Will an MDI-2 Clone Work.... Period. ???


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Oct 22, 2015
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In the past, I've been able to prove (in Multiple Original Threads) that the GM TIS2000 Software WILL work on a wide range of Laptop and PC Platforms AND with a wide array of the various Windows Operating Systems under Bench-Top Programming Conditions for Updating PCMs and Modules with Updates and Calibrations.

With these prior experiences to rely upon, I’ve finally decided to “Pull The Pin” with some confidence and get an MDI-2 Clone presently available from an Amazon Vendor (ACOUTO) ... while their particular unit is On Sale for $278.14 ...and determine whether or not I can also get THIS Device to retroactively work with my RCA Cambio II Tablet using its 32 Bit Version of Windows 10 and the TIS2000 Suite. Hopefully, I'll be able to meet with the same success I’ve had when using my “GYMKO” Tech 2 while re-programming an Old P-01 PCM out of a Corvette Vehicle to Clone the VIN and Calibration from my 2000 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 5.3L Engine Truck, likewise under similar Bench Top Setting conditions.

These are the Hardware and Software installations I’ve also used on previous occasions with my various Bench-top Set-Ups with a 2002 + P-10 PCM for the Trailblazers and Envoys (while using Custom Harnessing of my own design) and gotten ALL of these HW& SW Combos to work using the GM “GYMKO” Tech 2 Clone as the PASS-THRU Device while testing and using the SPS Programming featured via TIS2000 on the 3 CD Software Installation Disk Set:

Dell Precision M65 Windows XP Pro 32 Bit OS
Dell Precision M65 Windows 2000 Pro Sp-1-5 32 Bit OS (Native 16 Bit Drivers)
Dell Precision M4800 Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit OS (VMWare with Windows 95)
Dell Precision M4800 Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit OS (VMWare with Windows 95)
Dell Precision M6800 Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit OS (VMWare with Windows 95)
Dell Precision M6800 Linux Mint Version 20.3 OS (VirtualBox with Windows 95)
RCA Cambio II Windows 10 (Tweaked to be able to Load and Run 16 Bit Drivers)

Now, I am hoping for having some similar success by purchasing THIS MDI-2 Clone Kit. I am expecting this Boxed Kit to arrive here by the End of August:



Apparently… BOSCH does NOT provide for any MDI-2 Clone Software Downloads and requires people to visit ACDelco to get access to the requisite initial Registration of this "Non Bosch" MDI-2 Hardware and be able to Download and Install the Software and Firmware Updates:


Nonetheless… It was still very interesting to discover that ACDelco actually offers their own “Official Clone” of the Bosch OEM GM MDI-2 Unit, as described in THIS 2 page PDF Brochure:


Apparently, there CAN be some pitfalls with the various MDI-2 Clones having encountered Software and Hardware Registration issues that are somewhat covered (AD-HOC) below in these three videos. I will have to proceed with some CAUTION so as to NOT make any Mistakes while Registering and Updating this Clone MDI-2 Device while using the Official GM-Bosch Software or the Bosch Site(s) … and especially if and when it comes time to Set Up an ACDelco TDS Account and Purchase the yearly support for any GM Vehicles in need of PCM Calibrations via SPS or required Security Updates:

More to Come on This... :>)
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Well... "The Devil Really is IN The Details..." once again proves out in the 'Fine Print' of this Potent Advisory Document that clarifies precisely:

(1) Which Computer Hardware either IS or IS NOT FULLY Compatible with the GM Aftermarket Tech-Line "Support".

(2) Which versions of the Windows Operating Systems either DO or DO NOT Work in these various configurations:

It is clear that if you have an Apple, MAC, Android or a Tablet like my RCA Cambio II using the ATOM Microprocessors with ANY Windows 7, 8, XP, Windows10 (32 Bit) Operating System OR Windows 32/64 OS ... Then You are SOL for the duration...

The disturbing part about this is that you KNOW that ACDelco has a SUPERB Profit Stream coming from 'Folks Like Us' who appreciate being able to have and use our OWN OEM Capable Bi-Directional Scan Tools. These give us access and control over the GM Modules in ALL of their vehicle platforms... AND... Be able to Read, Add, Delete, Modify AND Write the myriad Calibrations hidden inside of these GM PCMs and ECMs.

