After scouring my inventory of the various OBD2 DLC Port Adapters shown in the Autel Maxi-Das DS-708 Scan Tool Kit mentioned in Post# 2,177, I decided that the
MOST Worn Out One of that set was the Standard OBD2 DLC Adapter for GM Vehicles.
I'm always superstitious about having "The Weakest Electrical Link in The Chain" jump up and bite me, so replacing these items seems worth doing by anyone with similar equipment.
I found an eBay Vendor offering the actual Autel OEM Versions for only around $10.00 per unit. And since I also have the AutoBoss VB-300 Scan Tool Kit sporting the very same DLC Intermediate Cable, I ordered a Pair of these as OEM Quality Replacements.
Anytime you have any 'intermediary' Cable-To-Adapter items in the Electrical Scan Tool Path... it's good to ensure they won't Crap Out at the worst possible times (...for Example... When Updating GM PCMs & ECUs with New Calibrations):

I also wanted to get a greater assortment of BNC Banana Connector Style Probe Harnesses
for my various Oscillioscopes AND obtain the Extra Long Battery Harness-To-Cigarette Lighter Adapter Combo Harness Set. These will serve to ease my concerns over ever losing 12 Volts DC Power to either the Autel Maxi-Das DS-708 or the AutoBoss VB-300 Scan Tools.
This Combo Set is
EXTRA-LONG and allows one to choose either a 'Direct To Battery Post' Power Harness
with a Fusible Link... or to use the Cigarette Lighter-to-Scan Tool Optional Power Harness, depending upon conditions at hand.
I suspect that I can also use these Power Cables with my "GYMKO" Tech 2 just as well, giving a much greater freedom to move around the Vehicle during Testing and Diagnostics

Also... to "Top Off" my Power Probe 3 (12-24 Volts DC) Kit... I wanted to populate it with a complete set of Long Piercing, Locking BNC Cable Wire Probes
AND also get the Unique Power Probe 3 Head Adapter that will reliably and safely allow for probing Modules with (+) 5 Volts DC
and not put the PCM or BCM or other Class 2 Network Modules at Risk whenever doing so:

And last for this batch of common problem solvers, is another High Quality Lighted Pin Probe for confirming Powers & Grounds and testing Circuits under LOADED Conditions.
This one is especially nice to work with AND it comes with a Replacement Spring Bulb, too: