two people got a glance at it. I'm not hurt any, after all it was my choice. I just hope other members will see the light at the end of the tunnel!!

:wootwoot: No more TV!!

You can still report posts and poke at the mods at least. :biggrin:


Dec 6, 2011
BO TIE SS said:
You bet wrong. It would appear that Voymom is now in global ignore status. :hopeless:
The force is strong with this one. She is going to make a GREAT addition to our forum!


Dec 6, 2011
fletch09 said:
have you tried doing it this way?
post #693. it worked for me last week.
Hey, I just tried that and was able to remove the photos from their server. Woohoo! Thanks!

Now if anyone has their ABS light come on with a code for loss of communication, I still have my great photo of the EBCM ground wire where they can solve that problem with 2 minutes with a whiz wheel ... and they don't have it.

Ooooo ... ^ this is now seriously going to get me banned!


Dec 4, 2011
Chickenhawk said:
Hey, I just tried that and was able to remove the photos from their server. Woohoo! Thanks!

Now if anyone has their ABS light come on with a code for loss of communication, I still have my great photo of the EBCM ground wire where they can solve that problem with 2 minutes with a whiz wheel ... and they don't have it.

Ooooo ... ^ this is now seriously going to get me banned!

They're too busy censoring new posts and doing background checks on new users. The only way they'll notice that pictures are missing in an old post is to read about it here.


Feb 3, 2012
I think this should be a sticky :yes:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I can't log in, I can not request my password, I recieve no reply when trying to contact the admin, I just want in to change some of my personal info, but it is like my account access just flat disappeared.
They have two easy tricks to pull. They change your password and you can't log in. And they change your email address in your profile so you can't request a password reset, and you also should no longer get notifications of new posts in subscribed threads or incoming PMs.

The admin is ignoring a lot of issues. And the nooberators mostly haven't been approving new memberships because they're paranoid they're letting new shills in. The new member process is essentially dead.

Next up in the playbook would be to totally shut off the PM system. Let's see if they do that.

As to WHY they do it? It's because the word "banned" is a red flag that makes members (noobs and infrequent visitors) go hmmmmmmmm. Then they start digging for the truth. VS wants to conceal the truth because it might cost them traffic, and traffic = $. So members like you are in limbo, which is less embarrassing to VS than the "banned" tag.

For a while, before they started using the trick that they got you with, they were slapping another untruthful status on folks like me: "No longer here". While that could be true in one limited sense, in the sense that most forums use the status it should be straight-up BANNED. Again, VS lying to preserve their parasitical cash flow.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Voymom said:
... I enjoy being at G M T N A T I O N . C O M with the old users and community staff...
Indeed, well said. You're one perceptive and empathic person to have seen the turmoil and discerned the underlying issues so well and so quickly. Now go get out your tools and get your hands dirtier and change a thermostat or cut off your ugly resonator or something. :rotfl: :thumbsup:


Feb 3, 2012
the roadie said:
Indeed, well said. You're one perceptive and empathic person to have seen the turmoil and discerned the underlying issues so well and so quickly. Now go get out your tools and get your hands dirtier and change a thermostat or cut off your ugly resonator or something. :rotfl: :thumbsup:

I dusted off the license plate today, and....I put window washer fluid in and changed the wipers :raspberry:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 18, 2011
This means direct links from the OS to here.


Dec 29, 2011
Well, this is my first day of not going there. Hopefully I won't be lurking back there again.


Dec 5, 2011
TB360 said:
Well, this is my first day of not going there. Hopefully I won't be lurking back there again.

I look in as a guest and see unanswered questions, and topics without recent posts. It's actually sad.


Dec 4, 2011
the roadie said:
Indeed, well said. You're one perceptive and empathic person to have seen the turmoil and discerned the underlying issues so well and so quickly. Now go get out your tools and get your hands dirtier and change a thermostat or cut off your ugly resonator or something. :rotfl: :thumbsup:

Lmao. Hehehe :tongue::thumbup:


Feb 4, 2012
haha, i just added to my post and bumping it to the top with another shout out, at least 50 more hits and someone trying to talk shit, I am sure I will be one of those banned or ignored shortly, this is great entertainment at this point, guess we will see how long it takes :biggrin:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Fishhunter911 said:
Pardon my french but that is f'ing AWESOME!!!!!!!
Also proves security by obscurity is a doomed concept.

The more you tighten your grip, Stew, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

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Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Voymom said:
I have posted this in the forum for my vehicles make model and year at
I posted it in the general, towing, track, and off roading forums. I have also changed my profile information.

Dear members,

As an active member I came to this site for general information on Envoy’s and Trailblazers. helped me with my decision on what I was going to purchase…let me reiterate that, the OLD USERS of and their old forum posts helped me make my decision, but unfortunately they were all banned from the forum sometime ago, for reasons that will not confirm.

