What are you doing today?

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Nov 18, 2011
Work for few more minutes then freedom


Dec 4, 2011
More job applications and hunting. Date available? Um, depends on when the kid gets here!
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Decided to do some tinkering on some home projects. Fired up the HV fan in the garage and cut some pieces down to size. Had to pick off some small pieces of metal out of my track pants from the sparks. :biggrin:

More job applications and hunting. Date available? Um, depends on when the kid gets here!

Good luck man, and congrats (if I missed the announcement in another thread) :thumbsup:
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Dec 2, 2011
Just waiting for 4 bells.


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Jul 22, 2015
Work continues on the Sierra; thinking about taking a break today and visiting an RV show 'in town' this weekend (relatively speaking; about 20mi or so away).

However, that's trouble ($) in the making.


Nov 18, 2011
little bit of work and figuring out what I need for camping on Saturday.


Dec 4, 2011
Work. Then I'll be working on another thing for my old boss during lunch to make a few extra bucks.


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Outdoor work, mostly fence depending on how hot it gets.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Trying not to watch the clock, but doing a poor job of that. Texting friends and chatting online to pass the time, thankfully it's almost lunch. Talking to some coworkers about time off, and I realized just how little I've used so far this year, so eyeballing the calendar to take a few days. Thinking a few days the last week of August might come in handy... :undecided:
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Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Doctor appointment this morning and then I hope nothing else. It is suppose to hit 115 again today...
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Texting friends and chatting online to pass the time,

What did we ever do at work before the Internet and cell phones? Work? :tongue:

The weather cooperated and I finished the pool fence. Now maybe the wife can leave me alone long enough for me to fix the Saab (it's been on jack stands for over a month), get the tires changed on the TB, check for that screeching noise from one of the front wheels, fix HER car and have a beer!


Jan 15, 2012
Finished my Dana 44 front diff. rebuild and mounted it on my barn wall for future use. Strange but I mount all my good spare parts high on my barn walls ...kinda like trophy mounts but, no critters were harmed in my display...:2thumbsup:


Mar 26, 2018
sitting at work, going through new threads
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Got an early start. Hit up the store to pick up an order I placed last night. 80 pounds of dirt, 10 pounds of grass seed, cheap oscillating sprinkler, some PVC cement and a water faucet splitter. Got those put in the garage to deal with later, and it was time to tackle the jungle, as I've put off mowing it for about a week and a half longer than I should have.... Grass was maybe 7" high in some spots, and although we haven't seen rain in a few days, the clippings were still pretty wet.


Was wrapping up the back yard, when I had a "hey genius" moment. My hose was coiled up by the rear faucet on a concrete slab, except for one coil that wasn't... I saw it there, didn't stop to move it, or go around it... Drove right over the damn thing. "Hey genius, WTH did you think was gonna happen?" :Banghead: :suicide:


My other hose was pretty shot, leaking from both ends, with a couple of kinks that I couldn't get rid of, so I guess I'm in the market for a couple of new ones. Also had another issue pop up, when getting ready to put this morning's goodies into the truck, the handle let loose on one side, so that means that pin slid out (again) Maybe I'll get around to that today, or tomorrow.


Mar 26, 2018
Got an early start.
My other hose was pretty shot, leaking from both ends, with a couple of kinks that I couldn't get rid of, so I guess I'm in the market for a couple of new ones.

A 5/8" double end hose barb and worm clamps, then wrap with tape so it doesn't get hung up on stuff for now.
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Feb 18, 2018
Got an early start. Hit up the store to pick up an order I placed last night. 80 pounds of dirt, 10 pounds of grass seed, cheap oscillating sprinkler, some PVC cement and a water faucet splitter. Got those put in the garage to deal with later, and it was time to tackle the jungle, as I've put off mowing it for about a week and a half longer than I should have.... Grass was maybe 7" high in some spots, and although we haven't seen rain in a few days, the clippings were still pretty wet.

