Tool Talk


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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
When I was up in North Florida for the "Nissan Quest 3.5L Timing Chain Debacle" ... I almost got myself into 'Deep Kimshee' when my Harbor Freight Tried and True Orange Battle Tank 2.5 Ton Jack... refused to budge an Inch. I was forced on very short notice and in "Unfamiliar Country" surroundings to more or less go a bit overboard when I subsequently purchased this ACDelco Model 34700 3.5 Ton Floor Jack. THIS THING turned out to be a Godsend ...BECAUSE OF THE NEED FOR SOME EXTREMELY FINE TWIST CONTROL AND THE LOW PROFILE that such a robust Floor Jack deserves to have and so seldom does. Think "Patrick" in the National Car Rental Commercials saying the word,"Control" and you'll get the right idea of how satisfying this was.

I will admit that it was WAY Overpriced (...around $250.00) up there at the Madison Florida O'Reilly Auto Parts place... but since I also have the Heavy Y2K Silverado to deal with, I figured that eventually I'd get all of my money back. And without any doubt, I actually DID on that very same 24 Day Repair Trip. THIS was Money Well Spent... and like Carlton emphasized, even with having such a Sterling Name and Reputation like ACDelco... I STILL used Multiple Supporting Jack Stands all up under the Nissan.

What surprised me completely was how EASY it worked from having the Dual Hydraulic Lift Cylinders feature. I was able to make the very necessary Micro-Adjustments; BOTH Up and Down during each lifting episode. I'd recommend it for anyone with a Hefty SUV or 1/2 Ton Chevy-GMC Trucks. This Video echoes my own experience; albeit without the slow fanfare of the Un-Boxing and the Setting Up displayed in the first part of the Video:

"There are only Two Kinds of Floor Jacks... Those that Have Failed... and Those that Are Going to..." MRRSM
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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
So I decided to buy a new toolbox while I am cleaning up and cleaning out my garage. I shopped around they HF, Lowes, Home Depot, and Sears.

I finally decided on this..
Sears Craftsman Toolbox

Its currently offered at 62.5% off normal pricing, at 299.94. Its also a clearance item. Its 52" wide and 18" deep and comes with a butcher block table on top, which is the main reason I got it, as well as a 1500 lb carrying capacity, and a power strip with USB. HF has one similar but it narrower, and deeper, but comes with only 1 drawer, and cabinets. I want drawers to sort out the tools. Lowes/Home Depot have similar ones as well for 100-600 dollars more.

Sears also has a lot of clearance items right now, after they filed bankruptcy, and the company the divested into Sears is forcing a huge inventory clearance. Every tool I shopped (that I needed, or at least thats what I tell the wife) was 40-60% off.

I really REALLY wanted this one. But at 1000 bucks.. It just wasnt in the cards...
I want this one!
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Just YT surfing and came upon these.

The first and second ramps are cool. Not sure the puck stand would be useful on trucks. Could it slip off the blocks going backwards or forwards?


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Here's another cool idea. It's got a patent but the site doesn't give a way to order or price. Look simple enough to make yourself.

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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Those lift stands are a great idea! Guess you have to get in touch with him directly, and get the price of the day, hoping you catch him in a good mood! :laugh:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Those are neat. Useful for working under the car but useless is you need to remove the wheels. Saw someone say he sells them for $800+. At that price, I think there are better options. If I were to build my own, I'd use hitch pins to lock the posts and add some angle iron front and back to act as wheel chocks.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
As per Post #s 323 & 324... Courtesy @Mooseman....

From eBay (Shown as an Exemplar for Discussion...) comes THIS parallel Idea:

This Design Theme seems to work well as a blend of @Blkshdw 's Ramps that would also be a VERY FAST and Hopefully a VERY "Pinned Safe" lift solution to use; perhaps worth getting for Owners of several SUVs and Trucks. A pair of these could certainly speed up the servicing time ordinarily slowed down by the necessary trouble of working with a combinations of Floor Jacks and Jack Stands during the prepping time invested for the sake of access and safety.