Some people here will say I was sucked into a cult, but where I went is far from that. I enjoy every minute of everyday typing until my fingers get sore. I can be myself, dirty sense of humor and all, and not be afraid of super mods hunting me or my posts down like a midnight alley-way gangster looking for their next hit. I am not judged! Which to me is the most important. I can post the most unintelligent questions on this forum, and I get answers that make me feel accepted, thought of, and most of all important. Just because I had no idea what a resonator was, does not mean I am entirely stupid, and I was not made to feel that way either. I remember posting in a thread trying to help another person on, when a user flat out called us noobs, and told us to basically go get a manual and quit being stupid….seriously?

I don’t get told to constantly get a manual, or read my manual, or use the forum search to find your answer. I get answers! From several people, and if they don’t know the answers, they are not insecure or afraid to link me to another forum for the information. I can post crazy off topic things, stuff about my dog or my children without being lectured for being off topic. I truly feel like I am apart of a family, a very large extended family, with hundreds of brothers and sisters! I know that when I decide to take a road trip, no matter what city, state or country I travel to, if I break down and need help….I will get it. I won’t be left stranded on the side of the road or in the back woods, someone will come help me…I have faith in that. Can you say that about users of How confident are you in posting a thread on asking for help because your serpentine just broke and your truck is loaded with kids traveling from one state to another? I bet your not very confident at all?

I however know that the users at G M T N A T I O N . C O M will come to my aide. I know that even though I have only been a member there for 4 days, I would have someone coming out to help me fix whatever issue it is I need help with. It’s not just a forum or a mechanical website, it’s a friendship….a family. Nothing like

Now, let me mention that HAS NOT done me wrong in any way. My decision to post this letter will ultimately get me permanently banned, however if just 1 person reads this and makes the switch, then my story will go on, the OLD USERS of’s story will go on. The truth will come out. By joining G M T N A T I O N . C O M you will not be disappointed!! We will open our forum to you, and we will welcome you. Just be warned, making the switch could ultimately lead to your account being deleted and removed which honestly isn’t that bad at all. After all it is a dying forum, that moderators and community staff are struggling and desperately trying to keep alive. I was told in an e-mail that I was missed here at How can I be missed when NO ONE was here for me in the first place? I admire your strength in trying….but it’s just not worth it, not to me. If I am going to spend money on a premium account, I am going to do so on a forum that actually helps me and gives me the information I need. If I want to waste my money that bad….There is a strip club down the road from me, and the girls there don’t photoshop their asses J I am no longer with you. I have decided that I enjoy being at G M T N A T I O N . C O M with the old users and community staff from your forum. I have to say thank you however, because if it were not for I wouldn’t have found the joy of GMT NATION! So thank you.

G M T N A T I O N . C O M IS the place for all your questions on any topic for your GMT vehicle. We’re a friendly community always welcoming new members.

@ G M T N A T I O N . C O M

Well said :yes:

Makes me a little ashamed of implying you're one of the mods mother :redface:

mapanch said:
They have completely changed posts that I have made. Posted screen shots here, then Sam posted one the next day. They locked the thread then edited (changed/deleted) what I had said. Now banned me and continue to do it. Changed Sam's avatar. Have gone in and changed vehicle details, signatures. Abuse of power. Funny thing is, the 2 mods and 3 or 4 other people are the only ones that post. :rotfl: Voymom seems to be another "big" poster last couple days. Wonder which mod it is? :undecided:

Short Bus said:
Look at the user name, it's one of their mothers. "Mommy, will you come post on my forum so I have someone who likes me I can talk to"


Feb 3, 2012
Short Bus said:
Well said :yes:

Makes me a little ashamed of implying you're one of the mods mother :redface:

That actually hurts a bit. I actually have proof that I am NOT associated with any of them over there. I am just a noob looking to meet new friends and learn about my truck.

You know, we sit here and members from this forum try to recruit noobs and other members from the OS, and it's sad to think that when new members join looking for whatever it is their looking for, they are immediately judged and casted out. If everyone keeps thinking this way, our members may just start heading back over to the OS :frown:

The meaning behind my name should be obvious from some of my posts here, I am new to Envoy's and I am a mother to 6 children. IF I were lurking here as an OS's mods mother, why in the hell would I keep the same name as on the OS?

But, all is forgiven :smile: I can completely understand why you are sour towards new members. But remember, not all of us that came here from the OS are bad, most of us have been recruited. And it only makes GMT look bad when new members from the OS are being bashed AFTER being recruited here by your own forums members and staff:biggrin:

That and I'm only 27 yrs old. The mods there are almost twice my age!!!:tongue:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Voymom said:
That and I'm only 27 yrs old. The mods there are almost twice my age!!!:tongue:
Actually, the younger of the two nooberators is only 21. Enthusiastic but misguided soul who thinks he can single-handedly bring back the Golden Age of Trailvoy. Where did you read there were older mods?


Dec 4, 2011
If voymom were a mom to a mod on the o.s. , (not implying) that would mean she gave birth when she was around hmmm 11 or 12 years old.


Feb 3, 2012
silvernclean said:
Ummm...we are all new...can we just all get a long. :smile:

Like I said all is forgiven, and I meant it:biggrin:

I wasn't being rude at all.

