What are you doing today?

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Dec 30, 2013
Sparky said:
Staying late today at work so I can convert a physical disk that is attached to a virtual machine to a virtual disk so that I can enable replication to the backup server.

Something the previous guy probably should have done to begin with, but at the time also wasn't a big deal as we weren't doing replication at that time. But if you're doing a virtual server why not just have all the drives attached to it virtual as well? Seems like that would make more sense...
Welcome to Corporate Nature 101. First lesson: If it makes sense, it won't happen.


Dec 4, 2011
Well when I told the owner that we had no backups after I found out, he basically wrote me a blank check and said to get whatever we needed for it. So I built a whole backup server that is capable of running everything if the main server went down (albeit a bit slower).

I built that a few months ago and we've had full backups ever since, but haven't had time in the schedule to take the server offline and do the drive conversion for replication until now.
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Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Well just got pulled over a few minutes ago. Got me for my tint and warned about license plate cover. Also mentioned to me that my wheel well lights might have other officers pull me over because green is not a DOT approved color. His tint meter said my front tint was 14%, that pisses me off because I asked for a higher tint when I had it done. I think he was just looking for someone to pull over. I've passed many police in my TB as much as it stands out, especially at night and have never had any issues. Atleast he wasn't a dick to me. Have to call in Monday to see what the fine amount is , but he said 1st offense for window tint violation is $141, 2nd is $240, and 4th is $400 something.

High Voltage

Nov 18, 2011
Capote said:
Well just got pulled over a few minutes ago. Got me for my tint and warned about license plate cover. Also mentioned to me that my wheel well lights might have other officers pull me over because green is not a DOT approved color. His tint meter said my front tint was 14%, that pisses me off because I asked for a higher tint when I had it done. I think he was just looking for someone to pull over. I've passed many police in my TB as much as it stands out, especially at night and have never had any issues. Atleast he wasn't a dick to me. Have to call in Monday to see what the fine amount is , but he said 1st offense for window tint violation is $141, 2nd is $240, and 4th is $400 something.
Tint laws suck!! I got busted a few years ago.
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Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
In my area, you can take the tint off and go to the court house and they'll wave the ticket. My bro did that multiple times on his Silverado because it was cheaper to get it re-tinted than to pay the ticket.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
High Voltage said:
Tint laws suck!! I got busted a few years ago.
I know man it's sooo stupid, mine doesn't even look 14% like he claims.

Mounce said:
In my area, you can take the tint off and go to the court house and they'll wave the ticket. My bro did that multiple times on his Silverado because it was cheaper to get it re-tinted than to pay the ticket.
I'm just gonna pay the ticket :blinkhuh: . I don't feel like getting it re-tinted. The guys who did the tint got that tint spray all over the interior of my driver's side door, which fucked up the paint job I did on it like a week prior.


Dec 5, 2011
Capote said:
Well just got pulled over a few minutes ago. Got me for my tint and warned about license plate cover. Also mentioned to me that my wheel well lights might have other officers pull me over because green is not a DOT approved color. His tint meter said my front tint was 14%, that pisses me off because I asked for a higher tint when I had it done. I think he was just looking for someone to pull over. I've passed many police in my TB as much as it stands out, especially at night and have never had any issues. Atleast he wasn't a dick to me. Have to call in Monday to see what the fine amount is , but he said 1st offense for window tint violation is $141, 2nd is $240, and 4th is $400 something.
Never have had a problem with GSP, its mainly the local police. Henry County Police pulled me over saying my tint was to dark and couldn't see my seatbelt. When I gave him me I.D. he asked why I was far from home(I was 17 miles away), then he got his tint meter it read 37%. I lol'd when he couldn't find anything wrong.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Porkins said:
Never have had a problem with GSP, its mainly the local police. Henry County Police pulled me over saying my tint was to dark and couldn't see my seatbelt. When I gave him me I.D. he asked why I was far from home(I was 17 miles away), then he got his tint meter it read 37%. I lol'd when he couldn't find anything wrong.
Wow man, some police are sketchy :eek:
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Dec 5, 2011
Capote said:
Wow man, some police are sketchy :eek:
Yeah, alot of good ol' boys in my area. I hope to move once I finish my criminal justice degree and find a good dept.
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Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Porkins said:
Yeah, alot of good ol' boys in my area. I hope to move once I finish my criminal justice degree and find a good dept.
Best of luck with that man :thumbsup:
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Dec 30, 2013
Pricing things up. Going to make sure I have everything on-hand that I'll need, and if all looks well I'll be proceeding with the thermostat change-out. I was expecting everything to be a bit more expensive, apparently AAP carries the Stant for only like $26, which isn't too bad at all, well under my expectation of $50.

Then to get my 3489809384 gallons of coolant and water and get to work.

High Voltage

Nov 18, 2011
I was a few countys away. I am usually very polite to the police. But this guy was an ass! He had a blonde ride along and was trying to show off! He asked me if I had a muffler and asked me to rev my engine. He said it sounds louder at the back of the vehicle. I said yeah that's where it comes out! I had a discussion with the sheriff later.


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
Capote said:
Well just got pulled over a few minutes ago. Got me for my tint and warned about license plate cover. Also mentioned to me that my wheel well lights might have other officers pull me over because green is not a DOT approved color. His tint meter said my front tint was 14%, that pisses me off because I asked for a higher tint when I had it done. I think he was just looking for someone to pull over. I've passed many police in my TB as much as it stands out, especially at night and have never had any issues. Atleast he wasn't a dick to me. Have to call in Monday to see what the fine amount is , but he said 1st offense for window tint violation is $141, 2nd is $240, and 4th is $400 something.
What plates do you have on it? I use to get a lot of crap for out of state plates.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
GA tag, I have a smoked out license plate cover back there


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
I love one plate, having one in the front takes away from the look of the vehicle IMO


Nov 20, 2011
North Las Vegas
I use to get pulled over in FL and GA because of my tint and out of state plates

High Voltage

Nov 18, 2011
Apparently I'm working today! Got to bed at 12...phone rang at 12:30.....bad storm had to run our generators for the Maytag/Amana plant.....turned them off at 4......called again at 7......storm.....run generators. I really need to be at home working on a large sign order I have. Oh well.....I need the $$$$ and this payes better than signs!


Dec 6, 2011
Going to be installing the new rear wiper today.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Birthday pool party this afternoon, maybe a Home Depot run, restock the fridge this evening, and lotsa DVR time.
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Dec 4, 2011
Gonna be heading to work soon to finish up the data migration and do some other server stuff that I couldn't do with everyone there.


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Maybe re-do the Plastidip on my hood, if I don't feel to lazy today :undecided:


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Oh my god! :crackup:
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Dec 4, 2011
Still doing work thang with this server stuff


Supporting Donor
Jul 14, 2014
Atlanta, GA


Dec 30, 2013
Reading. MSDS sheets, specifically. Did you know that consumption of ethanol can help decrease the metabolism of ethylene glycol (common ingredient in antifreeze)? I'm reading an MSDS for Valvoline's Zetex right now and it says this. It also says, and I quote, " If medical care will be delayed several hours, give the patient three to four 1-ounce oral "shots" of 86-proof or higher whiskey before or during transport to the hospital. "

So part of treatment potentially involves getting tipsy. The more you know!
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