Additional Tech 2 & VXDIAG Nano Resources


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Oct 22, 2015
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Welcome to GMT Nation...

And Thanks for the information on the "VXDIAG Stand-Alone" 32 Bit Box as a solution. I think we could also benefit from any Help that @southsidesmoka might provide on setting up a Virtual Machine in the 32 Bit Windows Environment.

I've been watching YT Videos from "Scammer Bait" on counter-attacking the problem of Scammers...and he uses Virtual Windows Machines inviting these Crooks to literally 'Hack The Box... without suffering anything in the way of a bleed over onto the Real Machine.

If this worked out... by using the Oracle VMWare, installing Windows 7 Pro 32 Bit AND while using a Decent VPN... you could run the VXDIAG and not have to De-Install it every time it was required.

Have a look at how well this actually works in some of these Videos as the Scammers are unaware that they have accessed Virtual Machines during their nefarious activities:

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May 23, 2021
Tempe, AZ
Thanks MRRSM. Enjoyed watching this guy beat the scammers at their own game.

In either case, standalone box or VM/VPN, the operating (healthy) assumption to make is that you are vulnerable; fore warned is fore armed!

The threat that Lowbuck LS flagged in the video above (win32/tiggre!fn) is frequently found in PC game cracks so I would suspect that it is probably a component of the Tech2Win/GDS2 hack. Regardless, the point is moot.

Only the paranoid survive!
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Oct 22, 2015
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If you are using your Tech 2 to attempt to Diagnose any of these UXXXX Codes on Full Size GM & GMC 2007-2012 Trucks & SUVs for any of THESE Issues:

"Loss of High Speed GMLAN Communications, Intermittent No Crank, IP Gauge Fluctuation, Intermittent Door Lock Cycling, Intermittent Chime Operation, Various IP Warning Lamps Illuminated, Transmission May Not Shift, Communication DTCs
U0073,U0100, U0101, U0102, U0109, U0121 or U0140 Set (Repair Terminals in Transmission Harness Connector, Repair Open or Shorted GM High Speed LAN Circuits, Open or Shorted Data Link Resistor, Corrosion or Poor Connections in Various Control Module Connectors)"

THIS TSB Service Bulletin covers all of the possibilities and includes all of the complex repair actions required in response:



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
All of the Diagnostics being performed in these Videos were done by a Professional Mechanic using a Tech 2 along with his considerable Diagnostic Experience:

Let's look over the shoulder of "Keith, from New Level Auto" ...

Using a Tech 2 to Verify a GM EVAP System Repair:

...and again for Diagnosing a P0449 Code...probably on the very same truck by using his "KISS" Principle steps to follow:

Here Keith is showing us How to Diagnose the P0172 and P0175 Codes on a 2008 Suburban:

@Mooseman ...

Check out the comments made as "Fair Warnings!"
regarding the Dangers of leaving the Tech 2 hooked up to a vehicle suffering with a Failing Battery posted below this Linked Video. Keith's in-video explanation about an issue that you have raised to our attention on many occasions is very enlightening:

"Bro, just FYI, I have been told more than once that you can ruin a genuine Tech2 if it is plugged in while you crank a car with a crap battery. Ask Jaime L who repairs them down in FL. Hate to see you ruin yours..."

New Level Auto Replied...

"Yessir , I've heard the same . I appreciate you looking out. Generally I will be sure to keep battery maintainer on during a diag. This one was so fast I got lazy..."

...and for the last entry for today in this Post... Keith examines a GMC Yukon Hybrid showing a "No Start" condition after it has a Minor Fender Bender:

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P0420 Diagnostics (Failed Catalytic Converter) using the Graphing Portion of the Tech 2 with insights from @MAY03LT on "Dealership Diagnostic Shenanigans" :



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Oct 22, 2015
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We're all familiar with The Old Saw...

"One BAD Apple can Spoil the WHOLE Bunch..."

This is especially True where the Class 2 Network Star Architecture vs. ALL Modules is concerned. But for anyone with a Need to Know.,.. HOW and WHY this presents for serious and often confusing failed modules in many situations; not just for the GMT360s... but for any and all other Single Wire Class 2 Networked Vehicles as well, THIS Video offers a Classroom Quality Instructional on the Facts behind this weakness in the OBD2 Class 2 Technology:

If you've been visiting the myriad YT Videos linked to this Thread AND Downloading & Saving them into your "Mechanic's Multi-Media Reference Library", THIS one would be best placed as the One-2-Watch First and then as often as needed thereafter to improve understanding.