I read this 'Plain Jane PDF' more than once... (take some time to COMPARE the two attached PDFs) just to be certain that I was "reading between the lines" and understanding the strictness of how these combinations of Hardware and Software have been defined (tantamount to a demand for "SCAN TOOL LICENSING AND REGISTRATION") and the subtlety written with this very purpose in mind as a Barrier to the Average DIY Mechanic.

It is obvious that they Do NOT appreciate anyone having Aftermarket Non-OEM Hardware or Software or using ANY of their systems information unless these access devices FIT within the narrow definitions they've outlined in that PDF.

The Object Lesson here is that if we want the MDI or MDI-2 Clones to WORK Properly... we need to follow these guidelines very carefully and do our best to avoid tripping over any arbitrary restrictions meant to guide people towards using ONLY OEM Hardware and Software.

We can STILL Get there and Back...We just have to be Clever & Aware...

With all that said... I'll continue on with this experiment, and instead be using one of my Dell Precision Work Station M6800 Laptops (Intel Core i7, 32 Gigs RAM). I'll employ my GRUB Application Screen from Linux Mint and use the Dual-Boot Up Menu to select the Alternative Windows 10 64 Bit OS. Then I'll use the CLONE MDI-2 Software and Drivers Disk to install their Software FIRST and then try to Register this MDI-2 CLONE in an organized fashion.

I'll document how this process unfolds... and for my "Test Bed" in this Bench Top Setting Experiment... I'll be using THIS " LS SWAP" P01 PCM that came out of a parted out 2002 Chevrolet Tahoe (eBay has MORE Like THIS One for Very Low Bucks) . I'll be cloning in my 2000 Silverado Calibration for this experiment. I'm going to try and use the "Early Version" of the TIS2000 Software too... just to see if It will work with the MDI-2 Unit. It's like this:

If I NEVER have to use the Tech-Line TDS System for any of my Early Model GMs ...SO MUCH THE BETTER!

It will take some time for this PCM to arrive, so by and by, I'll be certain to cover all of the aspects of whatever develops with this story:



  • AM-SS-0679-19EL-ACDelco-GM-MDI-2-Global-Diagnostic-Interface-Tool-01.07.22-USMCDWNCN413T32.pdf
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  • Aftermarket Infrastructure Guideline v1.0.pdf
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I have been using consumer grade hardware and OS's and haven't had any issues with using TDS. I think I was even able to use it on an AMD CPU laptop. I think this is just a CYA for ACDelco for providing support. I'll bet it will even work on your RCA Cambrio. Might be a little slow though compared to an i7 processor.

And they even say you have to use Internet Explorer which MS has just retired.


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Oct 22, 2015
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Well... On the Wings of some stern observations coming from "The Legendary Mac" ( @m.mcmillen ) who's suggestions and advice over time have often prompted my appreciation of his input... I'm now in an Elevated State of Alertness about how I'm going to approach whatever it is that I should be doing NEXT, now that this ACOUTO MDI-2 Kit (Vendor Version) of this Chinese MDI-2 Clone Scan Tool System has finally arrived.

Quite frankly, I cannot find a single flaw anywhere on it... Neither in its outward appearance, nor with what seems like very well appointed quality and purposeful features in its design and execution.

Of course, appearances can be deceiving, so I really won't know for certain how well this Wireless MDI-2 Scan Tool will behave until I've figured out Where and How to Download and Install the Operating Software since nothing like this came with the Item... such as any Installation CD.

Then I'll have to figure out How to get the Damned Thing Registered for proper use with ACDelco. I will be proceeding with cautious steps from hereon out. These are the Un-Boxing Images of this Very Pretty "Black and Blue" Device, along with everything that came with it inside of that Small Box:



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Will be interesting to see if you have any issues with ACDelco's TDS system registering it or using it as a passthrough for programming modules. Have read online that the WiFi portion is flaky and to use the USB only for sensitive operations like programming. YMMV.

