I think in a former life, I might have been a plumber. I'm having another toilet misadventure, but thankfully not as difficult to troubleshoot as the one earlier this year. Some time ago, I noticed the fill valve in the tank would leak from the top, spraying against the underside of the tank lid. If the lid had any slack on the handle side, water would seep through and drip down the side of the tank. Minor annoyance, figured I'd take care of that when something else needed fixing. Well earlier this week, started noticing some drips under the tank.
On closer look, there was a droplet hanging from the bottom of one of the tank bolts. Looking in the tank, the bolt heads were a bit rusty, so might as well replace those, do the seals, and drop in a new fill valve. Picked up the goods yesterday, and got to it after work. One quick surprise was the state of the tank to bowl seal. It was all screwed up like the last person to replace it put the seal in, and the tank on top of it. There were obvious signs of previous leaks there too at some point. Ahh the reminders that my house was a rental before I bought it...
Cleaned that up, and replaced the seal. Everything else went in normally. When I turned the water back on, had some spraying from the connection to the fill valve. Had to reseat the hose, then it was fine. Couple of test flushes to check for leaks from the tank, and there weren't any, so started cleaning up.
Before I left, took one more look, and now see a couple of drops on the floor under the stop valve.

Feeling around, it's not coming from either of the threaded areas, but from the handle itself. Went to shut off the valve again and the plastic handle broke, causing it to free spin. Took out the center screw to find the plastic had split along both sides of the shaft, making it lose its grip on the valve. Channel locks to the rescue, but the leak didn't stop. Fiddling with it more just made the leak worse so had to go to plan C.
Crawled up in the attic (thankfully there's an access point right next to the bathroom) and found the shut off valve to the cold water line that feeds the sink and toilet. Got the stop valve off at the wall, on closer look there were some hard water deposits, so my guess is they built up over time damaging the seals, and moving the valve broke them free causing the leak. Picked up a new valve this morning and got it installed, but will wait until the rain storms come through to cool down the attic before I try turning the water back on. Worried about leaks, I put a few wraps of teflon tape on the threads. If that thing leaks while I'm in the attic, it will take me a bit to get back down to check it. And the last thing I wanna be doing is going back and forth up there.
Also stopped at the grocery store for a few things, and tested negative for covid, after dealing with that for the last 2 weeks.