One last thing worth mentioning as an Important Diagnostic Compliment to having your own "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scanner System...

Take note that VISUALIZING all of the Class 2 Network Behaviors of Modules as "Voltage Over Time" can only be done using an Oscilloscope; either as a Standalone, Hand-Held Unit like the Hantek Model# 2D82A... or by using the Hantek Model #1008C or the PICO-Scope Model# 2204A Units with either Windows or Linux OS for Tablets or Laptop Computers. All of these are readily available for purchase over on Amazon.
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Oct 22, 2015
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Even though this is just one of the many Step-By-Step Procedures covered in the TECH2PATHS Document listed in my “GYMKO” Bench Top Test Harness Thread, having recently viewed THIS IPC Repair Video and observed the VOP (Video Original Poster) performing an IPC “Sweep Test” numerous times on his Bosch Vetronix Tech 2… I thought I’d post the specific Keypad Steps needed to get to it and make it work for our Tech 2 Owners:


How to Perform an Instrument Panel Cluster Sweep Test with a “GYMKO” Tech 2:

(1) Follow all correct Tech 2 Set Up Procedures, including ensuring that the Battery B+ Power is well above 12 Volts DC prior to performing this Test inside of the Vehicle.

(2) Connect the Tech 2 to the DLC and insert the Power Cord into the DLC Cable Port… NOT by using the Cigarette Lighter Feature and use the remote B+ and Ground cables attached directly to the Battery Terminals for the Tech 2 instead.

(3) Power Up the Tech 2 from the Keypad Button, Then Navigate to the Sweep Features by following THIS Touch Pattern:


These Actions should reveal any of the Dash Panel IPC Gauges that are either Sticking, are Stuck, or Completely Inoperative.

Please observe the Actions of the VOP as he Presses the Buttons of the Tech 2 Keypad during the latter portion of the above shown Video.


For any Owners of 2003-2005 Full Size Trucks and SUVs, the attached PDF covers a Warranty Extension that has probably expired since THIS Document was published back in 2009 and later based upon the 06-10-2014 identification of this Document.

However in this instance, it serves to show us this very same procedure being instructed for dealership staff to follow and use just prior to the IPC being updated using the GM ACDelco TIS2WEB Features of the Tech 2 for re-calibration updating:

Please note that I’ve penned an extensive Thread on the subject of creating various Bench-Top Test Harnesses for use with the “GYMKO” Tech 2 that can be followed for creating your own since these are NOT readily available. Focus on the Information provided in Post #42 for All of the Dope on The IPC Harness:


  • 2014-06-30_213012_ip.pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
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This is just one of the Whole "Staten Island" Series that were recorded by "Crazy Ivan" from PHAD (Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics) during his Epic Visit with Keith De Fazio and Crew at "New Line Auto" up in Staten Island, New York.

At around the First Minute and again around 19:30 into this Video, in addition to their wide ranging and very revealing "Tip Laden" discussions about testing out various pieces of New Oscilloscope Diagnostic Gear, Keith shows Ivan and his Baby Brother how to Use the Tech 2 to Re-Do some of the BCM settings on a Grand AM that got the ABS to BCM Module FUBAR'ed after the Owner tried to Program the Keys and showing the advantages of the Tech2 over most OTHER High End Scanners that might NOT have this ability.

As you watch this Video... Notice how much collaboration is taking place among these Men and observe the absolute Open Minded Sharing of their Knowledge and Ideas takes place as they PRACTICE AND FAMILIARIZE themselves with New Tools and Equipment.

TOO MANY AUTO REPAIR PEOPLE try to hide, conceal and obfuscate such Knowledge from the Average DIY Mechanics lurking around the Internet desperate to Learn How to Fix THEIR Cars and those of Family and Friends as well.

