What did you do to your GMT today?

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Nov 18, 2011
Hatchet said:
ordering a fuel pump right now.

let me know where you find the best deal. I think I may as well have a working fuel gauge and do the fuel pump while I am in there.


Nov 21, 2011
let me know where you find the best deal. I think I may as well have a working fuel gauge and do the fuel pump while I am in there.

I ordered from rock auto


Jan 21, 2012
St. Petersburg, Florida
Friday, I took a corner too fast and the front wheels couldn't keep up with the rear. (2WD) So that caused me to drive off the side of the road. About 20 minutes later, somebody that I knew with a Hummer pulled me out.

Today was the first day driving it since, and I notice that the engine heated up quick and no interior heat. Eventually, I got: check gauges, engine coolant hot, idle engine, parking brake, ABS brake error, service brake system.

Parked it for a while, then drove home with only a flashing SES, normal temperatures, and heat.


Jul 1, 2013
Took it to the auto parts store to pick up some strut mount plates for my friend. At -7 F the Envoy groaned about having to start and took forever to get warm. Power steering pump also protested very strongly by serenading me with a variety of groaning and whining. Once it warmed up, however, life wasn't so bad.


Dec 8, 2011
cleaned the snow and ice off and then went back inside to plan what ill be doing first to get it back running N/A when the temps stay above -4*F.

so far:
- reweld and dump exhaust under passenger door (very short exhaust...catless and unmuffled)
- refill the nitrous and re hook up the wet kit
- possibly vent the hood
- hook back up all the switches and wiring for the efans, nos, lights, fuel pump, etc...


Jan 22, 2014
Replaced the stepper motors on the temp and voltage gauge. Will probably have to go in and adjust one or both, as they were complete toast, leaving me with no real way to know the end of travel spot without guessing. Also fixed the rear wiper fluid sprayer, which after pulling all the covers on the hatch, I found the culprit was the connector was completely apart under the hood. At least it was apart up by the coolant bottle, not down underneath everything, still I wonder how much fluid we have poured on the road over the past year. At least it works though...so much salt on the window that until the fluid came out it looked like I had a bad battery or a bad washer motor it was moving so slow.

Will be nice to finally see out the back window, and tell if the car is charging/warming up though. Oh also replaced a lugnut cover that the nice guys at belle tire apparently couldn't figure out how to put back on correctly, leaving me without one for quite awhile.


Jan 1, 2012
Drove to the gym realized my rpm fluctuates around 600 to 700. But I have no problems. Guess it's time to clean the throttle body again!


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Enjoyed a nice 16.7 mpg on the commute home. Had been getting in the 13's during the colder days.

My replacement 3rd row dome light housing was waiting for me, but there was a problem. As you can see, the cutouts for the lens/switch hinge are too far forward. So I guess there are multiple versions of these too :confused:


Nothing my dremel with a sanding drum couldn't fix. After about 5 minutes of sanding away some plastic, I was able to put my LED panel back in, and install it in the truck. My LED mod bug is happy once again. :biggrin:


Dec 4, 2011
I parked mine on a snow drift today, because I can. No pics, because it was (and still is) friggin' cold outside and I wasn't about to freeze my fingers off just to snap a pic :tongue:


Nov 21, 2011
Sparky said:
I parked mine on a snow drift today, because I can. No pics, because it was (and still is) friggin' cold outside and I wasn't about to freeze my fingers off just to snap a pic :tongue:

I love voice activated picture on my phone.


Dec 4, 2011

You know, my phone probably does that (Galaxy S4). I just have never used it as voice activated stuff rarely works well for me for some reason.


Nov 21, 2011
Sparky said:

You know, my phone probably does that (Galaxy S4). I just have never used it as voice activated stuff rarely works well for me for some reason.

Your does. Just gotta turn it on in phone settings. I have the S4 also. Makes its so easy on jobsites trying to take pictures. I just gotta use one of the different words when i'm taking pictures inside of schools for work. Shoot tends to be a word that shouldn't be said in a school, but i feel weird saying cheese lol.


Jan 15, 2012
jbacklund said:
Got rid of all the salt at the local car wash.

Didn't know that road salt is used in Sweden...I thought it was a North American scourge.....Mike


Dec 4, 2011
Truck went to the shop for the exhaust replacement this morning. It isn't done yet :frown: Those manifold bolts did not want to come out. We didn't go into much detail (just a quick phone call update) but I get the impression that aside from the already broken one at least one other broke off. I believe the manifold is all done now but the rest of the exhaust still needs hung and possibly a new over axle pipe made. Should have it back in the morning sometime.

Wish I could have waited on this until spring so I could be driving the Camaro, but it really couldn't wait. I was fumigating myself with exhaust too much and the truck wasn't too happy about it either :no:


Dec 16, 2012
northcreek said:
Didn't know that road salt is used in Sweden...I thought it was a North American scourge.....Mike

Oh it's common here, at least in the southern parts of Sweden. Up north it's too much snow so there's no benefits using it.