I just checked and I can get it $317CAD + taxes (total $358CAD or $275USD). Delivery is obviously coming over by barge from the land of all things mass produced.

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
But what does this mean?

"RDS is the software Roewe, which is made in China, so the software language is in Chinese only."

However they seem to show the software in English. I hate deciphering Chinglish.
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Yeah... I was just following your lead on the idea of being a bit more..."International" in my thinking ...for the sake of our Overseas Members and Friends.

Besides that, I've seen some Europe Based YT Videos that described access to American Vehicles using their version of the GDS2 stuff that may have been accidentally "Grandfathered In" somehow.

Or...Perhaps THAT 'Anecdotal information' is Rubbish and might turn out to be an Urban Legend that should be Shined On ...entirely. Why was it ever necessary to Demarcate Political Boundaries for when these Machines "Don't Give a Tinker's Damn" about WHERE the Roads they Drive on are Located whenever FLASHING their PCMs and Modules?

Anyways... I'll probably stick with just Plowing through The Field where the NAO ACDelco "Money Cow" feeds at their TDS Site since they will always be there "Grazing for my Money".

But... Before THAT can happen... I've got to figure out whether or not I'll need to invest in yet ANOTHER Laptop or a Sturdy Touch Screen Tablet Computer that meets with the Latest Hardware Demands laid out in that ACDelco PDF ( for a 6th Gen Intel Processor, etc).

I'll need to look around on "The Internets" and see if there are other informed "Folks In The Know" (and YT Videos) with any advice about this who've been using these Chinese MDI-2 "Black-N-Blue-Blocks" with any apparent success, or perhaps more importantly, any sad failures.

I have PLENTY of Windows Laptops around here... But I'm just trying NOT to have to lug any of them around for what at this point amounts to mere experimentation on my part. And I want to be damned certain that once I do finally go online to deal with ACDelco.. I won't have overlooked anything necessary for Making ALL of this Stuff WORK.

THIS Damned ACDelco PDF lays out "The Mine Field" that might have to be crossed before Signing On and doing anything with a NON-ACDelco "After-Market" MDI-2:



  • Aftermarket Infrastructure Guideline v1.0(2).pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Guess what I just found.... :>)



THIS Dude uses the OFFICIAL Bosch OEM MDI and MDI-2 Software Installation Procedures on his Laptop and uses an Executable JUST LIKE THE ONE YOU DOWNLOADED AT THE LINK ABOVE but an earlier version that may come in handy since it comes from BOSCH as OEM Software:

...and from THIS Lad... a very detailed "Step By Step" Set of Procedures for the Chinese GM MDI-2 Clones:

... and yet ANOTHER GM Tech-Link "SNAFU" ALERT indicating that they decided to separate out the MDI Software from the MDI-2 Software back on June 22, 2022 for their July-August, 2022 GOK Software Updates (God Only Knows) WHY?:

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Apr 29, 2016
It will be interesting to see how well that works. In general, even with a genuine OEM tool, it is frowned upon to do Wi-Fi module flashing. Too much can go wrong. They usually say just use the Wi-Fi if you’re doing diagnostics with the tool.

As far as registering the tool to use, I haven’t had to do any registering of tools. Although, if you’re not using a recommended tool (which this will fall under) don’t count on any tech support from GM getting their software to work.

It seems they don’t mind so much what you use really. See the attached photo of me using a Ford VCM2 to flash a Chevy Express haha.


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Oct 22, 2015
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Yep... And so during any further experimentation...
I'll be stepping very lightly across the GM MDI-2 Mine Field as things progress.

Considering how aggravating all of this is, whenever Folks ask me,

"Bobby... WHY ON EARTH would you EVER want to Drive an 'Old' Early Model 2000 Chevrolet Silverado Long Bed Truck ...When you can Buy and Drive a Newer 2020+ Year Silvy...?"

