Welp, since all foreseeable mod money will be getting poured into the house, instead of the EXT, the mod bug will have to make due.
I was gifted a basic washer and dryer set when I got the house, for which I was grateful for. But the washer uses a ton of water, and I can't wash my comforters in it, which means laundromat trip anyway. Don't have the funds to get the big capacity style that I want, but another friend offered to sell me the front loader set that was in the house he bought a few months before I got mine. Did some Googling, and the manuals state, for a garage installation, they have to be no lower than 18" above the floor!
The manuals also gave the part #s for the pedestal drawers you can mount them on, but even then, they weren't tall enough for the garage requirement. Besides that, it looks like they were discontinued, so can't even find them anywhere
So I ended up going to Home Depot, getting three 8' 2"x4"s, a sheet of plywood, some 4" wood screws, and some roof ties (cuz I have boxes of nails laying around) and got to work.
Cut 2 of the studs down to size to make the frame, and used the wood screws.
Cut the plywood down to size, and nailed it to the frame to make the platform
The leftover pieces from the studs was enough to make 6 roughly equal length legs for the stand. 2 were just a hair longer than the other 4 for some reason, threw those on the back side. Used the roof ties to hold them in place, and for the 2 legs on the ends, they are adjusted to sit slightly off the frame to make solid ground contact.
Sits nice and sturdy, and ready for the new (to me) appliances that I'll get tomorrow.
In retrospect, probably should have used screws all the way around, because the plywood was slightly warped, and the front corner likes to pull itself up a bit. Won't be an issue once the appliances are on it though.
And if I ever feel the weird need to move it for some reason, I can use my floor jack on the center frame rail to lift it, and move it as needed.