This is an object lesson for us all to realize that as more and more Private Corporations are Buying Up and Privatizing for Sale Auto Repair OEM Information that SHOULD be readily available to the Owners of ALL vehicles... Guys like Ivan and Keith are here to help us all learn and shorten the time it take for us to Get Our Vehicles Up and Running Again

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Even though the "J-Box" being used here is an Autel Unit-To Laptop-Via-USB Cable-To-DLC as the PASS-THRU Device, since the access and updates are happening using an Active ACDelco TIS2WEB Account, it serves as a very nice "How To Walk Through Using The ACDelco TIS2WEB Features" for anyone wanting to try out updating their PCM-ECM-TCM Calibrations, but are justifiably, "...afraid of The Funnies..." that CAN sometimes Jump Up and Brick a PCM if one is NOT being careful enough.

Pay CLOSE Attention to how the Mobile Tech here attends to the issues of having Proper, STABLE Battery Voltage present here. Irrespective of the Make-Brand-Model-Type GM or GMC Vehicle being Updated OR of the Make-Brand-Model-Type of Scanner or J-Box you happen to be using, THIS STEP OF ENSURING STABLE POWER THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE PROCESS FROM START TO FINISH IS THE KEY TO SUCCESSFUL RE-CALIBRATION!



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
THIS is an EXCELLENT ACDelco PowerPoint PDF with Live Links to Free User Guides and other resources as useful information always handy to have on the shelf of your "Mechanic's Tech 2 References Library". So Grab whatever PDF you can Download and Save from within each "Bullet" ...while The Getting... is Still GOOD:



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you are using the VXDIAG NANO and have the need to "Un-Lock The Radio" on certain GM Vehicles that fail to show up in the "Latest" BIN File Version 33.004 for the NAO Flavors then you'll need to ROLL BACK to the Older NAO BIN Version 30.004.

Well... Not To Worry...but don't delay in visiting THIS Link to Download THAT BIN File from their BIN Cloud Server before that opportunity passes you by:

The Links to that File AND the complex instructions for the Radio Unlock Procedures are all there along with GREAT SCREEN CAPTURE PRINTS , too. So... Good Luck!


I was unable to grab that File as an Attachments to this Post because it was JUST TOO BIG ...So perhaps the Admins-Mods can do so and drop it onto our GMTN Server?


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Oct 22, 2015
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From now on... I'm going to refer to the Use of either the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scan Tool in conjunction with ANY Oscilloscope as being a "Hybrid Diagnostic Approach".

Now as much as we all love and admire our Tech 2 Hardware and all the things that it can do for us... Occasionally, it will NOT get the Job Done and ONLY using an Inexpensive Oscilloscope will be able to do the Job.

Follow along with Eric "O" from South Main Auto (SMA) as he delves into Diagnosing a GM 2.4L Ecotec Motor suffering with a P0017 (and P0016) Code due to having Stretched and Damaged Timing Chain Components. He explains WHY using this "Hybrid Diagnostic Approach" is the ONLY way to definitively get to the bottom of what is really going on:



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Oct 22, 2015
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Here is a Handful more of some unusual Tech 2 Training Videos that may have a special appeal for our Overseas GMT Nation Members and Friends.... Join Us!

You never know when you might encounter the need for using the Tech 2 on GM and SAAB Products meant for driving on the European Continent and designated as "NON-NAO" Software Versions that differ from the usual GM 33.004 PCMCIA Card Software. Those PCMCIA Cards can be obtained from various China Vendors from several On-Line Outlets.

These Videos will also appeal to anyone just wanting to know a little bit more about what's possible to perform with their own "GYMKO" Tech 2 Clones in other Nations around the World.

It is always refreshing to see More and More Videos being posted concerning the use of 'The Venerable, Old Tech 2', regardless of the reasons they are being posted on YouTube.

Hopefully, we can continue to warehouse them all here at GMT Nation long enough for our Members to be encouraged to Download and Saving ALL of them into their "Mechanic's Multi-Media Libraries" while these opportunities prevail:

Basic SPS Programming:

Beginner’s Guide to Using the Tech 2:

How to Use the Tech 2 to Program SAAB Keys:

How to Use the Tech 2 to Program SAAB Headlights:

How to Use a Tech 2 to Program a NEW SAAB ECU:


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
From @TJBaker57

Text Excerpt from his YouTube Post:

GM SI appears to declare the unless the BCM issues a wake up message that other modules in the vehicle may not communicate.