(1) I Paid Cash for my Truck... So I OWN it ...For Real.
It's 22 Years Old and has under 75K Miles on it.
(3) It has No Body Cancer or Heavy Frame Rust.
(4) It has the 5.3L LM7 Motor A4 with No AFM-DOD.
(5) It has Absolutely NO EXCESSIVE MODULES inside.
(6) It has a Beautiful Indigo Blue Paint Job.
(7) It has an All New, Dark Gray Leather Interior.
(8) It has a New Center Console and Dashboard.
(9) I can use my Tech 2 for all my Diagnostics & Repairs.
(10) It's an Absolute SWEETHEART of a Truck to Drive.

I can explain... For these reasons and more... Potential Owners of Later Model Trucks & SUVs should Read THIS GM Tech-Link MDI-2 PDF and then Keep the 'Old' Early Model Trucks firmly in mind:

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Oct 22, 2015
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Check THIS Out... I don't know how I missed this during the purchase... I'm usually pretty careful about "reading the fine print..."


So THAT really is Kinda Kool... :>)

...and to Answer The Question raised by @Mooseman in Post#7...

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Here's a video that popped up on my feed. One point I haven't thought of is running the browser as administrator to avoid issues.

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Kinda disregard the previous video. Here's an updated one for the new Techline Connect. All seems to indicate that the clones work.

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Oct 22, 2015
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I decided to *Tinker* around with my RCA Cambio II Windows 10 32 Bit Tablet Early this Morning... Just to see if I could Download that earlier version of the Bosch OEM MDI-2 Manager Software and install it on a 32 Bit Machine. Surprise, Surprise... I was able to get that Bosch APP to install natively... without any problems.

I was also able to set up the GM MDI-2 Clone "Black-N-Blue-Block" using an External Power Plug-In source via my Autel Scan Tool Power Supply and THAT worked out just fine. I did this in lieu of just relying upon the meager power ported out with the single USB 3 interface of the RCA Tablet. I mean... "Why Make Problems... Right?"

So after that, I had No Power or MDI-2 Boot Up Issues and all of the Proper Collision Indication Lights worked as advertised and of course... the RCA Cambio II Tablet WAS able to recognize the MDI-2 Clone Device.

However... when I got to the part about either 'Hooking up a Network RJ-45 Hard Line' ...or even by trying to 'Connect Wirelessly' to my Home Network' But... I GOT... UGATZ... Nunca... Niente... BupKas... Nothing.

Nonetheless, The Best Part of all of this was just being able to see that this "Lil LEGO Brick"...was NOT "Bricked" in any way as "IT Came From Right Out Of The Box...".(LOL...Justa lil' props to that Old SCIFI Movie Title). AND I was able to observe and write down the Serial Number of the Unit which appeared on screen right where it was supposed to... but is hiding under all those "Red rectangles" in the images below.

So ...it's been a Long Day... So I'll pick up on this tomorrow and probably try to Hook this Rig up to the RCA Cambio II again and try accessing that 2007 Tahoe Delphi P01 PCM I got from eBay using the MDI-2 just as a Pass-Thru Device via the TIS2000 SPS Program. Let's just see if it works without any other "updating" in a way that will become most useful to me at present. :>)

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Apr 29, 2016
To add a passthru device in TIS2000 is a little more involved but not bad once you know what to do. You’ll probably figure it out before I get around to posting it but if not, I’ll try to post something tonight unless someone has covered it on here before.

I run TIS2000 in a virtual machine with Windows XP. It seems to run better on that.
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Certainly surprising that it works on a 32 bit OS at all since they say it's not supported. May be a different story with Techline Connect though. Will certainly be an adventure trying to get very old software to work with the new hardware.

Looking at your post time, I thought I was a night owl. The joys of having worked shifts most of our lives.🦉
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After pulling an "All Nighter" while Thrashing on this yesterday... I'm going to have to rest for a day or two before setting up the Old Tahoe P01 PCM and Testing things out further with the MDI-2.

It's funny... The RCA Cambio II functions on the 32 Bit Version of Windows 10.. and it works well with the earliest versions of TIS2000 and the PCMCIA 33.004 flavor of the program inside the Tech 2... but only after I tweaked a few things to "wake up" its ability to recognize the "Legacy 16 Bit Drivers of Old". I suspect that the New, 64 Bit version of Windows10 will NOT tolerate this idea.