View attachment 85355

Was wrapping up the back yard, when I had a "hey genius" moment. My hose was coiled up by the rear faucet on a concrete slab, except for one coil that wasn't... I saw it there, didn't stop to move it, or go around it... Drove right over the damn thing. "Hey genius, WTH did you think was gonna happen?" :Banghead::suicide:

View attachment 85356

My other hose was pretty shot, leaking from both ends, with a couple of kinks that I couldn't get rid of, so I guess I'm in the market for a couple of new ones. Also had another issue pop up, when getting ready to put this morning's goodies into the truck, the handle let loose on one side, so that means that pin slid out (again) Maybe I'll get around to that today, or tomorrow.

I used to throw away a hose and buy new when damaged as those stupid repair clamps always leaked and the clamps cut your hand open etc. Till I found these things,they can be had in male and female and are the answer to farming.


  • Screenshot_2018-07-28 Male Metal Hose Mender - Home Hardware.png
    Screenshot_2018-07-28 Male Metal Hose Mender - Home Hardware.png
    289.7 KB · Views: 2


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Put up my American Flag, the outside of my apartment gets fucked by the landscapers, so I'll have to take it down every Sunday night. Can't have old glory messed with.

Then look the lady to Applebee's and opened up the rig on the highway.
"Make sure you don't miss the exit, driving around like Fast & The Furious..."
Truck sounds like a bunch of angry beehives with these headers, loud as hell too.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Another early start (aren't you supposed to sleep in on the weekends? :undecided:) Hit the hardware store for a hose repair kit. Was going to get the brass ones, but opted for the plastic ones since they came in a kit, and had what I needed to repair both my hoses for $4 and some change. Majority of the reviews were pretty bad, complaints of leaking and lack of durability. Figured I'd chance it, I don't use my hoses very often, for very long, or require high pressure, so shouldn't be a major problem.

On the way back, stopped at the car wash, and gave the EXT a good scrub. Couldn't get the front rims perfectly clean, too much brake dust buildup, but they're way cleaner than they were. Maybe I should invest in one of those drill attachments for next time... Got home, and remembered seeing a few boards along the fence loose at the bottom, so screwed those back down. Some critter(s) are probing for spots along the fence to dig their way under. They seemed to like the double gate, cuz there was a deep hole that went all the way under. So that's gonna need to get filled. Need to put down something to discourage that. Think I have some spare fencing rolled up in the shed, will have to see if it's long enough. Thinking if I anchor it down it should prevent more digging and the grass can grow up through the openings.

Got my main hose repaired, tested it with the cheap sprinkler I got yesterday, and there were no leaks like many of the reviews complained about. Maybe because it was sitting in the sun all morning? Oh well, we'll see how it holds up.

IMG_20180729_094929.jpg IMG_20180729_100821.jpgIMG_20180729_100720.jpg

Taking a hydration break now after vacuuming out the truck. Going to start on chores around the house, got the music up loud and ready to roll!


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Just trying to avoid the heat. Really sucks being in an apartment because there is no place to work on things like a garage to try and cool down. Our lows are still in the 90s and finally in a downward swing in temperatures.
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Nov 18, 2011
Getting in late to work and hating this rain that is supposed to hang around for a few days


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
34A0E1ED-F1AE-4AE4-9BD9-B04D2079A77C.jpegAhhh mondays..


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON


Jul 6, 2014


Dec 4, 2011
Unplug the pump. Still blow a fuse? Harness fault. No fuse blow? Meter the pump, might be defective.


Jul 6, 2014
Unplug the pump. Still blow a fuse? Harness fault. No fuse blow? Meter the pump, might be defective.
Frayed wire on the coil harness.


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Figured id give an update on the truck. So after replacing the fuel pump in the truck, it still wouldnt kick the pump on, so i ended up checking and swapping relays, did nothing.