This video demonstrates that other modules do indeed communicate without a BCM present on the network. For sure, the engine cannot be started or otherwise operated but you can troubleshoot other modules on the network even without a functional BCM. First seen is a Tech 2 displaying engine data, Transmission data, ATC data, and EBCM data.

Next the Torque app connects and displays various engine data. Finally, in Torque I command the fuel pump and then the front axle disconnect to briefly operate which you will hear. All of this happens through J1850 communication with various modules where no BCM is present on the vehicle network.”



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Frequently... We ALL plug our Scan Tools into the DLC Ports under the Driver's Side under-dash... without ever Checking it for Powers and Grounds or even imagining that anything down there there could possibly be amiss.

But with the DLC being "The Source of the GM PCM-ECM Communications Nile", knowing How to Test Out this 16 Pin Connector FIRST kind of a Real Good Idea.

And as sure as there are Carts to Horses... You might need to discover if there are any certain problems there much sooner than later.

This Video can be helpful to the New Folks (New Members at GMT nation) AND our Experienced Ones as well to appreciate this intimate view showing How This Thing Works, How to Probe IT and How to Interpret such Readings:



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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Although this interesting YouTuber seamlessly goes through:

" All of the Hoops and Barrel Rolls...
Just to Achieve His Difficult Goals..."

... these complex Step-By-Steps he Video Documented for setting up a VXDIAG Nano in a Windows 10 64 Bit VMWare Virtual Environment are well worth being Downloaded, Saved and 'Kept at an Elbow's Length' by anyone interested in (...or struggling with) this Subject and curious about how all of these nuanced procedures leading to his success get done:

First... Visit and Save THESE Written Instructions the VOP prepared for use after watching this 'Clever Dude's' Video:

Then... Watch him as a "Master at Work" after setting up your Viewing Speed at around 1/4 to 1/2 level because each of the Install Screens changes very rapidly:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Have you tried to Find and Download 'The Unicorn" called The Tech 2 Version 30.004 BIN File anywhere For FREE out there on the Internet that does NOT involve having to PAY for it and wind up with an ENCRYPTED BIN?

Or perhaps, you've found out the SW is being offered from an obscure, Overseas Vendor with the purchase of a SATA Hard Drive, pre-loaded with Windows 7 and the Early PCMCIA SW along with the TIS2WEB Software?

Yeah.... It's Kinda Like THAT...

And so...

Before THIS Version of The Legacy Tech 2 Technology Completely Disappears from The Face of the Earth, consider obtaining a Vetronix Back Up (or Replacement) GM NAO Tech 2 PCMCIA Card Version 33.004 for YOUR Tech 2 ...for only $40.00:


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Guess What I Just DID... I FINALLY Found (Extracted) That UNICORN...!!! ROFLMAO...!!!



Then... Deposit them in their OWN, Unique File Folders. Then Right Click on Each ZIP File to EXTRACT them. When the PASSWORD INPUT Screen Appears... Type in THIS String in Lower Case ...with only a Single Space in between the Two Words:

mhhauto junkie


Mind How You Go with USING this Stuff... For Windows Users: Double Check your Virus Definitions for Software and Definitions Updates and SCOUR ALL OF THESE THOROUGHLY.

Do NOT Install ANY of this Software on a Working, General Use PC or Laptop and remember to perform these Installations One At A Time... in an OFFLINE- NON-NETWORK Setting before deciding upon on using them in ANY way

Consider using VMWare and performing these Installations..."In The Vapor" of a Virtual Machine, well behind a VPN... rather than on any REAL MACHINE:

GM MDI Software V8.0.73.14

GM MDI Software V8.1.135.13

GM GDS2 V11.2.01100


...and THESE Look VERY Interesting... Touted as "The LATEST One From CHINA"

China 1 V33.003.ZIP

China 2 V32.001.ZIP

GM NAO V30.004.ZIP

GM NAO V33.004

HOLDEN 1997 V1.57.000





...and now with All of THAT having been Said... THIS Video shows us:

"How To Install a BIN File into The Windows OS Tech2Win Desktop Software."