There seem to be quite a few similar offers for these Lift-Ramps ... but I chose this particular eBay Vendor for this Exemplar Display because of the Very High Star Rating and their Large Sales Numbers that may be worth considering before deciding on whether to buy these ...and figuring out where to purchase these unique Lift-Ramps:

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Jul 22, 2015
Time has come for me to get a flaring kit (for steel lines). Would like to get something that works on as many widths / diameters as possible (adapter fittings are fine).

If anyone has a favorite they'd like to recommend (or brickbats for ones to stay away from), feel free to chime in. Thanks.


Jul 6, 2014
Time has come for me to get a flaring kit (for steel lines). Would like to get something that works on as many widths / diameters as possible (adapter fittings are fine).

If anyone has a favorite they'd like to recommend (or brickbats for ones to stay away from), feel free to chime in. Thanks.
I rented one from advance, a brake line one and it was crap. OEM was the brand. Dads clapped out MAC one worked better. The flares themselves were fine it was the brick that couldn't hold the line that was the problem... I'd look at OTC or something similar.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
With the recent spate of suggestions made by @Blkshdw and @Mooseman concerning the need for various Truck Ramps, Lever and Screw Jacks along with Jack Stands for use on Full Size Trucks and SUVs, I really had to Stop and Consider just how much additional, actual physical labor would be involved with having to Jack, Secure and then having to get the Silverado back down on the Ground by the end of each "Wrenching Day" while things carry on.

Our Local Ordinances and Regulations demand that No Vehicles can be left elevated and unattended overnight or you run the risk of the vehicle being towed away in the Dead Of Night... so there is no getting around the ordinary need for all this extra Up & Down 'Jacking and Stacking' efforts.

With hopefully cooler weather coming… Once I begin removing the Cast Iron Exhaust Manifolds from the 5.3L Engine, Installing the AEM Wide Band O2 Sensor and then installing the Stainless Steel Engine Headers and CAT-Back System along with SO MUCH MORE NECESSARY WORK to be done under the Truck… Getting a REALLY SAFE, RELIABLE AND FAST QUICK JACK Electric-Extended Length Hydraulic Lift System that can elevate the Truck Up Down in just 60 Seconds makes the most sense to me and seems well worth paying for.

So… after researching quite a few of the various Quick Jack BL-5000SLX Systems…(Scissor Jacks are Absolutely OUT OF THE QUESTION!) I finally decided to pull the pin and purchase THIS Heavy Duty Flavor of the Quick Jack due to the Bulk and Weight of my Truck and my desire NOT to have to unload the Truck Bed if needs be:

Ranger Quick Jack Model# BL-7000EXT Portable Car Lift System – 7,000 Pound Capacity (110vac)

Product description

"The Quick Jack BL-7000EXT is our heaviest-duty extended-length car lift model. No two ways about it, this lift is meant for homes, garages and shops that do serious lifting. Its sheer power makes it ideal for light-duty trucks and SUVs. With a 66” lift point reach, the BL-7000EXT will handle longer wheelbases with ease..."

Not Sure About THIS Being TRUE? Just Watch...


These Videos 'Fill In The Blanks' about the Un-Boxing, Set Up and Performance Issues:

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Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I am also considering a lift system. Have been looking seriously at this one..

5 year review

My needs are a bit different as I cant crawl around on the ground anymore (5 partially blown discs).
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Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
I finally decided to pull the pin and purchase THIS Heavy Duty Flavor of the Quick Jack due to the Bulk and Weight of my Truck and my desire NOT to have to unload the Truck Bed if needs be:

Looking forward to seeing how this works out for you, that would definitely come in handy

Have been looking seriously at this one..

I really like this one, and it would fit in my vertically challenged garage, that has only a 7.5' ceiling. :ugh: The EXT wouldn't be able to make use of the full lift range for getting into things in the center of the truck, but a smaller vehicle would for sure.
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
The two problems you would have to watch out for would be any riders in your Home Owner's Insurance against installing any Professional-Industrial Grade Lift Equipment on your property that could cause them to increase your premiums for the greater liability. That... and the County Tax Assessor's Office arbitrarily changing your Tax Rating Status from its present Residential Status over to a Commercial one, and irreversibly bumping your Annual Tax Fees as an unintended consequence.

