Changed front sway bar links and bushings. Instead of waiting for the MOOG's from Amazon for about $50...which is better than $75 locally and today, I checked out the Dura$#&@ from Autozone and they looked good, had grease fittings and for $19 each I figured I would give them a shot.
What a POS!
The hex opening was down to a 5MM fom the stock 6MM and right when they became snug, the hex bit turned in the shaft....

I was using a quality hex bit as well, just cheap metal so I'm really looking forward to when I have to remove them. I will need to cut the boot due to close proximity and use a 11/16" wrench..that's right 11/16" but this is a lesson learned.
After viewing the Suspensionmaxx links I would pay $100 for them in a heartbeat, MOOG in 2nd place. Morale of the story, get the MOOG at the very least.
Bushings were from CARQUEST and seem well made, and are made in.....?
At least the tapping is gone.
Also changed the rear diff fluid from the GM LS specified for the TB SS and went with the Redline Heavy Shockproof and what a difference it made.

Been hearing a faint whine while coasting and this very well may be a pinion preload issue but I have read of numerous issues like this with this rear. If I didn't know the whine was there I would think it would be a slight tire noise but that's because I'm listening for it. We'll see that happens after some miles and when it gets hot but initial impressions are very good.