Note that even though these Procedures were performed on a Windows 7 Professional Machine... The General Approach on a Windows 10 PC Box or similar Laptop OS will essentially be the same:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area


  • TECH2TESTS.pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
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This FRESH AS A DAISY (01/21/2023) Video from “Crazy Ivan”, The Man From PHAD (Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics) is CRAZY COOL concerning the notion that using the Old Tech2 TIS2WEB and-or Old Tech2 TIS2000 Software are 'DEAD for DIAGNOSTICS' is just plain rubbish!

In this situation, Ivan took in a 2008 Saab 9.3 Turbo V6 Sedan after it took three hours for the Owner to tow it to his place in Pennsylvania called "Pine Hollow Auto Dignostics after it sat in a “European PRO Shop” somewhere for around One Year. The Customer wound up driving this car with only 5 out of 6 Cylinders working. It followed that Ivan used a Low Amp Clamp and Two Channel Probes with his PICO-Scope and Laptop to sample the signals from the #3 and #5 EFIs (One BAD vs. One GOOD) along with taking the Current Amperage measurements from BOTH EFIs on his PICO Laptop Screen. This took LESS THAN 30 MINUTES to Test & Confirm that the Saab ECM had a Bad EFI Driver and condemned it to DEATH!

Ivan got Lucky over on eBay and purchased a Good Used Replacement… and HERE is where the Story gets REAL interesting because re-programming this New ECM required using either a "GYMKO" Tech2 OR the Bosch MDI Tool in Tech2 Emulation as a PASS-THRU Device along with accessing the Global TIS2WEB set up to install the ECM into the Car. Along the way, Ivan also had to access TIS2000 due to Security Set Up issues AND he shows us how he had to select and modify certain files on his Laptop TIS2000 Software to GET THIS TO WORK.

This entire Video is an Absolute JOY to watch because it shows what is necessary in order to be called a “TRUE AUTOMOTIVE DIAGNOSTICIAN” when that Tech possesses the Right Skill Set, The Right Tools and a DEEP understanding of How All of these Things Work Together to quickly get to the heart of the faulty matters and solve these otherwise unsolvable problems. Mere Parts Changers will NEVER be able to do this!

GYMKO Tech 2
Global TIS2WEB
Low Amp Clamp
Bosch MDI

...And Finally… “Crazy Ivan’s “ Amazing Skill Set…. ALL … FTW!

*** Having that Saab Specialty "GYMKO" PCMCIA Card on hand for a True Tech 2 ordered from any of the Chinese Vendors is an absolute MUST HAVE for this Particular Vehicle... even though the designation for it is for Driving in the United States. The Alternative is to follow on with what Ivan did in the Post that follows this one...
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Lifetime VIP Donor
Aug 16, 2015
Hmmm, 47 seconds in he says the previous shop tried a new ECM. Never mentions that again. I cannot help but wonder why that replacement didn't work. Perhaps they didn't actually do that replacement. No way to know.


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Oct 22, 2015
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I think I should have posted THESE Items as Ivan's Part 1 & Part 2 for the SAAB 9-3 ECU and Tech2Win Videos FIRST because during that LAST Post... Ivan made all of these ECU Programming Actions LOOK MUCH TOO EASY. Nothing could be further than the Truth... and what he did to overcome all of these obstructions and impediments are covered here below. Also, just below the Very Last Video, I've posted all of the Links to the Sites he refers to using for the ultimate solutions he created during the making of these Videos:

"Quirky Saab 9-3 No-Crank Issue"

Part 1:

Part 2:

For Access to Saab and ALL Other Tech2Win BIN Files:


From Saab Central "Tech2Win Fixes for the Missing I-Bus Issue on the 2006 Saab 9-3 & 9-5":

GlobalTIS Installation Step By Setup for Saab Fever Folks on the 64 Bit Windows 10 OS:

...and many more to select from on YouTube:

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Apr 29, 2016
This Saab info is quite handy. I was just here poking around and it just so happens that someone just towed a Saab 9-3 to my shop with lots of electrical gremlins so this will help me out tremendously.
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Oct 22, 2015
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Very Glad to know this Mac... But Seriously... EVERYONE ... LOOK DEEP into the Videos in my Last Post and after Downloading and Saving Ivan's First Two Posts on the 1996 Saab 9-3... Hopefully... Our Folks will come to realize that they can more or less have access to the Old GM Tech-Line System --==Virtually OFFLINE==-- Thanks to all of the prior contributors Ivan mentioned here and abroad in Europe who've managed to solve so many problem and do likewise for us all after scrounging together and setting up ALL of those Files and Links Ivan mentioned above for what looks like a Tech2 Legacy Software Goldmine!

