4.2L I6 Head Removal/Engine Restoration


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
It's just about 2AM here and I can't sleep. What to do? Maybe one of the cable channels has some soft core porn?? Have a beer or two?? (Cant do it, have to go to work in a few hours) No, I get up to see if anyone posted something new on this thread.
I'm worse than my grandmother (god rest her soul) when 'All My Children' was on.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
Ah, my wife's snoring like a chainsaw anyway.
To add twin turbos correctly, I suggest contacting the engineering department of one of the truck racing teams. Have them work out the details and some blueprints. Then start fabricating the necessary parts. After about a year or so (read lot's of time, money and frustration),you may be ready to turn the key.

As for the LS engine, it'll definitely fit in the engine bay. Have an adaptor plate made for the bell housing and trans and fab up some engine mounts. Then attend to the hundred little details that will make it work.
I don't think any of the engine bay wiring will work, so you'll have to make harnesses. And how you would get all the computers to communicate is way beyond me. Maybe just have a team of experienced electrical engineers on site.

Good luck, and thank you for your service.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Honestly, your guess is as good as mine. I was informed of a guy named Travis that kicked off this particular project and got it running, but since then faded away.

There was another guy after him by the name of limequat over at supra mania that pulled it off as well, and he's currently still going through the motions with it as we speak.

I mean, it can be done. But is it worth the alcohol/tylonol intake? This question alone has stumped the readers of the OS and here for a very, VERY long time. I plan on making a few phone calls today to a few custom creation shops that might be able to help out. I guess hearing what they'll have to say will help me make a better choice. There are two companies out here on the coast that I know of that would have the capabilities of producing the hardware, but I'm not sure if they'd go with it or not even of I DID have $30k to bring to the table.

It's tedious man..

Honestly, JimmyJam brought up a more feasible resolution lastnight during a brief discussion that was held. He pretty much left me two options, either find a way to make a custom set-up work with the 4.2L and do something ALL members here could appreciate, OR just buy a 3SS and literally start stripping it along with my current TB and start swapping things out.

Of course, to get the look/power I want you could easily tell what the cheaper route to go with would be, but do I go down that path or not?

I want to keep it original, but at the same time wouldn't mind doing a little pioneer work. If I could actually get the support I needed with going with a turbo project for the 4.2L I'd go with it, but who knows.. -Octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Yeah, way too labor intense if I chose to pursue the LS project. It would be cool, but so much more would have to be involved. I think I'd be better off just buying the SS and working with that..

I wonder how much I could get if say I were to sell my current TB? I mean, after the engine goes back in it'll run solid.. It's clean and has obvious signs of being well kept and maintained through the years.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
The motor just got dropped off at the machine shop! Finally.. Glad that's over with, now we wait..


Nov 18, 2011
Limequat is active on here as well.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Wow, the more you know. Thanks trailz. About time you finally said something.. -Octane


Nov 18, 2011
OctaneRider03 said:
Wow, the more you know. Thanks trailz. About time you finally said something.. -Octane

Sometimes it is better to just follow and read along if you dont have anything useful to add.


Mar 25, 2012
I use to work for a custom fabrication shop here in NY, where we specialized in custom turbo installs. The tuning was left up to the owner because that was a whole other headache, ( we didnt have a dyno nor space to install one) but recommended a dyno shop with a good tuner who did that job for $400 when he wasn't overseas working on jet engines.

But a custom single turbo set-up was starting usually in the ball park of $3-4k. This included installation, custom stainless t-304 charge piping, custom turbo manifold, turbo, inter cooler, fittings, etc. High end job was a methanol turbo pulling tractor which was torn completely down and built back up which was $15k iirc. there were numerous options to change those figures ( show worthy finishes vs. raw stainless, ball bearing vs. journal turbo, internally vs. externally waste gated, etc)

In all honesty, both twin and single turbo set up don't really differ that much other than where one setup delivers more air. Twin will have more air at a lower rpm, whereas the single will be more efficient on top end. Trims and A/R ratios in the turbo can tweak those too. Single was also more reliable and easier to tune.

But like said, numerous possibilities but a turbo setup isn't THAT expensive if you want all go and no show. I never cared for bright polished tubing myself anyways. If you ever wanted to pursue that turbo dream, I'm still good friends with the shop and can give you the contact info or website to look at installs.


Dec 4, 2011
NJTB said:
PS: You'd have to fab an oil pan to clear the 4WD axles and stuff with the LS engine.

Octane's truck is a 2WD according to his profile however, so he wouldn't have the 4WD stuff to mess with.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Sometimes it is better to just follow and read along if you dont have anything useful to add.

Trailz, you make weak threads turn into five star articles just by typing "hey guys". Get the heck out of here with that, you're always welcomed for input!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Opeth said:
I use to work for a custom fabrication shop here in NY, where we specialized in custom turbo installs. The tuning was left up to the owner because that was a whole other headache, ( we didnt have a dyno nor space to install one) but recommended a dyno shop with a good tuner who did that job for $400 when he wasn't overseas working on jet engines.

But a custom single turbo set-up was starting usually in the ball park of $3-4k. This included installation, custom stainless t-304 charge piping, custom turbo manifold, turbo, inter cooler, fittings, etc. High end job was a methanol turbo pulling tractor which was torn completely down and built back up which was $15k iirc. there were numerous options to change those figures ( show worthy finishes vs. raw stainless, ball bearing vs. journal turbo, internally vs. externally waste gated, etc)

In all honesty, both twin and single turbo set up don't really differ that much other than where one setup delivers more air. Twin will have more air at a lower rpm, whereas the single will be more efficient on top end. Trims and A/R ratios in the turbo can tweak those too. Single was also more reliable and easier to tune.

But like said, numerous possibilities but a turbo setup isn't THAT expensive if you want all go and no show. I never cared for bright polished tubing myself anyways. If you ever wanted to pursue that turbo dream, I'm still good friends with the shop and can give you the contact info or website to look at installs.

If its worth a shot in the dark I'll take it. I don't want to take the DIY approach regarding a potential turbo install solely because of how tedious the overall method to the madness can be. I can take a motor out, I can strip it to pieces, but I CANNOT modify (cut, shave, bend, weld, etc etc..). I'm still in my learning phases myself, you know. I actually learned the majority of what I already know by following guys like Roadie, jimmy and sparky while shadowing them on the OS. Bottom line, if you guys can help me get hands on here and help establish reputable contacts, I'll do what I can to make it happen.

Like I said, once I go back overseas my little 4.2L becomes our new project vehicle. I'm open to new ideas from all of you now..

Send that contact information! I'll be calling our guys down here in NC shortly!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Sparky said:
Octane's truck is a 2WD according to his profile however, so he wouldn't have the 4WD stuff to mess with.

Hah! I didn't see any point in correcting him as I've found most people eventually read and find out one way or another that I'm rolling in a 2WD. Where've you been Sparky?!? Three thousand posts later?! :smile: -Octane


Mar 25, 2012
Welcome To RDFabs Stainless Specialists Home Site or https://www.facebook.com/RDFabs

If you want to call and pick his brain about a build, shop owner is Ryan. Phone number is in the contact us section, he's pretty busy so if it goes to voicemail he'll get back to you ASAP. Just tell him Cody referred you, I get no benefit from that but he'd might then get a hold of me to look at clearance issues on my truck. He's a fair guy that does great work for less than most, which is why I mention him to others still. Most recent pictures of work are on the Facebook site.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Cody, YOU my friend are a genius.

I called Ryan and presented him with my plans, I caught him up to speed regarding everything and he's been made aware of my next stint overseas doing contract work.

He's all about it and he totally shares our vision as far as IT CAN BE DONE. We ran numbers briefly and I must say he is VERY good with calculations. Apparently he's known about the 4.2L concept that was produced in the early 2000's and is positive that he can not necessarily "replicate" (obviously) the twin design but produce something quite similar to it. He said it's all about the tune. Being able to produce the hardware comes easy by him, but afterwards the tuning will be the ultimate tell-tell sign.

I told him to give you a call, he said you lived out about 15 minutes from him so hopefully you can swing by and show him our engine bay so he can take a better look..

Let me know what's up, and when it's time, I'll produce the cash flow to get him started. -Octane


Mar 25, 2012
We're more like 40 mins, he use to live 15 minutes before he had the shop built which is one of the reasons I couldn't work there anymore. I have a 4x4 so im not sure what things you have less of in that area, also was your truck lifted? I've followed this thread for a bit because of the head problem like I had but didn't read everything nor have the time to get on the forum a lot.

He did give me a call, I'm going to start by taking pictures so he can see the area and confinements to give him an idea.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Oh ok I gotcha. Sweet dude! Thanks for pulling through for me! The guys over at Trick performance just called me not too long ago, I was eating dinner when they were leaving a voicemail! Arg!! Phone tag sucks bro.