Noticed as i was in the fuse box that the ECM 1 fuse was blown, okay. Put a new fuse in, key on and blows the next. Double checked the pump wiring (had to rewire for the new plug) all was good there.

Went back and looked for a loose ground, nothing. As i was going back over the engine, noticed that the wire loom from the passenger side was resting on the exhaust manifold. Pulled it off the manifold, replaced the fuse again, fired right up. Cleaned up the wiring and cleaned up everything and shes all good now.

Oh and i got a new battery for it too.:2thumbsup:


Nov 18, 2011
In the cube village


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Getting ready to head to the u-pull to find a rear hatch actuator for the Saab and possibly running boards for the TB. Taking the dog to the vet this afternoon for shots and checkup.
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Last day in the office before vacation starts. Got a few things to work on to keep me busy until a training session at 2, and corporate call at 4, then I'm home free. Friend of mine flies in from Canada this evening, and will be here until Monday, so plenty of fun plans on tap for the next few days. :thumbsup:

Boss came in this morning and said she thought my rear right tire looked low... Uh oh, that's the same one I plugged last fall. :mad: Went out for a peek, and sure enough just a tad soft compared to the other 3. I'll add some air when I get home and procrastinate investigating that until Monday afternoon.


Dec 4, 2011
Didn't go to work, in fact did not sleep last night. Wife went into labor about midnight and by 5 our son was born.


Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Took my new wheels and tires into discount to get mounted
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Didn't go to work, in fact did not sleep last night. Wife went into labor about midnight and by 5 our son was born.
Congrats dad! Hope everybody is doing well.

Went to the u-pull. Lots of 360/370's. Scored a pair of running boards, a pair of new hatch cylinders, a hatch lock actuator.

Then I found the holy grail of TB's. Not one but TWO North Face! I was gonna take the roof lights but these were EXT. Damn, won't fit my truck. I think EXT North Face are even rarer no?

Found a burnt out one. Guess what caused the fire? There was also a totally burned out Rainier. I would have liked the gauges out of that one but it was an engine fire.

I always find it interesting at the yard.
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Apr 11, 2018
Fenton MI
Congrats dad! Hope everybody is doing well.

Went to the u-pull. Lots of 360/370's. Scored a pair of running boards, a pair of new hatch cylinders, a hatch lock actuator.

Then I found the holy grail of TB's. Not one but TWO North Face! I was gonna take the roof lights but these were EXT. Damn, won't fit my truck. I think EXT North Face are even rarer no?

Found a burnt out one. Guess what caused the fire? There was also a totally burned out Rainier. I would have liked the gauges out of that one but it was an engine fire.

I always find it interesting at the yard.
View attachment 85389View attachment 85390View attachment 85392View attachment 85393
What would it cost you to buy them from the junk yard? I’ve been wanting these for my EXT for some time now. If you could pull them and bring them to the meet I’d pay you for the cost and your time if they’re not super expensive.


Feb 25, 2017
New Jersey
Did an oil change on the Duramax today, first one since ive actually had the truck so im pretty glad the Shell Rotella is outta there.

While i was there i pulled the circled plug out of the oil filter housing and dabbed a bit of thread sealant on it to stop the oil leak.
BBC38D69-80E7-4E1D-B7EF-EA79CF59EE9C.jpegBC5D6BC0-3C45-409B-83F5-AABB7492DD9F.jpegSome action shots thanks to my mom, lol.
F9BA67E8-8AC0-4309-B7D4-0AE8BEB8FF1E.jpegPut in 2.5 gallons of Delvac, acdelco filter. A whole lot quieter then it was.


Dec 2, 2011
Didn't go to work, in fact did not sleep last night. Wife went into labor about midnight and by 5 our son was born.

Congratulations again to you and your wife!


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
What would it cost you to buy them from the junk yard? I’ve been wanting these for my EXT for some time now. If you could pull them and bring them to the meet I’d pay you for the cost and your time if they’re not super expensive.

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