The other thing about those Maxi Jack lifts is that they are EXTREMELY Robust and Heavy... and the likelihood of being able to tilt and move them around, on and off of their Bolt Mounting Concrete Pads will be very small. At least with the Dual Quick Jacks ...they have a very narrow signature and can be rolled around and stored with minimal space inside the Garage.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
Here is a great light at a great price if you need one, you wont see it at this price often

and a review and comparison against another popular light

Mine broke within a week. Flickers intermittently. Sometimes works fine, other times it flickers or won't work at all. I was very hopeful, most have seen I'm really digging some of the new stuff HF is putting out, but I got one out of a bad batch on this guy. Still have it but bought an Astro 40SLMAX to replace it and haven't looked back.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Only because I’m a “Two Fisted Mechanic”… Some would say “Ham Fisted”… I’m going to try getting this damned “Foxelli Survival Head Lamp” thing as an alternative; only because it’ll mean I ‘ll have one less thing to have to constantly maneuver around in darkness and have to “stick-unstick the light-stick” onto odd places, remember to detach it... and then have to put back into the Tool Chest … and need to plug it into yet another Re-Charging Unit to keep it working.

Instead, it uses a disposable AAA Batteries that will last as long as 45 Hours on the Lowest Setting. At around $12.00 (+ $1.00 or so…) its Cheap enough to get and should prove to be an ‘Illuminating Experiment” ... as long as the Head Band will expand comfortably enough to fit around my Huge Coconut.

This thing has sold 4,103 times (+1 with my buy) so it seems very popular:


The Video sold me on its Features... Amazon sold me on The Price:

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Mar 7, 2019
Mine broke within a week. Flickers intermittently. Sometimes works fine, other times it flickers or won't work at all. I was very hopeful, most have seen I'm really digging some of the new stuff HF is putting out, but I got one out of a bad batch on this guy. Still have it but bought an Astro 40SLMAX to replace it and haven't looked back.

Wow that is disappointing, I had high hopes for using this for under dash work and getting it up in those tight dark spots. I hope it was just a bad one, HF is really good about exchanging out.

What is it with cell based flashlights and flickering, that drives me crazy. I have had them do it on cheap ones(alkaline) and not so cheap ones(li-on), try to disassembly clean contacts stretch the springs, it seems to help for awhile and then starts again. I had given up on them until this one 8^(

My main worklight is a Snap-On 700 with lots of battle scars(and driven over) and still works great and a backup Maxxeon MXN00810 basically same light 1/4 the price and almost as durable(aluminum vs plastic shell)

Maxxeon seems to be good quality brand.



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Here is a great light at a great price if you need one, you wont see it at this price often

and a review and comparison against another popular light

I wound up getting this one. It's a pretty good light, for what I paid for it, and between the magnetic base and the pivoting head, I can get the light just where I want it.

I also have this one below, and it's a g*dsend as an underhood light. The ends unscrew and have bungee-type cords, which allows it to be suspended from the hood. Lights up the whole area nicely, and out of the way.

The only downside is that it can't be used 'while charging' (although I see the ad states that it can be -- not unless they redesigned it). It's on sale right now, also, although you'll get a better deal if you wait for one of the 20-25% off coupons. Normally runs $40.

The flashlight above can be used while charging, not that I bother doing that.

Neither of these run on disposable alkalines, and that's fine with me.



Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
I've been eyeballing the under hood light but hasn't reached the top of my "need" list yet lol. Would be nice for sure.

I've actually got 5 of their "Braun 5000 lumen hanging shop lights" mounted to the ceiling in my shop and have been OVERLY pleased with them. They commonly run them on sale for 19.99. Replaced ancient 8ft flourescents that were going out. It's like daytime in there at night! Got one more 8ft to replace but it's still working and conveniently in the junk corner so it's staying for now lol. 1 for 1, they're just as bright if not brighter than the 8 footers they replaced.
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Mar 7, 2019
"Braun 5000 lumen hanging shop lights"

I have 3 of those and they work great! I need a few more, they are currently on sale this weekend as well 8^)
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Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
I've actually got 5 of their "Braun 5000 lumen hanging shop lights" mounted to the ceiling in my shop and have been OVERLY pleased with them.
"Braun 5000 lumen hanging shop lights"

I have 3 of those and they work great!

