4.2L I6 Head Removal/Engine Restoration


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Much thanks to JimmyJam for renaming the title to 4.2L I6 Head Removal/Engine Restoration..

I figure we might as well change it considering this project alone has evolved before our eyes given each passing day.

We go back again tonight.. Stay tuned!


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
I've been in a few cars this deep. When you start thinking of the time, money and aggravation, a gallon of gas and a match begin to seem attractive.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
NJTB said:
I've been in a few cars this deep. When you start thinking of the time, money and aggravation, a gallon of gas and a match begin to seem attractive.

Hehehe, yeah I hear that! You can bet on it when I tell you that I've contemplated dropping it off the side of a pier out here on the Atlantic several times since starting this project..

It's mainly the time we spend stalling on certain things that irritates me the most. Sometimes you're not always going to have that right tool you need right away or that amount of force required to take what you need, OFF. When I actually see genuine PROGRESS being made and mission accomplishment, it takes a lot to kill the grin on my face! You HAVE to accept the deficiencies as they come and really prepare for the worst no matter how good things are going. We just keep taking things play by play out here so it's not so much of a headache.

I'd like to meet the designer of this thing and punch him in the face though. A lot of things that were set up could have been done differently and the overall build isn't as easy as people have portrayed it to be over the forum's, article's, magazine's etc etc.. For example: You can't tell me that a legit turbo kit CAN'T be installed when I've seen all the room needed to bring one in. Don't tell me the engine can't handle any said amount of boost either because that's b/s. It's a lie and I don't believe it after looking at all the opportunity in the world for modifications.

I'm getting ready to do security in Kuwait around the end of this year. Once I've got about $15k - $20K that I can throw around I'll be working with two different companies here in the States that promise they can do it. The 4.2L has tons of potential and I don't think people should undermine it just because Chevy released the 6.0 and slapped an SS logo on it for those that want more power. They should have unleashed the 4.2L turbo concept, but that never happened.. Give me time to get back overseas so I can bring in more $$$ for the turbo project. That'll be the real article for members of GMTN to pay close attention to..

It is what it is for the time being though.

A lot of people tell me to just trade it in or sell it. It's not that easy though when that truck's been literally all over the U.S. with me and practically gotten me where I needed to go while serving as a U.S. Marine. I won't give up on it. If I ever do sell it, it'll be because I decided to go SS and I promise you it'll be in the best shape it's ever been in engine wise. -Octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Ok, we're here at the garage now. We're going to try something else for tonight. Here in a moment, I'm going to post a link to a website that'll allow you to watch us LIVE as we progress with pulling the engine.

For all of those that aren't around to watch, don't worry, I'll have the link to the video submitted over here to the thread for you guys. -Octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012

Go to that page, at exactly 9:10 Eastern we're going live. Refresh that link then and look for an indicator that we're recording live. -Octane

Yes you can view live streaming video with your smartphones for those of you that have iPhones, droids etc etc..


Aug 24, 2012
Lee, I was gonna call and give you crap about doing so much work sitting on the fender but it said the mailbox was full.

Ya'll have fun - I'ma have a coldie for ya! Cheers!

Denali n DOO

May 22, 2012
OctaneRider03 said:
OctaneRider03 on Qik | 7 public videos recorded with mobile phones

Go to that page, at exactly 9:10 Eastern we're going live. Refresh that link then and look for an indicator that we're recording live. -Octane

Yes you can view live streaming video with your smartphones for those of you that have iPhones, droids etc etc..

Now that's pretty cool use of technology! Nice idea! My son asked what I'm watching, I told him it's an episode of "as the wrench turns" lol :rotfl: ...I'll keep checking in on the live feed.

Great job so far Octane! :thumbsup:


Aug 24, 2012
Just talked to Lee and Mike and they said I could post the phone number in case anyone wants to call and harass them, I mean, offer advice or whatever. It is 910-787-5289. They plan on getting the motor pulled tonight, and they are LIVE as I type this. Just click the link Lee posted and it should come right up and start streaming.

If it goes straight to voice mail and says the mailbox is full, text them and they'll call you back.


