so who still uses the old site?


Nov 18, 2011
Pirate has all kinds of random bitching in threads. VS is losing the battle there, but slowly.


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
Mods reduced to being Minions of the Overlords and defending their bullshit. How demeaning. :no:
Yeah, I remember when we were doing that! :rotfl:

Pirate has all kinds of random bitching in threads. VS is losing the battle there, but slowly.
Just like at Trailvoy, there are those holdouts that defend VS. There are those who will never see the big picture. (mostly from choosing not to) :hopeless:


Apr 3, 2013
DDonnie said:

I seen that when I was browsing. I wondered who was on a recruiting mission. Wonder how long it will stay up.

Did you happen to see all the posts that end with sent from Funny thing is that I am browsing using tapatalk, thought they were dropping TV?


Mar 26, 2012
dmanns67 said:
Did you happen to see all the posts that end with sent from Funny thing is that I am browsing using tapatalk, thought they were dropping TV?

funny you should mention...

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Nov 18, 2011
I checked out the thread on pirate, and saw some screens of the free autoguide app. There were no surprises as to what was in those screens.

On another note, the VS bashing in that thread was great. But it made me wonder, why are they quick(er) with the deletes/bans/ignores on trailvoy compared to pirate?


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
MAY03LT said:
...But it made me wonder, why are they quick(er) with the deletes/bans/ignores on trailvoy compared to pirate?

Maybe because we already left their party, and were shouting "Free alcohol!!" to the people who are still there with empty cups? Sounds like the folks at Pirate are getting down to their last couple of sips. :Lager Louts:

Can you tell what kinda week I'm having?


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
The tapatalk app AND the autoguide app can BOTH add a spammish signature to all posts. The difference is twofold. The Autoguide app signature can't be turned off in the free version. Spam is a way of life for Vertical Scope.

The other reason is me (and perhaps the other mods). Anybody who hasn't figured out how to suppress the Tapatalk ad signature gets a gentle PM from me to "encourage" them to choose wisely and suppress the ad. :thumbsup: I'm a tapatalk user, but I wouldn't allow their spam on here or ORTB. Not on my watch. :biggrin:


Mar 26, 2012
haha, bout time they banned me.


Mar 26, 2012
apparantly they've never heard of a warning, LoL.


Nov 18, 2011
Blckshdw said:
Can you tell what kinda week I'm having?

the kinda week i want to have!:wootwoot:

the roadie said:
The Autoguide app signature can't be turned off in the free version.

So they spam the user, then spam the posts that the spammed user posts. Spammerific! And free!

DDonnie said:
haha, bout time they banned me.

I will avenge DDonnie as I did Short Bus. You have my sword.


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
MAY03LT said:
So they spam the user, then spam the posts that the spammed user posts. Spammerific! And free!
On Pirate, some made the point that a paid member was promised no ads. But the Autoguide replacement for tapatalk makes no distinction about paid membership status, so those poor users get ads they SPECIFICALLY were suckered into paying to not see. They're pissed. Mods are trying to rationalize the abusive, lying, thieving Vertical Scope behavior.

VS took away the sticker store at Trailvoy, and TO THIS DAY promises free stickers and no ads to paying members. Lying SOS bastards. They have no honor.

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Mar 26, 2012
On the topic of moderators, is GMTNation looking for any more mods? Also, who can approve articles?


Dec 4, 2011
I see admin dude hasn't responded since we called him out lol.


Nov 18, 2011
I think they have a new admin, his initials don't match the other tards that have posted their name.

And Donnie I can't answer those questions, last time I answered a site question like that I had to face the wheel.


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Nov 18, 2011
DDonnie said:
On the topic of moderators, is GMTNation looking for any more mods?
At this point, probably not. We currently have a larger staff here than we did on the OS. We are still much smaller than Trailvoy, but since this site was designed to support all GM trucks...who knows how big we'll get. The need for a larger staff might come someday.

DDonnie said:
Also, who can approve articles?
That's something I'm not sure about and will need to look in to.

Juicy K

Feb 14, 2012
Indianapolis, Indiana
I still use the OS for searches since there is still some good info there, but I avoid it if I can. Dont want to give VS any more hits than I have too. :rotfl:


Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
The lying Sack o' shit claims it's about support.

