Well guys, I was able to identify what the problem was after several attempts to pull the valve cover off. Two lifters came though into the valve cover area, and apparently only four out of six cylinders were firing.
After several conversations with my mech-buddy's all over, I realized that it wasn't my fault. It wasn't the rebuild either that caused it. It was in fact, the machine shop's fault. I know I know, there's a lot of people upset about it just as I am. The time, money, blood sweat and tears we put into it to keep it a maximum capacity, went in vain. Or did it?
I gave my cousin a call out near Memphis Tennessee and he offered to take her off my hands. The truck was paid off, so I sold her to him in her current, unfinished state. We still had a ton of spraying to do body wise, but never got around to it due to engine issues. My cousin LOVES the Trailblazer however and promised to take good care of her. He's got the money I don't have at the moment to buy a brand new head and everything needed to bring her back again. He did me a favor. Relax guys, he's also a Marine, and just as passionate about Chevy's as I am..

We did everything possible guys. I'm sorry this news had to come.
Now then.. You're probably wondering what next, right? Well..
I wanted something better on gas, something with four doors, better handling and of course, a little turbo if I could get it. Not to mention, it absolutely positively HAD to be a Chevy. You won't catch me driving anything else guys..
Here you go..
Yep, you guessed it. It's a 2012 Chevy Cruze, and it's got a nice little 1.4L Turbo just for grins and giggles.
It picks up pretty fast, and is amazing when it comes down to overall handling. The car itself has all the room I need, and tons of features I couldn't have in the TB. Bottom line, really really fun to drive!
Now then, just because I don't actually have the TB anymore doesn't mean a thing. I'm still here FOR YOU GUYS, just as you were for me many many months ago.
I've decided to become a member over at CruzeTalk. You'll be able to find me there as I begin to explore into a new community of fanatics and turbo addicted lunatics. All good people. It's been a pleasure guys, I hope that long from now people will come here to this article and read about what we went through together. Long live the 4.2L! -Octane
Papa's got a brand new bang..