Well good morning! I started out my day with getting the kids ready for school. I have 2 younger ones that stay home all day so I have my work cut out for me lol Sitting here drinking my coffee and listening to my 3yr old and 1yr old scream at each other. But on a plus note, they can lay down and take a nap soon, which means mommy can get some stuff done around the house....or take a nap lol. Had a petty argument with my hubby over a resonator/muffler. I heard they are 2 different things, and he is telling me that they are the same. But then he tells me the exhaust is different from the muffler and resonator...Wait, I thought the exhaust system was what gets rid of the exhaust FUMES?? And I thought that the resonator and muffler where 2 different things? Now I am so confused. Either way here in Iowa(Retarded state) I can not do a res delete, as it is illegal to have excessive noise coming out of a vehicle.....which makes completely NO FRIGGIN SENSE!!! I can drive around all day with a system thumping in the trunk without getting a ticket, but it's illegal to have a noisy muffler even though functional on my truck??? I hate stupidity.
I would have had this post done 15min ago but I have been fighting with a 3yr old over juice or milk as a drink with his breakfast
My dad always told me I would get paid back when I have kids for all the things I did to him...boy was he right, but what he failed to tell me was that I was going to pay for everything their father did in the past too...as the kids have BOTH genetics lol. I always tell my children to have a relationship with something/someone spiritual if they have children, because they will get paid back for the hell they are putting me through, and for them it is almost worth not having children lmao. But no matter how much of a pain they are, they are my world, and I couldn't have asked for anything else.
Well my day today consists of nothing, maybe some FB surfing, cleaning the trash out of the truck from this past weekend, cleaning the house and sorting through laundry. I'll probably lurk on here as well.
And DucatiSS- I'm going with a double barrel?