Had the opportunity to spend the evening in the garage so I made an engine oil flush with a can of engine cleaner.

Seems like the cleaner did it's job. After running 10 min with new oil and the cleaner the oil became pretty dark. Drained it and put new one in.



Dec 31, 2013
today I sent my 2002 tb I6 ecm to PCM of nc for an economy tune,i bought this truck with a bad tranny,I sent the tranny out to get a rebuild with my supplied kit, a heavy duty plate kit with extra plate,while waiting I replace tranny lines witch was the failure of this truck,rusted under air box,so then we replaced the p/s lines, it was starting to look its age so what the heck.it does have nice leather interior in mint condition,sunroof,bose factory sounds awesome,ok im sold we replace the liftgate with an 08 it was clean mine was rusted on the bottom seam ,I could have repaired it but found one for 150 with no rust or dents same with the hood put a new hood on too it was starting to rust inside the seam ,the added the make believe hood scoop chrome door handles and led interior to lighting,factory lights were dim painted it a with factory code red met, tri-coat with 4 coats of clear and added wheel opening mouldings with a gold two tone got tranny back in,started driving it ran ok shifted nice had lots of power,checked my fuel mileage,wow 13.4 ave. it has DIC so I rechecked it by filling it up drive 200 miles varied driving,it figured out to be 13.2 mpg ok this sucks,I come back and read every post I can find on GMTnation about fuel , so my next move is clean throttle body.all new filters,spark plugs change,transfer case fluid change with gm suretrac fluid.mobil 1 in crankcase and both diffs,fan belt,battery,thermostat,clutch fan was roaring so I replaced that also,had a P1004 fault code intermitting (exhaust cam performance) showed on my scanner so I replaced the exhaust cam solenoid and connector,crank position sensor,cam position sensor,map sensor just for good measure had to do a relearn in ecm after changing I believe crank sensor,but my scanner had relearn function so no problem,replaced tires with michelin latitude touring tires and running 40 psi ,also had gas smell so I replaced the fuel pump module lines were rusted.now for the big moment ,,,,did we make a difference ? sure did in my wallet even doing all the work except tranny in house,I live in upstate ny and it is cold here now ,I have a 30 mile route that I can drive 15 miles 45-55 mph zone and return on nys I90 all highway my test results totally amazed me,I drove with cruise on,stayed off throttle taking off as much as possible ,I reset dic average mpg at start on the highway 70 mph cruise set flat road 23mpg instant reading on dic varies from 22-24 unless we hit a hill then drops pretty good ,I don't know what to think what was the biggest issue,do know don't care after I got home I checked the average mpg and it was 19.4 this is a 6 mpg gainand I know I haven't checked it with full to full tank but I will,so what next can we get it better ,today I sent pcm to pcm of nc for an economy tune cant wait to do further testing when I get it back will post results,by the way my intentions we to replace tranny and touch up body and sell,now im buried in cost of repairs to make it correct and I didn't think I would be driving an 02 trailblazer with all the issues they have and this one was not maintained like I keep my cars,but it is growing on me and is not hard to look at :thumbsup:


  • trailblazer1.1.2013.jpg
    97.4 KB · Views: 14


Dec 4, 2011
Got the call from the shop. Truck is done. My wallet is screaming bloody murder :no: The cat I bought was apparently for the LWB, even though it was listed as the part for the SWB :crazy: They had to cut the pipe down (no big deal).

The biggest issue was the manifold. There were only a couple bolts broken off, but the big problem was the rest of the bolts were so rusted there was nothing to even grab on to! So basically they had to extract nearly every single bolt, which took forever.

Total labor time of pulling the old stuff and putting new stuff on was 9 hours. Then factor in the parts and... yeah, total out of pocket hurt a lot! Ugh.

Nice new shiny exhaust though. New manifold, cat, muffler, pipe, O2 sensors, the works. No more exhaust fumigation or rice burner farts.


Dec 30, 2013
Grabbed some carb and throttle body cleaner in preparation for the combo-fix for spark plugs and throttle plate.

Also grabbed wiper fluid and a new air filter, but my feet were frozen so I'm sitting on here warming up before I go get that stuff done. I also was missing one of the 3 bolts for the top of the air filter housing. Anyone have a part number? I think I'll just buy all 3 new, the 2 remaining are getting rusty and the fabrication for the screwdrivers is getting worn out. Replaced the 3rd with a spare bolt and nut for now. :thumbsup:


Jan 25, 2012
Ouch Sparky, that sucks.

I found a new noise last night, when turning the steering wheel either left or right at low speed (under 10mph) I hear a noise, best I can describe is a can with some marbles in it. Have not had a chance to look into it, cannot see anything anyways, area behind the wheel is packed with ice and snow and salt. I am assuming CV joint, but am not ruling anything out.


Dec 4, 2011
Could just be the ice and snow on something making noise. I've had that happen before.


