What are you doing today?

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Apr 3, 2013
Its FRIDAY! After work this morning going to do some yard work. Grass is almost two weeks overdue for cutting :eek:. Running some errands and then hopefully repainting my grille and cleaning up my door sills.
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Nov 18, 2011
Today is a mystery


Nov 18, 2011


Nov 21, 2011
Work, then home to cut the grass, plant a few flowers, and tear down some more of the deck.


Nov 17, 2012
Cruising the scenic St Croix river on a houseboat this afternoon.
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Dec 4, 2011
I may replace the brakes on my Camaro after work. Have had the parts over a month but haven't gotten to it yet. I was going to wait until I had a lot of time to take the calipers off and make it all nice and clean, but I may just leave that for now as obviously I haven't had the time to do all that yet!


Nov 18, 2011

Working on finishing up a small audio install in this 78 fairmont from yesterday. Nothing fancy but should be a huge improvement over the 2 knob radio and single dash speaker.


Nov 18, 2011
Bout to head home then to Freudenfest...the local German beer fest!


Dec 4, 2011
Hung out at the beach. Good vacation so far. My son cut his foot on some glass. Now beach time is over with. Our view from the back porch.


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Dec 30, 2013
Denali n DOO said:
Spending the rest of my severance money I been sitting on. Buying a park trailer, 2015 Salem Estate 404FB. Seams pretty much loaded. Sleeps 9, lay z boy furniture, stereo with subwoofer, full size fridge n stove, fireplace. Back room has bunks, dining table(bed), 2nd stereo and big windows. This will be our holidays for a few years now.

That's not camping, that's just living in a differently-shaped house with more trees around it. :tongue:

Finally the promised pictures. I looked and looked and looked all over and decided something was going wrong enough I should really go turn the electric off at the outside disconnect rather than just the big breaker inside. Good thing:


Pictured: Why barbecues are best held outdoors, and also in an actual barbecue.

Then we call the power company, explain and they say they'll be down. Then they call back a minute later, "Wait you said there was an electrical fire?" "Yeah, but I'm not sure if it's on our end or yours, don't know how it works around here but either way we need our service cut for now."

Guy shows up, backup even arrives with a giant boom truck. Opens up the box, gives a nice big wow, then asks if I'd like to see what we got.


Pictured: Yes sir I would lik-- WAIT NO PUT THE COVER BACK THE HORROR THE HORROR. The right load side hot burnt up. Also notice the wiring mess to the right. The house-end neutral comes up from the bottom to the large screw. House-end ground hooks right above that into that ridiculously small screw that I don't think was meant to support 4-gauge wire. From there it has a tiny length of wire running to a case ground off to the side, and THEN gets hooked to the ground wire. New setup implements case ground via direct bolting of neutral/ground to the case, which is acceptable in the service disconnect.

Now, I have the new meter pan and service disconnect installed. Knockout installed. Service drops beautifully done in a nice Y for the hots and a nice neutral run that goes to the right, takes a beautiful 90 degree turn, and comes straight down. All connection points for these have had oxy-gard applied and worked in with a wire brush.

New service ground run, the two ground electrodes only have to be 6 feet apart but the maniacs put them about 12 apart so about $6 more in bare copper than should have been needed. Runs right up through a water-tight on the bottom, makes a nice 90 to the right, a 90 to go up and a final little 90 right to the middle of the right-side neutral bar (we have no separate ground so this is acceptable, it is listed as the alternate service ground point rather than running it up through the bottom, through the duct on the left installed in the box for running from underground service and then up around the top of the box back down to the dedicated lug). Resistance tests good, from the service neutral to the first ground rod is in the neighborhood of 0.3-0.4 ohms.

Now... one more thing to do. The Big Pull. 30 feet of 2-2-2-4 wire through roughly 26 or so feet of 1 1/2" Rigid conduit, with two 90 elbows. Problem is whoever ran the conduit didn't really secure it. There's a spot where it goes through the cinder blocks to the box, this is obviously anchored. A spot where it passes through a hole in the stairs, it rests on a step. no support for like 20 feet, then the elbow turning right which is sitting on a shelf in the workshop, then elbow up to the other junction box where it goes into the subpanel. So when I try the pull, the conduit just wants to flex. I may just condemn the old stuff and rip it out, apply all-new and properly secure it if nothing else.