Nov 18, 2011
an hour and thirty two minutes and all i got was a lousy bud light platinum

you need to get a cooler for that beer man what are you doing

lol lets get the lead out fellas!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Hey guys the feed went dead there for a minute. If that happens just click refresh until it goes liv
e again


Nov 18, 2011
guess i got an ass beating waiting for me in NC haha

sitting at home drinking watching people turn wrenches, this is great

heres what i got done today, top that!



Nov 18, 2011
man, who pulls an engine without an oil pan on it... whats wrong with people nowadays


Nov 18, 2011
sometimes my battery dies from bouncing my hydraulics and bumping master P... then i can't shift into neutral so i peel off my shift boot and press this


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Nov 20, 2011
This has been a great thread to read. I am sorry that I have not seen it progress, but I am caught up now and will follow along. Now that you are pulling the block what are your plans for the lower end?

You have given me a lot more faith in being able to start this rebuild myself. I am starting with the engine already out of the vehicle and on an engine stand, so hopefully it will progress a bit easier then yours has.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
jimmyjam said:
man, who pulls an engine without an oil pan on it... whats wrong with people nowadays

Pay up $20 Jimmy! You have the address! -octane


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012


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Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Alright alright ALRIGHT!

For those of that were able to witness us pull the motor tonight, thanks for tagging along! I TOLD you we could do it without even denting the radiator!!

JimmyJam actually owes us $20 now for a bet he failed, and that was to pull the motor without removing the radiator. Oil-pan connected or not, it came out didn't it Jimmy?

We struggled there briefly with the bell housing bolt removal but once all of them were out, she wanted to lift right up. Pretty stoked about that!

Once the motor was out and hanging, we then had to lower the truck back down off the jacks and proceed with putting the truck in neutral. Well... It didn't want to shift. We had the key in the on position, but obviously no matter how hard we pressed down on the brakes, no budge. So JimmyJam called up while we were going live and gave us a tip with how to shift gears into neutral without using the brake method! If you guys can scroll up, you'll see a picture that was posted by him. We ended up pulling/unclipping the leather off from the bottom of the shifter and pressing down on a round circular solenoid that immediately allowed us to shift right into neutral! If you guys have any questions about this neat little trick, PM JimmyJam, hopefully he'll post more about that HERE on this thread within the near future for you guys to read up on. He was pretty hammered when he called us telling us what to do, so I doubt he'll be posting here again for a least 24 hours. Nonetheless, thanks again Jimmy!

Once the truck shifted, I backed my Silverado up and chained it down, from that point I very VERY gently gave it gas and out followed the Trailblazer behind me into the yard. No contact was made between the two vehicles so I'm pretty stoked to pass that to you guys!

Once we take off the sensors and everything else that needs to be removed, in comes my buddy's Honda to load the motor to, and from there it goes to a machine shop to be cleaned, restored and those head bolt segments will be coming out as well!

I got a lot of feedback from you guys tonight! Thanks again for calling and sending those texts, they really did us good and kept us going! It also displayed how truly freagin awesome members are here at GMTN!!

We go live again in a few days! Before this happens, I'll post here to give the heads up! That way ALL of you can watch and not miss out. It's been a rush gents.. I'm going to bed!

Until next time! -Octane


Dec 12, 2011
Just curious and not trying to be a smart a$$, what was the reasoning in not pulling the motor & trans as a pair and seperating them afterwards? That's how I have always done it so i'm just curious if it was a clearance issue or something else.


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
A long time ago GM made crate engines to replace the engine that was damaged. They were 'long blocks' (came with the head), and even had oil in them. Never had a problem with them, and I did a bunch. Does anyone know if they make one for the TB (I6)?
After following Octanes thread, I'm thinking that may be the way to go, if it's available.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Problem is he already dished out the money to have the head rebuilt. And I would imagine that a complete engine is more expensive than just freshening up an already healthy bottom end.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
I've got about $750 to blow on the motor.. Food for thought there Moose :wink: -Octane:cool:


Aug 24, 2012
Lee, the live video feed last night (today!) was pretty cool. We could see what was going on, the problems you guys were having and how you got around them - without taking Mike's finger off! Kinda shows what "real people" go through with jobs like this. Not everything goes according to plan, but with enough perseverance and ideas, the job does get done.