The fact that I could get this Dual MDI-MDI2 version of the Bosch Software to install on the 32 Bit Windows 10 Tablet was a real surprise and it suggests to me that they probably still have so many European Cars that still need those 16 Bit Drivers to keep their Euro-Tech 2 Scan Tools working, that Bosch may have left them tucked away somewhere inside of their latest system software.

Because I'm concerned that I might lose this ability to access and use the TIS2000 SPS SW just after "Registering and Updating the MDI Manager and MDI-2 Firmware", I'm going to try using the MDI-2 in its present "Chinese Condition" first... just to see if it WILL work.

After setting everything up, I'll Image Document each step and include Programming Screen Prints to show how things go (in about a day or so) and then we'll all figure out whether or not this is actually going work as a "Legacy Lego" Pass Through Device. :>)

I've already installed calibrations on the P01 PCMs and even a P10 for a Trailblazer Test PCM that was pulled out of a Burned Out SUV from a Forest Fire that I called "Old Smoky" using the RCA Cambrio II and TIS2000 SPS. just as a Proof of Concept.

So I already know the this WILL work with a 32 Bit version of Windows 10, once the adjustments for recognizing the 16 Bit Drivers and access to the Tech 2 have been done properly. It only remains to be seen if the MDI-2s in-dwelling "MDI" Retro-Abilities will be able to do the same thing.

It's also 'funny' that its took the Boys at GM & ACDelco all this time to finally decide to separate the MDI from the MDI-2 in their Tech-Link Alert PDF below. Because of their "move to the 64 Bit OS and TDS Platform" and with their demands for having so much more Computing Horsepower, I won't be doing any actual attempts at signing on at the ACDelco TDS Site with my RCA Cambrio II Tablet, since it is just not powerful enough to handle the Streams from their Server.

However, I've got my eye on a Windows 10 64 Bit Tablet with 8 Gigs of Ram, 250 Gig SSD and the 6th Gen Intel I5-I7 Processor inside that I would want make as a Dedicated ACDelco TDS Box for installing calibrations without "Risking the Bricking" issues any On Line *Burps* might invite.

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Oct 22, 2015
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I figured that while I'm waiting for what to do next... I'd order an AC to DC Power Supply with enough Variability (between 3 Volts DC and 24 Volts DC @ a Maximum of 3 Amperes) with (14) Different Power Connection Adapters that would suit a wide range of equipment and situations.

This GM MDI-2 Clone exhibits an ability to work between 7 Volts DC and 24 Volts DC and I want to establish the BEST Power Band to be in to allow this "Black-N-Blue-Lego-Brick" the MOST Stable Voltage possible to ensure that any PASS-THRU actions or Direct On-Line Calibration Transfers have the BEST chances of completing ...without "Bricking" any PCMs or ECMs in the process:

This SHNITPWR Power Supply (available on Amazon for $23.00) has all of these Features and should perform a wide range of Power Supply needs... as long as one is VERY careful to know the Voltage and Amperage Draws of the Device requiring Power FIRST and setting the Infinite Rheostat Adjustment Knob FIRST... before attaching them together. Doing this will avoid Damaging the Intended Device, the PCM or an ECM ... AND the Power Supply:



Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
How do they pick those names? It almost looks like Sh!tpwr, more like a digestive aid :laugh:
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Oct 22, 2015
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Damn... :duh:... I thought that by being HONEST and adding that Damned Product Name in CAPITALS into the Post that I'd get to slide by...

Errr....Uhhhh... Nope...

But the Truth is... as long as THIS Variable Power Block allows my Calibrations to 'Properly Load'..."Without Taking A DUMP" inside the PCMs...then I'll be more than satisfied.

The device is actually very well made. Even the Power Adjustment Knob has a Red Plastic Insert Line instead of the usual Red Lacquer or Paint defining its 'O" Voltage Level.