LIAR. It's about the ADS. Controlling the ADS. Grubbing all the revenue for the paid app. The amount of control that tapatalk allows developers of their own branded app is minimal. And not in the functionality or the API, as I understand it. The day Vertical Scope wants to "resolve issues for their members" is a day when monkeys first fly out of my butt. If they didn't want frustrated members, they wouldn't BE THE CAUSE OF THE FRUSTRATION!

Sorry to leave you guys hanging with questions. and are both owned by the same company. We run many automotive and enthusiast sites. Our reason from splitting from TT was to provide create a better app that we have full control over. When the TT app would go down we were unable to assist frustrated members. This is something we do not want.When the AG app would glitch we had a hard time receiving support to resolve the issue. We want to be able to resolve issues for our members and with both apps out of our hands, we couldn't.

I hope this helped. if you have any other questions or comments please continue to post them.

I'm sorry about any inconvenience this has caused for anyone.


Dec 4, 2011
In posting what he did, he also inadvertently admitted to lying also, since he first claimed it was Tapatalk who was removing their sites.

Is one of the job requirements over there being a compulsive liar? :confused:

*edit* I had to call him out on that one too. I wonder if it will "earn" me any "disciplinary action" :rolleyes:


Nov 18, 2011
Again, since no one can see it over there...
(they never responded to my first post)

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Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
I was just tracking some linkbacks, and noticed this thread about a scuba diving site who got Borged by Vertical Scope and who mentioned us as an example of running a jailbreak to escape the VS clutches.

And especially how an Evil Overlord can AND WILL read and edit PMs and auto-censor posts to keep the truth from being spread. These guys also discerned that the widespread use of Global Ignore is to retain the offending member in the membership numbers to back up Vertical Scope's untruthful lies they tout to advertisers. I guess it was getting too obvious how they were the Destroyer Of Forums when all the active members were listed as "banned." Hence the alternative lie of people being "No Longer With Us".

New forum?


Dec 3, 2011
Onsted, MI
It looks like the OS finally wiped those of us who are "banned" and "no longer with us" from the member lists. Fishhunter911 is listed as a new member with almost 12K posts.


Nov 20, 2011
Tampa Bay Area, FL
No traces that I could find. Maybe a lot more members are now on global ignore status now, since there's less reason to ask where everyone went, if no one can see that people were ever there in the first place? :confused:


Mar 26, 2012
bad part about being banned: I can't read the articles anymore


Nov 18, 2011
the roadie said:
Are my posts gone now?
Nope, you're still there. (like they could afford to delete your posts)

DDonnie said:
bad part about being banned: I can't read the articles anymore
You should be able to access a lot of things as a guest. (not signed in) Otherwise, go to a wifi hotspot and create a new account. Use it for nothing else but accessing things you can't as a guest. :twocents:


Mar 26, 2012
Any particular reason we don't copy the articles from the other site and bring them over?

Short Bus

Dec 2, 2011
DDonnie said:
Any particular reason we don't copy the articles from the other site and bring them over?

The original author has to do it or it's copyright infringement.


Apr 30, 2013
the roadie said:
I was just tracking some linkbacks, and noticed this thread about a scuba diving site who got Borged by Vertical Scope and who mentioned us as an example of running a jailbreak to escape the VS clutches.

And especially how an Evil Overlord can AND WILL read and edit PMs and auto-censor posts to keep the truth from being spread. These guys also discerned that the widespread use of Global Ignore is to retain the offending member in the membership numbers to back up Vertical Scope's untruthful lies they tout to advertisers. I guess it was getting too obvious how they were the Destroyer Of Forums when all the active members were listed as "banned." Hence the alternative lie of people being "No Longer With Us".

New forum?

Since I am not familiar with the history, what is vertical scope? Is it an ad company or something? And how did they end up acquiring the old site?


Nov 17, 2012
wesman43 said:
Since I am not familiar with the history, what is vertical scope? Is it an ad company or something? And how did they end up acquiring the old site?

Hope this helps a little...

"Welcome to GMTNation

Thanks for registering at GMTNation! We are glad you have chosen to be a part of our community and we hope you enjoy your stay.

Obviously, things have become stagnant at TrailVoy, and the company that owns it will not allow us to do anything to improve, or even repair the community's features. Things have gone downhill rather quickly over there and our requests for support have gone unanswered for way too long. The site has great members and a large amount of helpful information, but navigating the site with the disgusting amount of advertisements is more of a challenge with each passing day, and the relevance of the advertisements proves that they don't care about the community. They just want to make their money from all of the page impressions and ad clicks... otherwise they could care less.

The entire staff and some very familiar faces have teamed up to provide a community that is owned and run by enthusiasts, and the few minimal advertisements that you will see at the top and bottom of the site are only to help offset the expensive costs of starting up and running a community and offering premium features. We are not trying to make a profit.

We want to let the site run with a small group of members for a short time before we open up public registration. If you have someone that you would like to invite to the soft opening, please feel free to do so. The will see this message when they register.

One of the things we are most excited about are some of the policies that will set us apart from TrailVoy. Vendors will no longer be required to pay fees that allow them to conduct business with members of the community. We are still finalizing our site rules, but we anticipate them being a lot more relaxed than those we were required to enforce on TrailVoy. We have some big plans that could greatly benefit both members and vendors/retailers. We also plan to expand our platform coverage in the near future.

Thank you, and we look forward to building a community bigger and better than what we've grown used to.

Happy Holidays!

All the best,
GMTNation "


Apr 13, 2013
I still (well... "still": I'm new at both sites) use the OS. But I mainly hang out and ask questions here.

Often the evolution of web forum sites goes something like this: Somebody gets a Neat Idea for a site. They build it. People come. It develops a community and a character. Eventually one-or-more things may conspire to make the site no longer interesting to the original owner/founder to maintain. Cost. Workload. Illness. Simply loses interest. Dollar signs. Some combination of those. *shrug* It happens. Site gets sold. New Owners have Very Different ideas about How Things Should Be Done. Often this is predicated on the fact that the New Owners are in it For Profit. So the site becomes riddled with adverts. Often very obtrusive, annoying adverts. Sometimes adverts that even adversely impact the usability of the site. The New Owners, possibly in part because they don't want their advertisers offended, impose restrictions on content. They almost always try to re-engineer the site to get more advert hits. (They're in it for the money, remember? No matter what they say, that's their driving force.)

From here it's all downhill.

Users increasingly complain. When historically big contributors, often the backbone of such sites, start grousing, Site Management frequently commits a grave error: Directly or indirectly they give such people their walking papers. Sometimes there's been An Agreement with the site's old owner, to let him or her stay on to ease the transition. Often with some kind of vague agreement that the site's essential character will be preserved. When that, too, turns out to be a chimera, there's an often acrimonious, very public Parting Of The Ways. Site's utility, after that, become essentially primarily due to inertia. Unless the New Owners are even more mind-bogglingly incompetent that most, the site will limp along indefinitely, on that inertia, but it won't ever again be what it once was.

The disaffected users may start one-or-more New Sites. (Others will just leave the field entirely.) Those New Sites will be moderately successful in pulling users from the Old Site and attracting New Users, but they, too, will never equal what the Old Site was before the rift.

The Old Site and New Site(s), together, won't be as useful as the Old Site was before the New Owners wrecked it.

Seen it before. Been in the middle of it before :sadcry:



Lifetime VIP Donor
Nov 19, 2011
Portland, OR
SEMIJim said:
I still (well... "still": I'm new at both sites) use the OS. But I mainly hang out and ask questions here.
You're very perceptive, because this is the place that has competent, experienced folks to answer questions. Over there they have a couple of folks answering a small number of questions who haven't quite decided that the VS business plan is evil. There's still too many noobs to help them all, drawn like moths to the flame by the bright light of the archives. They have ZERO moderators, spammers run amok, an overbearing admin/caretaker, a censorship filter, they read your PMs looking for disloyal thoughts, and they lie to premium members and their advertisers. Here - what you see is what you get - the trailvoy community, relocated when a natural disaster nuked the old home town.
Often the evolution of web forum sites goes something like this: ... [accurate description of events snipped]
The Old Site and New Site(s), together, won't be as useful as the Old Site was before the New Owners wrecked it.

Seen it before. Been in the middle of it before :sadcry:

OMG, and here I thought it ONLY happened to us. :eek:

Nah, seriously - the first WEEK that the second owner of trailvoy sold out to Vertical Scope, I (and many others) Googled for what they did to forums. I was concerned enough to start the process to offer the offroading specialists another club house to hang out in. That's now with 1100 members. What Vertical Scope and Rob Laidlaw and his ilk have done to volunteer, enthusiast-run forums borders on criminal, but it's a free market system we live in.

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