Jan 25, 2012
Sparky said:
Could just be the ice and snow on something making noise. I've had that happen before.

I hope it is, not in the mood to tear into that part of the truck again unless absolutely necessary. Even then I will be repairing seals, bearings, rebuilding the disconnect and upgrading to the AWD sleeve. It is supposed to get above freezing tomorrow (38 :wootwoot:smile: so I will be able to rinse off the 50 layers of encrusted salt and take a look.


Aug 14, 2013
Started work on my doors "Ugly Gray" to "Ebony Black".

~to any that take offense and love the gray, I am sorry but gray isn't my color.

*Pics coming soon...


Dec 30, 2013
Venomhatch said:
Started work on my doors "Ugly Gray" to "Ebony Black".

~to any that take offense and love the gray, I am sorry but gray isn't my color.

*Pics coming soon...

I agree, I have the beige/gray interior and I really wish I had gotten ebony black to match the exterior. The gray used is a little dark for my tastes, sucks the light out without looking like it would.

Got my air filter done, and 1 2/3 gallons of wiper fluid added. Washing off salt five times in a 20-minute trip will run you low on it quick. My filter didn't look too bad, but it needed done and I'd bet that salt, again, may have been present in quantities greater than a white paper would show.


Dec 16, 2012
Tried out the bitwriter only settings for my Viper alarm. Wonder why I didn't got this tool earlier, so much easier setting it all up.



Dec 4, 2011
I knew my exhaust had been gradually getting louder due to leaks before it really broke, but I didn't realize they were normally this quiet. Eerie quiet almost. Wow.

I had them route the new pipe out behind the rear wheel. They custom bent the pipe, but all of it is mandrel bent. They don't use crush bends, which is really nice.

Obligatory pic. It isn't really sticking out that far or hanging low, it is just the camera angle or something.



Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV

Top: before, Bottom: after.
Picture speaks for itself.
Being a noob owner, I figured the rough idle was due to the sub-zero temperatures.
Finally today I stalled out and decided it was time to check out the throttle body...
It's like driving a sports car now, no joke.

LSfan70s said:
How did you open them? Heated the edges? I need to take apart one of mine for cleaning (rat poop inside) :stars:
If I were you I'd ask the rat how he got in.


Jan 25, 2012
Cussing at it because I got my finger caught the door. Don't think it's broken, but it sure does hurt like a mofo. Didn't feel it guess because of the cold, went to walk away and couldn't move my hand. Look down and half my finger isn't visible.


Nov 17, 2012
Used 4hi and 4lo in the snow. 30miles or so of 4wd use. Today was a good day.


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
blazinlow89 said:
Cussing at it because I got my finger caught the door. Don't think it's broken, but it sure does hurt like a mofo. Didn't feel it guess because of the cold, went to walk away and couldn't move my hand. Look down and half my finger isn't visible.
I got a nasty blood blister on my right middle finger when I pinched myself in pliers removing the battery bolt from the plastic housing, then yesterday cleaning the TB I accidentally grabbed our HOT redneck work light and burnt my entire hand.
At least I still have my left hand. :badday:


Jan 25, 2012
gpking said:
I got a nasty blood blister on my right middle finger when I pinched myself in pliers removing the battery bolt from the plastic housing, then yesterday cleaning the TB I accidentally grabbed our HOT redneck work light and burnt my entire hand.
At least I still have my left hand. :badday:

I have gotten used to the blisters from pliers, happens about every time I use a set. You should invest in an LED worklight and a fluorescent one. I like my portable LED one for those awkward areas and as a back up light I can keep in the truck. Nothing beats the fluorescent as far as good light output though. I cant manage to keep bulbs alive in the cheap ones. Seems like they always have broken bulbs.

Had to get X-rays done as the finger got to about the size of a bratwurst, nothing broke. Very bad bruising is all, I did manage to dent the door where it happened :redface:, might be what saved it from breaking.


Aug 14, 2013
gpking said:
I got a nasty blood blister on my right middle finger when I pinched myself in pliers removing the battery bolt from the plastic housing, then yesterday cleaning the TB I accidentally grabbed our HOT redneck work light and burnt my entire hand.
At least I still have my left hand. :badday:

Damn man sorry to hear about that. I have gotten my share of those!


Dec 27, 2013
Berkeley Springs, WV
Today I put in a Kicker DX250.1.
I still need to clean up the wiring and mount the amp, but this will do for now. :biggrin:


Venomhatch said:
Damn man sorry to hear about that. I have gotten my share of those!
It's all good. All of my injuries are a result of my own stupidity, so I can't be mad at GM for making the dang battery bolt impossible to remove!


Aug 14, 2013
gpking said:
Today I put in a Kicker DX250.1.
I still need to clean up the wiring and mount the amp, but this will do for now. :biggrin:


I want to do the stealth box in the rear passenger side area of the cargo area. That would be all the sound I need for bass. I had my day of 2 Orion HCCA 12s with plenty of power on them. I noticed quite a bit of hearing loss from them.
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