Official post whore thread!!!

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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
So is they get paid $15/hr, their prices will go up, they will sell less and should be able to handle the sales without the errors they make. Of course then they will complain because there are less people on a shift and blame it on that.


Apr 18, 2012
Prices don't go up because of the cost of wages. Prices go up due to demand. If there is more demand than the price will go up. Think of gasoline, diamonds and gold, mechanical service.

I am not an economist but I can tell you that minimum-wage is bad for the economy. I don't know about social services in Canada so I can't really put this too much other than the United States.

So tell me, what do you do? Do you build something? Do you sell something? Do you own your own business? Do you provide a service? Do you sell to other businesses?

In the US, Walmart was ranked as the lowest paying company followed by McDonald's. Both of these companies also like to keep their employees under the minimum hours required for the employer to provide healthcare. So, someone who is earning low low wages and not receiving enough hours to really even provide for themselves, do you think they are buying what you build or sell or the service you provide? People who earn decent wages often end up buying a home. They may buy a car. Maybe they buy a grill to barbecue on. Or a pool or Jacuzzi. When they buy a house it employs the contractors and the furnace builders and the lumber yard and the landscaper to put in the lawn and the real estate agent. When they buy a car it employs the sales person and the mechanic and the car factory workers. It will also employ the people who make the filters and wipers and bulbs and the trucker who transports them. When they buy a pool it employs the contractor who built it and the plastic manufacturer who created the lining and the people who make the chemicals to maintain it as well as those who built the net or the toys that go in it. All of these people may end up buying a house or the car or the barbecue and our economy continues to cycle. flourish, and grow. When people are paid decent wages they are also paying their fair share of taxes. Those taxes employee our firefighters and our law-enforcement agents and our public health officials. Their taxes also maintain our roads and bridges and employ those people who maintain them. When people make low low wages with not enough hours to support themselves they rely on the government and the taxes of others. Personally I would rather have a lot of people paying into the pot with very few taking out than to have the very few putting in and a lot of people in need taking out. You go to McDonald's and order a Big Mac. The cook, The counterperson, the one taking your order at the drive-through, and the one cleaning the bathroom, are all paid minimum-wage. They are most likely eligible, and receiving government assistance. That means we are already paying more for the Big Mac whether we eat at McDonald's or not. McDonald's corporate is one of the highest income and profit companies in the world. Personally, I'd rather pay the eight cents or $.10 more that studies have shown than to subsidize the payroll of McDonald's and Walmart and all of these other places.


Apr 3, 2013
If supply is limited and demand is high, prices will go up. If demand is low and supply remains constant, price will drop. If demand remains constant and supply increases, prices will drop.


Jun 9, 2014
Colorado Springs
Anyone know how to disconnect the wiring harness on the side markers?


Jan 25, 2013


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Lets start keeping the tech questions and such in the tech threads.

r1894 said:
Anyone know how to disconnect the wiring harness on the side markers?

dmanns67 said:
Turn it counter clockwise and it will release from the headlight. Since its in a tight spot, I use needle nose pliers for a better grip to turn it.


Nov 18, 2011
I drink beer


Apr 18, 2012
dmanns67 said:
Yeah man, not sure WTF has been going on lately, but it seems like an argument almost everyday over miniscule shit :crazy:
Some people need to be bitch slapped and her Cher saying, "Snap out of it!"

Porkins said:
It would have to be finding brand new Xbox 360 games that were retailing for $35-50 at the time.
Wonder if it was put there by an employee or something who was planning to pick it up later.

TBLS said:
This is random......
I know I am no mechanic and I know I do something's to my personal vehicle myseld, but.....
Working at an auto parts store I do not wear a uniform that says ASE certified. I look shit up on a computer for crying out loud. People who don't understand that really get to me. I had to tell a customer yesterday that I was no longer going to help his because I was not going to deal with him treating me like shit and someone else good help him and I did not need his damn attitude and walked away. Call me a dumbass if you'd like but....
He was the one who said 87 Oldsmobile revengence (or whatever it was) and I showed him I did not have that make so then he said 98 revengence (or whatever it was) so I changed the vehicle and he got pissed and called me a dumb bitch and asked why the fuck I was working there.....
I don't get it????
Did I just misunderstand him or what????

Sorry for the long post it was bothering me.
That person is arrogant and probably impatient. Nothing to apologize about. See my reply to dmanns67 above.

Porkins said:
I'll PM you my channel later this evening when I get home.
Me three!

BlazingTrails said:
But then if the wages were increased so would the cost of living. Its a vicious cycle designed by the government to keep people dependant on them. :no:
Cost of living actually decreases when more people can afford to live. The cost of living in the US was low in the mid to late 1950's and thru the end of the 1960s. We had good paying union jobs abounding, It was the start of 2 car families, people were moving out to the suburbs, the Interstate highway system was being built, and yet we were still paying off the highest debt that the US ever had - our debt from World War II.
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Nov 17, 2012
Could be a foot of snow on the ground by Tuesday morning! :woohoo:
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