I thought that what he so recently posted on YouTube and alerted us to herein ...IS ABSOLUTELY PROFOUND AND JAW DROPPING INFORMATION for our GMTN Family of Owners and Users of Tech2 Equipment to know; especially considering the Old Restrictions set UP with the Early GM 16 Bit TIS2000 Software Drivers that these clever folks online have somehow managed to work around for using the OEM Global-TIS System.

What Ivan described will allow users with No Access to Rare 32 Bit Windows Old Laptops to finally get things done on their Tech 2 Scan Tools for situations like this... BUT... by using Modern Windows 10 OS 64 Bit Machines. I also thought about how much these Revelations might broaden our GMTN Membership if we manage to draw in more Owners of these Early Model Saab Products with any interest in using their "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scan Tools and the New GM MDI Clone Hardware TO HELP KEEP THEIR TURBO-CHARGED CARS ON THE ROAD..

Time will Tell...


Apr 29, 2016
I bought this a couple months ago but haven't really had anything to try it out on. It is supposed to be able to handle GDS2, Tech2Win, and J2534 programming. I set up Saab on Tech2Win last night. Now, to get all of the snow off of it and get it back inside...

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Apr 29, 2016
I tried the OBDX Pro this week doing an ABS bleed on a 2005 Cadillac Escalade and it worked perfectly. I poked around in some other modules and live data and it worked for that too.

I‘m waiting for another GM to come in needing a flash to see how that goes. I know others have used it and it worked. For $150, it might be a good alternative to the MDI 2


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Oct 22, 2015
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Got a "Questionable CAT" ...? If you are throwing a P0420 Code... it will help to use either a Tech 2 or an Inexpensive Oscilloscope to Plot both the Upstream AND the Downstream Oxygen Sensors viewing them as an On Screen Overlay and compare their performances ...versus ... Just using a Basic Scan Tool when trying to figure this out:

@MAY03LT shows how to do this with his GM OEM Tech 2 on a fairly High Mileage Envoy with the 4.2L LL8 Motor:

Now compare to THIS Video and you can see the Dilemma of only having a Basic Scan Tool:

...and finally... a Complete CAT Converter Diagnostic Explanation from "The Trainer::

"The Trainer" Follow Up Video on the P0420 - P0430 Issues for CAT Replacement:

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Nov 10, 2022
Denver, CO, USA
Thought I'd share this since I have successfully got tis2000 working with the vcx nano on a virtual machine run inside my windows 11 desktop and am now successfully programming modules using my own bench harness. Maybe this can be useful to someone.

I used VMware workstation pro(you don't have to buy it, just google a product key and you're set). Made a vm with windows 7 ultimate 32 bit(also used googled product key). I also added a parallel port at the start. Had to manually install a few windows updates to fix windows update so it would install the rest of the updates which took hours. After updating I installed the bosch mdi drivers. I then proceeded to install tis2000 from the link provided in the tis2000 thread, I did mount it as an iso in the vm so it simulated installing from a cd. I didn't run tis2000 after so it didn't update. I then grabbed the dongle crack and followed the instructions in the readme file. After I installed the vxmanager and tech2win and all the associated tools with it. I then connected it to the vm which configured it as serial port 3. I then went into tis2000, it updated, restarted, updaed again restarted again. I then went into I/O management, attempted to install the J2534 pass thru driver but that didn't work but it looked like it was already installed. Then I clicked add in that menu, called it "Generic Pass Thru" set as J2534 pass thru. Clicked properties for it, set it to vx nano. At this point it would load SPS it would show info, but I got an error when I Tried to reprogram. I was about to give up on it then I read issues others were having, so I then went into the device manager, ports, found the usb serial which was the nano, changed bit rate to 115200 bits. Clicked advanced settings, unchecked ignore usb device serial number, checked enabling the serial port enumerator(SerEnum). Tried again imediately after, it successfully reprogrammed a gmt800 pcm and cluster first try shockingly quickly I might add.
Sorry for my wall of text, I just want to save someone the trouble that I had.