Well, based on the rave reviews from you two, I will pick a couple of these up today! :grouphug:

One of the problems I have is that the section of the control board on my garage door opener that controls the lights went south, so I only have one overhead fixture, and wind up running ancillary lighting to compensate. (the opener works beautifully, otherwise, which is why I haven't replaced it)
When I find myself holding up a light to my torque wrench to verify the markings on it as I adjust it, I know I need more light for my aging eyes. ☀ 🔍🔎

Am really thankful that LEDs got so cheap -- I used to run halogen shop lighting, and not only is that energy intensive, it runs hot, as well.


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
So, a month or so ago I might have found a tool on the frame of a car at work...

Everyone knows and hates the Jesus clips on trans lines right? Well let me introduce you to Jesus himself.


Clips over the line and the three teeth fit into the recesses where the clip is not holding. Rotate it under the holding tangs of the clip a you now have a free line and never touched the clip with a pick, don't have to worry about bending the clip, and you don't have to worry about finding the clip when it flings out. Remove tool and snap line back in when whatever work is completed. Sweet.

I had seen these tools online and in master quick-connect-disconnect kits but always assumed the pick-a-clip trick was better since that's what everyone does. Boy, I was wrong. Looked it up online, can't remember prices but lots were complaining that the teeth weren't long enough for their application. Unsure of what their application was but it worked wonderfully on my truck at the radiator connection.


Jul 6, 2014
So, a month or so ago I might have found a tool on the frame of a car at work...

Everyone knows and hates the Jesus clips on trans lines right? Well let me introduce you to Jesus himself.

View attachment 91251View attachment 91252View attachment 91253

Clips over the line and the three teeth fit into the recesses where the clip is not holding. Rotate it under the holding tangs of the clip a you now have a free line and never touched the clip with a pick, don't have to worry about bending the clip, and you don't have to worry about finding the clip when it flings out. Remove tool and snap line back in when whatever work is completed. Sweet.

I had seen these tools online and in master quick-connect-disconnect kits but always assumed the pick-a-clip trick was better since that's what everyone does. Boy, I was wrong. Looked it up online, can't remember prices but lots were complaining that the teeth weren't long enough for their application. Unsure of what their application was but it worked wonderfully on my truck at the radiator connection.
My friend actually just took a normal hard fuel like tool and notched it similarly. But that's pretty nice.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Jul 22, 2015
Well let me introduce you to Jesus himself.

Given your elation, a better name might be 'Passion of the Christ' ? LOL


Mar 29, 2014
Tuscaloosa, AL
It was magical. I was just dreading pulling the clip and worrying about it leaking after assembly, bent one on the TB my first time touching one and it leaked. Conveniently found this tool beforehand and it was one of those hootin-hollerin celebration moments when I used it. It's the small things in life sometimes. :woohoo:


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
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Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
Reading the reviews on Amazon for that tool, lots say that the teeth aren't long enough. Found this one that seems to have a longer reach to engage the clip.




Supporting Donor
Dec 3, 2011
Brighton, CO
I started going they the garage today looking for all my tools, in all there various piles. I realized I have entirely way to many Craftsman screwdrivers. 1 whole drawer. Threw out a bunch of boxes from tools that I bought, but never opened. Still have a lot more to go thru to us weekend, I want as much space as possible when starting my rebuild. Need to go buy a torque wrench, and likely a breaker bar set. So far I am loving this Craftsman too box. Drawers are nice and deep. My only complaint is that it didn't come with any drawer liners. Have to go buy some of that.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
Went to move my jack away from the work bench last night, and noticed a small puddle. It's right by the washing machine, and a secondary hose that I use when I need water in the garage, so didn't mind it... Until I came home from work today, and noticed another similar puddle under the jack in it's new location :mad:

So that leaky seal that would allow the jack to slowly lose it's height when a load is left on it for more than a minute, has gotten to the point that it leaks without a load on it. From what I can tell, the leak is coming from the center shaft with the gear that locks/releases the fluid. Found a video of someone with the same issue with the same jack, and got a specific O ring that seems to fix his problem, so sometime this weekend, I'll go pick some up and give it a shot. Guess I'll need some jack oil too, to top it off.



