As a VERY Important Safety Issue Follow Up to Post #867...
That High Energy Micro-Pulse Arc Spot Welder may be working at what seems to be an
EXTREMELY Small Time Scale when compared with a Typical MIG or Stick ARC Welder... so it might
seem like one would not necessarily have to be very concerned with the impact upon their Vision and Eye Retinas from observing Ultra Bright Welding Arc-Light in VERY CLOSE PROXIMITY and when using A MAGNIFIED LENS surrounded by a Bright Circumferential Lighted Work Field.
As a fairly Elderly Man, I have endured multiple operations upon my eyes that included the full replacement of my Organic Eye Lenses due to having Blinding Cataracts... which resulted in my receiving some pretty sophisticated installments of UV Resistant Acrylic Lenses that will
always need
to be respected when it comes to any exposure to Ambient High Intensity Ultra-Violet (UV) Radiation.
Think of it THIS way... In the same way that Normal Headlights made of Acrylic Plastic can degrade into a Yellow Morass in the presence of Direct too can the lenses inside of my own Eye Balls. And Not to belabor this much longer, but I should stress that I have also had additional Ophthalmic Surgeries to correct bi-lateral Astigmatism where the unfortunate "Egg Shape" at the front of my eyes and corneas required them being sliced into very fine concentric rings that once healed completely, allowed the clear front surfaces to become quite round and ..
.normal....and Crystal CLEAR.
What this meant to me was that I would never need to wear Corrective Lens Glasses for Distance Vision
EVER again. This almost Super-Human Vision Transformation so much surprised my In-Laws up in North Florida a few years back while at their Home Grown Shooting Range, when I suddenly borrowed back a S&W Model 64 Revolver I used to carry when on Patrol back in the early 1970s just to prove a point during their Target Shooting meant to impress me.
Years earlier, I had passed that Weapon along to my Son... So when I asked to borrow it for a moment, he smiled wryly when he handed it over to his Old Dad. And in short order, from a distance of around 75 Yards... I rapid-fired all six rounds into a sand-filled Yellow Prestone Coolant Jug, well stuck into a Sand Bank Bullet Stop via Double Action at a Rapid Fire Pace. This elicited so much unexpected surprise from that previously 'belittling little crowd of observers' after hearing their prior comments of, "Naw...
This OLD DUDE? ...
He Probably Never Held a Gun in his Life!'".
When they retrieved that Yellow Plastic Jug soon after... they all turned towards me ...and just stared right at me after they all managed to cover up my Six Shot Shot Group ...
with the Palms of their Hands. As I handed the Weapon (Top Strap First, Cylinder Open, Empties on the Ground) back to my Boy, l loudly told them all,
"Once an NRA Distinguished Expert...
ALWAYS an NRA Distinguished Expert."
I mention all of this because those Eye Operations restored the vision I had as a Very Young Man...
Only MUCH BETTER...and for the rest of my days ...I want to
KEEP on enjoying that renewed ability. So the only way that can happen is if I am
always mindful to wear Vision Protection via my Expensive Italian Real Glass Polarized Sun-Glasses during Daylight Hours. And...whenever I use any of my Welding Equipment, I
ALWAYS wear the Highest Grade UV Resistant Welder's Mask Protective Lenses that I
NEVER set any lower than Level "9".
These Very Same Principals also apply in the use of these Micro-Welders.
THIS is what is needed to STAY Protected when peering though a Lighted Magnifying Lens and using this New Micro-Arc Welding Gear for Jewelry and Reading-Computer Glasses Frame Repairs:

'Nuff Said...