Anyways, I am on the global ignore list. But I haven't posted there since becoming a member here, besides my rant to TV today. And I don't plan on going back either


Feb 3, 2012
the roadie said:
Actually, the younger of the two nooberators is only 21. Enthusiastic but misguided soul who thinks he can single-handedly bring back the Golden Age of Trailvoy. Where did you read there were older mods?

I guess I was assuming roadie. And still with him being 21 i'm not old enough to be his mother lol


Dec 2, 2011
Voymom said:

That actually hurts a bit. I actually have proof that I am NOT associated with any of them over there. I am just a noob looking to meet new friends and learn about my truck.

You know, we sit here and members from this forum try to recruit noobs and other members from the OS, and it's sad to think that when new members join looking for whatever it is their looking for, they are immediately judged and casted out. If everyone keeps thinking this way, our members may just start heading back over to the OS :frown:

The meaning behind my name should be obvious from some of my posts here, I am new to Envoy's and I am a mother to 6 children. IF I were lurking here as an OS's mods mother, why in the hell would I keep the same name as on the OS?

But, all is forgiven :smile: I can completely understand why you are sour towards new members. But remember, not all of us that came here from the OS are bad, most of us have been recruited. And it only makes GMT look bad when new members from the OS are being bashed AFTER being recruited here by your own forums members and staff:biggrin:

That and I'm only 27 yrs old. The mods there are almost twice my age!!!:tongue:

That conversation was before you were recruited here. At the time you joined up/started posting over on the OS, the mods had shill accounts and "resurrected" dead accounts to post. TrailblazrI6, Trailblazer_2002 and you were basically the only people posting on the site with regularity. We're glad to have you here though!


Feb 3, 2012
the roadie said:
6 actually. Not even in Kentucky is that happening. :crazy:

Maybe I should change my name to hillbillymom? :raspberry:

mapanch said:
That conversation was before you were recruited here. At the time you joined up/started posting over on the OS, the mods had shill accounts and "resurrected" dead accounts to post. TrailblazrI6, Trailblazer_2002 and you were basically the only people posting on the site with regularity. We're glad to have you here though!

Thanks! And like I said no hard feelings at all! And I can see where you would assume I was apart of the mod squad there. It's a dying forum and I happen to be probably the biggest post whore around :biggrin: You see how often I post here don't ya? lol


Dec 4, 2011
Voymom said:
Like I said all is forgiven, and I meant it:biggrin:

I wasn't being rude at all.

Anyways, I am on the global ignore list. But I haven't posted there since becoming a member here, besides my rant to TV today. And I don't plan on going back either

I was just trying to break the tension


Feb 3, 2012
silvernclean said:
I was just trying to break the tension

All is good my friend! No tension here :cool:

:wootwoot::wootwoot: I went from junior member to senior member in 4 days :biggrin:

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
Voymom said:

That actually hurts a bit. I actually have proof that I am NOT associated with any of them over there. I am just a noob looking to meet new friends and learn about my truck.

You know, we sit here and members from this forum try to recruit noobs and other members from the OS, and it's sad to think that when new members join looking for whatever it is their looking for, they are immediately judged and casted out. If everyone keeps thinking this way, our members may just start heading back over to the OS :frown:

The meaning behind my name should be obvious from some of my posts here, I am new to Envoy's and I am a mother to 6 children. IF I were lurking here as an OS's mods mother, why in the hell would I keep the same name as on the OS?

But, all is forgiven :smile: I can completely understand why you are sour towards new members. But remember, not all of us that came here from the OS are bad, most of us have been recruited. And it only makes GMT look bad when new members from the OS are being bashed AFTER being recruited here by your own forums members and staff:biggrin:

That and I'm only 27 yrs old. The mods there are almost twice my age!!!:tongue:

That's why I'm ashamed of that post it was posted on 1/31, before you made the move over


Feb 3, 2012
Short Bus said:
That's why I'm ashamed of that post it was posted on 1/31, before you made the move over

If I could hug you I would, seriously though, no hard feelings at all. :grouphug:


Mar 24, 2014
United States
While the mods there may or may not recommend people to be added to the global ignore list, it would be the administrators (Stew, Cayne) that are adding people to it. Moderators don't have access too all settings, and based on the recent happenings, I doubt seriously that Stew is allowing the mods, whether or not "under cover", to have access to the site's settings at that level.

On the other hand, if they did indeed allow their moderators to have such access, it would only show their ignorance (admins, not mods).

While I've had serious disagreements in judgement with both moderators, it is only a matter of time before they realize that they are wasting their time. They are working, no... fighting for what they believe is a good cause. We did that too. The problem is that not only are they being exploited by VerticalScope, they now have the disgruntled staff and members from GMTNation making their efforts much more difficult. They are not being paid, but their work is allowing VS to profit. That's the biggest reason for our departure, and I think most of the members of the community see that. There may be quantity over there, but there is quality over here. Before long, it will be quality and quantity over here. No one is going to spend any extra money or time on that site, no matter how hard ANY moderators work on "saving the site".

Before long, they will either start to fight back, or they will cut their losses and dump the site. Stew mentioned that dumping the site wasn't an option, and I would have to agree. If they dump the site, then someone has to take blame for the downfall... and who do you think that will be? Not the moderators (past or present).

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