Jan 15, 2012
Went to move my jack away from the work bench last night, and noticed a small puddle. It's right by the washing machine, and a secondary hose that I use when I need water in the garage, so didn't mind it... Until I came home from work today, and noticed another similar puddle under the jack in it's new location :mad:

So that leaky seal that would allow the jack to slowly lose it's height when a load is left on it for more than a minute, has gotten to the point that it leaks without a load on it. From what I can tell, the leak is coming from the center shaft with the gear that locks/releases the fluid. Found a video of someone with the same issue with the same jack, and got a specific O ring that seems to fix his problem, so sometime this weekend, I'll go pick some up and give it a shot. Guess I'll need some jack oil too, to top it off.

In the mean time, close off the geared valve to keep it from leaking. Both of my jacks also leak a bit, so I always remember to close the valve when not being used. I should replace my O-rings too.


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
If you are in need of a 'Bit More Multi-Meter Horse Power' than the Basic HF flavor... Amazon has a FDMM (Fairly DECENT Multi-Meter) that is 'NO FLUKE' in its Excellent Performance. I picked this one up for more than HALF OFF its MSRP at around $34.00 with Free S&H for Amazon Prime Customers. It arrived in only a few days.

This Multi-Meter comes with a Bag Full of Bennies and is just LOADED with Cool Performance Surprises! I took some discreet Still Un-Boxing Images attached below as POP... because I try to refrain from discussing the Pros and Cons of any Tools that I don’t actually purchase and use first hand:

KAIWEETS Model # HT118A Multi-Meter:


You will NEVER find a a Better Un-Boxing AND Professional Testing Demonstrating on "How To Use" this particular Multi-Meter than the one shown below. Downloading and Saving this Video will also come in handy... no matter WHAT Brand-Make-Model of DMM You Own:

...and for any Curious Canadians THIS one is using a Different Name Branding:

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Mar 7, 2019
Mine broke within a week. Flickers intermittently. Sometimes works fine, other times it flickers or won't work at all. I was very hopeful, most have seen I'm really digging some of the new stuff HF is putting out, but I got one out of a bad batch on this guy. Still have it but bought an Astro 40SLMAX to replace it and haven't looked back.

So I went to use this the other night and it was acting all wacky, it would turn on if I held the button but go out when I let go and not come one at all and was heading over to return it and I found the butt cap slightly loose, tightened it up and all good again. Maybe give the spring a little stretch, still hoping for a good light 8^)


Jul 6, 2014
Had the precision eyeball calibrated today. Runs within a 32nd. Not too shabby.
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Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
I was changing pads and rotors Saturday when I noticed some jerk put the screws back in the rotors. Those things just never come off well in MI with the salt. I always throw them away and just use a lug nut to hold the rotors on.

I tried using an impact screwdriver and a propane torch. neither really helped. The propane torch didn't even get the screw remotely red. So, I decided to go grab me some more heat. I went to lowes and grabbed the oxy/map kit below. That thing does an amazing job and it'll be great for those tight places.



Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
Nice... But Never in the presence of any kind of Spray Brake Cleaning Solvent or Residue:

Brake-Kleen + Open Flame = Phosgene Gas :faint:


Dec 4, 2011
Ottawa, ON
I had one of those years ago. Buying the tanks got annoying really fast and I quickly graduated to a real set of oxy/acetylene torches. Haven't looked back since.


Dec 16, 2018
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Yeah, those were just something quick to get the job done and for small projects. I'm pending getting an oxy/acetylene torch from FB. It's 10/20 cu ft. set full of gas for $200, with new gauges, torch, torch tips, and hose.


Jul 6, 2014
Nice... But Never in the presence of any kind of Spray Brake Cleaning Solvent or Residue:

Brake-Kleen + Open Flame = Phosgene Gas :faint:
Having done lab scale chemical synthesis... about the only way you can get get phosgene at home is via welding. The UV cleaves the chlorine correctly for its formation. Otherwise the flame, while still not good for you... won't kill you. :tiphat:


Lifetime VIP Donor
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Oct 22, 2015
Tampa Bay Area
I won't challenge your knowledge of Chemistry... But when it comes to Safety Issues... We should never quibble on the finer aspects of this issue. I became aware of this phenomena 10 Years ago after reading this First Hand Experience Article from someone who nearly died after his use of Brake Cleaner on incandescently hot metal created the Noxious Gas. YMMV... But leaning on the side of caution might be the best approach with this stuff:

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