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Oct 22, 2015
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For Owners of 2019-2020 Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon Vehicles suffering with inexplicable Shaking and Shuddering under certain constant acceleration... THIS TSB covers the Diagnostic (using a Pico-Scope or similar Oscilloscope with a High Sample Rate) and follows on with the Maintenance needed to rectify the problem using the TIS2WEB, GDS or MDI Tools follows:

This other PDF covers the Professional Bosch Trans-Flow Specialty Hardware covered within the TSB that is probably only available to Transmission Repair Shops and Dealerships...but these Instructions and explanations are worth knowing before attempting any ad-hoc maintenance.

THIS is a VERY Expensive dedicated Pico-Scope NVH (Noise Vibration and Harshness) Analyzer Kit covered in the TSB that once again, only Professional Transmission Repair Shops and Dealerships would employ the use of such a "Kit" in such a Specific Diagnostic Regime:



  • MC-10191220-9999.pdf
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  • J-45096 TransFlow Operation Manual (515054 Rev. E, October 2017).pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
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Follow along on the Step-By-Steps for the Calibration Set Up and necessary VIN Swap for a 2015 GMC Sierra after the replacement of a Used 4L60E Transmission using the On Line ACDelco TDS and a GDS2 Device:



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Oct 22, 2015
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This is an Excellent "How To Use a Tech 2 to Diagnose Transfer Case Issues":

The Color PDF above is Too Large to Drag -N- Drop Here... But this Second Transfer Case Parts Listings Document and DTC Diagnostic Documents are linked Below


  • GM-Transfer-Case-CD-Web1.pdf
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  • rnb-600-910.pdf
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  • rnb-600-900.pdf
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How to use a Tech 2 to Re-Calibrate HVAC Blend Door Actuators (PDF)

Vehicles Covered:

9-7x, Avalanche, Bravada, Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet, Chevrolet and GMC Trucks, Envoy, Escalade, GMC, Oldsmobile, Rainier, Saab, Sierra, Silverado, Suburban, Tahoe, Trailblazer, Yukon


  • Sparky's Answers - GM C_K & S_T Vehicles, HVAC Recalibration Using a Tech 2 Scan Tool.pdf
    465 KB · Views: 13
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
This entry was prompted from a Question posed by @TJBaker57 on Sunday, August 18th, 2024 in THIS Thread at Post# 11:

...but which cross-pollinates to the subject matter relevant HERE about the Toss-Up between using either a Tech 2 Clone --or-- The VCX-NANO Scan Tools whenever Programming Out the VATS configuration. This is also interesting because the Corvette Forum involved posted their data in February of 2024 ...which is quite contemporary:

...and for Folks using HP-Tuners working VATS issues:

(Forum Dialogues Saved as PDFs Linked Below)


  • Tech2 for BCM programming and VATS relearn - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 4
  • Vats.pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Here once again, With the Weather being JUST a Lil' Problem... is Keith DeFazio from New Level Auto performing a "NO 4WD and NO COMMS" Diagnosis on a 2002 GMC Envoy with the Door Open and Snow Flakes the size of Silver Dollars falling from the sky upon him:

Tools Involved:


Autel Scan Tool (Reading-Clearing Trouble Codes)
OTC Pro Scan Tool (For the "O" Scope Feature)
OTC Break-Out-Box (4- EZ Access to Powers-Grounds-DATA)
Comm Wire Puncture Probes @ the TCCM Harness
ALLDATA via Laptop Computer

Problem Solved! (NO 5 Volt Reference: Replaced TCCM)

Part 1:

Part 2:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In addition to making THIS Idea my Standing Suggestion AT ALL TIMES and to EVERYONE in possession or GM or GMC Legacy Diagnostic and Programming Gear:

"Don't EVER Discard your Old Diagnostic Scan Tools and-or any GM OEM Diagnostic Gear capable of Reading and Writing New AND OLD GM -GMC Calibrations on your PCMs for GM-GMC OEM Modules".

THIS Diagnostic Nightmare is the 3rd Part of a Three Part Diagnostic conducted by "Crazy Ivan" (The Man From PHAD) over at Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics up in Pennsylvania while he was pulling his hair out trying to run to ground the problem with the Electronic Suspension Control Module ---Making it Impossible to Start this 2010 Chevrolet Suburban--- due to Problems with the CAN Bus going HAYWIRE...and then misdiagnosing the issues as relating to the TCCM and the Transmission in Part 1 and Part 2 of this Triple Phase Video Diagnostic.