Besides that....I've got enough Good Electrical Diagnostic Test Equipment around here to Choke A Horse... so I''ll meter out each setting to see if the Digital Display on the Unit is accurately showing the Actual DC Voltage Output(s).
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Oct 22, 2015
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I just realized that when I Text and Image Documented “How To Install GM TIS2000 SPS Software on a 32 Bit Windows 10 RCA Cambio II Tablet to Read and Write Calibrations to PCMs and ECMs” back in 2018, that when it comes time to Document what will be essentially Identical Procedures in THIS Experiment… All of THIS Work has already been Thoroughly Thrashed Out and Documented ...HERE:


But what was MISSING from my final exploration back then of this possibility was the Post-Clean Up and Posting of all the Photo Documentation as “ THE REAL Proof of Concept” Imagery over onto my “Flickr-Bucket” in order to make it all available to the Public… and likewise, for US, as well.

So I just posted them all over at THIS Link:


THIS means that once I have set up essentially the VERY SAME EXPERIMENT using with SAME Hardware and Software (...sans the “GYMKO” Tech 2 of course) ...I will simply have to Document whatever "The Behaviors" of the Chinese MDI-2 are like under these IDENTICAL Conditions and then compare and contrast whatever their Differences are with the Tech 2 (if any) while working with a DIFFERENT P01 PCM this time as the OTHER Variable. I think THIS approach will simplify and validate this entire process. :>)
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
As this concerns 2020 and Earlier Model GM Vehicles, HERE is an SI Bulletin concerning an overview of Numerous SPS CALIBRATION ERRORS and their assessment of the possible causes, or perhaps what REALLY reads more like 'Assigning Some BLAME' for any of their Personnel who were NOT using the ‘Approved’ GM OEM MDI or MDI-2 SPS Programming Equipment in the first place.

This kind of reads more like an “I TOLD You SO…” for Dealerships coming from The Home Office after they may have decided to 'Save Some Bread' and purchase Non-Approved, Less Costly GM NON-OEM MDI or MDI-2 Black-N-Blue-Blocks that were being used by their Techs in the GM-GMC Service Bays leading up to dscovering all of these various SPS Errors:


This is just something to keep in mind if you happen to encounter any of these SPS Programming Errors. You might want to get ahead of any problems NOW by taking these suggestions into consideration and avoid these problems with your own MDI-2 "Clones". :>)


  • MC-10170498-9999.pdf
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Oct 22, 2015
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Back in 2017, the “GYMKO” Tech 2 Scan Tools Kits were still “All The Rage”, but unfortunately, most of our Folks who had made their purchases after I got mine (with a Bosch Vetronix Black Plastic, Blow Molded Case) were lamenting about NOT having some kind of Durable Hard Case to Load up and Tote Around all of their Tech 2 Gear they had all received inside of a Medium Size Chinese Cardboard Box.

So I thought I'd rustle up some type of Alternative Carry Case and after poking around a bit, I imagined that I'd found what might be THE Perfect Container... or at least it MIGHT be, with just a little bit of creative "Foam Insert Whittling".

But when THIS Damned Lilliputian DJI "Lunch Pail" Sized Thing arrived and it had barely enough interior space for small items, let alone enough room to fit each and every “GYMKO” Tech 2 Sub-Article inside... I confess that I was just a little disappointed.

So I set it on a shelf out in my Garage and let it go as “Just Another Ten Dollar Purchase” that I'd never lose any sleep over 'If only I could not find a use for it...' after that.

And now it's Five Years Later... And the Clone of the MDI-2 Kit has arrived and with it, all of its support cabling required... But NOT with a requisite AC/DC Power Supply.

Long story short, after performing my own “Little Foam Whittle” job inside of that Case… THIS is what it all looks like now after placing the Two Bagged DLC and USB Cables behind the Zip-Up Inner Mesh Zipper Pocket in the Upper Lid and then plunking down the GM “Clone” MDI-2 and its After-Market Power Supply into the appropriate Foam Cut-Outs... et voilà:


The Link below to Amazon will show you some other very similar "Lunch Pails" to pick and choose from, if you like this idea:

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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Another option is an old laptop bag. I was using one for the longest time before I found my current Cochlear implant kit bag from a Surplus Store. I am frugal and don't buy anything where I can use a repurposed item however those DJI cases are reasonably priced (except in Canada :frown: )
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