No, it's not lifted. It was jacked up while in the garage but that was only to gain access to the oil pan as we were removing it.

Thanks again, let me know what he says and I'll follow through on my end. He's got my contact information so hopefully we can keep the ball rolling as time passes.

I'm not too sure what else the 4x4's have down there. Let him know that mine is 2wd as I forgot to bring it up to him! I'll send pics if needed!


Dec 4, 2011
OctaneRider03 said:
Hah! I didn't see any point in correcting him as I've found most people eventually read and find out one way or another that I'm rolling in a 2WD. Where've you been Sparky?!? Three thousand posts later?! :smile: -Octane

Been watching. This is well beyond anything I've ever done to any vehicle so I have had no real input for the most part.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Sparky said:
Been watching. This is well beyond anything I've ever done to any vehicle so I have had no real input for the most part.

Well I mean... Taking the motor out was one thing (that was the easy part) but actually ripping it apart and seeing what it's made up of is another! And just think, this was all because of guys like you..


Dec 12, 2011
OctaneRider03 said:
Bottom line, if you guys can help me get hands on here and help establish reputable contacts, I'll do what I can to make it happen.

We will help for sure...would be a killer project. We will also help you spend the $$$, that's half the fun! :biggrin:

Here's some inspiration and eye candy for you. GM's design that didn't make production. I suppose they figured the SS would be a wiser alternative....dunno but if so, I disagree. :cool:



Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
This picture is MONEY man! Thanks so much for passing that along! If we can get more specs on both the prototype and tranny we're golden dude! We'll be looking into kicking this off around the end of this year, beginning of next! Just have some faith in me and wait until we all get together then for the good word that we're set with the funds!

I think this would be a SICK project to start with, and I'm really stoked to know that the support's out there. I give MAJOR props to the guys that have already attempted it that we know of and if I could shake their hands I would in a heartbeat. We're all pioneers, right? Hah!

I'm thinking we strip our baby again down to the bone once more. We look into custom titanium piston rings, A custom head gasket set up as well as a few other custom internal tweaks to help beef our motor up. Once we know that she's capable of withstanding a little boost without blowing to hell on us, we'll start crunching numbers and making magic happen. A LOT has to be done to bring this thing into full swing, but if you're still here once I get on the ball I encourage you to join me. -Octane


Dec 4, 2011
Turbo... no, wait, TWIN turbo! Hm, I like that...

A built 4L60E would be fine with that I would think. Fbody guys with 500HP can run a built 4L60E. Although if you want something stronger from the get-go I wonder if a 4L80E could be fitted to this engine :undecided:


Dec 12, 2011
Sparky said:
Although if you want something stronger from the get-go I wonder if a 4L80E could be fitted to this engine :undecided:

The fact he has a 2WD if the 4L80E will fit under the floor then that would be the best choice. Would need to fabricate a rear crossmember and be done with it.

Octane, this is another place where you will find some answers on what you need to do in order to pursue your project. They have already accomplished many feats with the 4200 and along with what members here know and them, you should have no problems.

You will need an invite I believe and not sure how but there are links on the home page to join.

Inliners International devoted to all Inline powered vehicles


Dec 12, 2011
You will also likely need one of these to handle the torque. Not sure about the 8.6 from the LWB but the 8.0 in yours will likely come apart, as others have.

Shop around though for the best price.

SS rear axle


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
That's what we're aming for! Professional grade custom fabrication and tuning can make it happen. there's nothing stopping our 4.2's from running boost. We just need to identify what needs to be beefed up ahead of time and start running numbers from there.. In time.

Wait until I start the thread before we go all out here! We don't need to get those new guys that may be reading THIS thread getting off point with our head removal/engine restoration. I know a lot of us are all nipping at the bud to see this happen, but let's save it for a separate article as we owe it to the people that are looking over here for advice for their own engines. Deal?

Guys, I apologize AGAIN for pulling us off topic! As it turns out, Mike wasn't able to take our motor over to the machine shop for the head bolt segment removal. He sent a text saying that he was on it, but got called into work to manage a few things. No beuno, right?

So, in order to better help him out, I'm going to personally grab a spare tire with no rim and throw it into the back of my Silverado. I'll drive over to the garage tomorrow afternoon and drop the motor on top of our spare tire and head on over to a different machine shop on the outskirts of town to get those pieces pulled! Shouldn't take long at all, and once we get it back we'll be good to start putting her back together!



Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Here's the link to our new thread named "Solace" to continue on with our discussion regarding the 4.2L turbo project that I'd like to kick off later on in the year.