And of course I work tomorrow, there goes half my sunlight. First world problems!

At least I used a weather-tight compound to seal up the hub on the service drop. Whoever installed the original I guess assumed since it's made of rubber a magical perfect seal will happen even though the sheathing may not exactly conform to its hole shape at that exact point. Probably what toasted this bad boy.
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Nov 18, 2011
Drinking beer....

Remember you can't drink all day without starting first thing in the morning.
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Feb 23, 2014
Gonna try to get rid of that annoying buzz from one of my speakers. Think it's from the Bose amp or a bad connection. Will come and go if I hit a bump the right way. If anyone has any pointers it will be appreciated.


Apr 16, 2014
Bought my carlisle show pass, bought some plastidip, touch up paint, and headlight restore kit, and later/tomorrow dip the wheels and grill, touch up scratches on bumpers, and restore the headlights. Also gonna order some replacement switchbacks as one of mine is being goofy. :smile:
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Cleaned up the crib a little bit, ran some errands, now back home to have some lunch and clear the DVR some. :cool:

Sir ffeJ

Dec 1, 2011
Playin' Diablo 3. Damn I love this game. Been a player from the start with all the Diablo games.


Dec 30, 2013
Mirage said:
Gonna try to get rid of that annoying buzz from one of my speakers. Think it's from the Bose amp or a bad connection. Will come and go if I hit a bump the right way. If anyone has any pointers it will be appreciated.
Yes. It's often a problem with a connection at the harness linking to the Rear Seat Audio control. When the buzzing shows up, reach back and give it a firm tap. Not hard, not trying to break it, just firm. See if it goes away, if so there's where it's at.


Dec 4, 2011
IllogicTC said:
Finally the promised pictures. I looked and looked and looked all over and decided something was going wrong enough I should really go turn the electric off at the outside disconnect rather than just the big breaker inside. Good thing:

Dude that is scary stuff :eek:

My parents' meter box burnt up kind of like that a few years back. We noticed the lights would pulse and flicker every so often so we went on the hunt. On a whim I walked outside and you could feel the heat radiating from the box. If it is radiating from the enclosure I don't want to know how hot the wiring was! I wasn't there when the power company came out and replaced it all but my dad said it was really charred in there.


Nov 18, 2011

Ran some massive SHCA 1/0 runs for the alts to frame runs in this blazer. Added heat wrap where the grounds are close to the upper rad hose. They aren't going to sit on the hose but they're close enough that they will get warm.

As far as how massive the SHCA wires are, the dies I used for SHCA 1/0 lugs were two sizes up from 1/0 AWG. Yeah. :eek:


Dec 30, 2013
Sparky said:
Dude that is scary stuff :eek:

My parents' meter box burnt up kind of like that a few years back. We noticed the lights would pulse and flicker every so often so we went on the hunt. On a whim I walked outside and you could feel the heat radiating from the box. If it is radiating from the enclosure I don't want to know how hot the wiring was! I wasn't there when the power company came out and replaced it all but my dad said it was really charred in there.
Yeah, the power dude said "That's on your end," disconnected everything up top and pulled the meter, and left. As far as I know our power company doesn't offer electrical services like this; you'd think they would. Funny enough, I'm reading through a manual and I guess for WV (and JUST this state, not the other three they are involved in) THEY actually supply the meter pans, and customer is responsible for wiring and installation. Oops, already bought my own, now I have to get it approved. Our old unit was a one-piece NOT supplied by the company, I don't see what a new one-piece will hurt.

Really if I had caught this a lot sooner, I could have maybe gotten away with checking all fittings and replacing the main breaker itself. Oh well.




Nov 18, 2011
Church, truck work, grill out...twas a good day


Apr 3, 2013
Not much completed this weekend. Back to work then messing around with the weedwacker to see why it will not run. Still need to paint the grille and a complete detail of the truck before Truck Nats.
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Dec 18, 2011
Church and then helping the bride clean the house then off to do some shopping with her then grilling time


Jan 25, 2013
Researching old military trucks till I fall asleep then slinging pizza in the morning


Nov 18, 2011
Back to work
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