so who still uses the old site?


Feb 4, 2012
MAY03LT said:
The auto filter does not correct g m t n a t i o n. Just sayin.

I just replied to my own post over there and pretty much told them since they couldnt help me I went to another site that did and might have spaced out, guess it is a matter of time before they yell at me too


Dec 2, 2011
Damn they got my shill account already :sadcry: Didn't even get to use it either. Banned with no reason given. Oh well, I got more. . . To the point where its not really worth it anymore. Feel sorry for the poor noobs who are throwing money at their trucks due to the mods "advise."


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Google for: "vertical scope" forum defections

"vertical scope" forum sucks
This site is on page 1

"vertical scope" sucks
Page 2

"vertical scope" jailbreak (my term for the Great Exodus)
Google hits 1, 2, and 3!

"vertical scope" banned
First page, hits 5 and 6!

"vertical scope" banning
First page, hits 3 and 4!


Mar 24, 2014
United States
lint said:
Read what Lance say's of about ''Vertical Scope'' ''Their advertising structure will be nearly identical to what we currently have in place, so things should be virtually transparent to all users.'' LOL Seems like the spam net or ad net anymore.

The rumors are true - Pirate4x4 has been sold - Pirate4x4.Com

That guy is an idiot. You can see it in every post he made in that thread. Someone posted that here when that was first hitting the fan over there.

I hope he is happy with VS. If you read the last post in that thread, you can see that he is a money hungry SOB that doesn't give 1000 shits what the community enthusiasts want or think... he just wants money. He fit right in with the rest of those morons at VS :thumbsup:


Nov 20, 2011
Jman423 said:
That guy is an idiot. You can see it in every post he made in that thread. Someone posted that here when that was first hitting the fan over there.

I hope he is happy with VS. If you read the last post in that thread, you can see that he is a money hungry SOB that doesn't give 1000 shits what the community enthusiasts want or think... he just wants money. He fit right in with the rest of those morons at VS :thumbsup:

If he's smart at all, it's written into the contract that the advertizing/everything isn't going to change. This, we don't know about...

He and 4 (?) others were already employed full time by the site, so it's not like it was a hobby type thing, anyway... Honestly, if somebody offered me $1M + $100k/year for a site, I'd take them up on it. Hell, if they turned it to shit, I'd just jump ship and take everybody with me, like has been done here...



Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Bartonmd said:
...Hell, if they turned it to shit, I'd just jump ship and take everybody with me, like has been done here......
At that level of $$ and contracts, there's always a non-compete clause. Lance won't be ABLE to set up another site without getting his ass sued. Or moving to the Cayman Islands or something. :cool:


Dec 5, 2011
Sorry I was bored and decided to do some more follow-up on the searches roadie posted. Here's a thread supporting the conclusion that VS is inflating user numbers on the OS, I found it enlightening:

Vertical Scope - - Working hard to destroy the internet forum!

Seems it's common practice for VS to "cook the books" statistic-wise. You'd think they'd cover their tracks a little better though.

Here are some interesting tidbits:

"the banner that appears on the top of EVERY PAGE is hosted thru a seperate registrar (GoDaddy) and is hit/accessed EVERY TIME a person views this forum.....that would mean is someone or something is artificially inflating the views/impressions.
For example, in July they claim this little ole' web site got 32,350 views/impressions, but when checking with GoDaddy for the amount of hits/views/impressions for our banner which is hosted outside of this forum it is WAY less! Were talking 10's of thousands less!"

"I guess I'm just a popular guy. But it still does not explain why total hit count for the banner since 2009 is 19,000 and were well over 60,000 according to this place." (I assume "this place" is VS)


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
Good find! Thanks. Somebody should collect all these VS victims and compare notes and make sure the truth gets out there in an easy to locate place. Must be dozens of forums run down the tubes by Toronto-based greed.


Mar 24, 2014
United States
Dad-O-Matic said:
Sorry I was bored and decided to do some more follow-up on the searches roadie posted. Here's a thread supporting the conclusion that VS is inflating user numbers on the OS, I found it enlightening:

Vertical Scope - - Working hard to destroy the internet forum!

Seems it's common practice for VS to "cook the books" statistic-wise. You'd think they'd cover their tracks a little better though.

Here are some interesting tidbits:

"the banner that appears on the top of EVERY PAGE is hosted thru a seperate registrar (GoDaddy) and is hit/accessed EVERY TIME a person views this forum.....that would mean is someone or something is artificially inflating the views/impressions.
For example, in July they claim this little ole' web site got 32,350 views/impressions, but when checking with GoDaddy for the amount of hits/views/impressions for our banner which is hosted outside of this forum it is WAY less! Were talking 10's of thousands less!"

"I guess I'm just a popular guy. But it still does not explain why total hit count for the banner since 2009 is 19,000 and were well over 60,000 according to this place." (I assume "this place" is VS)

Yeah, I was reading that same thread this morning. It seems that people really don't know what they are getting themselves in for when they offload their site to VS.

I mean, I can understand the excitement of getting a $100,000+ offer on a website that you started from scratch, but if you are really an enthusiast, if you really care about the QUALITY of the community, you wouldn't dare sell it to them.

And yes, there are non-compete agreements in place, or that is what everyone would do... jump ship and start a new site with their loyal followers.

See, in our case, I had no such agreements in place. While the two former owners did, I don't work for them, therefore I could do what I felt needed to be done. I am only sorry it took me so long to do it. I thought about it a few times, but finances weren't available to do it right. No worries now though... momentum is underway and statistics (the ones that aren't doctored) will tell the story.