If you guys have any good links to share or product information, drop a line and we'll talk about it there. -Octane



Nov 18, 2011
OctaneRider03 said:
Here's the link to our new thread named "Solace" to continue on with our discussion regarding the 4.2L turbo project that I'd like to kick off later on in the year.

If you guys have any good links to share or product information, drop a line and we'll talk about it there. -Octane

Link missing....


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Link missing....

It didn't paste.. Stupid iPhones... :biggrin:

There it's done.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
We're thinking about laying down black heat temp enamel paint on the head cover, possibly the entire motor.. I'm not sure yet. I like the idea of making it more my taste anyway.. What would look better, a gloss black or satin black?



Dec 4, 2011
I think gloss would be a huge pain to keep clean looking. Satin is a little more forgiving.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Hmm.. You have a good point, but what an awesome way to start off with a new look for a fresh motor other than making it look sleek.

Satin does sound good though....


Dec 4, 2011
I think satin on the block/heads/etc look better anyway. Save the glossy stuff for valve covers and such.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Yeah.. I'll send you pictures once I spray it down. Should be sweet!


Dec 7, 2011
WOW! I just stumbled across this thread.

Thank you for your service! You display many of the fine characteristics attributed to Marines. You adapt, you overcome, you persevere...boy...do you ever persevere! I would also lay a weeks field rats that you have amongst the cleanest weapons in your battalion?! You do Chesty Puller proud!

And you have certainly been "Always Faithful" to your vehicle. I am now getting to the age where I would give anything to spend a week back on Camp Lejeune (or on float) or in the field with the boys! The times of a lifetime...enjoy them while you can and take care.

One last Marine reference: "The Marines have landed (in the garage apparently?) and the situation is well in hand." Carry on.:thumbsup:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
WOW! I just stumbled across this thread.

Thank you for your service! You display many of the fine characteristics attributed to Marines. You adapt, you overcome, you persevere...boy...do you ever persevere! I would also lay a weeks field rats that you have amongst the cleanest weapons in your battalion?! You do Chesty Puller proud!

And you have certainly been "Always Faithful" to your vehicle. I am now getting to the age where I would give anything to spend a week back on Camp Lejeune (or on float) or in the field with the boys! The times of a lifetime...enjoy them while you can and take care.

One last Marine reference: "The Marines have landed (in the garage apparently?) and the situation is well in hand." Carry on.:thumbsup:

I think I just got slammed in the face with old school Marine Corps motivation. Hah, I appreciate it and please, feel free to follow along as we come towards the ending stages with this project and prepare to fire her back up. It's always good to see other Marines out there showing support with what I'm doing and again, thank you.

I'm actually sitting on Lejeune right now, it's starting to get cooler around here now. Not so much humidity anymore, heh! -Octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Guys, we got the engine back without the headbolt segments in the block, we go live again tonight! To view the broadcast hit up www.Qik.com/OctaneRider03

We push the truck back in the garage then drop the engine back in afterwards, the live broadcast for this evening will be at 8:45 eastern. The current time now is 8:06 -Octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Well.. After we managed to get the motor back yesterday (we had another machine shop pull those broken headbolt pieces out) we went to town with putting the oil pan back on and a few other parts.. It's a slow process and if it's not done correctly it'll cause us problems in the near future so we're remaining as persistent as possible without screwing any thing up.

We used RTV sealant for the brim of the oil pan and afterwards put all the bolts back in place. I think there were twenty that hold the oil pan to the bottom of the motor. Afterwards we went ahead and placed the front timing chain/engine cover back on and called it a wrap for the night.

We'll be going back in tomorrow night to start reassembling all the required pieces to the puzzle and dropping the motor back into the bay. I think Mike wants to push for us to install the head as well before dropping it back in, but I'm not sure yet. I warned him about how much of a pain in the ass those bell housing bolts were to get to WITHOUT the head on but he still seems un-phased by all this. We shall see, we shall see...

Not much longer before we fire the Trailblazer back up and see how she runs.. We ordered a new Delco starter not too long ago and as it stands at the moment it should be here in North Carolina tomorrow morning around nine. The one I had on was also close to breathing its last breath as you could clearly see apparent wear and looseness towards the end of it.

All is well here in hell. About one more week left!

On a side note, remember that bet we made with Jimmyjam for $20 about being able to pull the motor out without removing the radiator? Well he lost and said he wasn't a sore loser. So..

View attachment 22789

He paid up. LMFAO!!!!

Thanks Jimmy, maybe you'll win next time. -Octane


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