Kudos for doing it - being live, there are no do-overs! Jimmyjam jumping in there and guiding (albeit a little delayed!) you to the shifter release via the video was also pretty cool.

And I perfectly understand about the language. Being a fleet sailor myself, I understand where the saying "Cuss like a sailor" comes from.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Thanks C-Ya!


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
It'd be sick to get a new 4.2L that I could modify...


Mar 3, 2012


Nov 18, 2011
$4k for a rebuilt engine? no thanks. for my ls2 i paid $400 to have my heads cleaned and ported, and $1000 to have my block cleaned, cylinders honed, bearings replaced and the longblock assembled. figure another $500 for new lifters, timing chain, oil pump, etc


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Live feed went well for tonight! We'll be back in the garage here in a few days so until then, stay frosty! -Octane


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Got to see it last couple of minutes or so. This Qik thing is pretty cool. Gotta look into it. Didn't get a chance to say anything but I don't think I can send texts to the US anyway. Catch ya next time.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Darn Canadians! Eh?


Aug 27, 2012
Flemington, NJ
Thanks for the link. I wasn't suggesting it was a way to go for Octane, I was wondering if the program was still available. As I said, these engines worked well for me in several applications, but I've never did one in a TB.
Now I'm curious if the labor time to take the engine apart and rebuild it versus have a fresh one ready to go in would be worth it. All things considered, four grand isn't that bad a price for that engine. Hell, a new engine for my Harley is just a little less.


Mar 3, 2012
NJTB said:
.....Now I'm curious if the labor time to take the engine apart and rebuild it versus have a fresh one ready to go in would be worth it. All things considered, four grand isn't that bad a price for that engine. Hell, a new engine for my Harley is just a little less.
PLUS, the crate engine comes w/ a 3yr/100K warranty and has ALL the upgrades/fixes included.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
It'd be nice to come across a made from scratch 4.2L that was modify capable, and allowed me to do either a turbo set up or space for a supercharger.. Me personally, I'd stick with two twin sisters of boost.. Just saying.

What would really be cool is if I could come across an LS3 and tranny that I could work with and drop that sucker into the bay.. SO MANY things involved there and a lot of time would have to be implemented as well..


Dec 12, 2011
120K on that trans, you would be wise to freshen that baby up as well. I know it's $$$ but they don't last forever they are definately a weak link in stock form.


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
If I could get positive confirmation that an LS3 could fit into the Trailblazer's bay and it's worth the transfer/labor I'd assemble a team to make it happen.

This is all theoretical at this point, so bear with me here. If I knew for a fact that an LS3 could fit and had a complete spreadsheet with literally every single hook and cranny needed, I would invest in all of it at once. From that point, assemble a team comprised of the best mechanics I can find that are fit for the job (from GMTN) and pay for them to fly out to NC, food, room, board and bath paid for, for exactly three weeks, give them all the tools they'll need and access to a dyno, and watch them preform. I think that would make this the sickest project this forum has ever seen... The kicker is, not only do they have round trip tickets to get here and back home, but if they pulled it off and get it to run, they each are paid $5,000 from yours truly. Food for thought.. -Octane

It's good to dream.. I go overseas at the end of this year to hold security.. Getting $25,000 for the job, then the additional funding for the three mechanics, and all the parts they'll need along with the tools could be a reality..


Dec 12, 2011
I will come out there to drink the beer you leave on the fender that way it won't get warm. :biggrin:


Original poster
Jul 31, 2012
Hehehe, yeah.. I guess we should have brought a cooler lastnight huh? I know a lot of the guys that were watching us live left some pretty negative feedback all due to the beer being left out.. Ah, it got us buzzed though, work time flew by..

God I wish I could work to create a custom twin turboed 4.2L..

If only.. Hah!

Back on topic gents! We hit the garage again in a few days to continue work with our current 4.2L project. It gets shipped off to the machine shop this week so I'll keep you guys posted! -Octane

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