Telescopic Magnet... EVERY mechanic, no matter what your skill, should have one.
Why? Because SOME bolts will drop on the ground, right in the center of the vehicle, IF you're lucky...
the other bolts will bounce into any pan of oil you have under or near the vehicle.
And your screwdrivers, pliers and wrenches... yupp, they are masters of finding the darkest, tightest crevice to fall into.
If you haven't already added a telescopic magnet to your tool box, you simply haven't been working on automobiles long enough.... lol
( When I was managing a used car lot, the first question I would ask mechanic-applicants was- "what size is your manget?"
The answer to that question would contribute to the fate of that job interview

AND, when you start losing your vision (like I have), those bolts are sometimes hard to see on the concrete floor...
and that is why they created "the floor sweeper magnet".