I wish more sites destroyed by VS would do the same... :undecided:


Dec 6, 2011
the roadie said:
. Must be dozens of forums run down the tubes by Toronto-based greed.

Go to and you can see the list, pretty depressing. I find out even quicker on my droids as I get a message that their app is available for download when I go to one of their sites.

I can understand why they go after vb sites if they have an infrastructure to handle this system but how do they convince someone to sell their site to them?

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk


Dec 2, 2011
Mark20 said:
Go to and you can see the list, pretty depressing. I find out even quicker on my droids as I get a message that their app is available for download when I go to one of their sites.

I can understand why they go after vb sites if they have an infrastructure to handle this system but how do they convince someone to sell their site to them?

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk

Plenty of commas and zeros on the check :sadcry:


Dec 8, 2011
Haven't been posting on here as much as I intended to, I went over to trailvoy (I haven't been banned) today and it is absolutely dead, there seems to be almost no new useful information coming from there... I am done posting at trailvoy and will use this site as my exclusive source of information.


Dec 8, 2011
If traffic gets low enough do you think that AutoGuide will shut it down?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
With a million posts in the archives, and 100K members on the books, and zombie visitor statistics up the wazoo, there could be zero traffic, and VS could still sell ad space to gullible advertisers.

Their business model works better without the pesky "community" trying to live inside their asset.

Think of their forums as ant farms.


Nov 18, 2011
Nah, they'll just put more ads in the ads so we can look at more ads while looking at ads.

If that ever were to happen, by the time it did, we would be stocked with information.:cool:


Dec 4, 2011
I'm seeing a "yo dawg I heard you like VS so we put ads in your ads" type of image in my head about now.


Jan 31, 2012
Sparky said:
I'm seeing a "yo dawg I heard you like VS so we put ads in your ads" type of image in my head about now.

Except it should say "Yo dawg I heard you like VS so we put ads in yo ads" :laugh: dat's how it's done with VS though. :rotfl:

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
4wVoy said:
to my surprise, my post is still there unedited almost 2 days later, guess some new guy they looked over

Sign out and look for your post. I looked and couldn't find you there. You might be on Global Ignore.


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
It took 2 nasty e-mails to admin at the OS but I finally got the green light by my name shut off. They asked how I knew it was still on. I said.... my secret!!!! Idiots.


Feb 4, 2012
Short Bus said:
Sign out and look for your post. I looked and couldn't find you there. You might be on Global Ignore.

I still see it after I logged out, maybe you were looking for the wrong username. my username there is dnobhsoj

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
4wVoy said:
I still see it after I logged out, maybe you were looking for the wrong username. my username there is dnobhsoj

That was it, I was looking for 4wVoy


Nov 18, 2011
tbuckalew14 said:
I haven't been able to even get on the os in days. I can get the homepage once in a while. I tried hitting new posts and it says searching is disabled.

They put you in the Miserable Users Group. My advice is to get a shill just to browse. Since that giner known as TrailblazrI6 watches this thread, I'll pm you the deets on how to do it.


Dec 4, 2011
i havent been there since i switched! is it still there?:rotfl:


Nov 18, 2011
havie22 said:
i havent been there since i switched! is it still there?:rotfl:

It's there, but different. It's like I've been there before, in another time. Or something.:crazy:



Jan 25, 2012
tbuckalew14 said:
I haven't been able to even get on the os in days. I can get the homepage once in a while. I tried hitting new posts and it says searching is disabled.

Welcome to the club of miserable users (i just learned it existed last week).


Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
If someone has the inclination to help, there are 2 member on the OS I am trying to get ahold of. I am thinking about purchasing something from them. But it doesnt look like they made it here...

First is 02RedHawk
Chevy TrailBlazer and GMC Envoy Member Classifieds - GM-LUXURY AUDIO & NAVIGATION - Bose LUX NAV - Powered by PhotoPost Classifieds

The other is RuffRyder59
Chevy TrailBlazer and GMC Envoy Member Classifieds - Fs Pioneer cd dvd usb player double din blue - Powered by PhotoPost Classifieds


Jan 10, 2012
I have been on and off over at the other site. I found it some time ago and used it regularly for how to pics and advice. I hardly ever posted (under another name) and if I did it was a question about, you guessed it, how to. I have since added my go to username on that site. Lots of good info was found and I enjoyed it. I know some of the politics involved in the fall of the other site and the building of this one. Most of the info I gathered, about the fail of old and the birth of this site, was from anyone willing to share through PMs and from other's explanations. I also received an email from Roadie, and was glad I did.

I've since turned to this site for the info I want/need and it certainly has been more than helpful. I don't post often, here or there, and post about experiences I've had on my own truck and try not to answer subjects I know little about. I don't dislike the other site, but I prefer this one. Besides knowing the "experience and knowledge" is more here than there, it makes sense to come here more often.

It took me some time to find this site as it was never mentioned on the other site, duh. I found it by google searching a topic I knew existed on the other site and ended up finding a clearer explanation to my problem here.

Thanks to all for the education and info.


Dec 5, 2011
I created a thread over there and the last time I looked no one from the Colorado area posted in it.


Dec 4, 2011
Voymom said:
I have posted this in the forum for my vehicles make model and year at
I posted it in the general, towing, track, and off roading forums. I have also changed my profile information.

:explode: :suicide: :thumbsup:
Dead woman walking. Funeral services for the TV member known as Voymom will be scheduled once she is "no longer with us".


Nov 21, 2011
Chickenhawk said:
The only strange thing is I went in to delete my photos from my gallery so they can't be used to help others, and I no longer have the option to delete photos.

Is it something I said????:frown::frown::frown::frown::frown:

I can still delete mine.

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