Our concerns here lens down to the central issue in Part 3 concerning Ivan's inability to Get the New ESC Module to Accept the New Calibration from the TIS2WEB Site... WITHOUT USING EITHER A "GYMKO" TECH 2 SCAN TOOL... OR USING THE VXDIAG NANO TECH 2 EMULATOR... Or in THIS Case...His BOSCH Pass-Thru Gear... after the 33.004 Emulator SW Update.

You might get the mistaken impression that he was, "Looking Down His Nose" at this "Primitive Method" of establishing ESC OEM Module Recognition and its Acceptance in the PCM in order to Clear The Codes... BUT In The End... Ivan Explains it ALL:

Since "Crazy Ivan" from PHAD and Eric "O" from SMA are personal Friends as Diagnosticians... AND ...because this Video covers the 2014 Year Chevrolet Tahoe suffering with this problem, it is worth adding in this particular Pre-2013 -Tech 2 Era event (2010 Suburban) vs a Post Tech 2 Era (2014 Tahoe) one as well involving Full Size Trucks.

In THIS instance the Air Suspension Compressor "CAST ALUMINUM GUTS"... Literally "Turned To DUST" around the area of The City of Avoca in Upstate New York; part of the Infamous *RUST BELT REGION* of the USA:

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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In the Last Post... Ivan from PHAD focused on using the 1990s - 2013 Tech 2 and appropriate PASS-THRU Devices... but for those with POST - 2013 and beyond Vehicles... the VXDIAG - GDS2 Device might be a more suitable Tool.

This PDF below contains an article on "How To Re-Set" the Air Bag Light on a Chevrolet Volt... but is important here only as an example of using this After-Market Updated Scan Tool because Ivan's Bosch "Master-Tech" Device may be out of the ordinary for the expense of that unit.

The VXDIAG GDS2 Unit is available on Amazon via THIS Link:



  • 2017 GM Volt Airbag Light Reset with VXDIAG GDS2 Scanner _ Official Blog.pdf
    1.8 MB · Views: 1


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I just want to caution that the VCX Nano has a spotty reputation. Some have great success with it and others not so much. Seems to be software related and some report viruses embedded. Reviews are all over the place with just 3/5 stars.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
...and a related thread involving other Hardware and "Issues" to be aware of:



Original poster
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
In Post #76, "Crazy Ivan".. The Man From PHAD.. (Pine Hollow Auto Diagnostics) explained with no small amount of frustration the problems he ran into while trying to install a Brand New Air Suspension Control Module for a 2010 Chevrolet Suburban via TECH2WIN ... and soon discovered that a Complete List of Options for getting the Module adjusted did NOT appear upon the Screen.

In the end, he had to go back to using what many people now consider to be "Obsolete Scan Equipment" via a Tech 2 Emulator that quite rightly, he also needed a Software Update to the "Old" Bosch Vetronix 33.004 Version nested on all functioning Linear PCMCIA Cards in the "GYMKO" Tech 2 Scanners.

THIS Linked Article (saved here as a PDF) covers some additional issues with LATE MODEL PASS-THRU Devices with some reasoning and technical information as to -=WHY=- keeping your "GYMKO" Tech 2 "On The Shelf" and not discarding it in favor of the next technological "Bright and Shiny Object"...will save you a LOT of head-aches... especially if you have the TIS2000 SPS Software loaded onto a Legacy Windows (32 Bit...AND 16 Bit Capable) Old Laptop... right on the same shelf:

This Author has evolved a VERY Clever Idea on how to Isolate and Program SINGLE Modules on the Class 2 Network ...and side-step potential "Scrambled Re-Calibrations" while sort of ..."Keeping The Traffic...(and Noise) Down To A BARE MINIMUM":


THIS Technique -=may=- also prove very useful in preventing a FUBARed Over-Writing of any Custom Calibrations. However... THIS would require some Bench Top Testing with various modules before relying that such an Over-Write did NOT occur...


  • Early GM Class 2 Network Programming Woes – L1 Diagnostics.pdf
    91.9 KB · Views: 1
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